Illinois gun control Pritzker
Gov. J.B. Pritzker hugs gun control advocate Maria Pike after he signed comprehensive legislation to ban military-style firearms on Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023, at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Ill. (Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune via AP)

“We got this done for all the victims, the spouses, the children, parents and friends and loved ones who are no longer with us, and for those who have survived mass shootings but were injured,” Pritzker said after reciting the names of the seven people killed at the parade.

“No single law…will end gun violence once and for all. So we must keep fighting, voting and protesting to ensure that future generations will only have to read about massacres,” he said. “It’s our burden and our mandate, one that we carry with solemn honor for our children, who will grow up in a better and safer world.”

The new law immediately bans the delivery, sale, import and purchase of so-called “assault weapons.” After Jan. 1, people who possess an unregistered firearm covered by the ban face a misdemeanor for a first offense and a felony for subsequent offenses.

The new law also immediately bans the delivery, sale or purchase of large capacity ammunition magazines of more than 10 rounds for long guns and 15 rounds for handguns. As of April 10, current owners’ possession of large-capacity magazines will be allowed only on private property, at a firing range or a sport shooting competition or at a federal licensed gun dealer for repairs. Violations will be subject to a $1,000 fine.

In addition, devices that increase the firing rates of a firearm, known as “switches,” to turn them into semi-automatic or automatic weapons, are immediately banned and someone in possession would face a felony count for each device.

The new law also speeds up to July from January the existing requirement for universal background checks by federal firearm dealers or the State Police for private gun sales.

It also modifies the state’s current “red flag” law that allows relatives and police to seek a court approved firearm restraining order to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. The new law extends the duration of the orders from six months to a year.

— Greg Pearson and Jeremy Gorner in Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs comprehensive gun bill banning sale of military-style firearms


  1. Start the lawsuits. The 7th Circuit is dominated with Republican appointed judges and Amy Coney Barrett is the circuit justice. Four of the current judges are Trump appointee’s.

    • I wonder if there is a way to start a meta lawsuit, not only against the obvious 2A etc. violations, but also against the delaying tactics and lawfare by this and other state governments. Is it possible to sue a state that enacts facially unconstitutional laws precisely *because* the legal process will deprive people of their rights for months or years?

      • Ain’t lost anything in Il, don’t reckon I will ever go back. I feel for the rest of the state, people in Chicago are rude, know nothing know it alls. I can’t live with that many people up my backside.

      • Yes indeed…You have a hypocrite gasbag democRat Gun Control governor who has an armed entourage with him wherever he goes telling unarmed defenseless victims of criminal violence what they can have on hand to defend themselves, family, etc.

        Of course when Gun Control is not defined by its History of Rot what’s there to stop prim and proper goody two shoes Gun Control and its laundry list of proven to be false promises?

        Obviously the problem lies with gutless state legislators and Gun Owners who never stood up and defined goody two shoes Gun Control by its despicable, long History of rot. So for today Gun Control the history confirmed agenda rooted in racism and genocide is alive and well in The Land of Lincoln.

      • Is it possible to sue a state that enacts facially unconstitutional laws precisely *because* the legal process will deprive people of their rights for months or years?

        Maybe but probably not. Standing and stuffs. While courts will sometimes preempt a law from going into effect during litigation because of foreseeable issues, in those cases it’s clear who the law would apply to. In this case that would be less clear, possibly unclear enough to make it impossible and a lesser intervention in the form of an injunction could be sought on a smaller scale where applicability would be easier to determine.

        I like the thought though.

        • Someone should figure out how to lay charges of the governor and all the StateHouse denizens who voted FOR this madness for swearing their oaths of office then failing to live by them. That is a felony charge and if it sticks they are done with holding public office. AFTER they get out of jail.

        • strych9, And why wouldn’t it be possible to fine the people who pass these unconstitutional laws which are abriding our rights? To my knowledge, it has never been tried before.

