pence harris debate
(AP Photo/Morry Gash, Pool)

By Larry Keane

One of U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris’s loudest Vice Presidential debate answers came when she refused to say anything at all about the Biden-Harris campaign’s plans to pack the U.S. Supreme Court.

Asked repeatedly in the debate against Vice President Mike Pence if a Biden-Harris administration would pack the Court should they win the election, Sen. Harris blinked. She didn’t answer, leaving gun owners deeply concerned the Supreme Court will be politicized for gun control and the Second Amendment will continue to be relegated to a second-class right if the Heller (5-4) decision isn’t reversed altogether.

Vice President Pence didn’t wait for the moderator to bring it up. He did it himself.

Asked, Not Answered

“Are you and Joe Biden going to pack the Court if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed?” the Vice President asked Sen. Harris, explaining Supreme Court vacancies have been filled 29 times during election years. “But your party is actually openly advocating adding seats to the Supreme Court which has had nine seats for 150 years if you don’t get your way. This is a classic case of if you can’t win by the rules, you’re going to change the rules.

“Now, you’ve refused to answer the question,” he added. “Joe Biden has refused to answer the question. I think the American public would really like to know.”

The question is valid not just to pry answers out of the Biden-Harris campaign, which has refused to answer and refused to disavow the court-packing scheme of Democratic politicians. The Biden-Harris concern is that Judge Barrett is an admitted originalist much like her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia. She believes the law is what it reads and that it’s not a Supreme Court justice’s duty to twist and bend the letters of the law to meet a predetermined end.

That’s an obstacle to pushing through their radical gun control agenda, which includes invalidating the Second Amendment, confiscating lawfully-owned semiautomatic firearms, stopping the online sale of replacement parts, repealing the bipartisan Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to then bankrupt the firearm industry through harassing, frivolous lawsuits and revoking federal firearm licenses for a single clerical paperwork error.

Pivot to Talking Point

No direct answer was offered by Sen. Harris. She spun a tale of President Abraham Lincoln not sending a nominee in an election year, which proved to be false, as reported by National Review. Sen. Harris retreated to campaign talking points that President Donald Trump should abandon his duty to nominate to a Supreme Court vacancy just because an election is close.

Kamala Harris
(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

The firearm industry and law-abiding gun owners across America deserve an answer, not the worn-out non-answers and pivot to memorized sound bites. The answer is critical to Second Amendment rights. Just this last June, the Supreme Court turned away 10 pending cases all dealing with gun rights. These cases were denied a hearing for what can only be assumed; that the four justices, who are originalists, didn’t trust at least one more justice to faithfully apply the law, Constitutional rights and the Heller precedent.

The addition of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court reassures America there will be a justice that faithfully applies the law as it is written. Both Biden and Sen. Harris, though, dance with the notion that the way to defeat that is to add seats to the bench, giving a liberal progressive supermajority that would legislate from the court, setting policy by judicial fiat.

Both Biden and Sen. Harris had the opportunity to put that ugly tactic to rest. They didn’t. Instead, they refused to give an answer. Vice President Pence refused to let Sen. Harris off the hook.

“You once again gave a non-answer. Joe Biden gave a non-answer,” he said. “The American people deserve a straight answer and if you haven’t figured it out yet, the straight answer is they are going to pack the Supreme Court if they somehow win this election.”


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.


  1. Maybe they would pack it regardless of whether the seat is filled? Say Trump doesn’t fill the seat and they get the Senate and presidency, sure they would get to put one person on the court but that just puts them back where they were, a split Court with squishy Roberts in the middle. They could wait and see if some more empty seats come up, but if packing is already on the table, maybe they will just try to pack it anyway…

    • The membership of the bench will always be an odd number to avoid tie votes. So they would add at least two seats.

  2. Actually, I think she did answer in a very roundabout way. She gave a twisted assertion that if you squint your eyes just right, cross your fingers and toes, spin like a whirling dervish, and trip over some chicken entrails during the light of a full moon, that Trump “packed the court”. That’s her “justified” excuse for “doing it too.”

    • Yeah I heard that too. She all but admitted they will pack the court if elected. Possibly wether Barrett is nominated or not. The idea that Trump “packed the court” is a great example of the Orwellian fiction, that has become reality in America today.

      America is under attack from within. Trump’s election in 16’ forced the movement out of hiding prematurely, and it’s time to kill it at the ballot box in November.

