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(courtesy Abby Martin Facebook page)

Plenty of people took offense at the movie American Sniper. They considered Chris Kyle a homicidal tool of American imperialism. Very few, however, broke cover to express this opinion, what with patriotic Kyle supporters being so passionate in his defense. D.C. denizen and artist Abby Martin has no compunctions about poking the [non-Russian] bear with her “F Chris Kyle” T-shirt. Scarily (predictably?) enough, the image has already garnered 615 likes on her Facebook page. “Chris Kyle was everything that is wrong with this country,” her Facebook friend Cynthia Tarana Cone comments. Something tells me Ms. Martin is going to get a LOT of friend requests from people who may not be so friendly . . .

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  1. She’s seeking attention and you’re giving it to her. Who the hell cares, anyway? She has every right to say what she wants. This is a non-issue.

    • She also has the right to live with the consequences of her words. A public flogging sounds appropriate.

      • Go to Iran. Here, in the US, we have the Freedom of Speech. Your violence is better suited with the anti-gun types.

        • Yes… Because freedom of political speech automatically equates to freedom to defame, harass, and abuse… Brilliant.

          Just like I can’t use my right to bear arms as an excuse to harm people, the first amendment does not protect harmful speech.

        • You need a refresher on what constitutes defamation.

          An actual example of defamation is what Chris Kyle did to Jesse Ventura.

        • You might want to brush up on the legal definition of defamation.

          An actual example would be what Chris Kyle did to Jesse Ventura.

      • I don’t know much about Chris Kyle. I never heard of him before the tragic story of his death. But I’d hope that if he respected that flag on the shoulder of his uniform, and what it stands for, that he’d disagree with you.

        If the military exists to protect our freedoms (like James Madison, I would argue that the reality is quite the opposite), then it should protect all of them, including her freedom to be an inconsiderate ass.

        • Again, freedom is not the same thing as a lack of responsibility. I can make a damn good argument that this shirt constitutes treason.

        • pwrserge: Let’s hear your argument. I don’t think you can make anything approaching a “damn good argument” that her shirt constitutes treason. She’s certainly a silly bitch spouting silly shit, but the idea that that shirt = treason is every bit as silly as anything she could possibly say or write.

          So let’s hear the argument.

        • It attacks one of the greatest American heroes of our generation and provides propaganda material to ISIS. Thus giving aid to an enemy of the United States.

        • @pwrserge
          Your ignorance knows no bounds, apparently.

          Article 3 Section 3:
          Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
          I’m pretty sure she’s not levying war against any state. And the US isn’t at war with anyone, so there’s no enemy to aid or comfort. If you’d like to twist the idea of enemy to ISIS: I suspect seeing a woman use profanity, speak her mind, and display her boobs pisses off ISIS rather than comforts them.

        • pwrserge: you do realize that if that were to be a sound legal argument it could be extrapolated to mean that anything you say that goes against the official party line of the fed gov could also be interpreted to be giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Any lampooning of public officials would also qualify. I guess this whole site is littered with traitors.

    • You know what thank you Chris for your service, even though he was a shameless self promoting pathological liar and a sociopath.

      I should mention a jury of his peers found him to be a pathological liar.

      A sociopath because he admitted he got joy from killing, most people over there never killed anyone or got up close to it
      I know two people who did including ones body next to his post for 12 hours close enough to see his eyes stare off to space. It was kill or be killed , he felt no guilt but did feel total remorse.

      Chris kyle cared more about making up bullshit to sell books and was dumb enough to pressure a mentally unstable person to go shooting.

      • ok well i guess im not alone in thinking that the problem with american sniper is that it purports to be nonfiction while it used as its primary source material the autobiography of a habitual liar.

  2. They’re not wrong. People who blindly kill anyone a politician tells them to should not be praised.

    • He was a soldier. That’s what soldiers do. You can disagree all day about the motives of the war, but it is indisputable fact that Kyle had a hard job and did it exceptionally well. That is why he is respected and no other reason. To attach the political motivations of his handlers directly to his actions is unfair and misleading.

      • Except they shouldn’t.
        The oath every soldier swears requires that he follow the Constitution first and foremost.
        Also, courts throughout history have ruled that following orders does not justify unjustifiable acts.

        • In fact, we hanged Nazis who used the “just following orders” excuse at Nuremberg. Sadly, Republicans want to hold US soldiers to a lower standard than Nazis.

      • Fact and fiction are not something that go together on the big screen. It’s debatable how glorious his service record was and how much creative liberties were taken in the movie. He’s more legend than reality. War stories are like fish stories.

        • Implying today’s mercenary welfare queens have anything to do with the volunteer soldiers who freed their homeland from the British then went home to their farms.

        • “Implying today’s mercenary welfare queens have anything to do with the volunteer soldiers who freed their homeland from the British then went home to their farms.”

          Soldiers in the Continental Army was still paid (although not consistently because Congress had a very hard time raising necessary funds throughout the conflict). The individual militias depended on their communities for support, and though a necessary bulwark against the British, could not fight them off without the concurrent help “professionally” trained Continental Army.

          Another note, as someone who spent ten years both active and Reserve Army, it wasn’t at all like being on welfare.

      • >> He was a soldier. That’s what soldiers do.

        Go look up who used “My honor is my loyalty” for their motto, and ponder for a moment whether you want the soldiers serving your country to be like those guys.

    • Hey Publius, nice of you to drop by after spending the day reading Salon and Mother Jones.

