According to our stats, FPSRussia is the gift that keeps on giving. As much as I enjoy the traffic—which is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the faux Russian’s YouTube viewership—I’d love to see ole’ FPS shoot responsibly. At that point, FPSRussia would never darken our IGOTD doors again. Alas, his latest cinematic sortee has all the familiar failure features: a) shooting without eyes or ears b) breaking the 180 rule with his camera man c) shooting at close objects without regard for collateral damage. I, however, have a new angle on his steadfast refusal to be a proper inspiration to his legions of young fans. Shooting without proper protection is irresponsible because our medical system is expensive enough without adding the cost of avoidable emergency care. Know what I mean?


  1. So you can see with a 100 round magazine firing full auto you can send 100 rounds down range and only hit half of your targets. Short bursts!

  2. why does he think waving that gun all around funny, safe, or cool? did anyone else notice that the barrel of the weapon was turning towards the camera when he took his hand off the front grip? btw why is he plugging that corny @$$ mossberg? hopefully only the weak minded will be attracted to that muzzle break

  3. How to miss at spitting range with full auto. If I had shot that poorly in the Army with my M60, they would have taken it away from me. And yeah, 5.56mm won’t ruin your ears with the supersonic sound. Tell that to my left ear after the Marines, Navy and Army. It’s the ear most exposed from firing M 16’s with a right handed cheek weld. The Mossberg 500 with the Roadblocker muzzle brake. I was wondering who would buy those. Shotgun rounds can ricochet, by the way. That’s why there are 45 degree angle bulkheads, to deflect shots around the corner, on nuclear submarines. He seems like an ok guy, he just needs to reel it in some before he makes a fatal error.

      • I found the “bleeding zombie” targets he’s using at AmmoToGo, they are not cheap-about $80 apiece. They don’t include the Tannerite he used to make the heads explode. I’m thinking machete drill for one of them and two for play. I wonder if they can be patched up?

  4. Perhaps TTAG should sent him a pair of branded safety glasses and get some publicity out of it.

  5. There are far more interesting examples TTAG could use for IGOTD. How about the two concealed carry permit holders in Florida who shot each other to death in a neighborhood dispute?

  6. I did not realize what a jackass this guy could be until he shot the gun from behind his head and back. Leave the range if you see him coming.

  7. I think this is too easy a topic to find stories. Negative is easy and FPS seems to be the you tube village idiot. His ears will be ringing 100% of the time before he’s 40 without the disability pay from serving in the military. His ears, his eyes; his freedom to lose both. Move on.

    Daily positive gun stories are out there whether sports, club, venue related or self defense related. I just think the site is missing an opportunity to promote a positive gun event each day (or every couple of days). Heck, Camp Perry starts in just a couple weeks. Or a guy used his CCW in Dayton Ohio just a week ago preventing himself from being car jacked at the gas station. 2 thugs with 1 taking two .45’s to the gut. woot!

    Yeah, I don’t need to click on this so i’m the big dork for commenting. Yeah, if I was a man I’d write a new column and submit it myself. Except my writing isn’t all that entertaining and my grammar sucks. Sorry, just pointing out that the irresponsible gun owner of the day feeds into the anti agenda. I want to see some average everyday heroes. 🙁

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