        • Nope, bad idea. He will be looking at a 5, 1, and 3 Court before the end of his first term and if re-elected he will have that at his back no matter what happens in the Senate. If Biden wins then packing the court will be the hill they die on since it will splinter the Democrat party.

  3. Anybody else not confident that the court, even with the beneficent ACB and a few years without new additions, will take cases and make rulings that would enforce the 2nd Amendment in any meaningful way? If Roberts thinks overly controversial rulings might endanger the court, other “conservatives” might also.

    • I would be surprised if the attack on the second was the first thing on the agenda, but they would get to it eventually. And it won’t be as sweeping as people of the gun would like it to be. But it would be moving in the right direction.

      • Their attack on the 2nd, would be moving in the right direction? So you feel our Freedom to Bear allows us too much FREEDOM . . . that’s what it appears you are saying? If not, please explain.

  4. I loved that laughter she had when pence laid her record as a prosecutor out. That’s what people do to not look shocked or wounded.

  5. Well they can pack the court, and I can pack a gunm. These people just don’t get it, 250 years of freedom just isn’t going to disappear with the stroke of a pen.

  6. Pence is the geezer who calls his wife ‘Mother’ and who only hires the most buff male interns. He is a total closet case. In other words: Typical Republican.

      • Speaking of closet cases: what’s up ‘Montana Actual’?

        It’s good that the wife left you, because now you can cosplay ‘Brokeback Mountain’ to your heart’s content 🤡.

        • Wow, ANOTHER homophobic attack from the two dimensional troll who uses multiple usernames, and trolls below the level of a 12 year old mean girls with ADD.
          What’s wrong clown, couldn’t come up with a witty comment that WASN’T an attack on his manhood?
          TTAG really needs to get a better grade of trolls soon. This is just getting old.
          Trump/Pence 2020, no mean girls, no ADD, no clowns, just the Leadership we need.
          Enjoy that TDS little name changing butt monkey.

        • make no mistake, I don’t cosplay. I’ll fuck whoever I want, where ever I want, when ever I want. If that person happens to be your father then so be it.

    • Does the inquisitive karen twerp leave slanderous poop trails like a cockroach and then cut and run? Why yes the karen twerp does exactly that. Typical gutless democRat pos.

    • But you must admit, we have video evidence of the Lord of the Flies sending one of his minions to light upon the head of his good and faithful servant Michael Pence for over two minutes, as Pence speaks, shouts and gesticulates madly.

      If you are a Bible believing Christian, who takes faith in the signs and portents spoken of in Scripture, you cannot ignore this clear sign of the Dark Lord’s favor.

      • But you must admit, we have video evidence of the Lord of the Flies sending one of his minions to light upon the head of his good and faithful servant Michael Pence for over two minutes, as Pence speaks, shouts and gesticulates madly.

        If you are a Bible believing Christian, who takes faith in the signs and portents spoken of in Scripture, you cannot ignore this clear sign of the Dark Lord’s favor.

        You’re just upset that, in debate form, Pence beat the living crap out of Kamala Harris, who couldn’t conceal her frustration, and had tremendously shallow knowledge of the issues at hand.

    • Does Karen Call Pence ‘Father’??

      I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. And what really is wrong with it?

      Pence is the geezer…

      I find it funny, you calling him a “geezer” when Joe Biden, self proclaimed as “I am the democratic party” is 77 years old, and if elected, will be the oldest president in US history.

      …who calls his wife ‘Mother’

      I call my wife “mommy” in front of the kids, even in her presence. This is a common habit of married couples.

      …and who only hires the most buff male interns.

      There is zero evidence of this. You fabricated it.

      …He is a total closet case. in other words: Typical Republican.

      Another fabrication.

      • That exchange really shows how far the quality of trolling has dropped here on TTAG.
        I actually expect to see some “I know you are, but what am I?” before election day.
        Really sad situation here on TTAG, Bloomturd and Soros should be knocking down some basement doors and asking for refunds.
        Trump/Pence 2020, only top quality, and NO Bloomturd or Soros BS!
        All beef, no filler too!

  7. She is a truly a horrible person. We call all thank Slick Willy Brown for this mess. Started as a faceless nobody in a pool of prosecutors, until she managed to catch the eye of a lecherous old man. Had he never stuck it to her, nobody would ever known her name.

    • “Started as a faceless nobody in a pool of prosecutors, until she managed to catch the eye of a lecherous old man. Had he never stuck it to her, nobody would ever known her name.“

      Yes, but thanks to his illegal $130,000 pay off through his felony convicted personal attorney, everyone in America knows Stormy Daniel’s name!

