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This makes complete sense to me. After all, in the animal kingdom isn’t it the lioness that brings home dinner? . . . Women hunter numbers in Wyoming increase as male participate drops slightly

Lily Lonneker dropped her first pronghorn at 12 years old.

She rested in the grass next to her mom as they watched a a doe and a buck. And in one shot, Lily killed the doe.

“I felt really proud of myself. I didn’t know I could do that since it was my first one,” Lily said recently. “It is fun when you get an animal to know you’re feeding your family, and you know the animal died in a humane way.”

Now 14, Lily plans to chase a bull elk this year outside Jackson. In a sport historically dominated by men, who pass their skills along to sons, stories like Lily’s are becoming ever more common.

Between 2008 and 2016, female resident hunters went from 11,189 to 14,770. Male resident hunters during the same period dropped ever so slightly from 64,649 to 64,371, according to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

“Wyoming is one of the states where we’re not losing resident hunters,” said Kathryn Boswell, hunter and angler participation coordinator for the department. “Our numbers are going up, and it’s because women are increasing, and they’re making up the difference.”

“They wanted to live.” Oh please. Reminds me of that poor fellow that tragically got eaten by the bears he attempted to live with. October bear hunt: 5 protesters, 243 bears harvested

Five protesters were arrested and a total of 243 bears were harvested as the first segment of the state’s annual bear hunt closed on Saturday. The total was less than half the number taken during last year’s October segment.

The second segment, limited to shotguns and muzzleloading rifles, will be held Dec. 4-9 during the annual six-day shotgun deer season. It is also possible that biologists will allow up to four additional days of bear hunting, again limited to shotguns and muzzleloaders, the following week if harvest numbers warrant.

According to numbers from the Division of Fish and Wildlife, 135, or about 56 percent of the bears taken in the hunt were killed in Sussex County. Warren County accounted for 48 bears with 34 taken in Morris County.

Last week’s hunt — archery only the first three days with muzzleloaders allowed the second half of the segment — was the second time an October bear hunt was allowed since the state resumed annual hunts in 2010. Such an archery hunt was recommended by the updated Black Bear Management Policy approved in 2016.

Last year’s October hunt saw 562 bears reported taken while just 74 were reported at official check stations in the December hunt. The weather, cold, snow and rain, were noted as keeping down the number of hunters as well as limiting the movement of bears.

Here’s a real tear jerker. Not because the dog dies like in Old Yeller, but because any hunter dreams of having a dog like this. You can cry of envy and disappointment that your own mutt hasn’t even learned to fetch.  That’s what I did . . . There are all-time great hunting dogs; this is one of them

My previous dogs were good hunters, too. Like Bailey, they saved me numerous times when my shots weren’t quite true. They were kind and affectionate, part of our family — great dogs all. I shed tears when they passed.

But Bailey is different. Special.

Did I mention she retrieves shotgun shell hulls? I never encouraged her to pick up spent shell casings, usually mine but sometimes others she finds in the woods and fields. I don’t know why she does it, but I pocket them and toss them in the trash.

There she was last fall on a northern Minnesota trail, retrieving the hull from a load of No. 7 steel that I fired at a fleeing ruffed grouse. I missed the bird, but Bailey didn’t miss the hull, bringing it back to me with glee. The same thing happened numerous times while pheasant hunting last fall.

And though Bailey isn’t a pointing lab, and has never been taught the technique, she points on occasion.

We were hunting a heavily wooded river bottom in western Minnesota when she locked up on point at a small clump of grass. I took two more steps and the rooster exploded and headed over the river.

I fired once through the trees, mostly in desperation. I heard a splash, followed by another. Soon Bailey scrambled up the riverbank with the wet bird — a point-shoot-retrieve etched forever in my memory.

We all have heard the saying, “die doing what you love.” This isn’t what they meant . . . Police: Man duck hunting accidentally shoots, kills self in Sherwood

A 26-year-old Hubbard man accidentally shot and killed himself Friday evening while duck hunting in Sherwood, Washington County authorities said.