        • @Walter:

          I can’t think of a reason that they couldn’t be fined post-finding. I’m not aware of anything that would bar a law that allowed for a fine to be levied on lawmakers upon a court finding a law unconstitutional.

          I’m not sure where you’d find the lawmakers to vote for such a thing but if you could, I don’t see why it would be illegal to fine them, say, $10K each if they voted for a law found to be unconstitutional.

          It would be refreshing to find a group of lawmakers in favor of accountability for themselves.

        • strych9, these laws being passed by the Leftist anti-gun radicals are POST BRUEN! They doing doing it to defy the Supreme Court which means they are in CONTEMPT OF COURT! It only takes one person who believes his RIGHT to bear arms is being abridged by these radicals to file a Contempt Citation against each and every one of these members of a legislature who voted to pass such a bill and the governor who signed it.

      • Already expected Sotomayor to deny it. Even though Sotomayor is left I don’t think wanted to deal with it in light of Bruen. So now they can submit it again to any of the justices and are not restricted to Sotomayor.

        • Even then still pending a 2nd circuit hearing but Illinois entered the race to avoid as many gun laws as possible with NY, NJ, MD, CT, and CA ………may need to find a bookie

        • Yes, I read Thomas’s and Alito’s comments, especially this part:

          “Applicants should not be deterred by today’s order
          from again seeking relief if the Second Circuit does not,
          within a reasonable time, provide an explanation for its
          stay order or expedite consideration of the appeal.”

          If the 2nd doesn’t come up with an explanation for its
          stay order or expedite consideration of the appeal right quick and in a hurry the GOA can refile what they filed at SCOTUS to Sotomayor (only because she oversees the 2nd) with any SCOTUS justice. And if they do come up with one GOA can appeal that to SCOTUS. And if they don’t consider the appeal GOA can appeal that to SCOTUS.

    • always thought illegal automatic weapons was ATF’s domain…they seem notably absent from prosecutions for these “Glock switches”….why?

  2. “We got this done for all the victims, the spouses, the children, parents and friends and loved ones who are no longer with us, and for those who have survived mass shootings but were injured,”

    yet not even one civilian grade AR-15 called, falsely, an “assault weapon” and not one “high capacity” magazine was the responsible party for any of that.

  3. So the criminals will abide by this new law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Or is this another way of taking gun ownership from the good guy.

    • Walter,

      And that’s the scam. NY, NJ, CA, and IL have DELIBERATELY thumbed their noses at Bruen. Will their laws get struck down? Sure . . . in five years or so. It’s all about punishing law-abiding gun owners. The Leftist/fascist IDIOTS who pass these laws know damn well they will prevent exactly ZERO crimes or shootings . . . it’s all about proving ‘who’s the man’. The Dims want to assert their authoriteh over all of us. If we resist, they will try to steamroll us. That their “common sense gun control” achieves sweet f***-all is never even discussed.

      The answer is obvious – DO. NOT. COMPLY. Senile Joe, Fat Boy Pritzker, and Schmucky Chucky Schumer can osculate my left testicle. I will not comply. My rights come from God, and the various rent-seeking s***heels proposing these OBVIOUSLY unconstitutional laws can just suck it.

      • non-compliance would seem the best course…but nobody wants to be a test case…so just hunker down, be discreet..and wait it out…

      • You are far braver than I. No way would I let ANY of these perverts anywhere near MY stones. They have proven their perfidy many times over. Illinois lies aboit two thousand miles away from me and that is still just a touch too close for my complete safety.

        I will not even book a flight that transfers or lays over in that state.

      • Lamp. that is why I have proposed that the courts (especially the Supreme Court) find these lawmakers, individually, in contempt of the Supreme Court and foine them heavily. The way to stop this madness is to hit these Lefties in the pocketbook.

  4. Does that make people crossing the Boarder “Illegaler Aliens”?????? or is that not PC to call them that anymore??????
    Just sayin’

  5. As if anyone who’s actually going around and hurting other people will ever get prosecuted for any of this.

  6. Just signed Unconstitutional “law” goes into effect Jan 1? I believe the term is ex post facto. ALSO Unconstitutional.

