“We are absolutely convinced the risk created by firearms on campus exceeds any actual benefit for self-protection,” Richard Johnson, chief of police at the University of Kansas Medical Center, told sacbe.com. “It is our professional conviction that firearms do not enhance university security, but will contradict many of the best practices already in place.” Steve Brunk, the Republican rep sponsoring House Bill 2353 to allow legal gun owners to carry in public buildings, disagrees . . .

We’ve relied on government for a long time to be able to protect us. In what seems to be an ever increasing and more violent society … there’s a higher recognition that people not only have a right, but a responsibility to protect themselves.

And here’s the kicker: Johnson kinda somewhat secretly shares that view. Check out his message to the Kansas University Medical Center community on the campus cop’s website:

My commitment to you is to provide a professional police department staffed and equipped to serve this community. In return, I ask that you consider what you can do to protect yourself and your property and to visit our Crime prevention and awareness page.

Taking personal responsibility for your own safety. Carrying a concealed weapon, legally. Connect the dots. Dick.


  1. We’ve relied on government for a long time to be able to protect us. In what seems to be an ever increasing and more violent society … there’s a higher recognition that people not only have a right, but a responsibility to protect themselves.

    It really is Rocket Science, isn’t it? Gee Mister Obvious!

  2. follow the money. This is about the campus police being able to maintain or grow their budgets as they get all new fancy equipment and not seeing people properly trained for what they are: force projection. If the politicians just showed the recent campus police budgets, requested future budgets, expenditures on unnecessary items (bet the campus police have an assault vehicle), and then the threatened cuts to actual police officers if they don’t get their way, then this would turn out to be a literal turf war. The police don’t want Lott’s mantra of “more guns, less crime” to come true so their empire falls.

  3. I am a University of Florida student, and everything this guy said was a joke. A UF student was recently kidnapped at gunpoint. I get text alerts all the time about shots fired as close as 1 block off campus. These cops aren’t making anyone safe, and this asshat is acting like people with carry permits are threatening his employment or something. Jerk.

  4. Yup, the government can keep you safe. Ask the poor kids who died at Virginia Tech and the dozens of other “gun free” zones where people not allowed to take on the responsibility of protecting themselves have been killed by crazy people.

  5. Campus Carry threatens the very core of the Collectivist Groupthink that nearly every college administrative body operates as.Its not a safety matter,but a philosophical one;How can a College Board mandate that students be taught principles of community,social justice,and cooperation in the curriculum when evidence of the failures of such policy literally is symbolized on the hips of armed citizens? An M&P on the hip stands as evidence that the philosophy of modern liberal thinking is a failure;and college boards don’t like being questioned any more than the Ayatollahs in Iran.

    The fight to keep guns off campus has nothing to do with safety.Virginia Tech established that even when a great deal of people are killed because of the disarament policies in place the college administrators would rather stay the failed course .

    Another source of the problem could be a mannifestation of Not In My Backyard rearing its ugly head.”Sure,legalize concealed carry in my crime ridden city,” says the uninformed parent “but keep those guns away from my precious daughter in her classroom!Guns in the dorms? Oh my,that is simply a bad idea!”

    • “Campus Carry threatens the very core of the Collectivist Groupthink that nearly every college administrative body operates as.Its not a safety matter,but a philosophical one;How can a College Board mandate that students be taught principles of community,social justice,and cooperation in the curriculum when evidence of the failures of such policy literally is symbolized on the hips of armed citizens?”

      Well put.

  6. “It is our professional conviction that firearms do not enhance university security, but will contradict many of the best practices already in place.”

    Well, better turn in your gun Copper, afterall, it’s a firearm on campus, so there’s no need for you to have it, since your professional conviction is that it won’t enhance campus security.

  7. Anyone who uses the phrase ‘best practices’ is, by definition, a fucking idiot who wouldn’t know reality if they tripped over it.

  8. The chief sounds like a bit of a noodle dick. I never got the whole “guns don’t help but it’s good that I have a gun” mentality, how does that make any sense?

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