
RF just forwarded this photo he took in the stock room of Sportsman’s Finest, his LGS in Austin. Those are the store’s recalled Remington Sevens and 700s, waiting to be FedEx’d to Big Green for repair. That’s one relatively small retailer. Can you imagine what the back room of your average Dick’s Sporting Goods looks like? Or an Academy? Gander Mountain? Then multiply that across the country and let the dollar figure that this will cost the Freedom Group boggle your mind.


    • I just filled out the form for mine, and they say they’ll cover shipping both directions.
      I’m not going to bother though. I was thinking of getting a Timney, so I’ll just do that instead and toss the XMP.

  1. Considering I have seen exactly 2 R51s so far this year, and that Remington literally makes NOTHING that another company doesn’t make at least as well, I think this could be the curtain call.

    Might want to buy an 870 now, guys. You might not get another chance.

  2. Freedom arms tanking would be the best thing that happened to Remington and Marlin. Perhaps then the name would be bought by those that actually care about firearms and experience an Ithaca Gun style resurgence.

      • Current Marlins have improved QC, but the fit and finish of the current crop of lever rifles isn’t as nice as they used to be. Still my dad has a 1894C he bought new back in 2012, and he hasn’t had one problem with it, and loves the darn thing. The wood finish is kinda boring, but it works. Still, give any new Marlin a thorough inspection.

        • Kinda embarassing but I was thinkibg more about the .22s than the lever-actions.

          Regarding lever actions:
          My interest will increase when I get a revolver or Savage starts making the Model 99 again.

      • I don’t know about that. But I handled a pair of Henrys in my local gun store today. A lever action 30-30 and a pump .22 mag. It felt like their actions were crafted from sticks of butter, and lubricated with melted butter.

        No more Marlins for me!

    • Freedom GROUP, not Freedom Arms. Freedom Arms, which is in Wyoming, makes some of the finest single action revolvers in the world (and with a price to match too). They are completely separate business entities.


  3. When a large capital management firm thinks that they know how to increase revenue on a product, corners will be cut. When corners are cut, quality drops. When quality drops, this $hit happens.

    They deserve this. Not the poor owners though. My heart goes out to everyone with one less gun in the safe.

    • Seriously, your heart goes out to people that have multiple rifles, and one of them is subject to a recall?

      Seriously? ???

      • A lot of people only have one hunting rifle, and for a lot of them that is a 700. Not everyone has 100 guns and 100k of ammo.

      • My 700 is my only bolt action rifle. So now I have none.

        No more Freedom Group products for me. Too bad too, because I love my pre-FG Marlin 795 and Glenfield 60.

        • 10MM and some change (of the 11MM+ sold) love their Marlin/Glenfield Model 60s.

          Despite (horrid) QC issues of the last 5-ish years, it’s the most popular .22LR ever by a wide margin.

    • The XMP triggers aren’t bad actually, both of my newer 700s will shoot sub moa reliably with them, even the wood stocked .260.

  4. If I haven’t already said so, now might be a great time to buy an aftermarket trigger. Get one before the rush. My Timney trigger is already en route. My trust in “Big Green” is all but completely gone. I’m not even buying Remington ammo anymore. I’m glad my 870 was made well before the Freedom Group debacle.

    • I’m facing that decision here, send it back or do the upgrade. I’ll prob just do the upgrade.

  5. Sad? Yes. Unfortunate? As a household name in American guns throughout the 20th century, it’s a damn shame.
    But avoidable? Totally. When you have decades of doing a decent job under your belt, and spend the better part of the last two pissing on your own shoes, pretty easy to pinpoint the problems.

  6. For what it is worth….after checking my older 700 this message came up. Discount on Remington stuff…

    We apologize for this inconvenience. We know we disappointed you and this doesn’t make up for that; but we’d like to offer you a 20% discount to and/or
    Use code ROCSVC20 at checkout.

  7. F**k ’em. This “cost” will impact sale price which will impact Freedom Group, which will impact Cerebus, which will impact Calpers. Let the retired commie california teachers suck it. And for the record, my aunt is covered by calpers. But she knows her leadership sucks.

