Because Chris Pratt is an actual bad ass — and doesn’t just play one in the movies — he gets picked on.  The sad thing is that people that don’t know any better (like how to use google), will believe these lies . . . Did Actor Chris Pratt Say He Likes Hunting Because He Enjoys Killing Animals?

A quote attributed to Pratt about the joys of hunting was created from bits and pieces of various unrelated interviews. Hunting is in my blood. My dad and uncles hunted. I didn’t hunt much as a teenager though I longed to. The thing inside me that drives me to go out and hunt is very animal. But the remorse, emotion and respect I feel, and the closeness to God that I feel when I’m out there, is my humanity. “My wife’s] like, ‘You’re not gonna eat it.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just like to kill ’em. I’m sorry, but any time I kill something, I like to say a quick prayer — just cause we didn’t waste this guy.

This is not a real quote (although Pratt has said all of these things) but a mishmash of various interviews that Pratt has given over the years, rehashed and served up in meme form with context removed.

The first three sentences come from a real interview Pratt gave to camping and hunting enthusiast publication in 2012. Here’s the full quote (the portion included in the meme has been highlighted):

Hunting is in my blood. My dad and uncles hunted. I didn’t hunt much as a teenager though I longed to. Since I played football and every weekend in the fall consisted of games or practice I was forced to listen to my friend’s hunting stories seething with jealousy. I became passionate about big game hunting when I moved to Utah to shoot the television series Everwood in 2003. I lived there for four years, had the time and money to really get into it and became absolutely obsessed.

A politician holding a snake? Oh, the irony . . . Francis Rooney joins Everglades python hunting trip, touts snake removal program

Rep. Francis Rooney traded in his slacks and suit coat for snake chaps and a headlamp as the first-term congressman from Naples accompanied python hunters on a nighttime excursion through the Everglades.

For 4½ hours Thursday, the group — peering into the black from atop pickup trucks — searched the brush just east of the Collier County line and north of U.S. 41 hoping to spot, catch and kill the invasive snakes, which experts say are threatening to upend the Southwest Florida ecosystem.

“I thought it went great,” Rooney, R-Naples, said Friday. “The hunters found five snakes, two big ones, 7 or 8 feet, two medium ones. And we had one little fella.”

Aww just look at that fwuffy, adorable, pwecious puppy! How can anyone harass one of these kind, gentle loving creatures. . . said no rational person ever . . . Wisconsin tradition – hunting bears with dogs – comes under attack by wolf advocates

A national watchdog group says Wisconsin bear hunters are harassing wolves with their dog packs — then claiming state compensation when their hounds are killed — and wants the federal government to launch a criminal investigation.

The practice amounts to “a state-sanctioned financial subsidy for hunters engaged in the criminal harassment” of wolves, an attorney for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) said in a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

In 2016, Wisconsin paid out $99,400 for 41 dogs, a maximum of $2,500 each. The dogs were killed primarily in July and August, when hunters are in the woods training their packs to chase bears and wolf pups are first emerging from their dens. More than a dozen dogs were killed, despite “caution” warnings by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that wolf packs with pups were active in the area, PEER said.

“It is harassment of an endangered species, committed by a relatively small number of hunters,” said Adam Carlesco, staff counsel for PEER. He said Wisconsin is the only state that reimburses dog owners in addition to farmers and livestock owners for wolf depredation.

Here’s one reptile I wouldn’t mind chasing after. Looks like it could be fun as long as I’m safely of a boat. With some firepower . . . 2017 Gator Hunting Season Opens In Alabama

14 gators were brought to the scales after night one of gator hunting season in the Southwest region of Alabama.  The hunting season in the Southwest zone will go until August 13 at 6 a.m.  It will reopen Friday, August 18 at 8 p.m. and go until Sunday, August 20 at 6 a.m.

Here’s a product I would like to try before hunting season.  I prefer to carry my rifle in a hard case because I want my scope to be in the same condition when I take it out as when I put it in.  But I would’nt mind trying an Air Amor Tech inflatable case. It’s pricey, but it can be carried as like a backpack. And since it floats, you’ll never have to worry about any tragic boating accidents.


If you enjoy hunting those slimy, creepy, long things from hell then you’ll want to watch this video. There are lots of great tips for how to prepare yourself so you don’t die. Just saying.


  1. I just went to bass pro today and got me some new muck boots for the coming season. And some more wool socks.

    My feet get cold and I turn whiny.

    I don’t apologize, explain or ask for approval of my hunting. Anybody don’t like my legal activity can go fuck themselves.

    • When you mentioned Muck, I had to refresh my memory on the alleged anti-hunting thing.

      The official story is that an employee asked for memorial gifts to be made to the local Humane Society animal shelter, and some ignoramus posted on Muck’s failbook page that they’d raised over $2000 for Humane Society of the United States, the anti gun, anti farming, anti hunting, anti pet owner group that wants the donating public to THINK it runs animal shelters. HSUS also gets a lot of donations from the intentional confusion, and has been accused of fundraising under false pretenses by pretending it’s paying for your local animal shelter.

