[Facebook convo continues after the jump]
ZM 1306 writes:
My cousin goes to BSU and I got on Facebook this morning to find out that she was in a dorm lock-down yesterday. I am having a hard time containing myself. Her mother, my aunt, is anti-gun. The majority of that side of my family are not very pro-gun. I know that nothing that the University did did anything but compromise her safety and yet reading the conversation that I am going to include in this e-mail (although redacted) has me wanting to say so much. Some of the worst parts to me were “I am glad that I can feel safe here.” and “said that there was a loud explosion there on campus”, “It was a misfire by a policeman. It isn’t anything big.” There is so much wrong with this situation. I don’t know what to do or say that would not be off-putting to my relatives. currently I am just not going to say much, looking at the weapons policy I may send her some pepper-spray . . .
This is how our freedoms will be lost.
For every lockdown we hear about, there are ten which pass unknown to the media’s awareness.
Each one is another reinforcing incident that sets the message that Big Government is the solution to your security needs.
What,pray tell, will these eighteen year olds think in ten years when the leftists put the piece forward to disarm us all?
What will the OPs relative decide, should Chelsea Clinton plop a ballot in front of her nullifying our way of life?
If hillary wins…chelsea nxt.
I know the feeling, half of my family is anti-gun, I was over joyed to hear my uncle bought himself a Glock after his neighbors house had been broken into. He doesn’t use it, but its a start.
Anytime an individual discharges a firearm in public, it’s something big (serious). Regardless of police officer or regular Joe.
I don’t know why they wouldn’t think it was a big deal. Cops don’t shoot magic bullets that only hit bad guys.
I go to Ball State too. It was the very definition of a farce. 20+ cop cars blocking the road, 3 news choppers, warrantless searches.
I am from Indiana & had friends near the situation. They made all the people in the ‘quarantined’ area stay inside, away from windows. F That. If I’m not on the 4th floor and there really was a gunman (which I heard there wasn’t) I would get out that window in a heartbeat. Better a broken leg than a shot to the head…. If I can’t carry on campus I’m at least gonna conceal carry common sense.
Quite the drama llama. Tell that person that clips are for girls hair, mags are for pistols. Surprised they didn’t put the period in front of 9mm (.9mm).
Girls like excitement. That’s why horror movies are such great date movies. “Ooh, I’m so scared,” grabs your arm. Notices you aren’t scared. “What a man!” Same deal with campus cops, actually. “Be afraid…but we’re not!” People. What can I say.
Considering that lockdowns are the worst possible reaction to an active shooter scenario, wouldn’t a school be liable for anyone killed by an active shooter while locked down?
On that note, why aren’t the Sandy Hook parents suing hte bajeezus out of their school district for implementing the lock down that let their kids die?
I’ll bite, then what should you do? Have 10K students stampeding for their lives?
soft sitting targets will be found. The worst thing you can do in a situation like that is “nothing.”
As i learned a long time ago……make a descision. it may be right, or it may be wrong. just make a descision.
You’ll love this, then:
“In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing”
– Theodore Roosevelt
Lockdowns are quite effective actually, but the catch is they are only effective provided an armed response is arriving RIGHT NOW. In any other situation, they are death traps.
wish they would realize this
Lockdowns = natural selection. The smart ones GTFO and live. The others…
I’d say lockdowns are fine when the students are not allowed a firearm for protection. PD is as likely to mag dump on the first thing that moves as they are to stumble over a curb and shoot their buddy in the a$$. Either way, students are better off not being seen. The resourceful student will wait it out in the bathtub as it may be the best protection from a stray bullet available.
I thought the Damsel In Distress schtick was dead. N.O.W. would be so disappointed.
It will never be dead. It’s hard wired.
Ball State U. lmao.
Every time I see or hear the nauseatingly PC phrase ‘lock-down’ I simply substitute the correct term; imprisonment. I also encourage others to do the same. They usually look at me like I’m nuts.
you mean martial law.
I think martial law and imprisonment both apply. They are trying to use a phrase to avoid the term martial law because that has legal meaning and consequences they don’t want to have to deal with. So in looking for an alternate term they made the Freudian slip of using a term with roots in prisons.
has anyone ever tried bringing false imprisonment charges as a result of a lockdown? is it legally possible?
Guns don’t save lives helicopters save lives… lmao! Clearly Chicago and Detroit need more helicopters.
They’re lucky the choppers didn’t roll in for a strafing run. “Might as well, since we’re here. It’s good training…”
There’s danger lock everyone in their cell…
Fuck it. I go to a top 10 school in the Northeast. The fear and occasional hatred of firearms, or even the concept of armed self-defense here is pretty intense. I used to carry a knife with me at all times until I discovered NYC has a law against carrying 4 inch knives. A student just got stabbed on my campus today over an iPhone robbery gone wrong. The sentiment around campus is that he should have just handed over the iPhone. In my home state, there’s a 5% chance the guy he tried to mug would have been armed with a gun. In NYC? 0%. I’m going to start carrying my knife again.
Well, the penalty’s probably the same if it’s a 4 14″ knife, or a 9″ one. Carry as big a folder as you can feel comfortable with. And don’t slash; STAB.
One of the more worrisome things that i noticed was the chaotic bs information that was being shared. There seemed to be little or no “official” information source.
This style of “don’t panic the public”, that seems to be the default for people in positions of power, causes people to panic as anyone wildest fears can rapidly spread without real “official” information.
I disagree, to put it mildly. The way they’ve prescribed for handling such suggestions is DESIGNED to induce panic, so people will look to their usual “saviors”, the government.
I lost it at traffic searches and dorm to dorm searches…
Change the school’s name to Ovary State.
A lot of the schools in my city have been put on “lockdown” recently. These are grade schools, middle schools, and high schools. I really hope that the parents of the children made to go through those ordeals explain the importance of not relying on others to keep them safe. While I certainly think that all perceived threats should be taken seriously; I worry that the way law enforcement handles the situation could lead to the younger generation thinking that they should give up freedom for perceived safety. These lockdown situations are occurring on an almost daily basis it seems. I have never been in a situation like that. When I was in high school, we would go dove hunting before school, and leave our shotguns in our vehicles in the school parking lot. There was never a problem, or panic resulting in police involvement.
” I worry that the way law enforcement handles the situation could lead to the younger generation thinking that they should give up freedom for perceived safety.”
Gee… I wonder if the purpose of so many lock-downs could possibly be to engender exactly such thinking?
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