Black Women Guns
(AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane)

Every American has the right to keep and bear arms. But that doesn’t mean that guns are for everyone. Some of you will criticize the writer quoted below because decided she isn’t comfortable with firearms. But give her credit for actually shooting one and trying to make an informed decision.

It’s been a year since I held that Glock in my hand, surprised at the weight of it, unable to press the bullets into the clip. I’m hard pressed to know if I will ever hold one again. I’m certain my one-off shooting will not appease the men in my life, so sitting in my Groupon queue is another range pass.

But I’m not convinced arming myself is the solution. Jameel once told me, “never pull a gun unless you are ready to use it.” I don’t think I’d ever be ready. I’ve stared down too many gun barrels to ever feel comfortable with the idea of needing to turn one on someone else.

For me, there is no way to recognize the possibility of good when it comes to owning a weapon. I can only see the bad, what makes me fearful. And just like my father, until I can control both the weapon and the power, I’ll refrain from trying to harness either of them, willing to master the skill without actually using it.

– Athena Dixon in More Black Women Are Carrying Guns Than Ever Before. But Could I?


  1. Not everyone can deal with all that comes with arming themselves, that is a valid point – but it is wrong to blanket apply the idea using racial, gender or socioeconomic labels simply because of the authors personal experience. The author may have her own reasons to make her own decisions, by that is her personal choice alone. I would hope that she would support another person should they choose to. Perhaps realize that making your choices to “appease the men in her life” isn’t exactly a good start to any experience.

  2. 100% agree. Everyone has the right to speak freely, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is suited for a career in journalism or speachwriting.

    Some people are practically born with a gun in their hand, and can handle one in their sleep with a responsible attitude. Others are too immature and see them as status symbols or even toys.

    Everyone has the right to defense, but not everyone is suited for a gun. For those who aren’t, there are other options such as pepper spray (or just get behind me in event of emergency).

    • By far that was the most difficult lesson I had to learn with my family. No idea why all but one from my parents generation can’t be trusted with anything more than a BB gun but at least all their kids are good to go.

  3. I read her entire article. Her problem isn’t her unwillingness to take responsibility for her own safety using the most effective, efficient tool available (i.e. a gun); rather, it is her ingrained victim mentality. It leads her to places such as her mentally crippling projection of Philando Castile onto her own circumstances.

    I can empathize, though, in part. I have zero desire ever to take a life – to the extent that, until I had children, I would rather have given my own life than take someone else’s. But, with a family, I have responsibility beyond my own life. As such, I’m willing to do what I must, if put in the position to be forced to do so, to ensure that I can continue to fulfill my responsibility to them.

    I suspect her dad understands a similar calculus.

    • Mechanics of gun handling can be taught. Mentality of self defense is another story.
      I get what you say about having a family changed your mind, however, as a young single man with so much potential, you should have had that self preservation mentality all along.

      • Yeah, possibly. And back then I was more naive than I am now about the purpose of the second amendment and the necessity – and the responsibility – of free citizens to remain armed.

        But as for self-preservation: I know where I’m going when I die, and it’s better than here. So, even though I’m doing everything to live the best, most fulfilling life possible – running the race set before me, helping as many as I can, sucking as much marrow out of life as I can – whenever I am called home, I’m 100% content with it. In other words: my ultimate self-preservation has nothing to do with life on this mortal coil.

        • “Philando Castille was shot for reaching for something out of sight…”

          Hi, Chip….

          Using your Reply button because there are two references to Philando Castille on the page. Reviewed the video several times when it was released. Somehow, the passenger gets a complete pass on the deal. She shouted, “He has a gun” when Castille was reaching “for something out of sight”. The cop was pilloried for over-reacting, but my take is that he acted to the threat, “He has a gun”. The popular scenario has it that cops are just itching to kill (some may be). Tragedy that Ms. Dixon (or anyone) holds that vision of what actually happened.

          • Hey, Sam,

            I’ve mostly avoided rehashing the Philando Castile incident, as it is a bit of a tangent for the topic at hand. But, given how much she references that incident with respect to her own actions, reactions, and decision-making, I do think that it is salient to note how much some worldviews are formed/impacted by beliefs about some particular incident that do not align with the facts and reality of that incident.

