In the gunblogosphere, the term “gun porn” refers to “come hither” images of guns. There may be a comely lass near by, but that’s not really the pic’s point. Oleg Volk is the king of gun porn. Nobody can make a gun look more beautiful than the Russian emigre. Oleg is also an artist with a thing for cats, women’s necks and women. So it makes perfect sense that Oleg is stretching the boundaries of firearms fetishism. While the main image of this series is mega-cheesy in the Alberto Vargas pin-up sense of the term, this shot has it going on. The combination of the PF9’s highly textured grip and the out-of-focus softness of the model’s mammary is an inspired blend of the sacred and the profane. I mean the ballistic and the pornographic. Will Oleg continue to push the edge of aesthetic envelope? Will Galco go for it? Watch this space.


  1. Wait… There was a gun in the pic?

    BTW, IMHO any straight male who saw the gun and holster first, should probably consider that they may have a gun addiction.

  2. I looked at his portfolio page a long time ago and noticed these types of themes. The nudity is always a highlight of vulnerability. His work is certainly more artistic than pornographic and doubtless very daring when it comes to art critics.

  3. The ballistic and the pornographic? I’ll go along with the ballistic, but there is nothing pornographic about that image. It certainly isn’t prurient in any way. Hell, you can’t even see a nipple.

    There’s no reason we can’t appreciate the beauty of a firearm and the female form equally. As a photographer, I certainly enjoy Oleg’s work. This is a beautifully conceived and executed image.

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