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Speculation is rife about the motivation for Stephen Paddock’s attack on concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay hotel. reports that Mr. Paddock had a legal battle with the Cosmopolitan hotel . . .

September 2012, a man identified as Paddock filed a negligence lawsuit in Clark County District Court against The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas over a fall at the Strip resort.

He claimed that he “slipped and fell on an obstruction on the floor” and suffered injuries as a result of the “dangerous condition.”

The lawsuit, however, was dismissed in October 2014 after both sides agreed to drop it.

There’s no proof that this legal case had anything to do with the shooting, but it certainly proves that the Mesquite, Nevada resident was not unfamiliar with Las Vegas.

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  1. Sick to my stomach when I opened the news this morning.
    The war against our Second Amendment rights will get ramped up in the coming days.
    Sick bastard. Wish these a holes would commit suicide first.

    • Many do. You know the stats about how like a third to half of all gun deaths are suicides? How about giving a darn? I am sickened at what this guy did but there are lots of guys out there that have not killed anyone yet but are contemplating homicide and/or suicide. Many are veterans. Can we get them some help?

      • A large number of those suicides are old men who don’t want to spent their last days having which ever illegal alien the nursing home hired
        the cheapest wiping their butt for them then stealing their watch.

        • Would these old men feel better if their watch gets stolen by a native born white trash heroin junkie while wiping their butts? Only criminals who cannot get other jobs or illegals work for the wages nursing homes pay

    • Many do. You know the stats about how like a third to half of all gun deaths are suicides? How about giving a darn? I am sickened at what this guy did but there are lots of guys out there that have not killed anyone yet but are contemplating homicide and/or suicide. Many are veterans. Can we get them some help?

    • Many do. You know the stats about how like a third to half of all gun deaths are suicides? How about giving a darn? I am sickened at what this guy did but there are lots of guys out there that have not killed anyone yet but are contemplating homicide and/or suicide. Many are veterans. Can we get them some help?

    • I wasn’t really thinking about that, but it does tell us something about our trust in our current federal government. Neither Congress, nor the president can be trusted to guard our rights any better than our former president and his administration. This is quite a different mindset than November last year.

  2. Please do us a favor, do not use his given name any more. Refer to him as “Sewer Sludge” or something else appropriate. Thank You.

  3. why is the ladies face blured? Isn’t that his Indonesian Girlfriend? You know Indonesia, the country which is 88% Muslim.

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