      • Yeah I think you’re correct.
        “The new law immediately bans the delivery, sale, import and purchase of so-called “assault weapons.”
        (Then) “After Jan. 1, people who possess an unregistered firearm covered by the ban face a misdemeanor for a first offense and a felony for subsequent offenses.”

        • No, it’s simply the date when new laws go into effect. Bills passed and signed in Illinois before June 1 of 2023 become law Jan. 1, 2024.

          I live in Texas, we see new laws go into effect 90 days after the governor signs it, or unless there is a specified date.

          Every state has its own schedule.

        • then there is the guy who had ordered one and it is now delayed beause he cannot take possession of it in his state of residence. There IS a simle solution..MOVE. to a state that does not do such illegal and disgusting things. My state is jumping on this same bandwagon and if that happens I just may be in the market for a new one.

  7. Justice, due process thrown out the window.
    pritzker et al do things because they can and ignore right and wrong.

  8. if you read the text of the law
    theres even more bad stuff in it like:
    ban on .50 bmg rifles and ammo
    ban on pistol braces
    ban on semiautomatic pistols with threaded barrels
    its pretty bad
    good thing for illannoyans
    that bruen came first
    most of this will go away

    • Nope.
      Illnoise government can do whatever it wants, just like Mew York , Mew Jersey , Califloweriona, and Oreogone.
      What nine robes going to jump down and do some ass whipping, fed gov wont. These states can do as they please.
      The Bill of Rights has been null and void for 80 years.

      • Illinois doesn’t have the 2nd or 9th circuit to back them up. The lawsuits are going to be tried in the 7th circuit.

      • Oregon’s new laws have been blocked by a State Judge, while a Trump appoint Federal Judge upheld the new laws!!!

        And the FED JUDGE live in Portland!!! Seems she has been running around with all the Marxist in the city!!!

  9. Legal teams cuing up and getting ready to roll for stopping this abomination of confused stupidity.

  10. Its not any wonder why they passed these new laws. Its just that in order to be effective that the same laws need to be passed on the Federal Level to force hillbilly states to comply with these same laws.

    Todays news reported an Afghan War Veteran who survived its bombs and bullets was shot dead while just doing his everyday job as an Uber driver. He said before he was killed he came to the U.S. because it was considered a safer place to live and work. He found out too late he was lied to as Capitalvania is the most dangerous Industrialized Country to live in on the planet. Criminals and Lunatics are given a free pass to buy all the heavy firepower they could ever want or need with the purchase of second hand guns. Its a criminal’s paradise on earth. Now another grieving family has “seen the light” on more gun control.

    • If the federal government is going to over-reach into state policies, than the feds should force DAs to seek the maximum penalties for all crimes. Any DA that fails to do so, can be removed by force and imprisoned.

      Force the DAs to do their jobs or lose their liberty. Violent criminals should spend the remainder of their lives in prison or be subject to capital punishment.

      Catch and release is not working.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      Wow. Great analysis, Einstein. Given the existence of the 2A, what PRECISELY would be the basis for this clearly unconstitutional “federal” legislation????

      Oh, you don’t know??? Of course not, you’re a moron. Hint: THERE. ISN’T. ANY.

      I’d tell you to go suck-start a shotgun, but you don’t have an actual, functioning firearms anywhere, nor do you know how to use one. You are an uneducated @$$clown. Where was your GED from??? What ‘degree’ did you get from the college you never attended?

    • “Safer” doesn’t mean utopia. Nobody is going to protect you regardless of where you live. How many cases of “I felt so vulnerable because I was defenseless” do you need to see before you stop blaming an object?

    • You really need to leave this forum. It’s getting embarrassing. You have 0 gun knowledge. Your views don’t align with anyone who is center left, center, center right or right. Which is fine, as your opinion is protected by the Constitution, the same document that you shit all over when you don’t agree with it. Do everyone a favor and find a new hobby. If your goal as a troll( and you are one; Cisco, Vlad, Albert , etc) is to win hearts and minds? Yeah, it’s not working.