    • I cannot believe that Remington has fallen so much. I have lived overseas for so long that I’m not current on makers. The 700 used to be my dream rifle.
      Regarding calpers-It’s amazing how such anti-gun organizations invest in gun companies.
      I think calpers also owns the Arco Towers in Los Angeles, and hired a non-union company to re-do the exterior waterproofing because they were about $300K cheaper.
      I guess it’s do as I say, not as I do? LOL
      Enjoy your guns (while you can). I haven’t for over a decade. 🙁

  8. I really lucked out. I come within a hairs width of buying a 700, but bought the Savage instead.

    • It’s was a probably a good move, even without the recall.

      Savage, Ruger, and Winchester, are my go to bolt gun manufacturers. Big fan of their products.

  9. I’ll never know what things look like at Dicks antigun store (see their wimp reaction to Newtown shooting).

  10. How do those overseas deal with the recall?

    There are alot of legal hoops to jump through to send a rifle from Australia to the US, and bringing them back again is even harder.

  11. Truly makes you wonder about the intelligence of management at the company. I know it’s Monday am quarterbacking but why not send out parts to any dealer with a gunsmith and pay them a small fee to do the part swap, If they certify the work is done according to directions then everything’s good. Offer individuals a choice to mail it in or go to the same local gunsmiths for the work. The only reason it had to be done this way is to make the perdition-bound lawyers happy. There must be some way to do this sort of thing without bankrupting your company in the process. Unless that’s the idea. It’ll stop the lawsuits.

  12. FYI, there is such a thing as product recall insurance. I imagine Remington has it.

  13. They can use this as a tax deduction , they won’t lose any money , as a matter of fact it might even help them gain more business in the future , since they didn’t try to keep it from the public for years . Be prepared and ready . Keep your powder dry .

  14. Let me see if I’ve got this right….

    Remington has had a problem with triggers in certain rifles.

    This problem dates back far BEFORE they were bought by Freedom Group.

    Freedom Group has finally instituted a recall of the defective items.

    Freedom Group is going to fix the recalled items, and pay for the shipping.

    This means we should all hate on F.G. for doing the right thing.

    It also means that no future Remington product will ever be any good.

    There, is that all correct?

    I’m starting to understand why so many people support a rancher criminally using public lands for nearly 20 years.

    • Yeah it’s strange. If it was Savage or Winchester you’d have people doing the same thing. I see more Rem 700s used as a long range platform than any other rifle. There’s a reason for that. It’s like when Springfield issued a recall & people all swung in saying how bad the XDs were. People are funny.

    • Yes, of course that is all correct, but the mindless feeding frenzy will continue.

      I’m not throwing away my Remington 870 Police Magnum shotgun nor my custom precision rifle built up around a Remington 700 (M-24 barrel profile).


  15. Oh, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good lynch mob, Pave. There a very few “Scout” Finch’s around here. For a reason.

  16. Might investigate the effect of .22 hoarders on the .22 firearms market. I would suspect (ahem) there are warehouses full of .22s that aren’t selling due, at least in part, to the “scarcity” of .22 ammo.

  17. For those not involved in the consumer products industry, here are some general facts for product recalls.
    1. The product manufacturer and product dealers have equal responsibility to report safety issues to the cpsc. This is regardless to whether or not they think there is a need for a recall.
    2. The safety issue can be reported with a note stating that the manufacturer does not believe the issue warrants a recall. However, the most recent trend is that the cpsc is determining that 2/3rds of these reports should move on to a product recall.
    Note: the cpsc has no “magic number” for determining when to initiate a recall. Sometimes as few as 1 or 2 reports are enough to make a recall likely.
    3. Due to the cpsc’s pure determination to rule for a recall, most product recalls are voluntarily initiated by the manufacturer through the cpsc fast track program.
    4. In most cases a product recall has a less than 10% rate of returns. For less expensive items this number is less than 3%.

    From this we can gather than the Remingtong recall was most likely voluntary, Probably as a result of very few actual reported incidents, and Remington will pay for shipping and repairing of approximately 10% of the guns affected by the recall.

  18. I work for one of those major retail shops. We have close to a pallet going back. I refused to believe it till the official e-mail made it’s way to my inbox at work.

    I hope this in combination with that disaster of a pistol they released doesn’t end them 🙁

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