Joy Behar Calls Out the Real Culprits Behind the MSU Shooting: Congressmen Wearing AR-15 Pins


It was Behar who followed up by accusing Republicans of lining their pockets with blood money from “the gun lobby.” “These people take money from the gun lobby and so they promote the guns. That’s what it’s about. It’s about circulating money,” she proclaimed.

She then drew attention to Georgia Republican Congressman Andrew Clyde, who owns a gun store. She was irate that he had the audacity to hand out AR-15-shaped lapel pins (which she called “automatic weapon lapel pins”) to his colleagues.

According to her unhinged mind, these pins were directly linked to mass shootings because they were “promoting more and more gun love, love of guns! Love of guns!” “Many of these people don’t seem to understand that their actions are causing kids to die!”she shouted.

What was missing from the discussion was the truth that the shooter had a prior felony gun charge dismissed by a progressive prosecutor, which allowed him to remain on the street and commit the shooting. And that he used a handgun, not an AR-15. Then again, The View was not a place for truth and honest discussion.

— Nicholas Fondacaro in The View Blames GOP Gun ‘Lapel Pins’ for ‘Causing Kids to Die’



  1. Whether or not the shooter had a previous felony conviction is neither her nor there Or are you trying to tell us that a felon cannot just walk out of the court and pick up any type of firearm he or she has the funds for within an hour at most?
    The fact is that most felons will be perfectly aware where it’s possible tom pick up any firearme they wish and will do so ASAP.
    No amount of ‘Convictions’ or ‘Policing’ can prevent it, except for long term imprisonment for even the most minor of criminal infractions, when the real problem is uncontrolled availability in a nation that sees Firearm possession as some kind of God Given absolute right combined, with what can only be described as, a RELIGIOUS FERVOUR regarding firearm ownership.

    • Okay, so you’ve established you’re one of those “if we just make 400 million guns disappear and prevent any new ones from coming into existence we’ll solve the problem!” people.

      Totally reasonable.

    • Or are you trying to tell us that a felon cannot just walk out of the court and pick up any type of firearm he or she has the funds for within an hour at most

      Illegally, where there is a will there is a way.

      Now tell me how all those “controlled” hundreds of millions of firearms are abused. You know, the ones people purchase legally and never turn into a criminal or a statistic. They either never use them, or they use them for self defense – those ones. And guess what… your “statistics” to back your failed arguments still include cases of self defense in them, simply because the firearm was used in any way. That means legally and justifiably.

      Even if you leave religion out of it, which I always do, there is a lot more to our right to own firearms. Look at every single country right now and throughout history that ends up in tyranny and major rebellion has to do what? You guessed it, obtain self defense “illegally”. So tell me more about how every time 1 out of MILLIONS commits a crime, it’s the great idea to punish those that don’t. Oh wait, you already did. Doesn’t make much sense when you look at it from outside your box of safety, does it?

      • “400+ million legally owned firearms.
        Over 1 Trillion rounds of ammo.
        If we were the problem,
        you would know it.” – from a
        Tee purchased at Houston NRA Convention.

        The late Col Jeff Cooper commented in 1958, “Killing is a matter of will, not means. You cannot control the intent by passing laws about the means.”

        “If you take all the guns off the streets you will still have a crime problem. However, If you take all the Criminals off the street you cannot have a gun problem.” – Col. Cooper

        Criminals, mass shooters are Leftist agenda enhancers. “That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants.” Yeah, Ole Jeffy.

    • “Whether or not the shooter had a previous felony conviction is neither her nor there”

      Obviously you aren’t familiar with the facts of the case. But it doesn’t stop you from spouting off.

      Are you going to volunteer to come to the States to confiscate our weapons? First, please inform us where you would like your body to be shipped.

    • Doesn’t make much sense when looked at with an actual sense of morality. You know, caring about people being able to defend themselves. I mean, you said it – felons can get them one way or another. So “remove” them from society and you think they won’t exist? lol. Only the bad guys and the government will have them then. So now you have people that cannot defend themselves from those criminals and have to jump through hoops to do anything legally. Smart, Albert. Real smart. Will crime go down? Maybe. Probably not. If it does, negligibly. Gun crime may, but again, is it worth your personal right to defend yourself? Now apply that thought to hundreds of millions of others. Do you see it now? That means hundreds of millions of Americans have the ability to defend themselves and stop this stuff instead of relying on the government to do it – because we all know how amazing police response is… and armies… etc etc.