        • JRM,

          dacian the demented isn’t British. Prince Albert the Fake-Limey Ponce isn’t British (but he impersonates a Limey on this site). MinorLiar isn’t British.

          They think ‘being British’ is ‘civilized’, so they play at it because they are stupid enough to think it impresses anyone (except themselves and their fellow travelers).

          There are two viable approaches to dealing with these brain-dead trolls: ignore them completely, or mock them mercilessly. I choose option #2, but YMMV.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. I see you are still at it with your anti-gun propaganda. Where is this place you call Captivania? I don’t think I have ever head of it except from you.
      That that immigrant was killed is a travesty, but it could have happened with knives just as easily.
      Did you read about the knife attack in Paris, France where one was killed and multiple wounded? The world is a dangerous place because of people like you who want to coddle the criminal element and let mentally ill folks lose on an unsuspecting world.
      When will you really wake up?

    • Eedjit. The “hillbilly states” don’t have the issues Calif Ill, NooYawk, NooJoisey, Marlyand, etc all enjoy so much.

      Idaho just had a four-up murder at the University, but the perp was resident of Washington and had priors, and othr known issues. Should NOT have been roaming about in public without a custodian. Washington have all manner of laws that should have disarmed this clown. Instead they keep wanting to disarm ME. Too bad Idaho bans guns in campus of their Universities. They COULD have shot back.

  11. Right…and all the criminals will follow the letters of this law even though they have no problem breaking laws robbing, assaulting, and murdering. Political posturing as long as their gullible constituents will believe it. I’m just wondering when/if anyone can get to prosecuting these politicians and removing them from office when they blatantly create and pass unconstitutional legislation. Its ridiculous to have to keep suing and suing everytime these guys pass another piece of crap. An legal scholars out there care to comment on how realistic that kind of prosecution might be?

    • ” I’m just wondering when/if anyone can get to prosecuting these politicians and removing them from office when they blatantly create and pass unconstitutional legislation.”

      You and almost everyone else on this forum. It really would be a great thing to be able to do.

  12. lol. I’m sure the social workers are on their way to Garfield Park right now to chastise those switch toting yoots.

  13. There have been many recent changes to the proposed laws. As I currently understand it, sales of all the “offending items” take effect immediately, we have 90 days to get rid of “bad” mags, and until Jan 1, 2024 to dispose of or register “offending” guns. There should be lawsuits filed today. Gov Prickhead knows this is unconstitutional and will be overturned, he is pushing it through to add it to his list of “accomplishments” for his 2024 presidential run.

    • Hadn’t heard he’s got Chief Head Honcho role in view. He is VERY much mistaken if he thinks this sort of treason will help him.
      Anyone else remember that buttie gig chracter and all HIS fun gun laws he promised to enact? How did that work out for HIM?

  14. This fat tard once again swore an oath to the Constitution just a day before.
    They speak the words, but they know not what they mean.

  15. “that future generations will only read about massacres”
    Bwhahahaaha. And He Works For The Government . Bwhahahaahahahahahaha

  16. I guess Springfield and RRA can still sell to other states, just not the banned items in their own state? I assume they will await the court challenges before making any production moves to more friendly states.

  17. Comment waiting moderation, comments comment waiting comments moderation comment.
    Okay I see how it is now.
    Theres certain words and sentences that cant be used or strung together or your comment will get moderated, I’ve no idea what those words or sentences are and neither does the moderator. It’s kinda like the Batfeces, “We’ll know it when we see it.”

  18. FPC and others will be all over this, and I’ll bet they’ll forum shop the case into a downstate venue (SD Ill. has only four active judges, 2 of which are PDT appointees and two are Obama appointees, with one senior status judge that is a Bush II appointee).

    My over/under: if they draw a PDT-appointed judge, bulk of the law will be enjoined by Tax Day.