      • Dude. You should have stopped when you were merely behind. Instead you just had to spin off into the swamp and roll around in the filth.

        Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize that was your home.

        • “Dude. You should have stopped when you were merely behind….. ”
          Not whiner, he’s ALWAYS willing to dig his hole deeper.
          Don’t get too deep now whiner, we want to be entertained by that sweet sounding TDS when Trump gets 4 more years.
          Trump/Pence 2020, vote for winners while the losers dig their holes deeper!

      • Pretty sure that makes someone like SD more petty than any other porn star sucking dick for money. So, because red lights exist legally in many places just not the US, people who make careers out of whoring themselves out for money somehow deserve special treatment when all the sudden claiming to be the “victim”? SD knew what she was doing, and she only thought it was a good idea to “snitch” when it would put her in a position to make more money. SO, how is that any of DT’s problem? No different than any other porn video you jerk off too, maybe you are just mad you can’t land any reasonable looking women.

      • Yes, but thanks to his illegal $130,000 pay off through his felony convicted personal attorney, everyone in America knows Stormy Daniel’s name!

        And Trump is still better than Biden! The situation is that pathetic. Trump’s policy is infinitely better than Biden’s marxist, “everyone needs to work for the government and each other by force” policy. It’s just that bad.

        Depending on Stormy’s proposed policy – I might have even voted for her over Biden if she ran. That is how bad the democrats are right now.

        • At least then the whole blue dress conundrum would just be chalked up to another day at the office.

  8. Gotta pass the bill to see what’s in the bill.
    Gotta sleep with me to find out If I have herpes.

  9. The media is cooking the books on the behalf of democRats. Everywhere you look Biden/Harris is ahead of Trump/Pence. It is amazing how everyone can adore two self serving lowlife democRats wanting to take a dump on America. Yes yes biden/harris decorate America with your marxist manure. Everyone cannot wait to reside in one big soviet style graffiti covered eastern bloc trash heap.
    Either vote Trump/Pence or people with sht for brains will see to it demonic democRats win.

    TRUMP/PENCE 2020.

    • They don’t have to cook the books. Their real job is to push the narrative. Now they have help from Big Tech. They’re working overtime to get democrats into power. What idiot believes the richest, most powerful companies in the world are trying to elect democrats, so they can have their wealth taken from them and redistributed? There’s a sucker born every minute.

  10. It’s just a flat out idiotic topic. No one is trying to or even has the ability to alter the number of justices on the Supreme Court. That takes a Bill in the House and the Senate, the same Bill being agreed to in both houses of Congress. Then it takes a President willing to sign it. Neither party has the votes now and neither will have the votes in the future. The court has been at 9 justices for 151 years and no one has the political will or the support to break a tradition that long standing. If either party attempted it they’d see themselves gutted come the next election and they know it.

    What this “pack the court” nonsense is about is cooking up yet another scary narrative. One with no substance, no potential of ever taking place.

    • If it’s such nonsense, then why won’t they just give an answer? I remember you also laughed off the defund the police movement as nonsense when they started talking about that earlier this year. Come to think of it, you laugh off everything as nonsense that might make democrats look bad.

      “That takes a Bill in the House and the Senate, the same Bill being agreed to in both houses of Congress.”
      Democrats will keep the House. You do understand we’re weeks away from a very close election for control of the Senate? I hear AZ is turning blue.

    • enuf…For once can you be a big boy and tell the forum the names of the candidates you will be voting for directly and indirectly?

      • As for myself, I am proud to declare that I will be voting for Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris.

        I do understand that others will be voting for Typhoid Trump and his anti-gun agenda of ‘take the guns first and worry about the courts later“ but I value my constitutional liberties and want to elect a candidate who will support and defend them.

    • “…no one has the political will or the support to break a tradition that long standing…”

      Baloney! It’s not “just a flat out idiotic topic.”

      The concern about the Dems threat to “pack the court” is NOT nonsense and people are right to be scared. If Dems control the Executive and Legislative branches it stands a very good chance of being implemented.

      God forbid, if Biden is elected then the House will probably stay controlled by Democrats and the Senate will probably flip to them as well. The Dems are a party of radicals – they are American Jacobins – and they most certainly DO have the political will to ram through the things they’ve already talked about. They promise to get rid of the Senate filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and bring in DC and Puerto Rico as states. This Country will turn into California writ large – one party rule in perpetuity.