        • I had a client once that gave immensely large contributions to charity each year. I was an advisor to him, and I felt obliged to caution him that the size of his contributions was limiting his savings for retirement. I note that while his intentions were honorable and greatly respected, he should also think about the long term.

          He responded that he was thinking about the long term. In fact he was thinking about a longer them than I had in mind.

          I acknowledged my understanding.

          It seems you too are possessed of this same understanding.

          Thanks for all you do.

    • If only we could get some liberals and anti-2A people to read your post. Your statement doesn’t fit me exactly, but I’m sure it fits a lot of men and women, to greater and lesser degrees. To sum it up, “I don’t want to kill anyone, but I’m ready if I have to.”

      If more than 30% of adults had the same attitude, AND carried, ‘Murica would be great again.

    • “…until I had children, I would rather have given my own life than take someone else’s….”

      Respectfully Chip (really) I’d like to ask – Did anyone ever try to kill you before then? Or did you at least think that someone was going to kill you?

      I never thought I could kill anyone either. Until someone convinced me they were going to kill me with a Schrade SharpFinger when I was backed up against a wall as far as I could go and was begging him not to do it.

      I found out I could.

      • I know what the answer would be today. Just as I know that I would not want to deal with the aftermath.

        The greatest tragedy of our society today is how we have lost almost all respect for the sanctity of life.

    • Took the words right off my keyboard.

      I would also add that some people aren’t well suited to exercise free speech rights – as they say some thoroughly stupid nonsense. The press has shown that they hold our rights, as well as their rights, in complete contempt.

      We could go on….

  4. There’s nothing wrong with someone deciding firearms aren’t for them. The problem is when those people project their fears on to others, and demand that since they can’t handle it, neither can anyone else.

    • “The problem is when those people project their fears on to others, and demand that since they can’t handle it, neither can anyone else.”

      *APPLAUSE*… 🙂

      Is that a surprise? They are the “educated” ones, why we are the ignorant, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, sister-fucking Neanderthals… 😉

      • Good point. Like the Moms Demand Action woman, who shot an killed her children, then herself. Her husband had enough of her BS, told her he was going to divorce her crazy ass.
        This was a member of MDA, funded by Blumberg, that tells US we can’t be trusted with firearms.
        Funny how the MSM didn’t give the story any airtime.

        • BTW, James, Guesty’s gone now. He’s a co-worker of mine who sometimes carpools with me (we live in the same duplex) and shares my affinity for POTG and 2A, but he’s been getting a bit difficult in the real world lately. I see he’s been taunting you as well. After we got into another unfortunate disagreement today, he threatened to start messing with my TTAG username and personal email address. I promptly told him if he does, I’ll doxx him and tell his wife about some things he’s done she’d get really upset about. I’m not a vindictive person, but sometimes a bit of tawdry gossip will go a long way as leverage.

          Anyway, he’s leaving town next week, so I won’t ever see him again at work or in the neighborhood. I suspect he’ll probably pop up here on TTAG in the near future under a new username and IP. If so, he’ll probably emerge as a new troll.

          Sorry for the trouble.

        • No worries. Thanks for the heads up.
          I actually had some good laughs posting back and forth. It was frustrating at time, and funny at time.
          It’s all good.

  5. Too many people do not realize that we are responsible for our own defense. Not only our own self-defense but of our loved ones as well. Our governments are charged with the public defense, and are under no obligation to provide for the defense of the individual citizen. And courts have ruled to that effect for quite some time now. Once people realize and accept that fact, then they become aware that it is not only a right but a duty. So if a person does have family members or loved ones that depend upon them. It makes it much easier to accept the responsibility involved with keeping and bearing arms.

    • “…we are responsible for our own defense…” That’s something the young people are not taught today. In Europe, if a branch falls across the road, they call the authorities. Over here, we get out of the car and move it. That’s changing here.

      • Yup, same over this way. It’s obvious that many people here in our country think it’s OK to make government their ‘god’. That trend needs to cease if we hope to have any future worth living. Because any government that has that much power has always turned it against the people they supposedly serve.

      • Lots of people my age and older were never taught that either.

        Ask women from nine to ninety whether the police are responsible for their (the females’) safety. You’ll get pretty uniform results across the decades… women, in the vast majority, think their safety is both the fault and responsibility of men. This includes ‘conservative’ women – or at least Republican ones – even here in Wyoming.

