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James Pate's picture from the KKK - Kin Killin Kin exhibit (courtesy

I think it’s interesting that chose a milder image than the one above to illustrate their story about artist James Pate’s exhibit at The Dusable Museum of African American History. On the other hand, WBEZ tells it like it is: “Pate said his art stems from conversations in the black community, ‘about how black-on-black violence has replaced the KKK form of terrorism. I decided . . . I would illustrate that sentiment and show them going at it and some of the aftermath of these acts.'” In contrast, Dusable’s official description tries to disable racially-based criticism with PC obfuscation: “In the KKK-‘Kin Killin’ Kin’ series, James Pate reveals a negative social reality in hopes of finding collective and positive solutions to a problem that touches us all directly or indirectly.” Either way, brave man. Brave work. Bravo.

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  1. I have been thinking lately that if black people are offended by whites locking their car doors and crossing the street when they see a black person, that the people they should be mad at and try to effect change on are the disproportional percentage of the black population WHO ARE COMMITTING THE CRIMES!

    • The comedian Chris Rock already did a stand up routine about this: Black people versus the n word.

    • Are you gonna go “effect change” on the disproportionate percentage of white people who run meth labs and Ponzi schemes? Gimme a break. A law-abiding black person is no more responsible for black criminals than I am for the overabundance of Asians at UCLA.

      Black folks aren’t offended by doors getting locked. They’re offended by this attitude which lumps all blacks together. I thought we’re all about individual responsibility here.

  2. I’m beginning to notice a lot of blowback from some of the AA community on the GZ DOJ case.

    • The AA community is beginning to awaken. They’re with us. They realize they’ve been duped.

      • Black folks aren’t stupid, there are many who have been suspicious of Obama. Even Jesse Jackson expressed his disdain for Obama when he appeared on the scene. If black liberals like Jackson don’t see Obama as one of them, then where did he come from and why are they deferring to him?

        Obama has powerful backers indeed and they are the kind of cynical internationalist bastards who think they can manipulate an entire racial segment of the American population to finally do something about that pesky second amendment.

    • When I was working the projects of L.A. and Compton many moons ago, the standard “banger” gun was a Glock. Odd that these folks living in “low income” housing could afford Glocks. I won’t even touch how they could possibly have them at all, since most of them were under age and had prior convictions (and no gun show loophole to blame it on).

  3. It’s the truth, for a black youth in America the single biggest threat to his life is another young black man.
    A violent young man like Trayvon Martin very well may have wound up dead at the hands of another angry young black man….sad but true.

  4. It’s not PC obfuscation, it’s just Art Speak. Avant-garde arty academics say that kind of stuff all the time about all kinds of so-called art.

    Still, yes. It’s powerful art that speaks to a terrible problem most people are unwilling to face.

    And the best the museum can do is yak about how they’re going to “recognize the harsh reality of gun violence” (as if the black community doesn’t already live that reality) and “dialog positive alternative solutions”? Sad. I guess most art people aren’t very good at confronting anything except art.

  5. It’s great that people can use their creativity to express how they feel about the world. But I’m a realist. Somebody wake me when this changes anything.

  6. And another one for the ‘is it just my imagination’ files, or does that dude look like Snoop Dog to me? Naw it can’t be, can it?

  7. Kin killing kin — WTF? I guess that gangs are each other’s kin now. Who woulda believed that? I don’t, and neither do they.

    This isn’t about “kin killing kin.” It’s about the black community and self-immolation. It’s about sixty years of horrible decisions. It’s about the Democrat plantation exploiting the peasants. It’s about families with no male parents. It’s about not taking responsibility. It’s about a culture of violence. It’s a matter of the Trayvon Martin’s of the world being lionized while black scholars and scientists are derided for not being black enough. It’s about racial profiteers running the black community, where free sh1t has become more important that actually doing something good.

    James Pate isn’t part of the solution, he’s part of the problem.

      • You nailed it Ralph. The problem isn’t even predatory liberals, its actually a segment of the AA community demonizing success while lauding thug life. For however long it goes on it will continue to result in a horrific rate of black on black violence. It seems that to some portion of the AA community being ‘black enough’ consists of making sure to never assimilate to the mainstream, not to go to college, not to think for ones self, and to remain as racist towards whites as possible, the costs be damned.

  8. If I were black, I’d be offended by the 18 layers of profoundly stupid, nonsensical, bizarro-unintentional, reverse satire that is supposed to represent the concerns of my fellow African-Americans.

  9. My guard goes up whenever I see someone walking nearby dressed/speaking/walking like a thug or a rowdy group of people yelling at each other…sketchy people act a particular way – it doesn’t matter what color they are

    • If one wears the uniform and mannerisms of a thug, it is reasonable to conclude that one is a thug. Said thug can be of any color/race.

  10. I see progress here, a step up from the attitude that black-on-black violence is a good thing.

  11. The more people get away with the bolder they become. It’s only when an immovable force is met do they stop. The same applies to thuggery and the immovable force is typically armed resistance. Drugs are another backstop in chemical form.

    I can’t imagine living life that way and I understand how families feel when their loved ones go down the bad path. Along the way they hurt total strangers and once in a while a stranger has the means to defend themselves.
    So then they meet the wall.

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