Aaron Hernandez lost his gun. (courtesy csbsports.com)

This is not Mr. Hernandez’ first IGOTD rodeo. Last time out we cited him for carrying his firearm in an unsafe manner. This time we’re calling him out for improper firearms storage. “New court records say that an associate of Aaron Hernandez told police the former New England Patriot put guns in a box in his basement after returning from the industrial park where his friend was fatally shot,” the AP reports. “An affidavit released by Attleboro District Court says Carlos Ortiz told investigators Hernandez put firearms in the black box after Odin Lloyd’s killing. The document indicates one was a small gun Ortiz handed Hernandez after they returned home with another associate, Ernest Wallace. Ortiz said he earlier saw Hernandez with an additional ‘’large handgun.’'” That last piece could well be the .45 caliber Glock 21 that the po-po would like to find in connection with the crime, to the point where they’re dredging a lake in Hernandez’ former hometown. And now . . . the gun’s disappeared! Although we don’t support mandatory safe storage laws (leading as they might to “safety inspections”), TTAG once again advises all gun owners to safely store their firearms. A gun belongs on your hip or in a safe. That is all.


  1. A gun belongs on your hip or in a safe.

    Or in a lake.

    Like the lake that’s a mile from Hernandez’ home in North Attleboro that nobody is checking.

  2. A smart murderer throws his gat off a bridge into a deep, swift river, like the Charles, not a lake or pond.

    DISCLAIMER: I am IN NO WAY suggesting Mr. Hernandez is a smart murderer.

    • A smart murderer would get a replacement barrel (pay cash), perhaps even one with a completely different rifling profile, then use that barrel to do his dirty deed, replaces it with the stock barrel and takes the incriminating barrel to a bench grinder and reduces it to a fine powder which can be spread at the location of his choosing. That way a ballistics test would appear to exonerate him. And don’t have any of the same brand and type of ammo on hand.

      And leave the cell phone at home on the end table.

      Yea, I know it’s scary I’ve thought this out so well, but there is this whole movement to repeal stand your ground laws…

      • What about the extracter and ejecter? Don’t they make distinctive marks on a casing that can be tracked to a specific gun?

        Why be cute with the gun? If it’s the primary evidence linking you to a death penalty or life in prison case, get rid of it.

        • Well either pick up your cases or replace the extractor, ejector and you’d better get the firing pin as well.

          The only thing about disposing of the entire firearm is that if you are known to possess a weapon and suddenly you don’t own it anymore, that may look suspicious. If they take your weapon, test it and find it’s not a match you might be home free. Just don’t go bragging about it at the bar. That or use a firearm that absolutely nobody knows you possess, wipe it down and toss it.

      • Jesus Christ guys. Who thinks about this stuff?

        Uhhhh don’t shoot or kill anyone who isn’t threatening your/your loved ones life?

        Aaron Hernandez is a dumbass who had everything and (allegedly) threw it in the sh!tter.

        • Who thinks of this stuff? How about every script writer in Hollywood? Half the movies and TV shows out there are either about getting away with murder or theft or catching a murderer or thief.

          You can analyze where a bad guy goes wrong or what he could have done to get away with it without lacking morals.

        • Also dont forget about breech face impressions you can’t really get rid of those at all unless you file or sand your breech face which becomes more than obvious what you did

  3. Why do we keep giving this guy space in the IGOTD segments? We might as well class Lanza and the Joker in here as well. These guys aren’t legit gun owners that had a brain fart and let some bad accident happen with their gats.

  4. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about shaming fellow gun owners into securing their firearms. It hit home, as I’d been doing the hidey routine whenever I left home. I spent a little over $100 each on two locking metal gun cabinets. They wouldn’t stop a screwdriver, so I bought sections of heavy chain and attached them with cleat-type things at the sides, padlocking them closed at the top at bottom halves of the doors. Won’t stop a determined thief with bolt cutters or power tools, but the casual meth-head burglar will be stymied.

  5. I live in Massachussetts now but I am from Bristol, CT, Hernandez’ hometown and I know of Pine lake where the staties are searching and even if he threw 10 handguns in the same spot they ain’t gonna be found because it is a very muddy merky bottom where even birds feathers are never found. So I guess the po po should get out of the water and do what they do best, invades wrong homes and shoot puppies.

    • I know a guy that does crime scene diving. Very professional.
      He said they can find an object as small as a .22 shell or penny in almost any conditions – murky water is not a problem.

    • I’ve gotta side with jdb. They’re gonna search til they find something, and they’re very good at finding “something”.

    • Depends on the safe… I have a quick release safe on my nightstand. It’s roughly the same amount of time to get my Sig out of it as it is to try and fumble it out of the drawer of the nightstand it’s on in the dark.

      Leaving a sidearm sitting on the nightstand assumes that I’ll hear the bad guy before he makes it into my bedroom. Highly unlikely he will, but not a chance I’m willing to take.

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