        Which of course, runs face-first into all the feminist blather we’ve been hearing for my entire life – that “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Apparently, women actually meant that “a woman needs a man exactly when, where and how she intends, and only when, where and how she intends, and he’d better know who he is and when he’s needed by magic mind-reading…” and sometimes that magical mind-reading requirement is for police to be exactly where women need them, exactly when they’re needed…

        and the rest of the time, the police can take that toxic masculinity someplace else.

        • Spot on D.G.. And when you consider the core of the Democratic Party is feminism, you begin to realize how so many of their politicians hold view points that contradict themselves, and worse they are completely fine with those opposing viewpoints as long as the group-think gives it a blessing.

          Women’s favorite pastime is attempting to put men in ‘un-win-able’ situations. Example, girl see’s a guy playing a game or sport, the girl then challenges the guy (with girl rules of course). If the guy wins, he just beat a girl, what kind of man are you, no pu$$y for you! If the girl wins, you just got beat by a girl, what kind of man are you, no pu$$y for you!

          Yup they play this game everyday at some level, and most guys don’t realize… they are the game, and women are just playing with our balls.

        • Really Dan?

          The word Pu$$y sends you to the TTAG censorship prison of “Waiting Moderation”

          Pus$y Cats everywhere are aghast..

  6. I agree that some things aren’t for everyone. When things are easy for you, it’s difficult to understand why it would be so hard for someone else. Some people are irresponsible, like say an FBI agent dancing at a party. Some people are hotheaded douchebags. Some people are psychopaths. As for the author, she sounds mentally weak.

      • Take another look at the video.
        The gun that dropped to the floor did not “accidently go off”. The gun discharged when it was quickly picked up with the finger on the trigger, with the finger moving the trigger while the rest of the hand gripped the firearm.

        • Let’s see: Agency firearm, crappy holster, alcohol, backflips, finger on the trigger, massively piss-poor judgement, bystander negligently shot? If he had been one of my direct reports, I would have pressed for termination. Pretty sure the FBI Agents Association (they don’t have a union) saved his bacon on this one. Here’s an excerpt from their Mission Statement…”The FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) is an organization founded in 1981. Our mission is to advance & safeguard the careers, economic interests, conditions of employment and welfare of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Agents & retired FBI Agents.”

          Yup, Mission accomplished – safeguarded that dumb ass’s career.

            • I was wrong. I was under the impression that he was disciplined and retained by the Bureau.

              Thank you for the link. Nice to know that his particularly egregious behavior was not excused or tolerated.

              • “Thank you for the link. Nice to know that his particularly egregious behavior was not excused or tolerated.”

                I would considered it excused and tolerated, unless court records can prove that the average citizen who illegally discharges a firearm gets the same treatment.

    • “Some people are irresponsible, like say an FBI agent dancing at a party.”

      A party? He was out at a FUCKING BAR! Full of people! 😉

    • IIRC, this FBI agent is from the same Miami field office that attempted to cover up for the agent that drove the wrong way while drunk (triple the limit) and killed an entire family on the Florida Turnpike.
      The FBI took over the investigation and claimed the vehicle of the deceased family was the wrong way vehicle. The relatives had to hire private investigators to prove the FBI agent was at fault.
      It’s hardly a secret that the FBI Miami field office goes out of its way to protect the agents.

  7. I know many people who are not comfortable with firearms. Some will go to the range with you once or twice and say no thanks, but at least they make that decision based on their experience not some Lame Stream News Media story. Some will not go, but will continue to deride your desire to be armed. And some, after they try it, decide to make it part of their life. That is why we need to reach out to others. It may not be right for everyone, that’s ok. For those who want to step up to become their own first line of defense and will take it seriously enough to learn and practice – more power to them. We as law-abiding gun owners need to make sure we set the example other will want to follow.

    • I love taking new shooters to the range, especially those who are hesitant or even anti-gun. I try very hard to be a great example of what shooting is all about: safety, history, common-sense, personal responsibility, safety, and then safety again, just for good measure. People are so surprised when it’s nothing like the movies or their Floridaman fever dreams. Even those who have decided it isn’t for them have had a great time, learned a lot, and had an eye opening experience.