      This election represents a fork in the road for this Country and I hope my fellow citizens don’t choose the wrong fork.

      • “I hope my fellow citizens don’t choose the wrong fork.“

        Yes, that can be so embarrassing!

        Well, I know the big fork is for the entrée and the smaller fork is for the salad, but which one is the dessert fork? Aww, just fork it!

    • It is an idiotic topic. But the Democrats brought it up ON PURPOSE in response to normal Constitutional operation…why? Are they idiots? More likely they think their constituents are idiots…and their probably right.

    • Stranger things have happened. There’s no filibuster anymore, effectively speaking- whichever party is in charge will do what they want. And there aren’t that many seats in the way.

    • FDR threatened to pack the court in the 1930s, so the Democrats have their own precedent.

  11. Do any democrats actually think Kamala is a sincere person? Remember Kavanaugh? She said she believed Joe’s accuser that said he was a rapist. Kamala accused Joe of being a racist. She’ll say and do anything for more power.

  12. No because the pair are un American Marxist’s,that will violate the oath of office rite after swearing to uphold & defend it.

  13. The number of justices on SCOTUS is up to Congress with the signature of the President. That’s the way it is until that number be fixed by Constitutional amendment.

    It is inevitable that one party, or the other, will gain control of both chambers of Congress and the Presidency and then pack the court. Today’s GOP might be too honorable to do such a thing; but, today’s Democrats wouldn’t hesitate.

    The real question before We the People is whether 7 or 9 or 11 or 13 is the optimal number. What is our conception of the Supreme Court?

    Perhaps it is merely another political body whose members each form an opinion and vote.

    But that conception is not what the court has become in the past century or more. Today, it is a deliberative body where the members debate the law and merits of each case. By custom, they compel themselves to explain their holdings, their concurrences and dissents. This process, as best it can, ties the court to its precedents. And that is just about the only control over its decisions.

    Debate, opinion writing, concurrences and dissents take time. And the amount of time they take is given by the formula: (N * (N-1))/2.

    With 9 members of the court that’s 9 * 8 / 2 = 36
    With 11 members it would be 11 * 10 / 2 = 55

    Adding 2 more justices would increase the potential for debate by 53% (55/36 = 1.527). Would we get a better quality of debate? Or, lower throughput in the volume of cases the Court takes and decides?

    And once the practice of court-packing starts, it won’t stop. Imagine a court composed of 13 and then 15 and then 17 justices. 17 * 16 / 2 = 136. At that point, the justices would simply vote without taking the time to write opinions/concurrences/dissents.

    Either we seriously reconsider our system for SCOTUS (a possibility I’m open to) or, the GOP needs to propose a Constitutional amendment fixing the number of justices at 9 when they next capture both chambers and the Presidency.

  14. Vote……vote because the country we know and love is about to be ended by the democrat party. Vote for Trump, vote for every single republican you can vote for…..even the slimy, cowardly, back stabbing republicans……we need to keep the democrat party out of power for as long as possible….and if biden wins….he likely will replace breyer and Thomas…turning the court back into the nightmare we have now…….

  15. Roberts is a skunk. If the authors hypothesis is correct I now can understand why they MAY have passed on those 10 cases.

  16. Blah, Blah, Blah. Expecting a politician to answer a question truthfully is the most moronic thing imaginable. Everyone knows they don’t necessarily outright lie, but they will talk around an issue to the point of ambiguity. Honesty is not something that is generally considered an asset in the political world. Because they know for every smile they make, a toe gets stepped on. They all lie to the degree that gets them the desired effect. Your Vote…and in this lies the problem. People will believe what they want to believe, sometimes even when they know it’s a lie. Because It’s easier than facing the truth that someone they believed has actually lied to them. It happens everyday from family, friends, spouses and yes politicians. Just going along to get along and trying to change their mind is a waste of time. So just be truthful to yourself and question everything else until you know whats truth and whats bullshit. Keeping in mind that lying is one of the things both lawyers and politicians make money and acquire power from.

    • And sometimes, it’s what people say they give you the measure of their character:

      “Trump responded with wild boasts — “I‘m back because I’m a perfect physical specimen, and I’m extremely young,” he claimed. “Remember this: When you catch it you get better, and then you’re immune.”