Creed V. Brattain IV was trying to pull his shotgun toward himself and mistakenly fired the gun, hitting himself in the under arm, according to a news release issued Saturday afternoon about the accident.

Deputies responded to the incident at 5:54 p.m. in the 19200 block of S.W. Cipole Road in Sherwood, which is on the western edge of Sherwood, east of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge. Brattain was hunting with another man, who was not identified in the news release.

First, they play Russian roulette in front of our cars on a windy road and now they make us shoot our friends. Furry little demons . . . Tiffin man shot in hunting accident

A Tiffin man was transported by Life Flight to Mercy Health – St. Vincent Medical Center after a hunting accident in a woods near TR 175 and CR 38 Saturday morning.

Deputy Mark Lawson of Seneca County Sheriff’s Office said friends Ray Matthews and Marty McQuistion, both of Tiffin, were hunting squirrels when Matthews accidentally shot McQuistion.

“They came together,” he said.

McQuistion, who was shot once in his upper body, was taken by Life Flight to Mercy Health – St. Vincent Medical Center. He was in critical condition Saturday night, a hospital spokeswoman said.

McQuistion was alert and conscious at the scene, Lawson said.

Lawson said Matthews shot at a squirrel, the squirrel ran and popped back up, and Matthews shot again. He didn’t think his friend was that close, Seneca County Sheriff Bill Eckelberry said.

“He was focused on the squirrel,” Eckelberry said.

The men were using shotguns, and Matthews said they were about 50 feet apart, Lawson said.

Southeast Traders may be the last non-anti gun, online gun website yet.  If you feel like doing some shopping for guns, camping equipment or hunting supplies and at the same time carry on conversations with like minded individuals, give this site a try.  It’s like hanging out at your favorite gun shop with friends.

Item: Rare Polish Underfolder AK47 (Milled)
Caliber: 7.62×39
Location/Zip: 30189
Item is For Sale or Trade or Both: $700
Trade Value or Items Looking For: ? Try Me ?
Willing to Ship: Naaaa
Bill of Sale Required?: HellNah
Item Description:

  • Rare Polish CNC Warrior built Underfolder.
  • Milled Receiver
  • Chrome lined barrel, CHF. No cants. Straight.
  • Only fired 500rds through it by @BosanaCZ .
  • Great condition. 2 mags.

It’s sat in the safe ever since I traded it from @BosanaCZ, looking to free up some space in the safe.

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  1. I drove by Cipole road earlier today. (Italian for onion, pronounced chipolla). It’s a huge flat space that floods every year and attracts ducks and geese by the thousands.
    I wondered how the dood managed to shoot himself. The news report last night wasn’t clear.

    • Only time a guy that I knew about shot himself in the armpit like that was also with a shotgun and was fatal.

      Apparently he laid the gun on the seat of his vehicle while he got the rest of his gear out of the vehicle. Once he was fully kitted he reached back in and grabbed the gun from the muzzle end and pulled it across the seat towards him. It went off, killing him pretty much instantly.

      He was at a public land hunting area on a parking lot and there were others nearby that heard and or saw his fatal mistake.

    • This great white hunter looking to slaughter the ducks killing himself fills me with glee, wheres the photo of this hero/genius!? I would pay to see that!! Only thing could beat it is if a duck snuck up and bit off his small balls and he died of shock… if you think its a sport and its so fun and youre a real man for killing ducks or deer or whoever with your weapons you should die, thats just unconscious knowledge : D Its a great day! Im making some special marinated tofu to celebrate one less vicious killer in the woods : D

  2. Man I just buried both my hunting buddies this year, brother and sister, Halo died first of old age and Stumpy left one stormy night and never came back, he was done too. We’ve had hunting dogs since I was born, but I’ve never had a pair like these. I’ve seen them catch 3 turkey that I know of, always was chewing on deer parts whipped everything in the timber and I aint shitten, pulled in the yard one day and they had a chicken hawk stretched by the wings, how the hell they catch that? Best damned dogs I ever owned, I sure miss them, I surely do miss them

  3. NJ elects a new Gov. in Nov. Democrat Murphy promises to raise taxes by $5 billion, cancel bear hunts and sign every piece of anti-gun legislation that comes to him from all the anti-gun Democrats (see a pattern here?) that run the state. It is the calm before the storm as most of the idiots here have no idea they will be putting the Antifa leftists in complete control. Pray for us. (Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do)

  4. A U.K. man used a shotgun to take hostages in a bowling alley in Warwickshire. Police ended it a couple hours ago. Gun violence in the U.K.? Is there no sanity left in the world?

