A security box for your car – a small steel box that attaches to your seat mount – is a great idea. Practically a must if you carry a gun. Especially if you’re a forgetful convicted felon who frequents places with valet parking. From seattlepi.com: “King County prosecutors contend Roman J. Allah forgot to put his piece away before handing off his Cadillac to a valet at the Pacific Place shopping center in downtown Seattle. Making matters worse for Allah, police seized his car and nearly $20,000 in money orders found underneath the Glock 9 mm pistol.” Oh, and the GLOCK turned out to be stolen, too. Still, the Central District gang member is now out on bail, so if you live in the Emerald City, you’ll probably want to remember your GLOCK. At least until he’s tried and convicted.


  1. Gang banger with an illegal Glock and money orders in a liberal city?

    “Sentence is time served”

    Meanwhile,the war against lawful gun owners continues in DC….

    • The war also continues in Seattle, where the mayor believes that a lawful gun owner is just a powder keg and is no different from a career criminal.

  2. A better title might be “Irresponsible Thug Who Totally Wasn’t Allowed To Own A Gun But Who Did Anyway Because That’s How Criminals, By Definition, Behave.”

  3. Yep no surprise here. Seattle is still in Political Correctness Denial about the gang problem. Remember the Navy Yard shooter shot up some tires here in Seattle because he thought he was disrespected yet he was never prosecuted. Seattle authorities say it was a paper work screw up. We know better. Liberal local press and city Govt makes it tough on the cops.

  4. His last name is Allah? Seriously? BTW just how many cities “claim” to be the Emerald City? San Diego has an area referred to by that name across from Coronado Island and the Hotel Del Coronado which influenced the author during the writing of the Wizard of Oz.

  5. bail?? those priors were just a bad hair day? I’m off to see the Wizard, but not about a brain, heart, or home.

  6. “At least until he’s tried and convicted.”

    At least until he’s tried and convicted and incarcerated.”

    There, FIFY.

    • better, but still not even then ‘cuz there’s plenty mo them homies out there waiting to fill his shoes

  7. “Allah Akbar” more like “Allah Back Behind Bars.”

    Know who else frequents the Pacific Place? Rosie O’Donnell. ‘Nuff said.

    (I’m in the Seattle area)

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