      • While I start out a session with “safety” (the Four Rules), I always underscore the point that a gun is – by its very nature – not a “safe” item and should never be thought of as being so.

        Electricity and fire are both dangerous as well. It’s all in how you manage your handling of them.

      • The people I have taken to the range(or took my advice and went with someone else), have all changed their minds about firearms. Maybe not to what most of us want, but they loosened up.
        They are not ready to CCW, but most(if not all) now own a firearm for self protection and it is at their home, which, sadly is about all we can do here in SoCal. I will take that as a win, one person at a time.

  8. Guns aren’t right for everyone. I have seen a lot of comments from anti-gun people that make me glad they hold that position because some of the garbage they spew about power to kill, not trusting themselves, etc… Scares the shit out of me. I have taken a lot of female coworkers to the range, a few of them have gone on to get CPLs, some just had a good time, some have changed their mind about guns, and others just say that they don’t want guns for themselves.

    I don’t expect everyone to carry a gun, but I expect every American to realize they have that right and I try to encourage people to help fight to keep that right.

    • I notice that most gun control advocates are also pro choice. If we can just hold on for another generation or two, the problem will solve itself.

  9. What a tremendously sad and gut-wrenching story this is. This is a great example of what the problem is.

    While so many on forums argue over caliber or the worthiness of revolver vs. semi-automatic, people are living this kind of life. Sooooo many negative things attached to something that is soooo needed. It does not have to be this way.

    In the end, she would rather die.

  10. Well my beautiful brown wife has no problem with guns. Or violence on evil miscreants. She taught self-defense (at a YWCA) to fearful women who had a problem “hurting” their rapist. My take is “you’re on your own”. You can’t fix fearful. Or naive…

  11. She proceeds from an incorrect starting position. Philando Castille was shot for reaching for something out of sight while being continually warned by a police officer who was pointing a gun at him not to to do that. Castile would be alive today if he had kept his hands visible and followed commands.

    I am fairly anti cop. I do not believe we need the institution and i believe most officers become authoritarian assholes when in a difficult situation. But if a cop were pointing a gun at me and issuing commands I would give complying my best effort in the hopes of surviving the encounter. Come to think of it, I would probably do that with anyone pointing a gun at me whether cop or not.

    A bigger problem in the black community than cops or guns is the mythologizing of incorrect information about every young black man shot by cops.

    • Who said Castile wasn’t giving his best effort?

      You try complying with every order of somebody with a gun literally pointed at your head while knowing that if you guess wrong on what order he wants his commands obeyed in, he’ll kill you and be absolved of responsibility for it. Some people become instantly stupid when the timer beeps at an IDPA match, and IDPA is infinitely less stressful than staring down the muzzle of Fraidycop McTwitchyfinger’s gun.

      • Yeah, what do you do when 2 cops are pointing their guns at you and are shouting conflicting instructions?

        “Freeze!” “Get on the ground, NOW!”

        A lose, lose situation for you, those two “Get to go home safe to their loved ones”…

  12. Well she just made herself an easy target for thugs in her neighborhood. If one isn’t willing to efend one’s own life, then she’ll have no one to blame when she’s victimized by murderous criminals.
    This is the result of the dem’s propaganda IMHO.

  13. I could buy an argument if they didn’t embellish minor issues or use excuses that can be mitigated.
    As Chip said earlier, she has a problem emotionally coping.
    Why then make ridiculous statements about the weight of a Glock for example.

    • Not to mention that her chosen instructor did such a bang-up job of teaching her proper mechanics that she proceeded to cut her hand on the slide with her first shot.

    • Because the idiot who started her on guns handed her the thing that he thought the most bad-ass of guns. Instead of teaching her properly, he dumped on all her childhood trauma.

      • Good teachers can be hard to find. Especially if they don’t have the right tools in addition to lacking the right mindset.

      • Yep, if you have the mindset that you are bringing someone new to the range so you can show off how great you are to them… you are doing it wrong. I like to start people with a .22LR bolt action rifle. Very simple, very easy to understand how it will work, and very safe to use. I ask them if they’d prefer to see me take a couple shots (to acclimate to noise, etc.) or just go ahead themselves under my guidance. Most people ask me to take a shot or two, and realize very quickly that, “oh, that’s not scary at all!”

