bullet US flag gun nation

A racist with an assault weapon slaughtered 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, on May 14, but, in the days since, there has been little serious talk about gun control, except from the president and the governor of New York who, because it is their job, are expected to say something.

One reason for this is that the scourge of right-wing terrorism directed at non-white citizens is so appalling that it is hard to focus on anything else. But another reason is that everyone knows the gun debate is effectively over – and the guns have won. …

The only way to effectively end gun deaths and gun violence in the United States is to emulate civilized nations, such as Japan, New Zealand, Germany and Great Britain, where national laws severely restrict gun ownership.

In a country that fetishizes the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms, that will never happen. Besides, as any super-patriotic militia member with no passport and a barely achieved high school diploma will tell you for a fact, those funny-talking foreigners have zero freedom and low testosterone. …

Semi-automatic handguns and AR-15 type rifles are the big sellers, which means folks are arming themselves, not to pick off rabbits and deer, but to ward off perceived threats from swarthy-skinned thieves or jack-booted federal agents or, perhaps, aliens from a planet run by transgender communists.

Yes, this gun fever is lunacy. Yes, it is a clear and present danger to have so many weapons of war in the hands of people seething with unjustified fears and unhinged anger. Yet, that is where we are as a nation. Unless anti-gun folks are finally ready to move to Canada – as every liberal in America has threatened at least a dozen times – we will just have to live with the ubiquitous guns and learn to duck and run.

— David Horsey in More Than 400 Million Guns, From Sea To Shining Sea


    • david horsey is full of horseysht…And on top of that he is a bigot. He is a bigot towards those who exercise a certain Constitutional Right. Simply remove the bigotry based labels david horsey has for those with firearms and insert the N-Word.

      Sneaky david horsey rides in on the blood of unarmed victims in Buffalo and assumes no one sees what he is up to. Fact is the Gun Control he fantasizes about is the worldwide victim supply chain for the violent individual no matter if the violent individual uses a firearm, brick, bat, knife, vehicle, etc.

      To call the Buffalo shooter a racist is also a stretch. The shooter being a teenager hadn’t enough time on this earth to figure out what was motivating him was nothing new. What was motivating him was the residue of racism from the democRat Party that has past down through centuries from slavery to Jim Crow, etc.

      After all the democRat Party owns the legacy of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities. If david horsey and his democRat Party ilk want to do something useful then they should reach into their democRat Party coffers and cough up Monetary Reparations for their party history of race based atrocities including the ripple effects.

    • The comments at the Seattle times under horsey’s article, were at least, promising. I was surprised.

      • Don’t be surprised if the Leftist Scum ™ quietly dumps the comment section, like they did at one of their political blogs…

        • Speaking of leftist scum, am I the only one who noticed that the Buffalo murderer called himself a communist and authoritarian leftist? He was definitely not a MAGA-voting, right winger.

    • mass-shooters have targeted all sorts of groups..[would you label Jews as non-white?]…as well as no particular group at all..[Las Vegas]….motivations have ranged from the easily discernible to the incomprehensible…. their’s are similar actions with wildly divergent motives

    • You could not save a chocolate teapot. Here in the uK we are recognised in the ARMED PROFESSIONAL sense as some of the most hard nose warriors there are [just ask any of yOU US SERVICE Personell about tha!!] and have been upholding INTERNATIONAL rights on nthe fields of conflict freedom longer than most.
      When war broke out in UKRAINE it was the UK that openly suppoted UJKRAINE with weapons and training whilst all the uS coulkd think of was to offer SANCTUARY to it’s Presiudent> It was the UK that took the lead in Europe and to it’s credit the USA followed the UK example with some alacrity as only the US can when on a roll. And this is spite of Russia’s threat to, nuke us -you might have noticed that Russia has NOT threatened to. nuke the USA . We in the UK and indeed in all of Euirope have had t in had storical terms War on our doorstep for over half a century. We KNOW when to pick up arms and we know what the likely outcome will be. !! MILLIONS OF DEAD Americans including you. I’m afraid most Americans have no bloodyn idea because they’ve not had conflict except of their own making for over two ,hundred years. The longest war the US has ever fougfght was on it’s own soil, and it was NOT the Civil War or the War of Independence either – it was the NAVAJO WARS against the Navajo Speaking Native Americans which was still being fought, by CUSTER and the US Army of the West even as the BROOKLYN BRIDGE was being inaugurated. In rough terms that war lasted from the War of Independence until the dying days of the 19th Century

      • Interesting alternative take on history.