      It’s just such a disgusting thought to use victims of these crimes as a means to hurt everyone not involved. It’s sick. And yet you blame us for “wearing a pin”… That “flex” – clearly doesn’t mean what you think it means either.

      • So Albert, if you believe that the wearing of a lapel pin can turn an otherwise perfectly rational person into a crazed gunman, is the following also true ?….
        People who wear shirts emblazoned with mottos like
        “my body, my choice” are obviously just a heartbeat away from dropping a bomb into a full church on Sunday morning?

    • @Albert L J Hall

      “The fact is that most felons will be perfectly aware where it’s possible tom pick up any firearme they wish and will do so ASAP.”

      U.K. law enforcement and government has estimated that over 80% of the criminals in the U.K. are armed with a firearm. And the U.K. has a gun ban thing going on. So in the U.K. it is possible for criminals to ‘pick up’ up any firearm they wish and will do so ASAP.

      Here in the U.S., ~12% of the criminals use a firearm and ~8% of them use those firearms in crimes. The rest of the criminals have/use other non-firearm ‘weapons’.

    • “Whether or not the shooter had a previous felony conviction is neither her nor there” – Spunds like good reason to repeal that part of the 1968 GCA.

      • The American People should suspend the constitution (it is our constitution after all and not the governments constitution), drag Biden out of the white house and kick his ass soundly, then re-institute the constitution and dare him to mess with it again.


        Joe, don’t make us come over there.

    • On a recent All In The Family on MeTV, Archie referred to all the sissies in Britain, and called the whole country a fagdom.
      Given the crap we get from Albert, he’s pretty accurate.

    • Dear, demented Prince Albert the Fake-Limey, Fake-Military Ponce,

      “No amount of ‘Convictions’ or ‘Policing’ can prevent it, . . . ”

      But, for some reason, passing MORE LAWS can? I would ask if you were familiar with Einstein’s definition of ‘insanity’, but I doubt you even know who the f*** Einstein is.

      Albert the Fake-Limey Wanking Poofter – feel free to have whatever authoritarian, fascist bulls*** laws you subjects wish to submit to. I don’t give a shart, and I doubt anyone else on this forum (except perhaps dacian the demented and MinorLiar) does either.

      Our nation was FOUNDED on a conception of INHERENT, INDIVIDUAL rights, and a LIMITED government. Y’all were “founded” on a concept of hereditary monarchy and ‘you get what the government gives you’. Feel free to chase that right down the drain. We choose to honor our founding principles.

      Don’t like it, Fake-Limey? Feel free to stay on your pathetic island of misfit toys – or more accurately in your case – just leave yo’ momma’s basement and the US.

      You are a stupid man, with stupid ideas, and devoid of testicles. I would pity you, but you are undeserving of it.

      • Einstein was erroneously credited with that quote it actually comes from a mystery author named Rita Mae Brown. She wrote, in her 1983 book Sudden Death, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.’” Einstein was given credit because people thought it would carry more weight if an intellectual like Einstein was the source because no one could verify it (pre-internet of course)…

    • No matter what the felon can/cannot do has absolutely nothing to do with the right of we the people to protect ourselves. Taking and or restricting the right of we the people does not hinder the felon in anyway and makes we the people nothing but walking targets. If you want to sacrifice your life while exhibiting no means of self defense, then that is your business. But you have no business telling others they are wrong by taking the action necessary and obtaining the means by which to protect theirs.

    • “The fact is that most felons will be perfectly aware where it’s possible tom pick up any firearme they wish and will do so ASAP.”

      No different than being able to score heroin or Fentanyl, you sanctimonious ass.

      You are aware Fentanyl kills more each year than all guns combined, don’t you?

      Sod off, wanker… 😉

    • sir albert of nuttingham…Don’t get your knickers in a wad…Felons cannot just walk out of court and purchase a firearm through a licensed FFL, the perp would have been denied. The source for the firearm is unknown but odds are it was stolen or it was purchased ir traded for dope from another prohibited possesser, etc.