  19. It’s almost like these know nothing clowns are lining up bowling pins just to have them knock down permanently.

    • they’re buying time…and trying to make it look like they’re doing something in the interim…

  20. I’d like to say screw you to Illinois pols. I moved my taxes elsewhere as well as my wife’s taxes. All I’ve gotta say is keep your Democrat Voters there and don’t let refugees of their own poor decisions in voting come to where I am.

  21. There should be recourse other than the removal of unconstitutional laws via the system. I’m confident the majority of this will be ended post Bruen and the creators of this bill have to know that as well. The problem is that for at least a couple of years they got what they wanted. There should be criminal or civil charges brought against the people involved in this bill and it should stick. Its an absolute violation of citizens rights and a violation of the oath they all took to defend those rights. Until there are actually consequences for violating people’s rights they will keep doing it.

  22. Incoming injunction in 3…2…1…

    Honestly, as long as there’s no penalty for passing blatantly unconstitutional laws, they will do it and just let the taxpayer eat the court costs on the way to their inevitable loss. there should be some sort of “bounty” system where you receive a cash award in addition to your judgment if a law is struck down for violating the Constitution. that would encourage people to aggressively root out laws incompatible with our way of life.

    • Yes. However the Constitution has become just words on a piece of paper that have no strength. .gov showed us how the constitution’s Shall not be Infringed works in 1934.

  23. I give Illinois 3 months before they now have a “mass shooting”, because this law will actually encourage it.

  24. Meanwhile 9/10 gang-bangers aged 11 and up are carrying with a “Glock switch” and no one does a thing about it; either the gangs, the 11 year olds, or the firearms despite the fact that they know exactly who they are and where to roll them up.

    • This^^^ and the list is growing. The two “Sheriffs” that will enforce it are are Lake and Cook county.
      That would be John Idleburg and Tom Dart and isn’t a big surprise.

      The rest are signing a identical form letter that states:

      “As your duly elected sheriff my job and my office are sworn, in fact, to protect the citizens of [insert county here] County. This is a job and responsibility that I take with the utmost seriousness.

      Part of my duties that I accepted upon being sworn into office was to protect the rights provided to all of us, in the Constitution. One of those enumerated rights is the right of the people to keep and bear arms provided under the 2nd amendment.

      The right to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people.

      I, among many others, believe that HB 5471 is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

      Therefore, as a Custodian of the Jail and Chief Law Enforcement Official for [insert county here] County, that neither myself nor my office will be checking to ensure that lawful gun owners register their weapons with the state, nor will we be arresting or housing law abiding individuals that have been arrested solely with non-compliance with this act.”

      JB Pritzker in another huge overreach had had a strong response: Comply or hit the road.
      “As are all law enforcement all across our state and they will in fact do their job or they won’t be in their job,” Pritzker said Tuesday during a press conference.

      His problem is that Sheriffs are elected by the constituents in their county and cannot be “fired” or removed by a governor. That includes a morbidly obese, tax cheating, deluded idiot who thinks he can just do anything. He should try working a day in his pathetic life but at 500+ lbs I don’t think he can.

  25. You know what’s funny, is even a majority of leftists and news outlets (like VICE) that used to be VERY biased towards anti-gun sentiment are admitting this just won’t solve the bigger problem. It’s a violent society, culture, and world. Plain and simple. Nothing will change it. We’ve allowed it to get worse and worse, and yes – even through simple shit like video games, to a point where kids at a VERY young age are exposed to it now. Similar to how children were exposed to violence in the past (where kids were forced to adult earlier in life), but it’s more of an isolated and personalized event now. People lash out online and kids feel the need to portray themselves as something they are not, or something they see that is “popular” more now than ever. Like, in school as a kid there was always bullying and popularity contests, but it’s creeped into the personal spaces at home now too.

