“One of Illinois’ new laws requires consumers to reach for their identification as well as their cash when they have a clogged drain,” qconline.com reports. “The law that took effect Sunday requires a valid identification to buy products containing chemicals listed within the Federal Caustic Poison Act in concentrations that require the warning ’causes severe burns’ on the packaging. Targeted substances include hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. Purchasers also must sign a log with their name and address. ‘We’re looking at Drano, Liquid-Plumr — those are the big ones,’ Rep. Rich Morthland, R-Cordova, said.” Health and safety run amok, you ask? Nanny state making sure you don’t hurt yourself? Nope. In the Land of Lincoln, Drano is considered a dangerous weapon . . .

The law was proposed after acid was used as a weapon to cause disfiguring injuries, according to the Illinois Senate Republicans’ website. State Rep. Morthland said he heard committee testimony from victims of such attacks whose horrific injuries required multiple surgeries . . .

Failure to comply is a business offense under to the law with fines up to $150 for the first violation, $500 for the second and $1,500 for the third and any subsequent violations within 12 months.

Mr. Trevor said people wanting to misuse the substances likely still will find a way to circumvent safeguards. He said he has heard some grumbling from customers, but there is not much choice right now.

“If they need a drain cleaned, they are going to buy the product,” he said.

Why does the name Raymond Patriarca suddenly spring to mind? [h/t to APBTFan for the link]


  1. Y’all are making a big assumption that this is truly about the nanny state.

    Given Illinois’ past, I’ll bet it’s because Chicago is the locus of American manufacturing of drain snakes, and the lobbyists for that industry have been buying pols in Springfield lately!

  2. Arg. Someone needs to point out that humans have been killing each other with rocks, sticks, and their bare hands for thousands of years. This law is not going to change anything for criminals.

    • But it makes more work for gub’mt minions.

      “Grandpaw, what did you do before you retired?”

      “Sweety, I was in charge of filing the Drano reports.”

      • I think you meant “I slept at the office for Drano reports – we were supposed to keep records of every evil person wanting to unclog a drain, but thanks to the good old union, we got paid to sleep 8 hours a day!”

  3. I have now added a new item to my shopping list for the next time I am in Indiana, Kentucky or Missouri ( besides gas and smokes cheaper too! And can buy ammo without an ID card. )

  4. “Mr. Trevor said people wanting to misuse the substances likely still will find a way to circumvent safeguards. He said he has heard some grumbling from customers, but there is not much choice right now.”
    “This new law won’t really stop anyone from doing what they want to do. F*** you, anyway.”

  5. So, I guess now every person that buys drain cleaner will be a suspect the next time it is used in a crime … [sarcasm]Sure, that makes sense. I’m sure the police are going to love checking alibis for several thousand more people. That ought to help solve crimes.[/sarcasm] I cannot see a criminal who is intent on using drain cleaner in a crime (seems more like an improvised weapon of opportunity, anyway) being turned away from buying it because he/she has to show ID. There’s just no way sales logs at Wal-mart and Home Depot are going to lead to an arrest.

  6. According to the MSDS, Draino liquid is made from lye and bleach, so what exactly keeps people from mixing those two together to get around this registration system, or keep them from mixing bleach and ammonia? Shit you could make something even more caustic. I wonder if I’m going to need to register my next car battery as well.

  7. Do consumers have to show ID before they buy kitchen, street, and survival knives in Illinois? What about crow bars and hammers, and baseball bats and hockey sticks? Has Illinois outlawed slingshots? The northern Chicago suburbs of Morton Grove and Skokie were the first places to ban handguns back in the late 70’s/early 80’s. Funny coincidence that within ten years Chicago gang crime began, for the first time, to make its way into those same suburbs.

  8. The race is on between Illinois, Massachusetts and California to see who can pass the greatest number of stupid laws in the least amount of time. It’s still early in the competition, and Illinois is presently ahead of Massachusetts only because the Boston knife control law is still being written. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2776520/posts

    California is lagging in the three-way competition since it has so many stupid laws on its books that it needs additional books. A proposal to authorize additional books has been sent to the Additional Books Subcommittee.

  9. Is anyone else upset that they used the term caustic incorrectly? Must just be the chemist in me…

  10. This legislation doesn’t go far enough. After all it is an undisputed fact that the source of illegal drain cleaner stems from thief of such liquids from legal owners.
    Proper storage (either in an approved Drain Clearer Safe or Bottle Cap locks) must be required by law!

    Please, think of the children.

  11. I’m sure there are a lot of wifes in Illinois being sodomized while their husbands watch…

  12. “find ways to circumvent safeguards”? I can’t think of a way to *not* circumvent safeguards. This was bill was probably conceived just to smuggle some pork.

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