      Here’s the thing: Solders follow orders. That’s how wars are won, and how our solders preserve your right to squirt out ignorant comments like diarrhea.

      • Yes, soldiers follow orders, but we haven’t had a conflict in 60+ years that had anything to do with preserving freedom. If you keep believing that, it makes it easier for pols to send off young people to die way too young in places that pose no realistic threat to the U.S.

        • Riight…

          Korean War… Totally not about preserving freedom. Just look how free people are in North Korea.
          Vietnam War… Totally not about preserving freedom. Just look at how free people are in communist Vietnam.
          Gulf War… Totally not about preserving freedom. Just look at how free people were in 1995 Iraq.
          Afghan War… Totally not about preserving freedom. Just look at how free people were in 2000 Afghanistan.
          Iraq War… Totally not about preserving freedom. Just look at how free people were in 2002 Iraq.

          You’re off your rocker.

        • eVAN – Human Nature and Physics are (at least) two things that have not changed since invented. Most of what the [U.S.] Military does is PROJECT POWER.

          Caesar in the Commentari de Bello Gallico ~ 58–49 BC somewhat codifed important aspects of human nature when he describes having to invade (what is now essentially) England little more than a year after his previous invasion BECAUSE THEY HAD NO RECOLLECTION OF HIM. You have to leave enough of the enemy around after a war to record the event (Prove you were even there). Further, you have to remain (as a conqueror/conquering force) for a period of two (2) “generations” [a generation = to 4 years], for this to occur.

          The U.S. is often asked to go project power in many places around the World, and no one bitches about it more than those who ARE NOT / WERE NOT “WITH” US.


        • @pwrserge
          Korean War…
          How did defending a fascist “republic” ruled by a dictator so popular that he died in exile in Hawaii, from a communist “republic” defend freedom?

          Vietnam War…
          How did defending the brutal French colonial government from an independence movement defend freedom? By refusing to assist the Vietnamese in gaining their independence peacefully, it pushed the independence movement towards the communists. Brilliant! And then when the civil war started, the US backed an unpopular, unelected military dictatorship in the south, pushing the people towards the VC. How’s that for preserving freedom?

          Gulf War…
          Who got freed in that one? The Saudis are still under the second most repressive regime in the middle east after ISIS (the most repressive at the time). Free countries generally don’t have police of vice and virtue that beat people for not praying, or beat women for talking to a man, or driving a car. The Kuwaitis aren’t much better off, nor are their guest workers, who live like serfs. And the Iraqis were under the same dictator (but under much harsher conditions) for another decade, until the US military replaced him with…another dictator. Brilliant!

          Afghan War…
          You mean when it was illegal for women to go to school? Oh wait…it still is. Or when it was ruled by Sharia law? Oops…that’s still there too. Hmm… At least they’re not communists. Oh wait…the northern coalition, which became the Afghani government, was made up of the remnants of the communist government and opium growers.

          Iraq War…
          Yeah, because ISIS is the shining light on the hill when it comes to freedom. Or are you referring to the puppet dictator that the US put in place after the invasion?

        • pwrserge, people aren’t free in any of those countries today, after we coerced and forced Americans to give up much of their resources and and many lives ostensibly to free those places. The US military’s primary objective should be to defend and preserve freedom here in the USA.

        • The ignorance of some folks is astounding.

          The Korean war is keeping 50+M souls TODAY out of arguably the largest gulag in the worlds history (N Korea). Probably another 40+ million S Koreans avoided that hell have since passed over the past 5 decades. So that’s 90+ million people who have had a helluva better life directly due to the US military.

          Vietnam was essentially the same moral rational as Korea. The only difference was the rise of the communist Left in the US which worked against a US victory.

          Here’s a brilliant little 5 minute video that shows how the Democrats stabbed S Vietnam in the back because they were mad at Nixon. The Democrats are such petulant little F’cks.

        • @pwrsrge

          I thought we were referring to freedom in U.S. History, but if we’re talking about freedom in other countries, why not go any place where there’s oppression? Africa(the continent) is not a beacon of freedom across the board why not go fix all of their problems? What about central and South America? How many people are you willing to send?

          North Korea has a complicated history, and communism was able to take hold because of the various superpowers who controlled it over the years. Also, the Chinese do not want the U.S. On their border if North Korea collapses. However, the Chinese hate the North Koreans but they don’t want to deal with the alternative. Look up Korean history, it’s interesting.

          Vietnam is essentially a capitalist country now.
          Saddam in Iraq wasn’t great, but compared to what? ISIS? BTW, Kuwait was slant drilling on Iraq. That’s why they got invaded.

        • @pwrserge
          (Using your treason “logic” from above).
          George Washington, arguably one of the greatest American heroes of any time, wisely warned against entangling alliances and getting caught up in colonialism. I could argue your statements about doing the opposite are treason.

          The “free” people the US defended in both of those wars were under the boots of brutal dictators. The main difference between them and the communists is where they got their orders from. Now the South Koreans are relatively free, and far better off than their northern neighbors, but that’s not a result of the war. They could have just as easily ended up under a continued dictatorship.

          The Trotskyites who got the US involved in those wars were Democrats. Up until Nixon, the Republican position was non-intervention. I suggest you read about Robert “Mr. Republican” Taft, the father of the modern conservative movement (not the neoconservative movement…they’re the political heirs of LBJ’s Trotskyite warmongers).

        • @jason …the South Koreans are relatively free, and far better off than their northern neighbors, but that’s not a result of the war.

