offers the following list of firearms-related bills filed for the 2017 Florida legislative session. They expect Gunshine State pols will file more pro-gun bills to be filed before the session starts on March 7.

SB-128 Restoring Self-defense Immunity – by Sen. Rob Bradley (Republican) – Restores the self-defense immunity provision of the stand your ground law to the original intent of the Legislature. Restores the presumption of innocence, of a person who exercises self-defense, until proven guilty by the state. (SB-128 currently has the following sponsors. In addition to Sen. Rob Bradley, Senators Dennis Baxley, Aaron Bean and Wilton Simpson have cosponsored the bill so far)

SB-140 Open Carry of a Handgun – by Sen. Greg Steube (Republican) – Allows persons licensed to carry a Concealed Weapon or Firearm (CW) to carry openly; removes the restriction against CW license holders carrying on college and university campuses; removes the restriction against CW license holders carrying firearms inside the passenger terminal of an airport (outside the secure area) ; removes the restriction against CW carrying in courthouses under certain conditions;

SB-142 Storage of Firearms – by Sen. Gary Farmer (Democrat) – Removes exceptions in the safe storage of firearms law and makes the gun owner a criminal if a person under 16 years of age breaks into a home or vehicle and steals a firearm.

SB-170 Adding Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms – by Sen. Oscar Braynon (Democrat) – Prohibits Concealed Weapons and Firearms license holders from carrying firearms into any performing arts center or legitimate theater.

SB-254 “Assault Weapons” ban – by Sen. Linda Stewart (Democrat) – Bans the sale and possession of semiautomatic handguns, rifles and shotguns that use a detachable magazine or tubular magazine (almost all semiautomatic firearms). Provides for firearms to be surrendered to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

HB-167 “Assault Weapons” ban – by Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith (Democrat) – Bans the sale and possession of semiautomatic handguns, rifles and shotguns that use a detachable magazine or tubular magazine (almost all semiautomatic firearms). Provides for firearms to be surrendered to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

HB-236 Adding Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms – by Rep. Cynthia A. Stafford (Democrat) – Prohibits Concealed Weapons and Firearms license holders from carrying firearms into any performing arts center or legitimate theater.

HB-245 Restoring Self-defense Immunity – by Rep. Bobby Payne (Republican) – Restores the self-defense immunity provision of the stand your ground law to the original intent of the Legislature. Restores the presumption of innocence, of a person who exercises self-defense, until proven guilty by the state.

HB-291 Constitutional Amendment to Exempt Law Enforcement from Gun Control – by Rep. Don Hahnfeldt (Republican) To exempt law enforcement from the 72-Hour Waiting Period on the personal purchase of personal handguns. In 1990 law enforcement led the charge to impose a gun control measure on you and me — a 3-day Waiting Period on the purchase of handguns — but they failed to persuade the Legislature to exempt law enforcement. They’re back trying again.

HB-6001 Concealed Weapons & Firearms In Airport Terminals – by Rep. Jake Raburn (Republican) – Removes the restriction against CW license holders carrying firearms inside the passenger terminal of an airport but retains the restriction of carrying firearms past inside the secure area beyond the security check point.

HB-6005 Campus Carry – by Rep. Scott Plakon (Republican) – Removes provision prohibiting concealed carry license holders from carrying a handgun into college or university facility for self-defense.


  1. Boy I tell you what some of these more on Democrats trying to put forward an assault weapons ban once again another Media made term. And trying to get all these people to turn in all their rifles shotguns and handguns to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that would cause a riot in the streets people in Florida are not going to give up anything to the state law enforcement just because some Progressive liberal Democrat wants to feel safe but not actually be safe. And totally forget the statistical facts that prove that it’s like .1% of all shootings involve an AR-15 AK-47 type of a weapon which I call us modern sporting rifle or modern musket. Good luck like it did so well when Bill Clinton did this actually crime went up after the assault weapons ban that he did thank God it had an expiration date on it.

  2. Did you notice (of course you did) that gun control bills were dem sponsored while gun freedom bills were Republican sponsored?