      Bottom line…Your beloved Gun Control again was the source for all the soft targets…Apologize red coat.

    • Hilarious coming from a full blown “MARXIST” foot soldier..

      Who will be blathering and crying when his MARXIST handlers decides he is no longer needed and decide to line him/she/it against a wall!!!

    • The only way to stop people from buying illegal firearms is to remove each and every firearm every made from all possession and melt them down. Including those in the hands of governments. Then remove all knowledge of firearms from the human race. Even if that was possible, people who are intent on mayhem will find a way and in more lethal manners than firearms.

      So you fantasy of firearms being the problem falls flat when logic is applied.

  2. Joy finally broke the code, lapel pins are at the heart criminal violence. How did we all miss this?

  3. Yeah–don’t care about Joy(less) Bray-hardy-har-har. Nor Rep Jimmy Gomez.
    Blame the Perp…and the Asshat that granted him leniency, dropped the previous gun charge, and keep him out of prison/jail so that he could commit another WORSE crime. Bravo all around.
    Oh yeah, and ban ‘assaulty weepons’…for the kids (adults in college). Even though he CLEARLY used a pistol. Whatever.

  4. Way more blood on one of those Ukraine pins. Epic buckets of blood on one of those USA pins.
    Pharma and banks are the biggest lobbyists by far for both parties. I’m sure pharma’s never killed anybody and it’s not like every war modern history hasn’t essentially been competing financial interests waging a proxy war using citizens of their host nations or anything.

    • I am waiting for all those wearing the Ukraine pins to sign up for the army or their children, or grandchildren to those in their senior years.

    • …. so, they’re even more dangerous than pizza chewed into the shape of a pistol ?
      Shoot anyone found wearing one on sight – for the children !!

  5. Could NOT have been the Social Justice Prosecutor that dropped felony charges against the shooter that would have had him still in jail, right wrong or otherwise he did violate the law… OBTW: Did anyone bother to tell Joyless that the guy used a handgun NOT an AR?

    • It looks to me the author was a pseudo intellectual gender studies student who clearly over thinking things because, feels you know.

      Think of the children.

      Bonus points if the author is a pierced purple-haired alphabet soup spectrum type.

  6. “It was Behar who followed up by accusing Republicans of lining their pockets with blood money from ‘the gun lobby.’ ‘These people take money from the gun lobby and so they promote the guns. That’s what it’s about. It’s about circulating money,’ she proclaimed.”

    Its common sense and fact that accuses justifiably the democrats that are lining their pockets with the blood money from federal funds they get for enacting laws that, for example, in the last 20 days nationwide the left-wing gun-control industry and democrats have literally facilitated and aided and caused the deaths or serious injury of, and/or imperiled, over 37,000 innocent law abiding victims by disarming them through the use of ‘sensitive places’ and ‘gun free zone’ laws and ‘gun control’ laws. The law-abiding trying to follow these insane laws that purposely disarm only them but hey, ya got a ‘Gun Free Zone’ sign out of it.

    Last year, in response to mass shootings that in terms of serious injury or death represents less than 0.05% of all the violent crime that results in serious injury or death, the left wing federal government and blue states left wing democrats, collectively spent over $28.3 billion to infringe/restrict/remove the constitutional rights of the over 140 million law abiding gun owners who did nothing wrong and were not the problem. Last year, in blue states less than 12% of tax payer federal funds they received for ‘crime programs’ were used for those programs, no one knows where the rest of the money went. Last $2.8 Billion of tax payer federal funds went to programs for ‘criminal gun-violence’ and ‘mental health’ programs in blue states where 90% of those programs were already failures that have been used as federal funds justification for years yet have never produced even one measurable result. On top of that, the left-wing federal government and blue states gave hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payer money to far left wing ‘gun-control’ and LGBT groups and some of those groups used the funds to pay ANTIFA to provide ‘security’.

    Yeah, that ANTIFA, the far left wing armed extremely violent insurrectionist group who’s stated goal is the overthrow of the U.S. government to put in place a markist-socialists utopia by starting a race war and then in the end with them in charge and deciding which of the “right people’ will be permitted in their society – yeah, that most dangerous threat to the country the democrats ignore because its their own private pet ‘army’ – yeah that most dangerous threat to the country the left wing democrats and liberals paid with tax payer dollars.

