Don’t shoot outdoors with an unsecured dog unless the canine has been trained to remain still—out of the line of fire—and is accustomed to the noise of gunfire. Even then, do not shoot repeatedly when the dog’s nearby (i.e. shooting practice). Dogs can and do go deaf from gunfire. Why wouldn’t they? I recommend following the advice of jkolson at “A hunting dog should never be introduced to gun fire in the field. I started by shooting a cap gun right after throwing a dummy. Then you work up to a blank .22, then a shotgun from 50 yards and move in closer until you’re shooting over him/her, not more than a couple of times a day.” And yes, there are hearing protectors for dogs. They were designed for dogs flying in private planes, believe it or not. Oh, and never point the muzzle of your gun at your face.


  1. In my first Knob Creek video upload, I included a shot of dogs wearing Peltors, because I thought it was a quirky bit of imagery.
    Now that I think about it, with all of those weapons discharging for hours on end, and given how much more sensitive dogs’ hearing is, it makes a LOT of sense.

  2. The first time I gun tested a trained K9, (the dog was supposed to already trained to ignore gunfire) I did so with a blank gun. My wife was in attendance.

    I shot the blank, the dog passed, the wife failed. The dog didn’t bat an eyebrow, my wife jumped out of her skin. LOL

    The story goes that when the FBI first started with dogs, they trained them to bite people shooting guns. That didn’t last long. LOL

    • I trained gun dogs. I started their training by setting off firecrackers just before I fed them. After a couple of weeks of that, most of them thought that gunfire was the world’s sweetest sound and they never flinched. The few that failed were given to good homes as pets.

  3. Jeebus! Looking down the barrel of that black powder after that many mis fires. Ill bet a hang fire out of one of the other chambers would still do you in.

  4. I don’t know much about black powder / percussion. I assume it was a five-shot? The first time around the cylinder, I counted three misfires, one full charge and one primer (cap?) only. Second time around, he gets off the three remaining full charges.

    Then he stares down the barrel with a ball and a full charge still in one of the chambers.

    You gotta give him credit for having done so well using only shit for brains.

  5. Forget the dog, he experiences what appeared to be a possible squib load and then sends another bullet down the barrel.

    Not only does he look down the barrel his finger is on trigger while doing it. An idiot to say the very least!

  6. He’s a black powder rookie. Here the 10-second rule applies. On FTF, keep the weapon aimed downrange and on target, call out “HANG FIRE” and slowly count to 10 to ensure that the cylinder is not live. Then proceed. One thing to be avoided is a chainfire — several cylinders igniting at once, which is pretty exciting. If you get several misfires in a row you should not just keep trying; you need to stop and inspect your weapon to find out why. This should not include looking down the barrel with the cylinder loaded. Needless to say.

  7. I thought for sure, after the second round sounded like a squib load, that he was going to pull the trigger again and the next round would blow that gun wide open.

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