
By Brandon via

A Houston homeowner fought back against an armed intruder after he tried to enter his home. A couple was visiting the homeowner Friday morning and when they were leaving the home, an armed man tried to enter. The homeowner quickly grabbed his pistol and opened fire on the suspect, shooting him five times in the face . . .

The suspect was transported to Memorial Hermann by Life Flight in critical condition. Here’s where the story takes a turn.

Police chased down the couple, but were only able to arrest the man. As it turns out, the couple were part of the attempted home invasion. Their buddy, now shot in the face, was waiting outside for them to exit the home to stage the invasion.

It didn’t work out too well.

Reminder: Know your company. While it’s tough to always nail this down, it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone is always who they present themselves as.

Another reminder: never let your guard down.


  1. 5 times in the face. The face is in front of the brain. Couldn’t at least one of those rounds gone on thru and out the back?

    • the face and skull have some of the hardest bones in the entire body. It’s not uncommon for shots to the face to not penetrate and even skitter along the bones under the skin.

      • Yeah, I know that freaky things happen with face and head shots. But all 5? I want more details.

        • agree, more details. Also agree with the .380 or lighter remark. even tho the “suspect” is not dead, it did stop the fight, so +1 for that.

        • Heard of a case in Dayton many years ago where a guy answered the door and took a full mag (7 rounds) of .25 ACP. Last round entered his mouth, left under his ear and knocked him cold so the attacker thought he was dead and left.

          Last I heard he made a full recovery and joined the Cincinnati police until retirement.

      • Not just that, but not every part of the brain is a lightswitch. There’s a lot of material that you can dig holes into without killing someone. (It’ll cause a lot of brain trauma, and probably stop the person from attacking you, though, which is good,) Given heroic modern medical techniques, you might well survive if applied quickly enough. How much control you’ll have over your body, or memory, or language or reasoning is a different question.

        • Yup. Ask Gabby.

          Fortunately, it still leaves you with enough residual brain function to remain a congressman or pursue a career in gun control advocacy.

          So things may be looking up for this would-be home invasion robber.

        • Years ago, I attended a brain autopsy where the decedent had killed himself by shooting himself in the head with a .22lr pistol. He shot himself through the frontal lobe. The bullet made a nice clean wound channel. The medical examiner estimated it took him 4-5 hours to die. He died from brain swelling.

  2. “Reminder: Know your company.”

    A great idea in theory, however in practice this is practically impossible. If government agencies still hire dishonest turds despite having carte blance access to their entire documented life history, theres no way you can be sure every friend you know is on the level. What’s the common refrain after the cops bust a ponzi scheme or con artist?

    “They seemed like such nice people.”

    So the default state is smile …but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

    • Is there a marine out there who can confirm? It’s my understanding the ol’ USMC motto is something like “be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.”

      • Not a Marine but active duty (USAF pilot). I saw that saying on a sticker in the wall of the chow hall in Manas Kyrgyzstan many years ago. If I recall, it had Marine markings on it, but I don’t remember specifically. It gave me a chuckle, and I have enjoyed using it on occasion since.

    • Ponzi scheme victims are extremely naive and/or extremely greedy. Never mind knowing your company. Know thyself!

      Beyond that, while there are no guarantees, it’s still pretty obvious to spot 99% of bad guys, especially if you’ve actually been introduced and spent even just a few minutes with them.

      You’ll find that a substantial minority, nearly a majority, of murder victims themselves have significant criminal records. Again, know yourself and get your [stuff] together. It’s amazing how much trouble you’ll avoid and how much avoids you.

    • Maybe it was a nice adventurous couple from the Craigslist personals looking to explore new things with new people. Likely scenario.

  3. I’d change the news title in “Home Owner shoots Would-Have-Been Home Invasor”. Was, but no more.

  4. Shooting someone 5 times could be construed as, more force than warranted, even though the perp deserved it. I probably wouldn’t have limited the shoot to two or three shots either!

    • I’m gonna presume 5 shot J-frame or the like. Adrenaline kicked in and he fired until the gun clicked. As for more force than warranted? He hadn’t fallen yet – still advancing, still a threat – those 5 shots were probably fired in about 1.5 seconds. You don’t shoot assess, shoot assess. You shoot as long as you reasonably feel you’re still in danger.

      • This guy must have been a good shooter, if he went 5/5 to the face of the criminal with a J-Frame. I hope I never get in a situation where I need to do that.

    • When you are frightened and adrenalin is flowing, shit happens damn fast and it’s damn difficult to project what a person may have done. A person is coming in your home, your castle, your sanctuary and you are going to do what….call mommy? Hide under your bed? If you have a gun in your hand, you go to work.