        From there, we “graduate” through rifles of different calibers and operating types (I call it the “sampler”). For new shooters, I think it’s most fun, interesting, and informative to try about 4-5 different rifles, a few shots each, focusing mostly on on familiarization and being safe. I don’t worry a lot about excellent marksmanship, other than trying to steer people clear of bad habits. That can happen the next time, which won’t happen if my goal is to make you feel inadequate and intimidated.

  14. Read her complete article:

    The problem is a long series of life experiences making a gun the absolute last thing she’d want in her life. Finally when it was pressed upon her to try a gun, it was done by an unsympathetic idiot who ignored every sign that things were going badly.

    I get that she damaged, that it happen in numerous instances from child to adult. Problem is the approach used to introduce her to owning a gun was done but another damaged person. Worse, someone who had no understanding how to introduce someone to guns and shooting.

    I would never take a newbie to a gun range and be on the firing line teaching how it works. Never as a first step. Never with a centerfire caliber. I teach at home, put a towel on the dining table and take the gun apart. Take the mistery out of it by showing it in pieces and guiding the newbie in putting it together. Use snap caps, no real ammo present, to explain the workings and how to make it safe. By the time it gets to shooting the gun the newbie has field stripping down and practice at trigger finger discipline.

    First shots are with a .22 revolver. All guns introduced for the newbie to shoot are done with one cartridge to load and fire. Doesn’t matter if it’s a six shooter or an AR-15, first comes the familiarity, then more ammo.

    It is a building up and an increase of both knowledge, comfort and that vital muscle memory that keeps you safe.

    Standing a frightened young woman with years of trauma on the firing line forcing her to get down to business was just plain stupid, and a bit mean too.

      • Sounds like a textbook approach, but I’ve seen people start out on 9mm after some dry fire practice, and do fine.

        • It worked for MP OSUT but more because the ones that had trouble were not allowed to quit and got days of training. With less time and an easier means of quitting 22 can be a good idea for the more skittish.

    • Agreed, mostly. I might argue the necessity of starting out on rimfires, but you certainly don’t give the newb the biggest, baddest, most macho weapon you can pilfer from your armory, or other’s armories. Youtube has a number of videos, in which young assholes set women up to get hurt with a weapon (or a motorcycle, or other vehicle). I would call that criminal negligence, and worse.

      • Another reason to start some people out on .22lr would be the noise factor, especially at an indoor range. The loud bang could be scary for some people.

        • Back in another state a conversation 1911 worked wonders for new shooters with small hands and big fears. Sucks I had to sell it for the move but something similar will eventually find its way on my permit.

    • Micheal in GA:

      Thank you for telling the truth. Many of the boomers on this blog have watched too much Jewish TV. Their brains have been melted by Netflix. It is weird, the masculinization of women… it really is. I find it attractive when women do traditionally feminine things- cooking, fashion, taking care of kids. I do not find women shooting or doing other man stuff- what is almost like drag in reverse- attractive. It is weird.

      It is a failure of all men when women start using guns. We have failed women. Yeah- if you live in a black neighborhood, you gotta do what you gotta do. My wife does know how to use my Glock. I look at this as a failure to provide…

      The boomers on this board make me sick.

      • J U I C E wrld,

        It is a failure of all men when women start using guns.

        So, when a low-life comes to attack in the middle of a work day (while the wife is home with the children and the husband is away at work or business), that is a failure of her husband when she has to use a firearm to stop the attacker from raping her and/or murdering her and her children?

        I guess you could try to argue that a man — a father — failed us in the first place if his child grew up into a human predator. While true, our world will never be perfect and there will always be bad actors among us. And for those times when men are not at home to defend the family from said bad actors, women will have to step up to the plate and defend the family.

      • How is shooting guns ‘manly’?
        How is it not for women?
        I don’t understand that.
        Women get attacked just as men do. Why should women not be allowed self-protection? What does ‘Jewish’ anything have to do with it? Nothing you said makes any sense to me at all. What does being or not being a boomer have to do with anything? Do you not see that people of all ages have the right and the need for self protection?

        There is nothing about a gun that denotes gender or biological sex. Guns are force multipliers. They are tools. They are equalizers.