    But even amongst the leftists that understand the object is not to blame, there exists a very out of touch fringe group that truly believe laws will save them. They have no other answers because that’s how they were indoctrinated growing up. Taught not to resist because it’ll only make it worse. Taught that racism is rooted in a black/white scenario and nothing more. They are taught that the only way to solve a problem, is by making a new rule. Sheltering their young. Blaming everyone and anything else.

    That is Illinois politics. That is New York and CA politics. The herd wants to feel safe. And I know it’s a cringe reference, using the “sheep” method, but it has truth and to a point, we are all victims of it. We all benefit from a society of rules. So at what point do we say “Enough is enough”? Was/is it when the government harnessed the power of a molecule? Drones? Election fraud (and I don’t just mean 2020, I mean every election). I don’t know. But I do know that the more you push people to accept their rules where an object is to blame, and not the person or the root cause of why the person is to blame, you alienate a lot of people. It’s not the answer. It will NEVER be the answer.

        • That’s the only way I would vote…

          My whole life as a GWOT baby (80s) has been nothing but political lies and cover ups. It’s very clear to me now at age 38 that voting does fuck all, at least at the major levels. Locally even is a clusterfuck to the highest bidder. Just ask Marvin Heemeyer…
          (Although, MH could have easily cashed out after the fact, but should he had to?)

  26. Illannoy has been in a financial mess for many years, brought to you by the leftist Democrap party. Some of the highest taxes in the country, unending corruption, etc. The state loses over 100,000 residents per year, and continues to lose a representative to the US House every census. Large businesses and manufacturers announce new plants in many other states, but none for Illannoy. Some of the ones that are there have chosen to leave. Yet the Democraps concern themselves with everything but the issues that cause these businesses and people to leave. Could it be they just don’t give a d**n?

  27. The legislature in CO has been trying to one-up this before it even passed.

    The proposed law here contains language that would make a pistol with a threaded barrel an “assault weapon”. LOL!

    Whatever. Ignore the law. At least here our LE doesn’t give a fuck. Walk into any independent gun store and you’d never know we have a “mag ban”. G17 mags? For sale. 30 round AR or AK mags? For sale. Drum mags? Yup those too. Even cops buy them. The law’s a joke.

    I suspect the folks in Denver will pass their new AWB, though the governor may not sign it. If he does, it will be roundly ignored and eventually struck down. Compliance will be ~0%.

    I suggest that Illinois residents follow that example.

    • I fully expect this rocky mountain high law will be enforced. Because “the wrong people” were murdered, at club Q. The LGBTQxyz crowd, are s0ci@list pr0gressive in the p0litic@l 0rient@tion. They will be demanding “blood”, revenge, and they will want the law to be strictly enforced. I’m sure they will be monitoring its progress. The g@y married with kids governor will make it happen.

      Things change when the wrong people get killed. Or I should say, you loose your rights even more, when the wrong people get killed. The “happy” anti-civil rights governor, signed the law repealing preemption.

      • The gun store in town has a literal wall of drum mags next to a wall of standard capacity AR and AK mags next to a wall of standard capacity pistol mags. Just like every other LGS in the Front Range that I’ve seen (which is dozens). Literally close to 1000 crimes just sitting out in the open in front of a parade of officers that go in there ALL the time.

        I’ve watched cops, in uniform, buy these illegal items and openly tell other customers who are new gun owners that PMAGs are the way or that Glocks deserve a fun stick. They publicly, and quite literally, laugh at the law.

        They won’t enforce shit. How do I know? Because they don’t enforce shit and haven’t enforced shit for nine years running. The cops, sheriff’s deputies and state police themselves publicly flout the law and openly tell other people to do the same.

        The ONLY places that comply are the big-box virtue signalers. Cabela’s, Jax and Bass Pro, and fuck them in the first place.

        Laws don’t matter when there isn’t a culture demanding enforcement. There isn’t.