    • I hear they donated them to the local food bank. Shame really, the Dakota Access pipeline protesters we bagged last winter didn’t eat worth a shit.

      • Hipster meat is as greasy as their hair, and tastes like duck does after it sat out and spoiled after three days…

        (Yeah, that vegan I dated for a *very* short time was a ‘Hipster’ vegan…)

  5. My lab Jake passed away 11 years ago. He was 4 weeks shy of 15. We learned to hunt quail and doves together, went through 3 wives, and ate lots of popcorn together. Great hunting dog and the best friend I ever had. Damn, I miss him.

  6. I raised AKC Black Labradors for about 20 years. Trained many to hunt, and hunted with many more. Greatest dogs, hands down. I had one young male who washed out in field show trials… he insisted on collecting ALL the decoys. 🙂 The only downside is that their lives are so short.

    And yes, the ladies do hunt here in Wyoming! Wish I could still hunt myself, but it just got to be too hard on my old body, and I can’t keep up with the boys and girls anymore. 🙂 But I can still help them process their game, and I can certainly cook. That makes us all happy.

  7. You can’t beat the Sporting Breeds for intelligentence, loyalty and versitatility. I’ve had Golden Retrievers since got my first one @ 36 years old, now I’m 66. That Retriever in them is in the DNA. We had a female Libby who brought me a young squirrel that had fallen out of a tree in the backyard. It didn’t have a scratch on it. But I knew it’s mother would want it back. So hustled her outside on the deck and called my husband to crank her mouth open to to release it. She was determined to keep it as her “baby” The mother squirrel was screaming at us. If she had been the size of a Mountain Lion, Libby would have surely be seriously injured. She died at age of 7 of unknown cause. Broke my heart, she was my heart dog. Dogs don’t want you to grieve for them, the highest tribute you can honor them is to give another dog the same wonderful, loving, fun life they had. A Show Breeder friend of mine had a 5 year old retired female she sold to us Chili is also what everyone thinks of what a Golden should be.
    She will get something she knows she shouldn’t have, like paper towels and will bring them to me.
    and release immediately when given command “give” always gets a treat for her cooperation.
    And husband gets chewed out for leaving them on side table next his chair. Totally untrainable 🙄

    • Love the paper towel story! LOL The “retrieve all the decoys” dog became our house dog when the boys were small. My husband was constantly complaining that the dog stole his socks, and all too often chewed on them even though he was not a puppy. I always asked him how he thought the dog could get them, since he never knocked over the dirty clothes hamper… Andy could not have found them if they had not been on the floor. And no, that man never did consistently put his dirty socks in the hamper…

  8. “I took Nellie on a last walk before we went to bed. We walked down the paved road that fronted the motel, then I let her go to investigate a patch of grass. She was lazy and docile, tired from a day wading in the water. A few snowflakes began to fall. When she came back to me, I put her on the leash again and waited awhile in the darkness. You could see a long way. Snowflakes pulled each other down out the sky like white spiders dipping softly onto grass.”

    —From Home Waters by Joseph Monninger

    • Shiiit man, don’t make me bawl, fck. …… ….. … Every dog has its purpose, but I’ve found in the environment I live in, mixed breeds seem to be better, don’t know much about retrievers, I have trail dogs.

  9. “It’s like hanging out at your favorite gun shop with friends.”

    I shop online to get away from the likes of that!

  10. Is anyone else slightly (extremely) depressed when they open a Liberte article and there are no pictures of Liberte?

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