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If mad genius/MacGyver guy Joerg Sprave doesn’t get his own cable TV show, there is no justice in this world. Of course, we’re still waiting for our chance to produce The Truth About Guns TV show. Anyway, meanwhile, would this contraption be considered full auto if the guns were genuine firearms? Time to write the ATF a letter, making sure we don’t tell them we’re setting out to make a machine gun. [h/t WC]

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    • Technically it is not full auto since the trigger of each gun fires off only one shot per trigger pull. The ATF should clearly define that the term trigger refers to the trigger that is built into the gun itself and not an external device that is designed to press the trigger of multiple guns and simulate full auto. The ATF should also state that an unintentional slam fire and/or chain fire shall not be considered full auto.

      • Yeah that is not how it works. Since the operator is only physically pulling one trigger, that is all that matters in the eyes of the ATF. Please don’t give advice about NFA issues unless you actually know what you’re talking about or you could send some poor, gullible person to jail for a long time.

        • In bump fire or slide fire the finger actually pulls and releases the human interface (trigger) every shot. Even using a hand crank requires continuous kinetic input to continue firing. Electric (electronic) trigger devices are specifically addressed by the ATF and cannot induce multiple fires from a single pull.

    • Are you sure about that?
      The motor isn’t technically firing the gun, it’s moving the gun into position to fire.
      It might circumvent the law the way a bump stock does.

  1. Northern European?
    Of course, outside with snow on the ground in a T-shirt.

    Could be Otto Preminger as Mr. Freeze in the TV Batman
    Ha Ha Ha

    • German, of course. He proudly mentions it on his channel as if it explains his obsession with artillery.

    • Yeah, he says he’s “bad-assing” some cap guns but that’s pretty sad. He’s probably not allowed to own anything that’s really bad-ass.

      But I gotta hand it to him. The German workmanship really shines through. That contraption appears to be pretty well-made and functions well.

      • He does have real firearms… a bunch of them. It is just that he likes making slingshots and whatnot. + it is not like you can’t put real revolvers in that frame. Illegal, of course but still possible.

  2. Definitely, full auto with real guns and the power drill. One shot per trigger pull is all that is allowed. Basically an automatic gatling gun. Using a hand powered drill should be okay.

  3. Not the most entertaining thing he’s built (I think that goes to the machete crossbow), but a pretty fun idea.

  4. Half the population doesn’t know a real gun from a cap gun. What kind of a response do you think he would have sneaking that “revolvermatic” into a crowded shopping mall and letting fly!

  5. Hmm… With real revolvers on that thing, I think it would be considered a machine gun, although the electric motor/hand crank action might give it access to some obscure loopholes. It would pretty much constitute a gatling gun with each barrel having its own revolver cylinder. It’s a nifty idea, but the belt feed is infinitely better for reloading, so this is kinda just for show. I think they actually might make full blown cap gatling guns…

  6. Does anyone have 4 identical Ruger SuperRedhawks for an…Experiment?

    (Insert Evil Joerge laugh *here*)

  7. Yeah outside in the snow with a t-shirt. It’s below zero here in Illinois. I got a good chuckle outa’ this…

  8. FWIW. This device would be considered a Machinegun under U.S. NFA statutes. I have direct personal knowledge of a case that was adjudicated in Federal Court in the Northern District of LA and went to the 5th Circuit. It was a Ruger 10/22 with a Zebco fishing reel that turned and actuated the trigger. Would have been legal EXCEPT the defendant then attached a small electric motor and cordless drill battery with an on/off breaker switch to the stock. The courts ruled that the electric breaker switch became the trigger and that turning it ON made the firearm shoot more than one round. “More than one round with a single pull of the trigger” equals machinegun… In this instance, I actually agree with the court’s reasoning as it relates to the firearm technical definition of the trigger (Not to say I think we shouldn’t be able to build a MG.).

    So DON’T do this no matter how stupid you think the NFA laws are and no matter your contempt for the ATF. You will go to jail.

  9. Mr. Sprave would be a very fun neighbor. Although, I would not want to hear that laugh outside my window at 2am.

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