          Yeah because “war never solves anything”…. except when it obviously does…like S. Korea.
          Gawd you’re stupid.
          Go back and ask your professor for a better response.

      • I don’t read liberal trash, nor do I read right wing trash. Anyone who blindly follows orders is mentally deficient and should be treated as such. Human beings have the ability to know right from wrong and decide their actions. Intentionally doing something that you know is wrong makes you a bad person, you don’t get to hide behind the cowardly excuse of “someone else told me to”.

      • Evan and Jason

        Most of the fighting and (dying) in Korea and Vietnam was by the locals. And yes the progtards moving Marxism (stop autocorrect from capitalization of marx) forward made a hell of a mess in every confltict/war we have entered in the hundred years. Have demonstrated the ability to make a win into a loss for at least the locals.

        Go smoke some more dope and reading Mother Jones.

        • Right. Hippies did it.
          Maybe these things failed because they were unbelievably bad ideas?

    • Kyle was older, but to be fair, at 18 I was pretty gung ho and probably wouldn’t have known any better than most guys who enter the military for a variety of reasons many having nothing to do with “I want to serve my country and preserve freedom.” So I don’t praise there actions, but I try not to criticize too much. It’s sad when they have to kill and be killed for political pet projects.

      • Well said. We need to remember that the soldiers who suffer physical or psychological injuries, or death, are the victims of the same lying politicians and plutocrats.

        • So does that mean 18-30 year old gang members who kill and get killed are victims of someone else? They’re not adult human beings with a fully functional brain who made their own choices?

        • All the dead/wounded/PTSD would hunt you though if you cumulatively labeled their individual ‘burden(s)’ as a LOSS for the U.S.

        • Not victim of politician-victim of yourself. As an adult serving in the military, you should be responsible enough to see through the façade-blindly believing that you served to protect freedom is wrong.

        • Serve in the [U.S.] military before you bitch about it Dave, you have no idea. I have never met or served with more conscientious people than those I did in the military, and their honor only matured and grew on deployment, under what I would consider very difficult ROEs and EOFs. I saw the people that I served with eat their last meal too many times, ignore the opportunity to call home too many times, and just throw up their hands and say f-it too many times, but they still did their job.
          You don’t have to have a CAR on your DD214 to have faced the enemy, have withstood the enemy fighting you in unconventional ways that prevents immediate fight-back. You still do the blood-sweat-and-tears thing, you still lose people, see people get dead, advance when given the command, drive down the road in the dark as though you were feeling with your toes for the next thing that goes ‘boom.’ Carry a back-breaking, bone-snapping amount of gear.
          All told, during my deployment, however, the live birth-rate of the indigenous peoples ticked up by whole percentage points, we turned the lights back on in most areas 24/7, we built or restored the only hospitals that actually provided healthcare. We ensured that utilities and water moved off the peg of “3rd World.” We [U.S.] killed a crap load of bad guys, most of those bad guys were Saudi, Jordanian, Syrian, Iranian. We took Russian advisors out of the field, we stripped GEN 1 – thru – GEN 4 Russian military equipment off our enemy and fresh was supplied daily. We encountered a strange landscape, only as big as CA, but, if you gave me a common flat-ware spoon, I could dig you a full 1:1 scale model of Grand Central Train station in ~ 48 hours [So #NaCl if you think you have any idea of what’s STILL buried there]. We found ‘caves’ and caches all over he place. We finished our tour, and we packed up our gear, and we find stupid sh_t being spouted here from people pretending like anyone asked.

  3. “Chris Kyle was everything that is wrong with this country,”

    Funny thing lady, I was thinking the same thing about you and the vast majority of your fellow D.C, residents.

    Two Americas indeed.

    • Oh this comment editing thing… Either way, I still support her right to free speech regardless of what she chooses to say, but I imagine this is one of those trying to get viral attention grabs of someone trying to gain some recognition.

    • Abby Martin is a member of the independent press. Do you think the mainstream beltway media in DC would wear that shirt? On the other hand, Chris Kyle was a willful, voluntary murderer for the Beltway politicians.

      So yeah, two Americas.

      • Killing Islamonazi terrorists (who target and murder civilians, and were responsible for most of those deaths) as a soldier is not the same a murder. Original Hebrew translation of Ten Commandments “Thou Shall Not MURDER” was changed to “Thou Shall Not KILL”. Huge difference.

        • “If you see anyone from about sixteen to sixty-five and they’re male, shoot ‘em. Kill every male you see.” – Chris Kyle

        • If proven that he (or any soldier) specifically targeted (murdered) civilians, than I would be with you.

  4. Unfortunately, these people are protected by our “imperialist” military as much as the rest of us.

    I bet she’d change her tune, though, if somebody was holding a power drill to her head. I’d bet she also has no idea what I’m referencing, either. Probably never saw the movie or read the book – just saw patriotic Americans celebrating someone and assumed he must be someone worth hating.

    • If anyone is going to hold a power drill to Ms. Martin’s head it would be a member of the federal government, not some ISIS bogeyman.

      Extra irony points for the fact that ISIS is the direct consequence of a US military action.

      • There was no ISIS until your boy barak surrendered Iraq. Proving that any demtard can make a win into a loss.

        • Didn’t Bush commit to the Iraq withdrawal plan in 2008? Is there any conceivable scenario for the existence of ISIS in Iraq under Saddam Hussein?