      • It must be a sorrowful life that you allow the hatred of President Trump to live in your head rent free. My guess is that hatred is all you have for a life which is atypical for many Lefty Libs. They tend to jump from one Topic of Hatred to another as their notion changes. Ruled by emotions because intellect is incomprehensible to their psyche. They seem to have a need to project their unhappiness on others as a way of in a crazy sort of way. Make themselves feel superior and thus feel good about themselves. There is deep seated psychosis in these people fro which their seems to be no cure or at least one they’re willing to admit to. So just understand from where they come from and accept the fact they can’t be helped or changed. Peace Be With You.

        • I don’t hate Trump, I don’t think I hate anyone.

          Unfortunately for America, Trump is an ignorant and arrogant narcissist, who inherited millions and thinks himself a shrewd businessman when the facts prove otherwise.

          And the first lady, such as she is, has proven herself to be a soldier in the front lines of the War on Christmas, with her comments about “fuck Christmas”, there’s a tape.

          Christians, what say you about this?

          Here’s another measure of the man:

          For over 100 years, the first family in the White House has shared their space with a companion canine, a puppy dog is a shrewd judge of character and does not willingly grant their allegiance to just any human.

          Donald Trump is the first president in over 100 years to not share his home with a dog, think about that.

          • Trump is an ignorant and arrogant narcissist, who inherited millions and thinks himself a shrewd businessman when the facts prove otherwise.

            Claims he doesn’t hate. Proceeds to demonstrate unadulterated truth ignoring hatred.

        • I think I posted a dispassionate recounting of the facts of the matter.

          Do you have specific information that refutes any of the observations I made in my post?

          I would welcome the opportunity to respond to any specific complaints you may have regarding the information I posted.

        • “……Yea. Go fuck yourself”
          The standard response to whiner49er and his WV troll farm.
          Trump/Pence 2020.
          Time to earn your pay dimtard trolls. Dance like the leashed chimps you all are. 🤣

        • Unfortunately for America, Trump is an ignorant and arrogant narcissist, who inherited millions and thinks himself a shrewd businessman when the facts prove otherwise.

          Even if true, his policy is still better than the Hildebeest and sleepy Biden. And policy is more important than appearances.

          And the first lady, such as she is, has proven herself to be a soldier in the front lines of the War on Christmas, with her comments about “fuck Christmas”, there’s a tape.

          Even if true (probably isn’t), Literally no one cares about Melania’s feelings about Christmas. They have 0% causation to any effects put upon me by the government. Well, maybe a small handful of people are worried about how she feels about Christmas. You’re here talking about it after all.

          Christians, what say you about this?

          Don’t care. At all. The left are the ones harassing and targeting Christians. They hate Christians because Christians contain the last remnant of people intolerant towards killing babies (abortion) and those not readily accepting behaviors such as homosexuality, transgenders, etc, as moral, and typically rejecting those who have made entire careers about incessantly spouting their grievances.

          Here’s another measure of the man:

          For over 100 years, the first family in the White House has shared their space with a companion canine, a puppy dog is a shrewd judge of character and does not willingly grant their allegiance to just any human.

          Donald Trump is the first president in over 100 years to not share his home with a dog, think about that.

          You are saying… seriously… that man is of low measure if he doesn’t own a dog???

      • And sometimes, it’s what people say they give you the measure of their character:

        “Trump responded with wild boasts — “I‘m back because I’m a perfect physical specimen, and I’m extremely young,” he claimed. “Remember this: When you catch it you get better, and then you’re immune.”

        And still better than the Hildebeest and Sleepy, Mr. Plagiarism, Joe Biden! Unbelievable.

        Joe Biden has been in politics for 50 years. An entire life. Imagine having a real job 50 years ago, that’s the last time you weren’t living off the public teat. Biden is the epitome of the establishment swamp. He is a walking advertisement for term limits. The only thing he accomplished in his entire political career, was the enrichment of himself and his family. As horrible as Trump is – he’s still better than Biden. Biden’s entire platform is “I’m not Trump – vote for me.” It’s pathetic. The entire democrat platform’s motto is “Give us your vote, and we’ll take their stuff and give it to you.” You got Trump paying off porn stars for a quickie while out of town away from his wife and newborn kid, and he’s still better than Biden! It’s just terrible. And as bad and horrible as Trump the man is, character flaws and all, his policy is infinitely better than Biden’s policy.

        • Trump/Pence 2020.
          Don’t vote for them because they’re better then sleepyjoy\skankyhoe 2020. Do it for all that sweet, SWEET TDS that will come soon after election day.