    • The downside to selling them or even having them shipped though, could mean the end of that business. But yep, I love it. Fuck those laws. Pretty sure the last thing you want is to piss off a highly connected gun store owner who’s made massive amounts of efforts to play by the rules for a long time. I mean, look what happened in Boulder when they pissed off a muffler shop owner…


      • The issue with all of this is that people think a “law” matters. It doesn’t.

        There’s an inquiry into this called “philosophy of law” that is millennia old. It’s been known for 4000 years that “the law” doesn’t matter for shit if the overwhelming majority of the population doesn’t internalize that law, because that’s what makes the law enforceable.

        Conservatives need to figure this out and discover how to become ungovernable. Playing by the rules just because there are rules espoused by some group of fucksticks only hurts Conservatives. It doesn’t make them better or more moral. It makes them stupid and easily manipulated against their own interests.

        The Left has taken advantage of the Right on this front for decades. It needs to stop.

        • Agreed. I thought maybe there was a chance in 2021, but we all saw how that went and is going. At this rate, it will take nothing short of a nuke or drone strikes on Americans, by “Americans”, to wake the populace up.

    • Like Portland. I hear it’s flourishing with a majority of non white races…

      (it’s like 80% white lol)

  28. It’s amazing to watch another american state go through the process of self-destruction. And the voters just keep doing it over and over again.


    llinois Gov Pritzker Signs AR-15 Ban & Threatens Cops That Don’t Enforce

    Gov. JB Pritzker had a firm response when numerous Illinois law enforcement agencies stated they wouldn’t enforce the new gun ban: Comply or hit the road.

    During a press conference on Tuesday, Pritzker added, “As are all law enforcement throughout our state, and they will in fact do their job or they won’t be in their job.”

  30. The governor has no power over County sheriffs. Once again they are ELECTED officials in their counties and have a duty to uphold the constitution, they don’t answer to the governor.

    Local and state police are a different story, nobody elected their Chief.

    This has happened before in Illinois is just beginning, the downstate Sheriffs that aren’t 2A sanctuaries are also signing a letter that states:

    “As your duly elected sheriff my job and my office are sworn, in fact, to protect the citizens of [insert county here] County. This is a job and responsibility that I take with the utmost seriousness.

    Part of my duties that I accepted upon being sworn into office was to protect the rights provided to all of us, in the Constitution. One of those enumerated rights is the right of the people to keep and bear arms provided under the 2nd amendment.

    The right to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people.

    I, among many others, believe that HB 5471 is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

    Therefore, as a Custodian of the Jail and Chief Law Enforcement Official for [insert county here] County, that neither myself nor my office will be checking to ensure that lawful gun owners register their weapons with the state, nor will we be arresting or housing law abiding individuals that have been arrested solely with non-compliance with this act.”

    So far Tom Dart (Cook County – who believes that nobody should have guns other then cops and whose office is responsible about 90% of objections for CCL applications) and John Idleburg (Lake County – where the parade shooting took place) have said they WILL enforce the unconstitutional law are the only two sheriffs who had said they will at this point.

    Give it time and in a couple of weeks most Sheriffs will either state they wont enforce HB 5471 or redeclare that their county is a second amendment sanctuary county. 67 out of 102 counties have adopted Second Amendment sanctuary so JB Pritzker can go pound sand.

    The only reason that Illinois isn’t a completely RED state is Chicago and the surrounding counties. There are only 14 blue counties out of 102 total.

    It’s kind of hard to be a RED state when 75% of Cook county (1.7 million votes) votes blue.
    Six surrounding NE counties also vote blue. (about 850k blue votes)
    Basically 7 counties hold Illinois hostage.

  31. Haven’t all the bullet points of the new Illinois legislation all been struck down in other states’ court (Federal) cases already? So this is sort of “frivolous” legislation headed to the courts where most likely be defeated.

  32. I am starting to believe the American voters would take Jim Jones Kool-Aid with no question, if the media told them to. How else can you explain the stupidity of these politicians being elected in the first place. Failed laws after failed, law repeated, the definition of ignorance, yet these political hacks and their media cronies keeps shoveling us the same old shit.

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