    Yeah, it is about “circulating money”, from the tax payers pocket to the blood soaked left wing and democrats.

    • “Bill Cosby is a great man. There’s never been any accusations towards Bill Cosby.”

      “We’re all fans of Bill Cosby, right Barbara?”

      “Why don’t we talk about the millionaire?”

      Barbara sure did change the subject quickly. Covering for a rapist?

  7. Abortion is the number one cause of death of children in the United States of America, and this woman promotes it up to the point of birth and beyond.

  8. I’m not surprised about Joy Behar. She is a racist white anti-civil rights Jewish stand-up comic.

    From 2008

    ” [Sandra] Bernhard made the remarks last month during her one-woman show in Washington before Palin visited New York to campaign. She said Palin would be “gang-raped by my big black brothers” during a diatribe in which she also criticised Palin for opposing abortion rights.”

    Female jewish left wing comics are really something. I had no idea they believed that they had such power, to tell black men to go rape a white religious Conservative Republican woman. Interesting how the lezbi@n Bernhard, believes she as a white lesbian thinks that she can tell her “black Brothers” to go rape another woman????

    • WordPress changed their code the other night and this site was down for a while.

      If you don’t check the “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” box, about half of the time you are going to be “Awaiting Moderation.”

      • …. and the other half of the time if you DO check the box you’re going to be “Awaiting

        • Any post I submit from home, or from my mobile, disappears into the ether. No moderation; straight to a black hole. If I copy a fresh post, then send it and watch it disappear, then paste it into a device that is using my work ISP or any other than home or mobile, it magically goes through.

      • Yep, mentioning

        SO CI AL IS T

        Automatic “AWAITING MODERATION” and your post vanishes!!!

        It seem the people running WORDPRESS are full blown SO CI AL IS T!!!

  9. Planned Parenthood in a typical year donated anywhere from $300 million to $420 million to the Democrat Party. In return Planned Parenthood in a typical year was given anywhere from $550 million to $600 million from the federal government. In the past 44 years the NRA has donated $90 million to politicians on both sides of the aisle.

    • Uh-oh, you mentioned the acronym that must not be mentioned.

      BTW, today’s “two minutes of hate” for the NRA is at 3pm Eastern. Big Brother has spoken.

      • No name,

        I would advance the hypothesis that the NRA has FULLY EARNED every bit of hate 2A supporters heap on it. YMMV. I would gladly support an organization that was true to the legacy of the NRA, when it was the pre-eminent gun handling and gun safety training organization in the world. But that organization bears NO resemblance to the grift-mill that exists today.

        Depose Wayne the Thief, and his merry band of fellow thieves on the board, return to the ONLY thing the NRA ever did well, and I’ll pay attention. Otherwise? Hard pass.

        • Absolutely, they were a great origination when they taught people how to shoot and safe gun handling but when the hired LaPierre that all changed. They went from teaching about guns to LaPierres specality: a activist and lobbyist.

          Then you all know the rest, LaPierre decided that the money that NRA took in was his and his buddies on HIS board. He hired Charlton Heston and then Oliver North to ramp up funding so he could spend more on himself and his lackeys.

          When Oliver North found out that LaPierre was just using the NRAs money for his personal use, North called him on it. LaPierre and his board promptly put out a statement that Oliver North was planning a coup of the NRA and fired him and Dana Loesch.

          They will be insolvent in about 5 years but Wayne who makes 2 million a year and will get 20 million when he or the NRA is gone doesn’t care.

        • Rob S, I mark this day as the beginning of your prediction that the NRA will be insolvent in five years. When they are still around, I will laugh at you.
          Have a good day!

        • Wally,
          If LaPierre is still in charge then they will be insolvent, the damage he has done is almost irreparable. If not then MAYBE they can rebuild and actually be something again. If he and his board of buddies are still there then the NRA will be gone, there is nothing funny about it, they are bleeding money and members.

        • Sorry, everyone, today’s two minutes of hate expired at 3:02 pm Eastern.

          Tomorrow’s two minutes is scheduled for 3:00 pm EST.

          Mark your calendars. Big Brother hates it when you’re not on time.

