Rick Ector Legally Armed in Detroit
Courtesy Rick Ector

Rick Ector, through his firearms training operation Legally Armed in Detroit, has been putting on annual one-day training extravaganzas for years, providing free gun safety and shooting classes to hundreds of southeast Michigan women. All at no cost to the students.

Jeremy and I had dinner with Rick in Indianapolis during NRAAM. He told us that last year’s event drew more than 700 women. This year he’s aiming even higher.

Ector is shooting at introducing 900 women to the culture, practice and fun of firearms. The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 19 at Top Gun Shooting Sports in Taylor, Michigan

Here’s his press release . . .

Detroit Firearm Instructor Plans FREE Gun Lesson For 900 Women on One Day

Detroit, MI, May 9, 2019 — Legally Armed In Detroit, a gun rights advocacy group, has announced that it will provide a free firearm shooting lesson at a southeast Michigan target range for 900 women interested in learning more about firearms and personal protection.

There will be no charge for the Firearm Instructor’s safety briefing, the usage of a firearm, ammunition, and range time. Participation is 100 percent free for all attendees. No prior firearms training or experience is required of the women who desire to take advantage of the lesson. Further, experienced women merely desiring to improve their marksmanship skills are also welcome to attend.

The free shooting lesson offer was the brainchild of Rick Ector, an NRA Approved Firearms Trainer, after seeing a local television newscast of a young woman’s body being discovered on an east-side Detroit street eight years ago.

This year’s event will be the eighth consecutive year it has been conducted. In the first year only 50 women were trained. However, last year the event grew sufficiently to teach over 700 how to safely operate a pistol.

This year’s goal is 900 trained women over the day-long event. It is only with the cooperation of Ector’s fellow Firearm Instructor colleagues and supporters across social media that this event could even be attempted and safely conducted.

Ector believes that there are many women in the state of Michigan who are curious about firearms and their role in self-defense but are reluctant to investigate due to fears. He said, “If giving women a free lesson by a credentialed professional translates into women just trying it, it’ll be a productive use of my time.”

The ladies FREE shooting event will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2019 at the Top Gun Shooting Sports Gun Range at 22050 Pennsylvania in Taylor, Michigan. FREE Advance Pre-registration is required for participation. Interested ladies should visit the following event page on Facebook for more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/265648194316262/

Registration opens on this Sunday, May 12th, 2019 at 8am EST!


All participants will also receive a free pink baseball cap with the logo of a sponsor – the Gun Owners of America!

Rick Ector is a National Rifle Association credentialed Firearms Trainer, who provides Michigan CCW/CPL Class training in metro-Detroit for students at his firearms school – Rick’s Firearm Academy of Detroit. Ector is a recognized expert in Firearm Safety and Personal Protection and has been featured extensively in the national and local media: Associated Press, National Public Radio, MSNBC, The Guardian, Townhall Magazine, The Politics Daily, and Aljazeera.


  1. I’ve said it before. The only way to save Second Amendment civil rights is to introduce new shooters into the gun world and gun owning responsibilities. Legally Armed in Detroit and Black Guns Matter have been doing just that. But the NRA is not going out of its way to spread the message to new people.

    The gun grabbers know the men with 6 or 7 gun safes will eventually all die off. And if children are not taught about their gun civil rights it will be lost to the nation as a hole.

  2. Good, more guns, less crime, more black people with guns, fewer useful idiots for racist gun control. Flip the stats for black on black shooting from criminal kills victim to citizen kills criminal.

    • It’s telling when those in charge would rather have victims than citizens.

  3. Do I get some free training and ammo if I claim that I self identify as a woman? Do I have to shave my beard first? 😄

  4. Women are the fastest growing segment of the population becoming licensed firearms owners. We need to support their desire to no longer be victims of violence. As well as the oppression of their Rights being pushed by everyone of the democratic candidates for President. It Must be emphasized at every opportunity that Voting has consequences and a vote for any democrat is a vote against Their Right to protect themselves. The next segment of the population that needs to be encouraged to take up The safe use of firearms. Not only as a sport but also for protection later in life are the youth. They are the future of Firearms Rights and without them. The Right of Firearm Ownership will continue to be oppressed. Keep Your Powder Dry.

  5. the new normal:
    teaching black women about guns
    teaching black and white women about guns
    teaching only women about guns
    >gender normative
    not charging them for it
    >reinforces patriarchy
    black people teaching anybody about guns
    >reinforces racial stereotypes
    white people teaching anybody about guns
    > privilege and social hierarchy
    thanks democrats
    nobody can do anything for anybody anymore because everything is problematic

  6. Be careful. These anti-gun women will infiltrate and pick this training apart, then rant about it more than likely making national news. I’d focus on a thorough training for each individual instead of a mass training in a short time. Good to hear that 900 women want training though.

    • Nah, those womyn will more likely do a red flag on Rick because armed, confident Women (yes I misspelled the first) aren’t on the menu of the elites.

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