          Nice try though. 🙂

        • The person responsible for the Iraq war was Saddam, himself. He either hid the weapons real good or did a too good (for him, anyway) job of bluffing. In any case, the liberals screamed “No Blood For Oil’ made it impossible for us to pay for the poorly handled “occupation”. We won the war, by the way, but lost the occupation. Nation building in the hell known as the middle east was utopian insanity. Barry indeed snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by not having a small fire base left over which would have kept ISIS in check.

        • “He either hid the weapons real good or did a too good (for him, anyway) job of bluffing”

          And yet, the US never found any violations of the 1991 ceasefire. Weird how that works.

  5. One day, the Progressives will demand that the military come to save them from some despot that they previously propped up and supported, and on that day, in their final minutes on earth, these Progressives will learn the stupidity of their ideology.

      • The beautiful thing about our country, is that you can leave it if you choose, for something (you clearly believe) better. Your hatred for our nation is so vast, I mean, just a glimpse of you comments indicate that you must believe EVERY nation is superior. A middle eastern nation, perhaps? Sheesh.

        • Have you considered for a moment that he actually loves his nation, and it’s precisely because of that that he doesn’t want to see it do things that are supposed to be something the Bad Guys do?

        • The military is the nation. The nation is the military. Ein volk, ein reich, ein Fuhrer. Sieg heil!

        • You all need to read /hear Shakespeare’s St. Crispen’s day soliloquy. Too many of you need to find a set of tweezers to hold your manhood(s) [cheap]. Your bitching about stuff you aint the foggiest idea about. Yee especially, you just hate us cause you anus.

  6. Unfortunately the links do not work for me. I’m not on Facebook. The links tell me they’re broken.
    Since I can’t verify the particulars, I have to ask. Are you sure you’re interpreting her real intent. I mean, maybe she does want to ………

  7. Agree with Grindstone and John Thomas. There will always be those that revel in controversy. Why is TTAG enabling this behavior?

    Seems like there are more important things to publicize and ponder.

  8. I guess I should just throw down and say I’m no “fan” of Chris K. either. I never could stomach a liar.

    • You refer to the Ventura controversy? I don’t recall the details, or care, but Kyle is not around to defend himself while Ventura is, without a doubt, a POS.

      There were also, without a doubt, were not ENOUGH SOBs killed by the US military in Iraq. A very high concentration of those that need killin in that area. Moths to a candle 10years ago and even more so today. Appears that the overflow is now going to visit us here in the US in their outreach program. That will make you happy as you may be able to participate in what the US military (Obumer) didn’t finish.

      • “You refer to the Ventura controversy? I don’t recall the details, or care, but Kyle is not around to defend himself while Ventura is, without a doubt, a POS.”

        Never mind Ventura offered to drop the lawsuit and eat his own legal fees if Kyle would simply apologize and admit he lied in public, but Kyle decided to double-down on his slander and defamation.

        But no, Ventura is the POS. LOL.

        • Kyle did not “write” the book in question, and guaranteed relinquished full rights to releasing any contrary information to the publisher.

  9. I think Kyle was a complicated individual, not necessarily evil. I suspect like most Americans he had trouble seeing or accepting a perspective outside of the American one that might not see a U.S. presence as a beacon for all that is good and noble. Just as we wouldn’t be happy to see Chinese or Russian troops rolling down the street. Was what he did in the Middle East Heroic? I guess maybe in the sense that he saved the lives of fellow soldiers. On the other hand, those were also soldiers placed there in a mission that resulted in the deaths of huge numbers of civilians, and destabilized the region to the extent that Isis could rise and fill the power vacuum(saddam wasn’t a good guy, but he didn’t tolerate radicals either). I feel bad for young guys who get used for political reasons. Someone’s father/son/mother/daughter gone forever. I feel bad for Kyle’s wife and children who don’t have a husband/father anymore….

    Basically, no I don’t really care for the guy, but I don’t hate him either….like most things in life, it’s not a black and white proposition.

    • i don’t know about HUGE numbers of civilians, take a look at the numbers compared to any world war and tell us how HUGE they where. we have made HUGE strides in keeping civilians safe during a war though

      • As far as I can tell from the various numbers I can pull, it’s in the hundreds of thousands(looking at high and low numbers). Not the same as the world wars, but let’s see that many drop dead tomorrow in your home state, and tell me that’s not “huge.”

        I don’t mean just through “violence” although if that’s how it came across I misspoke.

      • I think an important point is, do those deaths have any meaning? i.e. have they died for something worthwhile?

        In case of the American involvement in Iraq, I think by now it’s pretty clear that the answer is a resolute “no”. And so those lost lives are pure debt, with nothing to show for it.

    • The power vacuum, was from the Obama pull-out (what your other father should have done you liberal blue stater). History will not forget that, and I will tell my great grand-kids.

    • Stalin was rather stable in 1932. Didn’t work out well for the world and in particular for Russia. The progs of today, like their ancestors, would line up to lick his toes.

  10. This and several of the comments are the reason a new civil war in the United States is inevitable. Too much unmerited regard for one’s intelligence and too much self absorption. Better stock up.

    • But it’s America’s new national pastime. Tied for first place with reacting to intentionally infuriating stimuli.
      If it weren’t for trolls, reacting to trolls and porn the Internet would be a ghost town.

  11. If she had 1% of the courage that Chris Kyle did, then she would wear this shirt while walking around Dallas.

    • Aggravating a horde of dumb violent animals isn’t courage, it’s plain stupidity.