  17. For the most part, we would do well to remember that both parties are pre-disposed to intellectual dishonesty: “If it benefits you, it’s the worst thing ever. If it benefits me, it’s what the Framers intended and our right under the Constitution.”

    Here’s my pure speculation on what will happen with the vacancy. If Trump wins and the Republicans retain control of the Senate, Amy Conley Barret will be confirmed. (Nod to Captain Obvious on that prediction.) If Biden wins and the Democrats take the Senate, they’ll agree not to pack the court next year if the Republicans agree to let Biden appoint the justice when he takes office. If Trump wins and the Democrats take the Senate, the Democrats will try to pack the court if they confirm Amy Conley Barret in a lame duck session.

    You probably don’t want to see sausage made either…

    • Sounds like you are not paying attention! How do you suppose Barret will not be confirmed and seated before Nov 3? And you’re supposing that Dems will arrange to increase the size of the court while Trump is President?

  18. One thing stood out to me during the debate. Not the lies, not the evasive non-answers… it was the evil condescending smirk on Harris’s face. I’ve seen that smirk before, a lying thieving business partner, a cheating sadistic narcissistic ex-wife…. One of my children hates her, the other has been confined in mental hospitals 19 times. I’m still paying for trusting both…. That condescending smirk is the face of pure evil. It says “shut-up sheep and obey! I have the power of Satan behind me”.
    If you think I’m exaggerating or kidding, you’ve lived under a rock. When you’ve been sliced by a psychopath, you’ll remember that smirk… if you’re alive.

    • I went back and read many prior responses. You guys are clueless! You argue law, ethics, history, logic. Your focus on the obvious ignores the fact that your opposition has absolutely no interest in your legal or logical arguments. They will not face you in an alley over good and evil. Without sounding like a psycho, I have faced this evil. I’ve been a bit lax on religion. I know evil exists. I really never believed it… until I saw the same condescending smirk on Kamala Harris!

      • I think you’re reading too much into her facial expressions.

        And I think you may be unduly influenced by your negative experiences in the past, and it may be difficult for you to remain objective about smiling women.

        I would point out, the record shows that many of the cheating business practices from your ex-partner that you so greatly abhor, have been Donald Trump’s MO in business for decades.

        Donald Trump is that cheating ex-partner, who refuses to pay his workers and vendors, and threatens them with massive legal bills and entanglement in the court system, forcing them to accept pennies on the dollar for their honest labor and goods.

        As example, I would just suggest you take just a few moments and investigate trumps casino businesses and the million dollars in fines that he received for his shady dealings during that time period.
        As example, I would just suggest you take just a few moments and investigate trumps casino businesses and the million dollars in fines that he received for his shady dealings during that time period.
        Not to mention, what kind of ‘good businessman‘ bankrupt multiple casinos, casinos are known as nothing but profit centers.

        We won’t even address his multiple draft-deferments and purchased bone spurs diagnosis.
        Just suffice to say that while John McCain was flying the high-risk missions into downtown Hanoi, Donald Trump was winning bowling trophies in upstate New York.
        He later told Howard stern that avoiding VD in New York City was his personal Vietnam.

        • Have you ever stood before a judge? Making facial expressions and body movements like she did is very disrespectful, not only that, but she struggled to keep posture in her many attempts at faking emotions and story telling.

          Anyways, maybe don’t take things you see on Howard Stern so seriously, k… And who are you fooling? If you could have bought your way out of a draft, you would have. It’s the same reason why you are too pussy to serve in the first place – without a draft. Since you are criticising someone for draft dodging, are you going to criticize Muhammad Ali too? And John McCain? Bro, not even soldiers like John McCain, so stop acting like you do just because trump called him out. Fuck that warmongering piece of shit, and of course, fuck you too.

        • “……Yea. Go fuck yourself”
          The standard response to whiner49er and his WV troll farm.
          Trump/Pence 2020.
          Time to earn your pay dimtard trolls. Dance like the leashed chimps you all are. 🤣

        • I think you’re reading too much into her facial expressions.

          I didn’t care too much either way for her facial expressions. To me, they mostly were an indicator of her inability to conceal her frustrations, that she was horribly losing that debate anyways.

          And I think you may be unduly influenced by your negative experiences in the past, and it may be difficult for you to remain objective about smiling women.

          That’s an amazingly psychological analysis from a couple small paragraphs, anonymously, off a comment section, on the internet.