        It’s inaccurate and irrelevant, but interesting.

      • albert hall of shame…Hang up your tough guy red coat or a bunch of rag tag farmers in the USA will hang it up for you…again.

  1. Very few of these people understand what a “militia” is. Most of them have a warped idea that just perpetuates fear. There is certainly no understanding within the rank and file base. I can guarantee that most of them conjure up visions of Tackleberry types doing mag dumps at the range or maybe Burt Gummer looking for something to blow up.

    The American patriot is their enemy. What else needs to be said?

    • the tv series “Jericho” would give you a good idea of what the founding fathers intended…..

  2. I am fine with all the people who “threaten” to leave actually loading up their Prius, or whatever, and leaving. I encourage them renounce their citizenship and pay the associated fees on their way out.

  3. Violent crime is up over 20% in the UK.
    Germany likes to claim their overall crime is at record lows while conveniently omitting that murders and rapes are up and rising.
    New Zealands crime has always been relatively low but trending upward over the past 3 years.
    I’m surprised Japan is mentioned. Usually Japan gets omitted from the list of utopias because of its cultural homogeneity and those pesky dog-whistles.

    Yet for all these stats and time spans guns are still the same as they’ve been for 100+ years and access to them has been easier in the past than the present.

    • Take a handful of the major lib cities out of the equation, and we have a relatively safe country full of armed patriots. Now run the same simulation with education scores. I think we discovered the problem.

      • Don’t start throwing facts around, you’ll just confuse the idiots. The truth makes their heads hurt.
        On second thought…..
        As you were, carry on

      • And there’s the rub, as they say. How can all those cities where leftists/collectivist/statist Democrats control every facet of public life – government, unions, education, culture, media, etc… – have ANY problems with ANYTHING, much less “guns”? NY, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Twin Cities, Seattle, Portland, LA, SF…those places HAVE to be secular paradises on earth, right? Or have “white supremacists” militias (and maybe a certain religious/cultural minority that trends toward “white”) infiltrated those shining examples of cultural superiority and ethnic diversity so thoroughly (and in total secrecy I guess since we know how the people in all those cities vote) that the brave SJ/PC/DEI warriors just can’t overcome all that adversity. Color me mystified…

  4. My guns have multiple purposes. Mostly target shooting and collecting. However, the one I carry is for the guy I interrupted checking car doors as I left a restaurant who didn’t run, but came at me. I carry for the dude waiting for me to be alone at a late night gas stop. I carry for the same reason I wear my seat belt, have fire extinguishers, pay for insurance, and keep fresh batteries in my smoke detectors.

    • Excellent, concise, one paragraph rationale on carrying. I C&P’d it to send to my son. Thank you.

  5. LOL and God Bless Murrica! Yeesh if he hit one more lefty talking point I would think was written by some of our trolls.

  6. Another delusional person that needs to get some wisdom. The shooting happened in Buffalo where there is strict gun control and a democrat run state. there is your answer. Wake up!

    • No, no, no. There just wasn’t enough control. There can always be more control. We’ll get there one day. There must be more government programs as well. And no solution is complete without spending money. Let’s create a special commission to figure out how to do it.

      • I know just the relatives of my elected officials and donors to put in this special commission, many of them are also on these large multinational funded think tanks.

      • And we’ll end up with Dacian’s utopia. A combination of the Chinese Panopticon surveillance state and a gulag.

    • And by a shooter who was by his own admission as far from a right-winger as you can get without being trans.

  7. She obviously has the typical liberal point of view which is total ignorance of the facts and never once admits that defunding the police, allowing riots to go on for weeks or months, opening the Southern border to anyone who wants to come here and a host of other things that encourage criminals to run loose and not be punished are the real causes of people wanting protection. Furthermore, something called the Constitution of the United States gives us the rights to bear arms and protect ourselves from enemies foreign and domestic. Well that includes the current Government as well. So yes they should be afraid of pushing We The People too far as certainly their will ultimately be an equal and opposite reaction that they will not like it one bit.

    • the role of the left in the explosion of gun ownership is something they refuse to grasp or acknowledge…factor in attempts at restrictions and outright bans and you have all the motivation you need to go out and buy one…

  8. ” … we will just have to live with the ubiquitous guns and learn to duck and run.”

