New York City police officer Brendan Cronin isn’t just given to drinking, driving and shooting (not necessarily in that order), but he’s also one of the luckiest sons o’ guns we know. As reported by, the heavily inebriated Cronin squeezed off 13 shots at a passenger in a nearby car the other evening. Despite being blitzed, Cronin managed to hit his target six times, far above the average for a member of the NYPD who discharges his gun. Perhaps more Big Apple flatfoots (flatfeet?) should knock back a shot or two before heading out on patrol. For the sake of innocent bystanders, of course. Unfortunately, Cronin was driving at the time . . .

No one’s quite sure what precipitated Cronin launching lead at Joe “The Truck” Felice who was on his way home from a hockey game. Unfortunately, Cronin was apparently too far gone to actually remember the incident after the fact. They say God watches over small children and drunks. The big guy upstairs must have been on duty that night when some of Cronin’s fellow officers tracked him down after he’d driven away from the scene of the shooting.

Shortly after the shooting, Cronin was pulled over by Pelham police after motorists called 911 calls about a man drunk driving while flashing his hazard lights.

As the officer pulls Cronin over, the 27-year-old cop takes out his 9-mm Glock, which was empty, and holds it out the window.

Cops retrieved the weapon without incident.

What are the odds of a typical motorist — one who’d been driving erratically — who sticks a gun out the window of his car walking away from a traffic stop in New York with the same number of orifices he started with? We’re not sure we can count that high, but Cronin might want to play the lottery. It appears he’ll need the cash to pay his attorney.

Felice is reportedly in stable condition. Cronin’s facing assault and DWI charges and joins Detective Jay Poggi as our second drunk NYPD IGOTD awardee in a week.


  1. Assault and DUI aren’t enough. How about adding Attempted Murder, Reckless Endangerment of the Public among charges of fleeing the scene after committing a felony? I really wish that Joe had just shot and killed him. We need to protect ourselves from the Police too now it seems, sadly enough.

  2. I feel like some paid leave is coming up for this guy while they sort out the “facts”.

    • He’s been promoted to firearms instructor @ NYPD Academy. And the standard loadout of a NYC copy will from now on include a flask with tequila.

  3. A seminar on anger management, proper driving etiquette, unannounced breath-a-lizer tests, and a few other things, in additional with what he is already charged, should be levied at Cronin. Felice should legally serve Cronin once he recovers a little more.

  4. Well done Officer Cronin. Let’s see, if he really did fire 13 rounds from his Glock then he must have at least had a G26 with a +2 extension on the magazine and 1 in the chamber. Are you guys exempt from the NY mag cap limit? Yeah I thought so. Also very thoughtful of you to turn on your flashers when you realized that you might be a hazard to the public.

    Keep protection’ and serving’ there genius, you’ll go far one day!

    • Police are in New York. When the limit was first introduced, all police officers in New York were in violation because of the wording of the law. That was changed.

      • Yeah, but originally it was just by government fiat. Cuomo made some special announcement a day later “clarifying” his common sense law by saying it didn’t apply to the boys and girls in blue. It wasn’t until later that the legislature made an official change in the law they never read. A lot of cops in NY see themselves as some higher, or special class of civilian. It has been somewhat funny for me to troll my LEO family members (back east) this way when we get on the topic of civilian firearms ownership and I remind them that they are civilians.

  5. Is this guy a relative of “streetlight Garry McCarthy”? And what’s wrong with his head??? A regular troglodyte LOL. Seriously this fool should go to prison for a LONG time.

    • Did she use FMJ, as HPs are illegal in NJ. We expect our cops to be law abiding.

  6. Why would he need to win the lottery to pay for a lawyer? Union has him covered, guys.

  7. Six hits out of thirteen shots from a moving car while drunk? Maybe Bloomburg was right in that his police are “highly trained”. Or was that trained while high?……

    • That’s what I can’t get over, the guy manages to put 6 of 13 into an occupant of a moving vehicle while driving another moving vehicle and drunk to boot. He is either an incredibly good shot, extremely lucky, or that wasn’t his target and the hits are all happenstance. The only other possibility that comes to mind is that the facts are garbled and they were in fact all stopped at the time.

  8. But of course it’s the non cops of New york who cannot be trusted to carry… Again, the more I hear from that cesspool, the closer I gut to recognizing the “enemy of my enemy….” adage perhaps apply to Mohammad Atta and (late) friends.

    • Seriously? F you. I hate what the politicians in this country did to us by using 9/11 as a perpetual excuse for restricting our rights as much as the next guy, but saying that the victims deserved it because they worked/lived in NYC about the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard from anyone… you sound like that proggie Ward Churchill. I knew some good people who died that day. So go sit on a jagged pipe and rotate your asshole raw.