          I would point out, the record shows that many of the cheating business practices from your ex-partner that you so greatly abhor, have been Donald Trump’s MO in business for decades.

          This must be the bait and switch that sales people talk about right here.

          Donald Trump is that cheating ex-partner, who refuses to pay his workers and vendors, and threatens them with massive legal bills and entanglement in the court system, forcing them to accept pennies on the dollar for their honest labor and goods.

          I read the same article from CNN. But since was CNN and Jeff Zucker hates Trump, it was hardly believable. And i’m sure there are two sides to a story. And amazingly enough! Even it was 100% true, he’s still better than Biden! A guy running on a “everyone needs to work for the government and each other by force” policy. I would vote for a Zucchini over Biden. Literally. Not symbolism here. A piece of fruit. I would prefer a piece of fruit in the white house, than Biden. Less damage would be done.

          As example, I would just suggest you take just a few moments and investigate trumps casino businesses and the million dollars in fines that he received for his shady dealings during that time period.
          As example, I would just suggest you take just a few moments and investigate trumps casino businesses and the million dollars in fines that he received for his shady dealings during that time period.
          Not to mention, what kind of ‘good businessman‘ bankrupt multiple casinos, casinos are known as nothing but profit centers.

          Probably not true, maybe a lot more to story not being told, but even if true – still better than Biden!

          We won’t even address his multiple draft-deferments and purchased bone spurs diagnosis.

          I doubt they were “purchased.” – but even if true – still better than Biden!

          Just suffice to say that while John McCain was flying the high-risk missions into downtown Hanoi, Donald Trump was winning bowling trophies in upstate New York.

          Most liberals and marxist of the day, would have praised Trump over Biden for such actions. Since, the horrible “imperalist America” is bombing some 3rd world country on the other side of the planet! Now slide a flower down a gun barrel to make the imagery complete. Fast forward to the now- John McCain was in the military because he came from a military family. His father was a Navy Admiral, which not coincidentally, is the only reason John McCain survived the POW camp. Further, I would say my neighbor, who almost nobody knows, and was “drafted” in Vietnam is more of a hero than McCain. His role on the ground, getting shot at was far more dangerous than McCain who flew 22 flying missions before he was shot down by a missile. But the real reason we don’t like McCain has nothing to do with his family or his military experience – but his policy, and the fact that he was a quasi leftist, with authoritative marxist leanings.

          He later told Howard stern that avoiding VD in New York City was his personal Vietnam.

          Really? That’s funny right there!

        • “Since you are criticising someone for draft dodging, are you going to criticize Muhammad Ali too?”

          Muhamed Ali stood up and publicly declared his opposition to the unjust war in Vietnam.
          Mohammad Al Lee stood up for what he believed and excepted the consequences Donald Trump is a shyster who can’t even remember which foot had the coined bone spur.

          Muhamed Ali is not standing at the podium, Donald Trump is.

          • “Since you are criticising someone for draft dodging, are you going to criticize Muhammad Ali too?”

            Muhamed Ali stood up and publicly declared his opposition to the unjust war in Vietnam.
            Mohammad Al Lee stood up for what he believed and excepted the consequences Donald Trump is a shyster who can’t even remember which foot had the coined bone spur.

            Muhamed Ali is not standing at the podium, Donald Trump is.

            Are you smoking Crack? Muhammad Ali is dead. There is no way we can vote for him. Why are you even bringing him up. A better comparison is………..JOE BIDEN! You mention “bone spur Trump.”

            Biden got 5 draft deferments from the Vietnam war. Seriously. Look it the f*** up you moron. Lifeguard/Football player Joe Biden got five draft deferments for asthma (for when he was a teenager – years before) during Vietnam.

            “Based on our research, the claim that Biden received five draft deferments is TRUE. He was granted five deferments as a student before he received a medical exemption for asthma. Similarly, Trump was granted four deferments as a student before his exemption for bone spurs.”

            So you can stop calling Trump “bone spur trump” now. Now go EAD loser.

        • If Trump is such a shrewd businessman, why did all of his multi million dollar casinos go bankrupt in just a few short months?

          You are ignoring reality, because Trump plays on your fears and shares your prejudices.

          “The record before us is laced with hyperbole, contradictions and generalities,” then-New Jersey Casino Control Commission member Valerie Armstrong said in a 1988 hearing over Trump’s bid to take over Atlantic City’s Taj Mahal. Inconsistencies in Trump’s testimony, Armstrong said, “make it difficult to evaluate adequately the licensee’s fitness for licensure.”

