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Next Post (Ireland) reports that local handgun owners denied 2010 license renewals are petitioning the court to keep their refusals private. “If their names are published they may become targets for some people,” their solicitor, Mr Cummings, told the court. I’m not taking the Mick, Mr. Cummings assured M’lud. Or words to that effect: “‘These are the very real concerns of my clients and members of their families.” And the gardaí [Irish police], apparently. Lest we forget, the U.S, Senate is considering legislation that would extend the length of time federal authorities would maintain gun sales records. Cold that information make it into the public domain? Never! Meanwhile . . . “Judge O Buachalla asked if the guns were still in the possession of the appellants. Mr Cummings said the weapons were being ‘properly held’ until the outcome of the appeals.”

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  1. the irish want to remember something in the history of both their nation and ours, it was guns that freed ireland and the u.s.a. from british rule, and a day might still come again when they, and we, will need guns in the hands of free men and women to keep, or win back freedom.