      That said it hardly takes courage to murder children from hundreds of yards away by baiting them with bits of wire.

      • Yes… Because that totally happened. The fact that the Iraqis violated every law and custom of war by putting those children in the line of fire is totally irrelevant.

        • Never mind the entire invasion of Iraq was based on manufactured pretenses and the people of Iraq were resisting the soldiers of a criminal regime.

        • Yes… Because Saddam totally didn’t violate the terms of the 1991 peace treaty and totally didn’t have massive stockpiles of chemicals ready to be weaponized… Oh… Wait… He did.

        • Too bad the US military commission that was tasked to find evidence of this came up with nothing, as their report shows.

          But… but… Chris Kyle said he found WMD’s. 🙂

        • The Demokkkrat “commission” that conveniently ignored the hundreds of US troops exposed to chemical agents that allegedly didn’t exist?

        • There’s a fairly significant difference between US troop exposure to harmful chemicals (many of which could have come from their own munitions) and claiming that Saddam Hussein had an active WMD program with weapons ready to be used. But naturally you’re too stupid to understand that.

          Amusingly the GOP and Democrats actually agree on this, since the GOP decided it was bad PR to maintain support for an obviously mistaken war. 🙂

        • Yeah… That magical chemical weapons depot that ISIS totally didn’t capture last year. The one that popped out the south end of a north bound unicorn…

          Hint: We don’t use chemical munitions. Thus, our soldiers could not be exposed to them.

        • So Gulf War Syndrome isn’t real? Those vets must be just lying to claim muh benefits. 🙂

          Note that the majority of causes claimed to be behind GWS were medicines and chemicals deployed by the US side, not any sort of weapon used by the Baathists.

          Also LOL @ ISIS having WMD’s, a story that was proven to be literally nothing more than hysterical yellow journalism with absolutely no proof.

        • One question:
          If the Iraqis, and now ISIS, had these chemical weapons, why didn’t it make the cover of every newspaper in the world, vindicating the US government, and president Dubya, for attacking Iraq?

          Another question:
          How come nobody used them? Chemical weapons are incredibly effective. But the last usage of them in the region was by Saddam’s regime, back when he was a US puppet attacking Iran with US supplied weapons–including the chemical ones.

        • Dismissed by your very own US government, brah. Amusingly the ISIS-WMD claim came from the Shiite government in Iraq which is so very desperate for US aid.

          Iraq is Vietnamization v2.0. Truly delicious. No doubt you consider v1.0 to have been a brilliant success. 🙂

        • @pwrserge
          Wow…they took over a former weapons plant, where the Iraqis stored old, inoperative warheads before destroying them.
          Again, if they have functional chemical weapons, why haven’t they used them?

    • Actually, I think most Texans on seeing a lady wearing that message on a thin cotton t-shirt would assume she must really, really like Chris Kyle. With the curly feminine cursive, pastel colors, and *ahem* letter positioning the shirt seems really friendly. I am already imagining where the “I wanna” lettering is strategically placed on the t-shirt… Maybe the artist is a little conflicted herself on the love/hate thing?

  12. Abby Martin is only looking for publicity to sell her wares. This is how folks like her get people to look her up and get them to purchase her crap. The more we give her free advertisement the more money she makes off Chris.

    • I don’t think the publicity on this site is going to help sales. I suspect the feelings here range from “despicable people have rights, too” to “get a rope”.

      I’m not in the “get a rope” crowd, but if Kyle’s widow slugged her, I’d understand.

      • Which would still be assault. And she’d be fully in her rights, as most of the commenters here have stated over and over again, to use deadly force to defend herself. Aren’t rights funny how they’re two-way streets?

        Assaulting someone over political speech is just pure, unadulterated Nazism.

    • Funny, its the military that protects this country and protects your right to say pathetically stupid shit.

      • That’s cute, someone still believes the American military protects free speech.

        Please actually cite a war fought by the US military in the last 50 years that actually supports this claim.

        • The Iraqis were about to invade the US in 1991? This is what militarists actually believe.

          Didn’t the Reagan administration actually support Iraq against Iran in a proxy war in the 80’s?

        • 1. You asked about defending free speech. Kuwait is a much freer country than Iraq ever was.
          2. What Reagan did was attack an enemy of the United States that violated our sovereignty and attacked US diplomats. I would have nuked them into air pollution.

        • How did you infer that I am writing this from Kuwait, or that I have ever been to Kuwait?

          LOL @ nukes. You are truly unhinged. It’s great how you are advocating the nuclear annihilation of a former ally because of blowback caused by the US government’s own actions.

        • I am advocating the nuclear annihilation of barbarians who attacked an embassy and held diplomats hostage. You don’t negotiate with animals like that. You annihilate them.

        • Any word on what the punishment ought to be for the US government criminals and their USAF goons for obliterating the Chinese embassy in Belgrade?

        • The Chinese knew they were in a war zone. It’s called collateral damage. It happens. Their embassy was hit by accident, not deliberately seized and their diplomats held hostage.

        • Wow, pwrserge is ten pounds of ignorance in a five pound bag.

          The Iranian government did not attack the embassy. The government at the time was weak and couldn’t stop the protestors from attacking the embassy. When that government fell and got replaced by a theocracy, it negotiated to release the hostages. The Iranians did not trust Carter, because he was a good friend and staunch supporter of the Shah–the brutal dictator, installed by the CIA, who ruled Iran for two decades through torture and murder. Because of that, negotiations went poorly, until Reagan’s people took over.
          Since then, Iran has been the calmest, most peaceful, country in the region.