          “ … records gathered over four months by the USA TODAY Network shine light on an era marked by battles with regulators who often doubted statements by Trump yet allowed him to keep operating. The review also found Trump’s casinos repeatedly broke state rules, leading to more than a million dollars in fines. The most egregious rule-breaking centered on the casinos’ illicit efforts to cater to high rollers and last-ditch maneuvers to stave off the financial collapse ahead.”

          “A $450,000 fine against the Plaza in 1991 for giving a high roller $1.6 million under the guise of three Ferraris, three Rolls-Royces, a Mercedes and two Bentleys — a failed attempt to evade a state ban against casinos giving gambling patrons cash.

          Illicit loan: A $65,000 fine against Trump’s Castle in 1990 after Trump’s father illegally loaned the resort $3.5 million to save his son’s company from defaulting on an interest payment. One commissioner called it “the most unique singular action that has ever taken place out of tens of billions of dollars that have been moved around Atlantic City one way or another,” according to state records.”

          “Then Trump financed the Taj with exactly what he promised he would not: $675 million in junk bonds at 14 percent interest, bankruptcy records show.
          The Taj missed its first interest payment in 1990. Eleven months later, the casino filed for bankruptcy, and Trump gave up 50 percent of his ownership to bondholders in the restructuring deal.
          In December 1990, as Trump’s Castle teetered toward missing an $18 million debt payment, the mogul’s father, Fred C. Trump, illegally loaned the casino $3.5 million by sending an attorney to buy gambling chips that were never used, according to state records. The family bailout broke state law because casino loans must follow strict procedures and come from approved financial sources. Trump’s father was not an approved source.
          “We know that the people involved are not just the average run-of-the-mill employees in the house,” casino commission member Armstrong said at a 1991 hearing when the state decided to fine the casino $65,000, complaining the identities of some involved were kept secret. “This was something which happened, … people did it, people planned it, they carried it out, and we still don’t know who those people are.”

        • If Trump is such a shrewd businessman, why did all of his multi million dollar casinos go bankrupt in just a few short months?

          Probably so he wouldn’t have to pay taxes on them. Just my guess.

          You are ignoring reality, because Trump plays on your fears and shares your prejudices.

          What are you talking about? It’s your side rioting in the streets, looting stores and calling it “reparations.” Pulling down statues. Torching buildings. Wearing black block in the street and running rampant like anarchist gangs blocking streets and vandalizing and destroying property for people they don’t know, and certainly for people that don’t agree with their cause. It’s your side that are fearful prejudiced and out of their mind. I’m ignoring reality? You are insane.

  19. Sorry whiner, Trump is STILL the better choice for president.
    Trump/Pence 2020. As bad as Trump MAY have been in business dealings, Biden is 100% WORSE!

    • Dr. Donald Trump is still the better choice?

      This seems like a good time to flashback to July 9, 2020 and let’s see how the world was doing with the coronavirus at that point, nation by nation.

      “July 9th, 2020. Deaths today:

      France -14
      Italy – 12
      Germany – 10
      Canada – 9
      Spain – 5
      South Korea – 2
      Japan – 1
      Australia – 0
      New Zealand – 0

      The USA – 960

      Trump “Cases are only going up because of testing, we have the lowest fatality rate in the world”

      Maybe you were right, on October 9 we had 950 American citizens die from COVID-19, Trump is maintaining that high number through his super spreading efforts to bring Covid to grandma and grandpa in every small community across America.

      Already 217,000 American family, friends and neighbors dead, and Trump is still counting!

      Remember, just 75 dying days before Christmas, happy holidays!

      Trump/Death 2020

      • Trump shut down travel between China and the US, and Biden called it “xenophobic.”

        If Biden was in charge, the numbers would be higher.

        Maybe you were right, on October 9 we had 950 American citizens die from COVID-19, Trump is maintaining that high number through his super spreading efforts to bring Covid to grandma and grandpa in every small community across America.

        Also, Trump is not in charge of interstate governing. Liberal/leftist states such as New York, and others, put COVID positive people in nursing homes (because they didn’t have a place to put them). Yet here you are, moronicly , blaming Trump. I bet if you woke in the morning and stubbed your toe, you’d blame Trump. If you were brushing your teeth and saw a cavity – you’d probably blame Trump. Yet the policy of democrats killed grandma and grandpa. And the lockdowns ensured the rest of the family could do nothing but get a note that they died and were put in a mass grave.

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