      • so, are you objecting to his comment because it’s mean, rude and offensive, or because he’s right? not saying that the residents of NY deserved the attacks, but from everything I’ve heard it’s a pretty horrible place to live for the most part, i mean, there are a couple places that are pretty nice but the cost of living, and the general crime rate are both so high it’s almost suicidal to even think of moving into the area. please realize I am not trying to upset you, but merely to make you take a good hard look at what’s going on around you. I don’t remember the final death toll for the attack on 9/11, but I know it was really bad. and I agree, the fact the government has been using it as a scapegoat reason to turn this country into a giant slave state really sucks. but you have to realize again, there are more shootings of innocent bystanders than there should ever be with proper training (read “realistic combat tactics and reaction training”) training correctly would greatly improve accuracy and probably eliminate 95% of the innocent casualties, and I would honestly be more afraid of the cops than most gangs in the area because of all the bad press

        • Jeremy said:

          “so, are you objecting to his comment because it’s mean, rude and offensive, or because he’s right?”

          He’s right about Wahhabists being our friends because they killed people from NYC? You’re just as stupid for trying to defend his statement. Read up on how these extremist’s view Americans. There is no differentiation between Progressives and Conservatives to them.

          “not saying that the residents of NY deserved the attacks”

          That is exactly what you’re arguing by defending Stuki’s comment.

          “but from everything I’ve heard it’s a pretty horrible place to live for the most part, i mean, there are a couple places that are pretty nice but the cost of living, and the general crime rate are both so high it’s almost suicidal to even think of moving into the area.”

          So that means that we should support Al Qaeda? Did the US servicemen and women at the Pentagon deserve to die because they lived in the D.C. area? Did the firefighters who entered buildings they knew were structurally unsound deserve to die because they live in and around the greater NYC area? Are you even hearing what you’re defending? Just because it’s a shitty area for individual freedoms means that people (many who may completely disagree with the politics that dominate the area) deserve to die and we should ally with people who would kill you just as fast as they would kill those Americans you politically disagree with?

          “please realize I am not trying to upset you but merely to make you take a good hard look at what’s going on around you.”

          And what would be going on around me that I need to take a good, hard look at?

          “I don’t remember the final death toll for the attack on 9/11, but I know it was really bad.”

          2,977 for the attacks, over a thousand more from cancer and health complications over the last decade.

          “but you have to realize again, there are more shootings of innocent bystanders than there should ever be with proper training (read “realistic combat tactics and reaction training”) training correctly would greatly improve accuracy and probably eliminate 95% of the innocent casualties,”

          I must have missed “cops need more training argument” that Stuki made. Furthermore, you must have inserted some words in my comment that leads you to believe I think the NYPD shouldn’t be held accountable and implement changes to address their numerous short-comings. Even furthermore, you must have made up some other implication in my post that leads you to believe I’m against citizens in NY carrying.

          “and I would honestly be more afraid of the cops than most gangs in the area because of all the bad press”

          So that means you should defend a comment praising the 9/11 hijackers? Do you think violent gang members worked at the financial firms in the WTC? Go share a jagged pipe with Stuki.

      • Here’s the thing: If rich people in tall buildings in NYC are concerned about incoming aircraft, rich people in tall buildings in NYC should buy themselves some anti air defenses and mount them on their roofs. But of course, they can’t do that. Because…….. well, it’s certainly not “the terrorists” who are preventing them from doing the sensible thing to defend themselves. Instead, it’s their beloved “elected representatives”, who then prance around trying to saddle the rest of us, not only with the cost of supposedly avenging a bunch of rich guys simultaneously too stupid and cowardly to fend for themselves, but with similarly idiotic gun policies as well.

        While I didn’t personally know anyone who died that particular day, I have known people who have died (surprise.) People tend to sometimes. In all instances, their death is a matter between them, their killer(s) if any, and their maker. Not them and me, mediated via a gaggle of self promoters, sensationalists, statists, progressive rabble, airport gropers and taxmen.

        On average, somewhere around 10,000 Americans die. The fact that they don’t get airtime on TV, nor provide an excuse for the lowest of the low t do some self promotion and power and weath grabbing, doesn’t make their deaths any more or less tragic than the death’s of 3,000 particulars out of the 13,000 who died 9/11/2001. Just another bunch out of a whole bunch of people who croak everyday in this decaying dystopia of ours. Which by now has gotten so bad, why even bother caring?

        • Let’s see, blaming “rich people” as justification for working people to die, moving the goal posts from your original statement of supporting terrorists to “people die everyday” (I guess you root for murders too), trying to ignore your original idiotic statement… congratulations, you’ve gone full retard. Enjoy the music.

  9. Typical. He’ll have his job back in no time and the city will hold no responsibilty for this and the shot man wont get a dime. The police chief actually condones this.

  10. In the inerest of public safety doesn’t it just make sense to take guns away from the police? Think of the lives we would save!

  11. Two things:

    • New York’s Finest, indeed;
    • holding a gun out the window by the barrel or by the trigger guard reversed in abject surrender might work, and might be what the asswipe did.

    Or the dispatcher informed the officer pulling him over that the plate came back registered to someone special.

    Assault? Really? Who else smells a whitewash…?

  12. I’m guessing MDA won’t be publicizing this case of attempted-murder, because it strongly goes against their absurd theory that “only cops should have guns because they’re trained”.

    Maybe you should keep a running total on the number of times police/feds shoot innocent people or brandish guns to intimidate people.

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