        • “The Chinese knew they were in a war zone.”

          By parity of argument, you should immediately stop griping about Benghazi or the Beirut bombing.

        • Yes, because there is absolutely no difference between an accident and a delicate attack. Libertard.

        • Sure, it was an accident, because the NATO maps in the Balkans were outdated. Even though that embassy has been there for decades.

          This is what a US government apologist actually believes. 🙂

        • 1. You asked about defending free speech. Kuwait is a much freer country than Iraq ever was.

          Do you just make this stuff up as you go? Neither of these countries has ever had anything approaching what we consider freedom here in the USA. Both are, and were, brutal dictatorships.
          Interestingly enough, there is one freedom in which they differ…well used to differ, before the US government replaced the Iraqi one with a Shia dictatorship.
          In Iraq, under Hussein’s secular regime, there was no enforcement of Sharia law. Christians were free to practice Christianity (and Iraq used to have one of the largest Christian populations in the middle east…used to). Women were free to drive cars, go out in public without a chaperone, read books, go to school, etc. Westerners were free to come and go, and invest in Iraq.

          In Hussein’s Iraq, political protestors came under scrutiny by the police, and would get beaten up or jailed, if they became a problem. In Kuwait, the police just murder them in the streets, like they did during the Arab Spring.

  13. She should realize that sometimes inflammatory speech can get violent results.
    I await the news report….

  14. I think this young lady doesn’t really understand freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want, but every word has a price. Same with people who burn flags you can say, and feel like you’re making a point and I fully support your right to say it. However, you look like an immature dbag, and I would personally never hire you or even consider your arguments due to your immaturity

    As a Marine who participated in these wars I have conflicting feelings of my own regarding my service. Was it worth it? IDK, I dont feel bad about what I did, but I think all those American deaths and civ cas was worth it.

    • “but I think all those American deaths and civ cas was worth it.”

      Let’s just ignore the price paid by the Iraqi civilians for your voluntary decision to murder for the American government.

    • Yeah, it says ‘I used to shill for RT and now nobody pays attention to me. I’m such a rebel you guys so somebody please look at me and buy my “art”‘.

  15. The 1st amendment protects freedom of speech, it does not however protect being an ignorant cunt in the process of expressing said speech and the opinion contained there in.

    Learn to express yourself without being ignorant and we will all get along better.

  16. Let her be. This person has the full right to make this statement with fear of interference. This woman’s right to be to make a statement like this is her right. A right that’s just as sacred as the 2A. It’s also my right to state that I think think she’s Facebook trash that doesn’t deserve any attention.

  17. That shirt might be very popular in the Islamic State — and for exposing her boobs, the model would be decapitated. Which is also popular in IS. And by popular, I’m referring to the decapitating, not the boobs.

      • Given that he didn’t go around decapitating POWs… Pretty sure he didn’t. You sir are a disgusting piece of sub-human filth.

        • He just killed kids with .308 match rounds while camped out in a hide. That’s much better.

      • On the scale of bad, few US soldiers–My Lai comes to mind–even begin to approach the pure evil of a group like ISIS.

        • The only difference is that the US military machine has the wealth and technical know-how to deal mass death at an impersonal distance, whereas ISIS relishes the propaganda value of the personal kill. The end result is still the same.

  18. I get the same kind of message from both of the original links:
    “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now. The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you’re not in.”

    Either she pulled it, or set it to Private…

    • It might be private. I don’t use Farce Book so don’t see it either. But looks like her main page is accessible. If you scroll down to May 10, she has a link to her pals The Young Commies…I mean Turks, who she says ‘went to bat for her’ addressing the feedback over the same shirt.

    • It looks like she got much to much attention and shut her site down. At least for a while

  19. It was a movie for entertainment purposes. Making more of it makes a fool of those who do and spoils the fun for the rest. She is likely an attention whore.

  20. That shirt is in poor taste, somewhat akin to berating the man’s widow for not putting a marker on his grave. But nobody around here would do that, right?

  21. Chris Kyle was a good looking man. Who am I to criticize her sexual fantasy. She is a bit late if she is still hoping to fulfill it 😉

  22. Cynthia Tarana Cone is interesting. She is a Hamas supporter. Oh well back to the gun issue, it is not as if I expected them to be normal

  23. People that worship Chris Kyle are clueless lemmings. He was a Military Industrial Complex PR fabrication and his book and stories are mostly embellished fairy tales.

    You’re not a hero because your ROE was to designate every male you see as an enemy combatant. It doesn’t take courage to snipe children and elderly men from a roof top 500 yards away.

    But go ahead, give the people a hero when they need one…bread and circus for the simpleminded.

        • Perhaps Abbyee, were you do something worthwhile, a day could be named after you. Right now you’ll just have to share Troll Day with a bunch of other basement dwellers.

        • Implying murdering children to boost one’s kill count so he can ghost-write a crappy book and lie about donating to veterans groups is “worthwhile”. 🙂

    • Surely the Founding Fathers would have approved of celebrating this government killer who invaded a country thousands of miles away as part of a standing army in order to support a global empire.

      Oh wait…

  24. Welp, that does it for me.

    Good job, Internet; thanks to what I’ve seen here today, I don’t believe in evolution or creationism anymore. This “artist,” the argument she’s started here, and the utter dipshits it’s brought out of the woodwork all handily disprove the existence of a benevolent God, but I also can’t embrace a theory that says we’ve had millions upon millions of years to adapt and improve as a species, and yet… this is the best it could do with us.