    • The common occurrence, once the adrenaline kicks, in is that after the action is all over, there is no memory of how many shots were fired. Many times, people don’t even remember hearing the sound of the blasts of the cartridges going off.

      • Thanks for saying it. I started writing it out but changed my mind about posting it to keep the comments shorter.
        Yeah, it’s common even for cops to not have an accurate count of how many shots they fired.
        They think it was 3 or 4 shots when actually it was 9. It’s very common.

  5. Former boss of mine as a teenager shot a home invader 7 times with a 1911. When asked by the cops why he shot 7 times, he replied he ran out of ammo.

    • I’m calling bs on that story. Shoot a guy once with a .45 and it creates a black hole where the guy used to be. 7 times? You could stop the earth’s rotation with that much energy unharnessed.

  6. Friends, probably more like customers. This was a drug rip that went wrong is my bet.

  7. No mention of the caliber. A .22 or .25 bullet may not penetrate to the brain and may not have the energy to do much damage if it does. A wound to the side of the face can break bones and knock out teeth without coming close to the brain.

  8. The real question… .is MDA or MAIG going to add them to the list of victims names they read at their events?

      • yes it was. as for the no more names idea, I counter propose this: More Names Daily.

        this would be a simple list of those who died from guns while engaged in any or all of the following:

        Burglarizing a home
        Gang related antics
        Drug related
        Car Jacking

        This is by no means a comprehensive list, but I feel its a good start. If you have boiled down your life to the point where these are things you feel you need to do, then you will be put on a list of deceased criminals.

  9. I remember a home defense incident a few years ago. A woman shot a intruder 5 times in the face with a 38 special. They guy was still able to run out of the house and jump in to her neighbors car where he died. Guess the human skull is tougher than you think.

    • gotta take into account that anyone dumb enough to do home invasions for a living is probably a little denser then the rest of us in the cranial region.

  10. Like to know what caliber the home owner was using, and if the round was JHP or FMJ. Five rounds to the head, that’s one hard head.

  11. The article states it was a semi-automatic handgun. I’m guessing something in .22LR

    From the comments:
    “As the worker couple opened the door and walked out, the third person (their accomplice, possibly) walked in and pointed a shotgun at him. He was already carrying, he didn’t have to go for the gun. The robber was not shot five times in the face, he was shot in face, back, and chest. Writers here are a joke.”

    I have no idea how credible that information is, but it seems entirely possible that not all 5 were in the face.

  12. You take 5 rounds to the noggin from anything and something has gotta rattle loose. My guess is that the state of Texas will shell out millions in full time care for this douche until he takes his final breath.

  13. Five to the face is a good start, but next time, the homeowner might consider a better caliber. Maybe something that starts with the number 40.

    • Something ending in 57 magnum would be just fine as well. 5 shots from a GP100 or SP101 would hurt.

      • I don’t feel undergunned with 21 rounds of 9mm +P HST 124 grain JHPs from a Sig 226 Tac Ops. But I do have the spare Glock 23 or 27 handy. Unless I have a few spare seconds to unlock the Mossberg 930.

        • And if you have trouble unlocking the Mossberg you can always revert to the 20 MM Orlikin mounted on the bed of your pickup!

    • Directions for the holy handgun of Antioch:

      The number of the pistol caliber shall start with 4 and 4 shall be the start of the pistol caliber. 5 is right out. 3 is no good unlest though immediately proceed to 4.

      (Doesn’t work quite as well, but still kinda funny.)

  14. .25auto FMJ’s do funny things. had a gentleman who tried to assault his former lady friend one too many times in a tavern at Goodfellow and Wabada in st. Louis back in 1963. she emptied her little automatic at him. some towards his front, the rest at his backside. we caught him running like a demon up the street, thinking he was the victim of the shooting call we were responding to, but when I yelled halt, he froze in mid air like a statue, one arm forward, one back, one leg forward, one back. (looked like Icabod Crane) After realizing he had been shot, took him to hospital and the ER docs pulled two bullets out of his heavy overcoat, one out of his back with forceps, one had penetrated his scalp and circled under the skin to bulge out just in front of his jaw bone. tetnus shot, band aid, two aspirins, and then to the holdover.

  15. If he shot him five times to the face and he didn’t die, either 1) his aim absolutely sucks, 2) the chosen caliber he’s using totally sucks, and/or 3) it’s a miracle from God. Without knowing enough about factors #1 and #2, I’m inclined to go with #3.

    • Yes, but at least he has an explanation for his ugly. He can even provide a doctors note if pressed. Her ugly goes all the way to the bone and is just her nature.

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