        Women deserve every bit of protection as they are human too. This particular situation is is tragic but your stated position is offensive….to me atleast.

      • By your logic JUICE, you need to get a better job. Why else would your wife have learned to handle a Glock, according to your argument?

        I taught my wife and our daughter how to handle firearms because they both wanted to learn, so they could experience my hobby with me. I taught them firearm handling basics at home along with some shooting in the backyard, then we all took a basic .22 pistol class together at the indoor range where we have a family membership. My wife and I took concealed carry classes together, taught by our state representative, which the daughter also wants to do when she’s old enough. My wife can plink the buttons off a shirt at 50 ft. with an iron sighted .22 rifle, and our daughter favors the little BuckMark with walnut grip panels that she inherited from my father, that she uses to pop shards of broken clay pigeon on the berms at the local outdoor range. They can both handle a 9mm. Daughter pops varmints with my Savage .22 smoothbore. Next for them will be some training with the AR. All because they want to enjoy my hobby together as a family. We also go fishing together (although daughter’s interest in that is fading), shopping to satisfy their clothes horse inclinations, and frequent weekend trips to places hither and yon to see this great country. It has nothing to do with women’s lib or pseudo-masculine or job status or any other hokey-hooey. It’s just family.

      • You make a few accurate points…many of the socially engineered “men” on this forum drool like Pavlov’s dogs over masculine women with guns. It’s humorous, to a point, but it shows just how far our culture has been manipulated.

  15. I’ve stared down too many gun barrels to ever feel comfortable with the idea of needing to turn one on someone else.

    Did you make that up, or is it true?
    If it’s true, the men in your life need to quit sending you range passes and start helping you relocate.

    • That’s my thought as well.

      Although, staring down the barrels of unloaded guns while you’re working on them in the armory is technically “staring down too many barrels”, so we’d need clarification. Word spin at play.

    • If you read the whole article, she says near the end that she dated and hung out with gang members. So, all of the gun waiving was done by the same type of people that cause most of the gun problems in the US. I am sure she knew better, even back then, but chose to associate herself with armed thugs. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    • “I’ve stared down too many gun barrels to ever feel comfortable with the idea of needing to turn one on someone else.

      Did you make that up, or is it true?”

      As J Star relates, that happened to her. She was dating a gang member, and later on when she was out with some other people, ended up in the house of a rival gang member.

      When a rival gang member found out who her boyfriend was, he decided to get all ‘gangster’ with her by pointing his gun at her head. Looking down the barrel of a likely loaded gun is going to make an impression on her.

      The baggage she carries about guns is understandable. I don’t agree with it, but I do understand what she has some concerns about. Her dad sounds like a stand-up kind of guy…

        • “So, one is too many, or stuff like that happened to her a lot?”

          Gang members tend to socialize with other lowlifes. Read into that what you may…

  16. Keeping/carrying/firing a gun is a big responsibility, one that many don’t want to shoulder, and that is very understandable to anyone with even the slightest bit of empathy (and I am woefully short on that myself). Being responsible for ending another’s life is an even bigger burden to bear and there are people who fear that burden even more than death or grievous injury for themselves.

    Though I cannot begin to imagine being so fearful of that responsibility that I’d rather let evil-doers carry out their wicked desires on me or those I love, I respect others right to make that choice for themselves.
    Now if they would only return the courtesy…

  17. Call me a dinosaur but a victim mindset like this is extremely disturbing in more ways than one. Expecting someone else to take the responsibility for doing something you’re personally capable of doing, but refuse to do, even if it could cost lives, is maddening.

    • You’re thinking from your own personal point of view. My wife supports my gun “lifestyle”, is very pro-2A, and likes to accompany me to the range. But she is only comfortable shooting when I’m there with her for support and coaching, and has expressed that she’s not at all comfortable carrying a gun on her, even when we’re visiting a Free America state outside CA and are legally able to do so.

      To each his/her own. At least my wife is honest and responsible about her strengths and limitations.

  18. Typical liberal thought process. Never take responsibility for yourself and blame others for your mental weakness. I am surprised if she actually drives a car because so many people are killed or hurt in collisions. In the real world, starring at her cell phone screen is more dangerous that handling a firearm. Reality does not enter into these peoples mindset. They are perfectly content to be a sheep, closing their eyes to the fact that wolves exist. I prefer to be a sheep dog. I also have had a firearm pointed at me once in my life. I am still here and no one ever robbed me.