  25. I’m not a Chris Kyle fan – at all.

    Chris Kyle was a great shooter – no doubt about that, but that is where my admiration ends.

    This nonsense falls right in line with Chris Kyle’s colossal nationalistic pride:

    If Kyle had it his way every American would be saluting the flag and anyone not doing so would be reproached and punished accordingly. There is a difference between patriotism and nationalism.

    Chris Kyle is literally Jesus with a sniper rifle and completely beyond reproach or criticism. – Grindstone. (+1 Like)

    It was so typical that he would illegally assault Jessie Ventura because Jessie Ventura had the audacity to protest the actions of the Afghan and Iraqi US terrorist invasions. Like a small child unable to control his temper and unable to use his words, he criminally assaulted a senior citizen on blood thinners. Then, he went and bragged about it with his buddies. Ventura had the opportunity to press charges and call the police but did not. Ventura took the higher road at that moment – but did Kyle? Absolutely not. He bragged about it in his book to promote sales.

    It is just ridiculous to listen to the guys here talk about the amazing Chris Kyle, hero incarnate, sneaking into other sovereign nations and shooting people. Just great. It’s OK if we the United States of Imperialism police the world, but by god – no one does it to us! Total hypocrisy.

  26. If one was to produce a shirt that said Abby Martin is a c*nt you can be sure that the left would go full force against the t-shirt maker. They believe free speech is only for them and no one else.

    • “They believe free speech is only for them and no one else.”

      Even as the Kyle cultists get massive butthurt from a shirt. The irony, it is too much.

  27. I don’t know why, but recently there have been a HELL of a lot of trolls on this site. Maybe (hopefully) it’s a sign that TTAG is gaining visibility, maybe (hopefully not) trolling is becoming a more popular hobby. In any case, some of these comments are downright retarded. Arguing about a dead soldier’s legacy and an attention-seeking woman’s antics. Sheesh.

    • “Arguing about a dead soldier’s legacy and an attention-seeking woman’s antics”

      Maybe if Kyle’s supporters stopped glorifying and worshiping a mass murdering war criminal then she wouldn’t have to draw attention to their lies.

      • Big difference between targeted KILLING of Islamic terrorist militants (though, sadly, some civilians died), and those very Islamists targeting and MURDERING civilians (the vast majority of the civilian dead).

    • You must be new here. The names and nature of the statists and anarchos are all the same as they have been.

      • Nah, I’m far from new. It just seems like we’ve got more parasites than we’ve had in the past. Most of them seem to value being a ‘world citizen’ more than being an American Exceptionalist, despite living in our wonderful (and yes, flawed) country. Their ‘world-view’ way of judging things makes it possible for them to be morally superior to everyone else, while committing to nothing in particular. It enables an ability to criticize anything they don’t like, while avoiding criticism because they haven’t committed themselves to any particular belief unconditionally.

        • “American Exceptionalist”
          “makes it possible for them to be morally superior to everyone else”


        • You’re right, I am an Exceptionalist. I did word my comment poorly. I’m fine with the fact that my beliefs may be flawed in some regard, doesn’t change my belief that Chris Kyle was a hero who served what he (and I) believe(d) was the best nation on earth in the best capacity he possibly could. Nothing I say is going to win you over, and certainly nothing you say is going to do the same for me. I don’t like you and what you stand for, and you surely feel the same way about me. That’s fine.

        • Yes, he was exceptionally good at murdering people in the service of malignant narcissist politicians in a war that did absolutely nothing to protect this nation. It’s the new American exceptionalism. Not prowess at commerce, or making one’s life from scratch. It’s pure, unadulterated bloodlust.

          How that makes him a hero, that’s up to you to explain.

        • Yes, he was exceptionally good at murdering unarmed children from a distance on behalf of malignant narcissist politicians, in a war that did absolutely nothing to protect the American nation. It’s the new American exceptionalism: not prowess at commerce, or building one’s life from scratch. It’s pure, mindless, amoral bloodlust.

          How that makes him a hero, that’s for you to explain.

  28. The irony of Freedom™-lovin’ “Draw Muhammad” supporters losing their shit over this dumb t-shirt…

  29. Actually shirt removal then presented for viewing to ISIS should make them commit suicide seeing as how they are true believers in the Koran!
    this way she can serve her country and kill more than Chris Kyle ever did
    problem would be how to name it!
    Seems to me their was a similar problem in the Land of the whispering bush, when Vietnam returnee’s were castigated!
    Civil people do not disparage dead persons, this kind of portrayal shows exactly what kind of Harlot she is! may St. Micheal watch over her for she does not know what she has unleashed!

  30. I’ll admit we get too involved in other countries’ issues, especially those who’ve had religious war since forever, and will probably continue. However, until one has “been there, done that”, how can one slam any soldier, regardless of job, fame, etc.?
    God bless those who serve, are serving, will serve. We get an attack on our soil, let’s hear ya whine then!

    • “…until one has “been there, done that”, how can one slam any soldier, regardless of job, fame, etc.?”

      Replace soldier with any other title (politician, victim, etc.) and see how asinine that statement is.

  31. I put Martin in the same category as the thankless d. bags from the westboro b.c. Exercising her 1A rights on the death of American heros. When her day comes I hope she’s satin’s b!tch.

