(courtesy news3lv.com)

On June 8, news3lv.com reported:

A pro-Isis group has released a hit list with the names of more than 8,000 people mostly Americans. More than 600-people live in Florida, and one security expert believes that many of those targeted live in Palm Beach County and on the Treasure Coast. The “United Cyber Caliphate” that hacked U.S. Central Command, 54,000 Twitter accounts and threatened President Barack Obama is the same pro-Isis group that’s reportedly created a “kill list” with the names, addresses and emails of thousands of civilian Americans.

Reports of the list came to light online when Vocativ reported the list was shared via the encrypted app, Telegram, and called on supporters to kill.

Former FBI agent-turned lawyer Stuart Kaplan says the threat is especially alarming, because the people on this list are civilians who don’t have the security necessary to protect themselves.

“It’s going to create some hysteria,” he said.

Coincidence? Anyway the hysteria is here.


  1. Obama managed to not say any words related to- “Islam”. Shocking I say.

    Got in gun control though.

    • Didn’t see his statement. Did he manage to imply that Americans are racist, and that we should control our base natures?

    • The only real anger on the part of Obama is that the shooter didn’t work there so it is impossible for even that useless jerk to say the Democrat favorite phrase: “workplace violence!”

  2. Obama the Nigizerang in chief will blame guns but at the same time Gladhand Islam. This is an issue that the right can win on. The left is letting Islam get away with putting out contracts on Americans.

    • “This is an issue that the right can win on. The left is letting Islam get away with putting out contracts on Americans.”

      Well, the Right would actually have to push the issue to win on it … and the State Propaganda Machine mainstream media would have to carry the story.

      Oh, who am I kidding?!?!?!? This is going nowhere and we all know it.

  3. Were any of the people on the list at the club? If not, i doubt these events were closely related. Other than by the general idea of killing Americans and spreading terror.

  4. The “United Cyber Caliphate” that hacked U.S. Central Command, 54,000 Twitter accounts and threatened President Barack Obama is the same pro-Isis group that’s reportedly created a “kill list” with the names, addresses and emails of thousands of civilian Americans.
    Baleech Hussein Obonzo is the best friend Islamic Terrorists ever had.

  5. “Stuart Kaplan says the threat is especially alarming, because the people on this list are civilians who don’t have the security necessary to protect themselves.”

    There’s no excuse for not having firearms in Florida. Get your license, get your gun, know how to use it and you might have a fighting chance. Or, you can just huddle up in a nightclub toilet and wait to die.

    • this. but I did read that the Florida targets are in Palm Beach and the Treasure coast. Having worked in one and lived in the other, glad I moved. PB is easy pickings as most of the richer developments are gun free, hell I worked in one that you could not even use a hilti gun to shoot concrete nails. because of…..22 blanks! As for the TC, except for Vero and Sebastian, it’s a rat hole anyway..

  6. ISIS pledged to attack someone in the world, and a piece of pig-feces “lone wolf” listened to their b.s. and did something?

    There’s a shocker.

  7. “Former FBI agent-turned lawyer Stuart Kaplan says the threat is especially alarming, because the people on this list are civilians who don’t have the security necessary to protect themselves.”

    Many people have chosen to protect themselves … because whatever lethal force the police can apply once they arrive, it still sucks to be one of the 50+ dead or “hundred+” wounded.

    They are called citizen gun owners, and this administration has been trying to disarm them since taking office. The presumptive Democratic party nominee has a (typically fog-encrusted) policy of the same, with leading Congresscritters (Feinstein) and now the platform committee coming out, plainly that they don’t think anyone should have a gun.

    How many people, who aren’t you, are you willing to sacrifice to your preference that they not have guns (while you are protected by armed guards?)

    “It’s going to create some hysteria,” he said.

    It may create some shocked revelation and flailing out of some of the anti’s, as they realize that the world ain’t entirely safe, they might do something to protect themselves, and their political patrons don’t want to let them. Less “hysteria” and more “big mess” from all the heads exploding(*) as they realize that their leaders don’t kill if they get killed.

    The pro-gun folks, however, will hardly be hysterical. At most they’ll try a bit harder to secure themselves the – er – security Special Agent Arbitrary can’t or won’t provide them.

    (*) That was probably tasteless. I don’t care any more. Too many people getting killed who don’t have to because of the policies of these deluded children, and blatant statists. There were brains all over the floor of that club, from heads exploding that didn’t have to. This is what they prefer, nay insist on.

    I decline to moderate my metaphor because it is similar to a tragic reality. Indeed, that’s a reason to use it.

  8. I think its time for universal constitutional carry. People have the right to defend themselves which is why we have the 2nd amendment.

  9. No connection here. Complete coincidence. Now lets get back to gun control. We need more, more, more! Thats how we will defeat ISIS, by disarming the American citizenry! Get it? 🙂 Vote Hillary!

  10. He’s going to run out of excuses to distract from his and Hillary Clinton’s failures if they use a bomb or fire next. We are at war whether we like it or not. Islamic terrorists are attacking everyone in the Middle East, Europe and the US and these politicians won’t admit it.

  11. You guys won’t believe the anti-American blah going on in Al Jazeera, Unilad, BBC, and other mostly-British Facebook groups.

    I told them they shouldn’t turn in their knives just because their “betters” told them to. Why should the royals be the only ones to have armed security?

    bunch of elitists

  12. Its amazing the intolerant speech TAG allows if it is pointed at Muslims and liberals considering how much they like to use the FLAME DELETED technique on comments directed at other groups.

    “Nigizerang” really?

    Obama doesn’t mention Islam because he is trying to drive a wedge between radicals and moderate/peaceful Muslims and convince more Muslims that the U.S. has no anti-Islamic goals. That and it gives these bozos the attention they want. Like any mass killer, these guys want attention, and they want people to know they committed their acts in the name of their God. By just calling them terrorists, radicals, lunatics, etc. we rob them of the labels they want.

    Just saying.

    Are these guys radical-Islamic-terrorists? Sure but I am not going to start screaming about Muslims. No Muslims living in the U.S. that I have met personally are anything but kind and truly love our country though some do hold views on certain subjects such as women and gays that I find deplorable.

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