    Or you could come to the range with me. Just make sure to bring an open mind.

    • Two articles in two days that mention the solution of running. These people sure do hate the elderly, injured, and disabled.

      • Same kind of folks who always ask the question, “Why don’t all these gun lovers just learn martial arts instead?”

        • The awkward conversation when we did and quickly realized the gun is safer for all involved.

        • remember one our “Instructors”….[black belt.. and all]…showing us how to disarm someone when they held a gun to your back…he moved fast,..but the shooter moved faster…actually firing the blank round before he could spin around,..resulting in a nice black swath across the back of his “gi-suit”….he was last seen heading off to the hospital…lesson learned:..”Blam!” beats “gee-haw!” any day of the week….

        • Damn Frank Speak we were just using airsoft and getting peppered in the kidney/side area. Kudos for reality based training on your end.

      • Telling ain’t it it mentions Germany,Japan,Britain & New Zealand?!? The 1st 2 slaughtered millions. Britain was arguably worse than Deutchland as a colonial power(look up India!). New Zealand was a go for Maori genocide. At least the denizens of the Warsaw ghetto killed some Nazis. But somehow it’s armed patriots who are the problem? Like in Chiraq and a bunch of Dim ruled cities? Remember when the other side didn’t demonize the other? Been awhile hasn’t it? JFK would be a moderate republican now…

      • Usain Bolt could run almost 30 ft/s. There’s some high schooler now that might be faster. I don’t think either of them could outrun a bullet. Running isn’t necessarily going to keep you safe. The majority of the injuries in the Las Vegas shooting were from people stampeding.

      • “Unless anti-gun folks are finally ready to move to Canada”
        Yeah run on up to Canada.

        • well, toddling up toCanaa won’t change much. Consider their Head Honcho these days. He is so mean and tough he went into hiding when a big handful of truck drivers showed up with a gnelt message for him. Then he turned full on Hitler and went berko punishing them for daring to have opinions and suggestions.
          Besides, there are almost as many gun-powning households in rural Canada as there are here in the US. Handgins and long ones too. (the handguns being, in the main illegal to possess, butpossess them they do. True Dough notwithstanding.

  9. Apparently David Horsey has forgotten that firearms in the hands of civilians began the march to the freedom we have today. History is a bitch David.

  10. Funny, I’m an extreme liberal the way the founding fathers were extreme liberals but I’ve never said that I wanted to move to Canada.

  11. Aren’t you tired of being vilified by psychotic left wing a-holes like Horsey? And, the irrational vituperation from liberals like him is getting worse not better.

    They’ve worked themselves into such a state that they regard people like us as untermenschen. Facts don’t matter. They’ve constructed an alternate reality for themselves that has them projecting all the ills of the world on us, which then justifies all the bile and hatred they spew our way and rationalizes their fantasies about constructing a world where no one is allowed to disagree with the liberal hive mind. Burning cities across America are a testament to what they are willing to do, collectively, to accomplish their goals.

    Have no doubt about it, liberals are playing for keeps. They aren’t interested in live and let live, rational discussion, or compromise; they are out to literally eliminate people like us.

    • Rest assured, us being herded into the showers for delousing is a part of the grand plan. When they realize lil’d’s Caravan of Death while good at spreading terror is on the whole inefficient.

  12. Some of us don’t even have a high school diploma. I wonder how many books the pompous, arrogant, self righteous condescending asshole who wrote that bird cage liner read this year. I’ve read 10 or 15 so far.

  13. The following from the article is the liberal’s definition of POTG:
    “In a country that fetishizes{sic} the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms, that will never happen. Besides, as any super-patriotic militia member with no passport and a barely achieved high school diploma will tell you for a fact, those funny-talking foreigners have zero freedom and low testosterone.” …

    This quote contains zero truth and an insult to POTG.
    Simply put, liberals can’t handle the truth.