    • You mean all the Anti-Civil rights bills were Democrat sponsored, and all the Pro-Civil rights bills were Republican sponsored.


  3. ”makes the gun owner a criminal if a person under 16 years of age breaks into a home or vehicle and steals a firearm.” So, Dem Farmer if some feral scumbag breaks into my home and my gun is stolen (from the night stand), I’M THE CRIMINAL? You, sir, are an asshole.

    • Don’t liberals cry about how we “blame the victims” when we say things might have been different if someone was armed? Yet it’s okay to try to hold the law abiding gun owners criminally liable for being a victim? “Asshole hypocrite” would be a better description.

  4. “and makes the gun owner a criminal if a person under 16 years of age breaks into a home or vehicle and steals a firearm.”

    Why is it that demoncrats are always trying to create a new class of criminals out of victims?

  5. * SB-142 Storage of Firearms – by Sen. Gary Farmer (Democrat)
    * SB-170 Adding Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms – by Sen. Oscar Braynon (Democrat)
    * SB-254 “Assault Weapons” ban – by Sen. Linda Stewart (Democrat)
    * HB-167 “Assault Weapons” ban – by Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith (Democrat)
    * HB-236 Adding Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms – by Rep. Cynthia A. Stafford (Democrat)

    Hahahahahaha! Snort. Hahahahahaha! Good luck with those, you democrap traitors.

    The progtard transplants sheeple in the few large urban areas might bend over and spread ’em for you but the rest of the state wont put up with this nonsense and they have a long political memory.

    • Until, inevitably, the Dems in the urban areas spread their infection into the rural parts of the state.

      Eventually, that will happen…

      • They don’t need to spread. The just build high density loft apartments, give ’em a snazzy name, overcharge for them and grow the population in the cities until you have a large enough portion of the population that you can effectively rule the rest of the state.

        That’s how the roll in Boulder and Denver. No need to branch out and rub shoulders with the unclean masses when you can sip your shitty wine in your overpriced apartment while riding your $700 Gucci dildo, look down on everyone else and force your progressive agenda down their throats simply by simply adding more apartments and increasing the density of liberals in your city. When/if you do feel the need to get out of the city you can take your dildo with you, mount it to a tree and get way more tree lovin’ than just a hug. Now you’re all environmentally friendly and shit.

  6. Article states the bill to ban university carry is from a republican

    One of the other Florida gun blogs lists two republicans as being against open carry

    Never assume anything from a politician

    • “One of the other Florida gun blogs lists two republicans as being against open carry”

      Yep, 2 RINOS from one of the progtard enclaves.

      “Never assume anything from a politician”

      Indeed. Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

      • I assume all politicians are enemies of the Citizens of these United States. That way, I get to be right most of the time, and pleasantly surprised on some rare occasions.

  7. HB-291 Constitutional Amendment to Exempt Law Enforcement from Gun Control – by Rep. Don Hahnfeldt (Republican).

    Two sets of laws. One for the rulers and enforcers a different set for the common people. Disgusting

    • Yeah, I’ll be writing to my reps to vote that one out. Civilian LE are not entitled to more than the Citizens are. Even in the job where they are using state owned (public) equipment, they’re not entitled to more/better than we.

  8. I don’t have a lot of confidence in the pro2A bills passing, FL has had a R controlled legislature and governor for long enough to make a bigger difference. But the AWBs have no chance in hell. However, it is useful to get current lists of politicians hostile to We the People. These need to be removed next go round.

    • The AWB proposals are just publicity stunts by democrats and they know it. All these democrats know how to do is waste time. Not smart enough to come up with meaningful legislation that could help their constituents. It’s become an impossible endeavor being a democrat voter in Florida.

  9. Let’s hope that it stays that way–that it continues to be an impossible endeavor to be a democrat voter in Florida–but I fear that our Dade-Broward liberal Democrat anti-gun infection will eventually spread northward to other areas of our once beautiful state !!! Adorable Deplorable DMD (Miami)

  10. As long as Disney, Universal and the other tourist businesses hold the power of billions in tourist dollars, FL will always be a place where gun rights are one election away from attrition.