  32. When we wake in the morning we can decide to see things or see them through glasses we construct. Do U know what I mean? You may think you do. I mean stop identifying with this cause or that. Be a free thinker and choose each belief you hold. Keep choosing because that leader may go astray while you’re blindly following. This means always wanting to know the truth.

    Example: we all want are kids to be healthy and perfect. Sometimes they aren’t. They may have ADHD. Ignoring the facts because you always wanted your kid to be perfect places a burden on him, the school system, his friends, the criminal justice system, and guess who, you.

    So are you willing to hear the truth even if it’s on Fox or MSNBC? Or have you chosen your network which means they can feed you anything?

    So to the point I watched American Sniper. First thing I thought was, “damn good movie.” Why? Because Clint Eastwood did a bang up job of telling us a story. That’s it, that’s all. To see it as a cheering squad for war is ignorant. That’s the glasses people had on.

    Let’s get over ourselves, quit joining and relaxing and choose wisely our representatives and causes. Then we mean it when we stand together.

  33. Chris Kyle did a fine job at what our government wanted him to do in Iraq, but I have actually known people who were in wars who were much more heroic, and who did not get much or any attention.
    I really thought the latest Iraq war was totally bogus and set the stage for Islamic radical groups.
    Most of the wars we have been in since WWII were pretty lame. Ron Paul was right in that most of the following wars, the US was really not directly threatened.
    Korea, we died for the tie.
    Vietnam, we were not in it to win and so we lost.
    Mayaguez was a disaster.
    The Caribbean invasions were inept training exercises.
    I still have no idea what we were doing in Beirut.
    Iraq-Kuwait war was for the oil.
    Afghanistan, we lost the plot on that one.
    Arab Spring has been pretty stormy and has grown ISIS.

  34. Can we just be done with the Chris Kyle stuff already????

    He was a NAVY SEAL!!! OMG!!! He was a good sniper, possibly great, but he was a sniper at the opportune time where the rules of engagement early on, allowed him rack of some serious kills and if he was only “average” he looked great because of the opportunity. I have ZERO problem with what he did over there because he was being ordered to do so and probably saved many US soldiers lives with his skills.

    Once he wrote a book and that included lies (Jesse BS) and went on to tell more lies about killing some guys at a gas station in Texas and sniping people in Katrina while on top of the Super Dome, I pretty much lost ALL RESPECT for the guy. Glory hound.

    It was tragic the way he lost his life, because he was trying to help another soldier, but from what we have learned this guy was whacked before he was a solider. Sad for his kids and wife. I do think his wife likes the attention, a little too much.

    The movie sucked IMHO. Hollywood ruined it like they do with so many books by adding all kinds of crap that never happened.

    I could never read or hear about another Chris Kyle store and be perfectly happy.

  35. As distasteful as that T-Shirt is, it reflects more about the wearer than Chris Kyle. The wearer of this T-Shirt exhibits low self-esteem and an unhappy personality. Simply, she’s an anti-American scumbag and if she wants to portray herself to the world that way…that’s her right.

    • THIS. Point a finger at somebody, you’ve got four pointed right back at you.

  36. The message is bleh, but the photo still has artistic potential. Sometimes you buy an awful painting by a terrible artist because the frame is fantastic. This woman’s chest is destined to be someone’s canvass and she has given it away for free.

  37. This thread has a lot of BS about the military in it, that shows little understanding of what the military is all about.
    I was a Navy officer and trained to deliver nuclear weapons. So I can imagine what a T-shirt about me would say, although no matter how bad it was, I would find it funny. So bring it on! I think Chris Kyle would have liked that young lady’s shirt.

    1. If you haven’t been there, you really don’t know shit. You’re still entitled to your opinions, but you are going to come off as an idiot.

    2. No one should blame the military for any war. It is the politicians YOU elect that cause wars. The military just fights and dies in them.

    3. The UCMJ specifies that a service member has a duty to NOT follow “unlawful orders.” However, being a sniper is lawful. A sniper will have published rules of engagement and they are never “unlawful orders.” Unlawful orders is when some individual officer or non-com decides to violate the ROE and that violation is clearly unlawful, such as theft, intentionally and specifically killing innocents (as opposed to collateral damage).

    4. Pull your head out of the sand. This is how your country, your economy (such as it is!) and your rights get protected against foreign threats, and the the threats are out there. Power projection is how we fight those enemies offshore, rather than waiting until the fight comes here. In the 3,500 years of recorded human history, there have been wars going roughly 92%. All of those conflicts can be called unnecessary in hindsight. But they are part of the human condition.

    5. Always pray and work for peace, but always be prepared for war.

    • “So bring it on! I think Chris Kyle would have liked that young lady’s shirt.”

      Highly unlikely, since Chris Kyle was a humorless man with anger issues. He assaulted an old man for saying words he disagreed with, lied about the incident then defamed the man in an attempt to prop up his house of cards.

      Let’s go over your BS points:

      1. Only murderers can judge murderers. Cheeky.

      2. The military volunteers to fight and die for them. FTFY. We are forced by threat of imprisonment to fund your legal murder spree and given a laughable “choice” between two psychopaths.

      3. Read Kyle’s book and specifically his admission of an unlawful ROE.

      4. Please explain how any of the wars in the last decade dealt with “threats” to the American nation. This country had no “power projection” or standing army from its founding to WW1 and it was invaded exactly one time, and nothing came of that war.

      War is not a “human condition”, its a silly and inefficient way to resolve economic issues. But I don’t expect a dumb government animal to realize that.

      5. Says the man who volunteers to murder for the state. 🙂

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