    • I would like to know from the Horesy’s Maw just how many actual living warm-blooded gun owners he knows, and how much total time he has spent in their company. Based out pf Seattle, the city with more dogs than children, and more homeless than dogs, he can’t be too closely connected with reality. HW does he know all those who own guns are barely literate, many do in fact have passports, university degrees, often more than one, and he has NO CLUE of precisely (or even approximatley) how intelligent and cpable we who own guns really are. He seems to be capable of stringing multiple hot-button words/phrases togetierh into a meaningless stream of senseless drivel, and little more. He is likley god buds with the former Washington State Senator who floated an Assault Weapon ban in the legislature that year, and who hried some blatant liars to “testify” in committee about how dangerous they are, etc. I watched their testimony and wondered where the Sargeant at Arms was who should have arrested and charged them wtih prerjury for their false testimony. Horseys pals, for sure. RBet he’s real close buds with Jush Sugarman, an inveterate liar when it comes to gun stuff. I watched HIM lie in that committee hearin,g too.

  14. I have a bachelors, a passport and I bet I make 50% more money than that prick does because I am a useful contributor to society. If this column is indicative it’s unlikely he does.

    I’m betting the silence about Waukesha is deafening.

    • busybeef,

      No, no he couldn’t. Presuming he’s not a “prohibited person”, he has the freedom, in America, to purchase a gun. Since “being a man” implies a certain level of responsibility, and the ability to engage in ratiocination, he is clearly incapable of “being a man”. He is clearly “evolved” beyond being Homo Sapiens; he has now achieved the exalted (among Leftist/fascists) status of Home Motus. He joins a very “select” crew . . . like dacian the stupid, MinorIQ, jsled, and our nameless, brainless, d***less troll.

  15. MS13, zetas, bloods, Crips, latin kings etc. are FAR more of a threat to 99.9% of Americans than any milita group we’re all supposed to be terrified of suddenly

  16. When you speak of someone as if they were an enemy, because they retain the means to resist you, you shouldn’t be surprised that they take you at your word.

  17. Yes there is much truth in Horsey’s article. I might add we are the only industrialized nation on the planet that lets criminals and lunatics buy all the heavy firepower they want through the sale of second hand guns as well as not having a Federal Safe storage law or Universal Background Checks.

    Has the nation gone mad???? The answer is yes with Herr Drumpf its leading cheerleader for mass murder and mayhem, racism, xenophobia, immigrant hate and refugee paranoia (except of course if they are blue eyed , blood, and white Ukrainian which the Republicans said they would agree to let just a few in as a gesture of tokenism and fake humanitarianism.)

    • Safe storage ups the cost of gun ownership for those who need a gun cheaply and quickly, and also can be completely unnecessary for many people, especially considering that the majority of gun deaths are suicides and homicides, not accidental shootings by kids finding their dad’s gun. Universal background checks are un-enforceable without a registry of who owns what guns, which in addition to being a privacy rights issue (it isn’t really the government’s business who owns what guns), the history of gun registries is that they always lead to gun confiscation.

    • Wait, wait, wait. Is it your contention, dacian the stupid, that there is NO traffic in, or black market for, arms in other countries????? INTERPOL, the U.N., Mexico, and a bunch of other people gonna be shocked to hear that, dacian the stupid.

      This idiot comment contains as much “truth” as your normal irrational, ignorant, uneducated ranting, or as Horsey’s (@$$) babbling “article”. Go back to your circle jerk.

    • You have not checked your information very carefully…again. The Border Patrol reports that they are encountering many Ukrainians at the Southern Border along with people from just about every other nation in the world. The Ukrainians and the rest are being given free admission to the USA with minimal background checks…the only check is when they are fingerprinted as part of their paperwork. Even then, only really bad dudes with a specific criminal Hx are being detained longer than a few days…a very select few are bad enough to actually be sent back to their homelands.

    • dacian, the Dunderhead. This country does NOT allow people with criminal records or people who have been committed to a mental institution to buy a firearm. You are AGAIN, lying. We already have “NICs checks” and frankly they don’t work. Nice try again.

  18. What about me I consider myself patriotic I’m an American citizen I’m also an immigrant and I consider myself militia, am I having an identity crisis?

  19. This socialist Progressive white man, David Horsey, is like all the others of his kind. He is just as racist and intolerant of black people owning and carrying guns as Bull Connor. And he is terrified of them openly carrying guns.

    Yes it’s true that many people were very uncomfortable with the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense openly carrying guns. White people like the former California State Senate President racist and proud homosexual white man Tom Ammiano. Who said he liked the Mulford Act and would never repeal it.
    To people like Ammiano the klan has 1st amendment rights. But no civil right of the Panthers.