        • Rob S (as in STUPID) I will be laughing at you five years from now when LaPiere is still the Exec VP of the NRA. The NRA is alive well and functioning very nicely without you and those who so vehemently oppose the NRA

        • You will be dead in two or three because you weigh 500lbs.
          The NRA is done and you wont that live long being so fat.
          You will be a pile of sludge when your fat ass dies and nobody finds your big fat decomposing corpse in that little shack you live in.
          Go stalk someone on The Leaf, Nutrasystems blog because you need it.

          Fuck the NRA, they were something once and now they are nothing.
          You aren’t special because they sent you a letter begging for money.

        • Rob S (as in STUPID), the only thing weighing “500 lbs” is the air in your head.
          Again, you make rash predictions that have no basis in fact. You don’t have to worry about the sludge, as sludge doesn’t weigh as much as the air in between your ears.
          Seems you have a problem with anyone wo disagrees with your stupid comments. Tough bazookies!

        • No I have a problem with a big fat STALKER who actually has lower IQ then dacian or Miner. That would be you Wally Hillbilly.
          You have 5 fucking chins, you are like an entire Chinese family.
          Bring it when I post and not after the fact a day or two later.

        • Rob S (as in STUPID). It seems that you don’t know the difference between stalking and countering STUPIDITY. Not only that but you have a definite problem with counting, maybe it is an eyesight problem? If you don’t have glasses maybe you should see an Opthamologist or an Optometrist. Last I looked in the mirror, I have only one chin.
          IF you don’t like being found out of pocket, don’t be.

  10. Considering all the innocent children and students and citizens that have been gunned down in rivers of blood and carnage by maniacs with assault rifles wearing an AR15 pin is the height of stupidity and disrespect for the victims and a disregard for the current out of control situation with assault rifles in the U.S.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, I have yet to see any of these “rivers of blood” you seem to be so fondly alluding to. Now tell us DUNDERHEAD how does an AR-15 pin show any “disrespect” and disregard” for any of these victims. IT seems that most of the deaths due to gun fire are from handguns.
      The only thing out of control here is your diatribe of anti-gun propaganda.

    • Yep the full blown “BRITISH SUBJECT” will gladly wear a “NAZI” pin and the “HAMMER AND SICKLE”!!!!

      Since he/she/it is a full blown “MARXIST” foot soldier!!!!

    • “Considering all the innocent children and students and citizens that have been gunned down in rivers of blood and carnage by maniacs with assault rifles wearing an AR15 pin is the height of stupidity and disrespect for the victims and a disregard for the current out of control situation with assault rifles in the U.S.”

      What you really meant is :
      Considering all the innocent children and students and citizens that have been gunned down in rivers of blood and carnage by democratic soci alists with assault rifles wearing the Antifa fist pin is the height of stupidity and disrespect for the victims and a disregard for the current out of control situation with the historically illiterate in the U.S. who do not know who the Antifa really were.

    • Maybe you can provide us with photographic evidence of ANY individuals committing a mass shooting with an “ASSAULT RIFLE” (please provide a viable definition of “ASSAULT RIFLE”) while wearing the dreaded AR 15 pin so we can understand the difference between an Assault Rifle, a handgun and the numerous other firearms used to commit murders around the world…

  11. The Real Culprits Behind the MSU Shooting:

    Joy, people in congress wearing lapel pins, and guns, and over 140 million law abiding gun owners are not the culprits behind the MSU shooting. The culprit is one violent mentally ill person facilitated and aided by a left wing democrat imposed ‘gun free zone’.

    gun free zones, defined:

    “gun (gŭn) free (frē) zone (zōn)

    * Trap in which people congregate and are falsely promised safety by a make believe force field of a ‘No Guns” prohibition.

    * A place where people are disarmed and not permitted self-defense with firearms.

    * Hunting grounds for predator criminals where defenseless prey is guaranteed by law.

    * Place where existing laws against violent crimes do not work to prevent violent crimes the laws are touted to be able to prevent.

    * Places designed to attract violently mentally ill predators.

    * Places where police forces cease to operate to protect before the fact of a violent crime as they are touted to be able to do by politicians implying.

    In the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 7(3-4), 135–156. (Lankford, A., & Cowan, R. G. (2020)) ( )

    … Cowan writes of their research they “…closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.”

    Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.

    • To Booger Brain

      quote———–Joy, people in congress wearing lapel pins, and guns, and over 140 million law abiding gun owners are not the culprits behind the MSU shooting. The culprit is one violent mentally ill person facilitated and aided by a left wing democrat imposed ‘gun free zone’.————quote

      In reality having college students pack high capacity 9mm handguns and assault rifles, especially at drunken fraternity parties, would be the height of pure stupidity and insanity. We all know where that would go. Brilliant Idea Booger Brain.

      • dacian. I’m wasting my breath responding to the mentally ill such as yourself. But here goes. You cannot regulate guns any further. In fact gun regulations are going away faster than your head can spin. It is a fact of life. Your side lost. Deal with it.

        The individual carrying the gun is responsible for obeying the law or facing the consequences. If the ‘highly educated’ members of a fraternity let their party go sideways it will be on them.

        It may even mature and mellow the college aged to have the responsibility.

      • Yep your BUTT still hurts from when the USA won its INDEPENDENCE from your “DEAR LEADERS”!!!

        It seems your rather be speaking in GERMAN and Japanese only!!!

      • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, According to the law, a college aged kid is considered an adult if they are over the age of 18. They can purchase a handgun if they are over the age of 21 (Federal law). If I were you, I would not worry about any College kids carrying firearms. Colleges are considered “gun free zones” aka target rich environments.

      • @daican

        More college students are seriously injured or killed by stabbing or accident or alcohol poisoning at fraternity drunken parties annually than have been seriously injured or killed by accidental or drunken gun discharges in the last 20 years and more than in mass shooting in the last 10 years.

        But you, you want people to be defenseless by making it a gun free zone. Brilliant idea daican, a great way to increase the body count you and the rest of your violent far left blood soaked democrats and liberals and anti-gun idiots crave so much – guarantee defenseless prey by law for violent mentally ill and criminal predators. “Yeah, that’s it… I got it!” some democrat said one day and essentially declared “By golly lets have a law that guarantees defenseless prey for violent mentally ill and criminal predators.” Brilliant idea daican.

        • drunken gun discharges.

          Good to know, I caught my EDC trying to get into my Christian Bros Brandy and I’m pretty sure the AKs have been into the Absolut Vodka…

      • “In reality having college students pack high capacity 9mm handguns and assault rifles, especially at drunken fraternity parties, would be the height of pure stupidity and insanity. We all know where that would go.”

        We heard from an MSU alum yesterday that students are allowed to carry firearms on campus; only the dormitories are restricted.

        Yet there haven’t been any student-initiated shootings, even at drunken fraternity parties — only one unhinged black non-student murdering defenseless students in a classroom.

  12. All those bitches on the view are hate filled worthless cunts. Who gives a shit what they spew? Anyone that listens to that idiocy is as stupid as they are.
    Surely this will be moderated or just disappear

      • I’m kind of shocked that you got away with using the word Sea hunt.
        The truth of the matter is what you wrote is the truth.
        Seriously when is the view on and who would watch that nonsense?
        Joy Behar?
        If I had to put up with that babbling bitch for 5 minutes I’d kill myself.

  13. So now wearing a pin somehow makes you responsible for the actions of a person 500 miles away you have never had contact with. Or supporting the Constitution and BOR somehow makes you responsible for the actions of a possibly mentally ill person in another state.
    And it is somehow a good idea to punish people who have never been a threat to anyone, nor have they committed any crime or act of violence because a violent criminal kills people half way across the country. Just what is the logic behind this?

  14. I found a bottle and rubbed it. Out comes a genie. I got 3 wishes.
    Joy Behar needs to go away forever.
    Joy Behar needs to go away forever
    Joy Behar needs to go away forever.
    Ever notice the 3 most miserable bitches on TV are named Joy,Whoopie, and Sunny?

  15. lol
    Who cares?

    People can wear what they want. You want to sport an AR pin then fine. If you don’t then fine. None of it changes anything I do. This is the kind of stupidity that just makes me want nothing to do with Twitter/Facebook/etc. It does not matter. If your offended then deal with it. I couldn’t care any less what Behar has to say (about anything). This entire thing is nothing short of ridiculousness.

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