  2. Gator hunting is easy, no guns required. Just a solid fishing rod and a stout knife.

    Granted, last I checked, we can’t legally take gator with a gun here in FL so maybe my bias is showing

      • I think we’ve been over this: darned near anything .22LR or bigger will work as long as you hit the brain – which is tiny and NOT where we mammals would assume it to be on a reptile. It’s a few inches back from the eyes if I remember correctly…
        Mmmm… fried gator…

  3. I’m pretty sure that Chris Pratt couldn’t care less what a bunch of Pajama Boys think about him. Good for him, and good for everyone who thinks along the same lines.

    I sell guns and gear in a big box store in Massachusetts. There are a lot of hunters here in this gun-hating state. Since we take no shit, we don’t get any shit. Which seems to be the way the world works, and I’m fine with that, too.

  4. Yep Chris Pratt is one of the few Hollyweird types I like. Sad about his family breakup. Hope it had nothing to do with hunting…

    • I read on TMZ that they divorced because his wife kept crushing his hand with her awesome grip strength and he felt emasculated. 🤝😢

      Apparently it’s a real thing. Who knew ?

    • I believe it had something to do with the state being the one who wanted the wolves back, so the state must pay for the destruction the wolves cause.

      • That is pretty much my understanding as well Hank. Bear hunting with hounds is very popular in WI and people come from far and wide to train dogs and hunt bear (went there with my dad in 2000. All the way from VA) and spend a lot of money in the local economies doing so. The state wanted wolves back and when they began to attack hunting dogs people became reluctant to make the trip to WI. Training a dog to take a bear track from many hours old to a bear up a tree a few miles away takes a lot of time and money and it is hard to take a chance of losing it to wolves.

        • If I took the time, expense and effort to train a dog I would not risk him in an environment that included aggressive wolves regardless of the state paying me for my loss.

          Which makes me suspect the motives of the compensated dog owners.

      • Borzoi may be overrated or out of practice.
        In the mid 50’s I was talking with a neighbor with a breeding pair of Borzoi and she was telling me about how agile her dogs were and had been used for hunting wolves.
        I think it was the paper boy approaching on his bicycle, my mutt DG,short for dog, trotted out to meet whoever was on the bike.
        The Borzoi took of after my dog, when they were neck and neck DG turned his head and bit that dog in the snout.
        I don’t remember her saying a word.

  5. “My wife’s like, ‘You’re not gonna eat it.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just like to kill ’em.

    There he is talking about coyote hunting. “They are assholes and will eat your dog.” is the next part.

    I wish I had a dollar for each time a limousine liberal with an Obama Biden bumper sticker asked me to kill a deer eating their hostas, or a coyote threatening their Siamese Pomeranian. I live in a deep blue state too.

    But let’s face it… deer are tasty, and coyotes are assholes, so I do not need to get paid so I just sign up. What do liberals think of my attitude towards coyotes? Well, in Maryland they are the only species you can hunt year round, and at night.

  6. ” What do liberals think of my attitude towards coyotes? Well, in Maryland they are the only species you can hunt year round, and at night.”

    Which can you hunt year round and at night? Liberals or coyotes? And how do you tell them apart?

    I do not see an alligator in that photo. I see several pairs of boots.

    • “they are never going to get rid of those snakes until they find the breeding grounds.”

      I can tell you exactly where those ‘breeding grounds’ are.

      Pretty much *everywhere* in the Everglades (60 miles by about 100 miles) as a whole, and most places in South Florida in general…

      • Like humans haven’t hunted dozens of established species to extinction. If something is tasty enough we’ll get those fuckers.

  7. “In 2016, Wisconsin paid out $99,400 for 41 dogs, a maximum of $2,500 each.”

    Here’s a repulsive thought –

    A dirtbag uses a dog tied to a tree *as bait*, and pockets the $2500 when the bear finds the dog and does what bears naturally do when offered a dog as a free tasty snack.

    I wouldn’t put it past some scumbag folks to do just that…

  8. Those rifle cases look interesting. My airline Skb is 22 lb empty, it is a 4 rifle case though.

  9. With wolves its best to follow the 3 S rule: shoot, shovel, shut up.

    I wonder how much it would cost to rent a plane in alaska to shoot wolves from…..

  10. “A national watchdog group says Wisconsin bear hunters are harassing wolves with their dog packs — then claiming state compensation when their hounds are killed — and wants the federal government to launch a criminal investigation.”

    I am confused. Are they pissed off the wolves got harassed, or that they missed it?

  11. Humans are fundamentally hunters, our eyes look to the front.
    If our eyes were on the sides of our heads, we would be prey.

      • And if every person on the planet began suffering from alopecia totallis tomorrow, everyone would think people looked funny. But in a generation when that’s all everyone has ever known, it would be totally normal and when someone finds a nude portrait of Burt Reynolds they’d think that’s so weird.

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