    • That’s not really the case. They can do what they want inside the enclaves and parks. Well, the legislature did force them to let employees keep firearms in their vehicles. The problem is our very large statist population in the large urban areas combined with Fudd’s in the rural parts. The deadly combination keeps Florida 1 of only a few states without open carry. Besides, who open carries unless you’re hunting and who would want to open carry their micro Kimber or LCP when it fits so nicely in your cargo short pocket?

      Much more concerning is the Retail Federation

  11. So no bar carry bill and shooters still have an paradise in bar”s and can repeat 2016 ………….
    Nobody adressed this in legislative ??

    • Yes, it’s bizarre in the extreme, however, pretty much everyone interprets the bar ban as meaning you can’t sit at the actual physical bar, where drinks are dispensed, so it’s not that big of deal. I’ve never heard of an arrest for anything less.

  12. My state rep’s receptionist tells me the Florida house has a limit on the number of bills they can introduce a session and he has already spent his. Will have to tell him to support the stuff here (going to try calling my state senator again. Was told bill writer would call me)

    Don’t forget about the ongoing constitutional revision commission. The stuff they propose goes directly to the ballot. Call the guv and demand his nominees support open carry ect.

  13. Any politician who proposes a bill where the criminal actions of another cause the victim of said crime to be charged with an offense should be kicked out of office, barred from holding any further public office, and fined 75% of their personal net worth.

  14. While Id like to see Open Carry pass. Just so I could if I wanted to, Which I dont see doing it at the moment. No ones world would end if it didnt pass. The law was changed here a few years back to the point where momentary exposure of a concealed weapon is no longer a crime. But it is still my word against whoever it is that did the complaining. There Maybe some yawho wants to march around town with a belted weapon or his AR15 slung over his shoulder. That person is just looking for attention and would surely get it. In most populated areas. If you want to wear a pistol while fishing off a bridge?? You can. But who does?? A gun concealed is alot more advantageous in most situations. Why advertise that your armed?? I have yet to understand that.

  15. SB-140 is pretty much dead….

    News broke back on January 24, 2017

    The author of a controversial proposal that would broadly expand how and where people can carry guns said Tuesday he is breaking up the measure

    However, Senate Judiciary Chairman Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, said he still intends to advance each smaller piece of his proposal (SB 140), which includes allowing people with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry handguns in public and carry firearms on college and university campuses.

    “Just from feeling the tea leaves, it’s probably better to attack it piece by piece,” Steube said after a Judiciary Committee meeting. “The House doesn’t have a bill that has all those different (parts).”

    Steube’s proposal would affect Florida’s more than 1.67 million concealed-weapons license holders. The measure, in part, would allow them to be armed on college and university campuses, at airport passenger terminals, in elementary and secondary schools, and at legislative and local government meetings.

  16. Open carry is good because some people will open carry
    This will get the public used to the idea that guns are all around them and nothing bad happens
    They will see open carriers on line at Publix and Walmart and out in the street
    This will normalize the idea of citizens having guns and counter the liberal irrational fear of firearms
    (I will still carry concealed )

  17. The USA is now bankrupt warmongering police state. The elites control the government, media, and the corporations.

    Americans either are ignoring the decay of the US or think that nothing can be done to stop the collapse.

    We sit at our keyboards and scream at our computers, but feel powerless to do anything about the decline. The struggle is immense and too much damage has been done to save the US.

    Even if we spent a year to fight to repeal mandatory helmet laws, new nanny state laws banning vaping, smoking, and hoverboards would be enacted.

    What can you do?

    We could protest and be arrested or killed.

    We could use our guns and be killed.

    We have the goddamn NSA wiretapping our phones, listening to our words, reading our emails, and recording our web history. The NSA has our pictures, knows our address, Social Security numbers, phone numbers, purchases, current location, plans, doctors, lawyers, and what we had for dinner yesterday.

    There really is no hope.

    The best we can do now is to just prepare, dropout, don’t comply, don’t consent, don’t participate, don’t vote, don’t buy licenses, don’t pay taxes, don’t call the police, don’t deal with the government, stop supporting this rigged system, and spread the word.

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