    The Freedom of speech freaks have never supported the Second Amendment. Nor have they ever supported the First Amendment. To them the first amendment is only about burning the America flag and their right to have pornography. Just as these same people believe the Second Amendment is only about hunting.

    Colonel Jeff Cooper said the best thing that could happen for folks of the inner city, is to make sure they have guns. So they can solve their own problems. And one of those problems is a white invader who decided to come and kill them.

    But the white people who demand the police be defunded. And say all cops are evil. Are also the same ones that don’t want black people to have guns to defend themselves.

  20. This s0ci@list Progressive white man, David Horsey, is like all the others of his kind. He is just as racist and intolerant of black people owning and carrying guns as Bull Connor. And he is terrified of them openly carrying guns

    Yes it’s true that many people were very uncomfortable with the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense openly carrying guns. White people like the former California State Senate President racist and proud h0m0sexu@l white man Tom Ammiano. Who said he liked the Mulford Act and would never repeal it.
    To people like Ammiano the klan has 1st amendment rights. But no civil right of the Panthers.

    The Freedom of speech freaks have never supported the Second Amendment. Nor have they ever supported the First Amendment. To them the first amendment is only about burning the America flag and their right to have pornography. Just as these same people believe the Second Amendment is only about hunting.

    Colonel Jeff Cooper said the best thing that could happen for folks of the inner city, is to make sure they have guns. So they can solve their own problems. And one of those problems is a white invader who decided to come and kill them.

    But the white people who demand the police be defunded. And say all cops are evil. Are also the same ones that don’t want black people to have guns to defend themselves???

  21. I’m still wondering why a passport makes any difference. Can’t see understand why that’s a qualification of theirs all of a sudden.

    • They feel if you don’t have a passport you have not had the opportunity to be “cultured” from visiting other Countries. And since you don’t have a passport they can flee the Country when thier ideas implode and you can’t leave.

      Just remember they believe in the concept of a passport t visit another Country but do not feel it is necessary for a such thing to come here.

      • I visited other countries while part of the u.s. Navy. Think I became less cultured in the process. There is no other country that even closely compares to the United States of America. We aren’t perfect but we are becoming less perfect due to the Communists who call themselves liberal Democrats. The tide is turning back in the other direction at this time. I hope it’s not too late!

        • I learned what poverty really was while in Central and South America in the 80s. And in Africa and Middle East in the 90s and 2000s. I have not seen the same level of poverty here, not even in Appalachia. The poorest of the poor in other places would happily trade places with the poor est here and feel blessed by what they would have here. And they probably wouldn’t be poor very long because they would use the opportunities here to better themselves.

      • Thank you for the prompt education. I too learned of real poverty on a church trip to Mexico, then later to Bosnia. Both places were eye opening indeed and for vastly different reasons.

    • implication: a world traveler is a more enlightened individual….guess being in the Navy doesn’t count…

  22. Actually, most of those other countries do not really have freedom like we have here. They are free in the sense of the government being “kind masters,” but in terms of right of innocence until proven guilty, limitations on law enforcement powers, privacy rights, free speech rights, etc…they are far more limited.

    But since those nations are so civilized, might I also point out that many of them do not have birthright citizenship either.

    • They are kind masters until times get hard or there are narratives to push then they are whatever is convenient over you. Other than that great summary and can only nitpick little things.

  23. This Horses ass has decided to conflate passports and educational awards with societal worth. I think it is worth pointing out that patriotic truckers, welders, cops, and even the greeter at Walmart are far more useful to society than his green-haired gender studies majors who have studied abroad.

    • I did not renew my passport because there was no overseas travel allowed during the pandemic and I had, and still have, no plans for such travel. No point buying a time limited document when you can’t use it.

  24. What a crock! When will Leftists stop being ignorant with their suppositions?
    Master’s Degree here and multiple guns.


  26. The delusional writer of this drivel should be forcefully tested to see what drugs he/she/it ingests to come up with such excrement. Obviously spends too much time listening to what stupid ideas Satan whispers into his ear.

  27. Fun fact Uvalede and all of the other towns along that stretch of highway were sunset towns and Hondo kept their signs up until the mid 80s.

  28. I had no idea there were transgendered communist aliens who could be defeated by a Glock. Strangely weird that I’ve never heard of them since that’s all the gun community talks about….

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