  19. “Some of you will criticize the writer quoted below because decided she isn’t comfortable with firearms.”

    Not exactly. Being comfortable with other people deciding for themselves, especially when it’s a choice you would not make for yourself, is even more challenging for most people than handling a firearm or even adopting a self-defense mindset.

    The takeaway from this woman’s article isn’t that she tried it and for whatever reason decided against it…for herself. It’s that she is fundamentally opposed to self-defense and private gun ownership entirely. You can hear it in her words when she discusses no good coming of her own self-defense, of the virulent antagonism she has for police, and her stated belief that violence only.begets violence.

    This is not a person satisfied with making decisions only for herself. This is someone leveraging their one-time and pathetic firearms experiment into some kind of street cred bolstering her racism, classicism, and civilian disarmament.

    Scratch a “guns just aren’t for me” delicate flower and very often you’ll find an anti-gunner underneath who votes to take away your guns and impose their personal decision on the entire nation.

    • Is she possibly thinking:

      I don’t want people shooting gang bangers like the gangers I banged in my youth?

      Gang bangers need safer working conditions?

  20. It is rare that a woman wouldn’t protect her children/family to the death. Hope she has a workable plan though only a gun can stops a gun, knife, brute force. Its her call but maybe she need to try a revolver and have appropriate motivation for succeeding. There are thousands of non gun people who became pro gun converts AFTER the were victimized.

    Most first time shooter suck at it until they develope skills. Starting with a Glock means a min of a 9mm (until recently). She should have been started with a .22 like millions of others have. Her other “complaints” could have been mitigated by a revolver.

    We need charity on her “looking down the barrel comment: from the sending or receiving end of the gun? Is that just her range time or has she been a victim of some form of crime wher a gun was pointed at here?

    I recognize some people have strongly held religous religious belief against taking a life.

  21. Yeah, like the people I used to work with who wanted to get a house gun to “scare” burglars. If you are not mentally and psychologically prepared for the possibility of taking a human life don’t get a gun for self-defense.

  22. I don’t feel comfortable with Jews telling us Goys that we need to give guns to blacks. Women should not be living alone. They should live at home or with a husband.

    I don’t understand the weird boomer fetish of powerful TOMBRaider- style women. I don’t. I want my wife cooking and caring for my kids. Not touching guns which have toxic chemicals and lead on them.

    Please stop Dan. Stop telling people to stop supporting the NRA. I get more hate on this blog for supporting the NRA than I did when I lived in Brooklyn.

    • If you are so opposed to women using firearms from a biological determinist standpoint (I don’t necessarily disagree with you), then why do you support the NRA? They have been one of the biggest driving factors in the past five years of propagandizing women getting into guns. Everytime I read one of these pro-women and guns articles in their magazines like American Rifleman or NRA Family, it reeks of the “this ain’t your grandmother’s era” sentiment…

      • Zhang!

        I agree! I don’t like Coliion Noir and NEVER TRUMP DANA LOESCH. But even though the NRA sometimes makes bad choices, they are still our best bet for the preservation of 2A rights.

        I find the whole Dana Loesch thing very weird. Her personality and masculinity is off-putting. She was also NEVER TRUMP. Maybe she’ll support Trump now that he’s failed to build a wall or ban Muslims from entering the country.

        A powerful, albeit sometimes slightly corrupt and influenced by Jewish media, NRA is better for us than everyone purity spiraling and joining groups with less influence.

    • My level of support for the NRA has nothing to do with you. One way or the other.

      Being Jewish has nothing to do with anything. One way or the other.

      Being a boomer has nothing to do with anything. One way or the other.

      Living alone has nothing to do with anything. One way or the other.

  23. People who shouldn’t have guns usually fall into one of three categories: (i) mentally ill, (ii) excessively violent or (iii) fvcking stupid.

    Athena Dixon doesn’t seem to be mentally ill or excessively violent.

  24. Being a disarmed subject as opposed to an armed citizen should be a CHOICE, not mandatory as our politicians are attempting to make us.

      • I am *proudly* fully-v.a.c.c.i.n.a.t.e.d.

        The likes of you, peeegee2, should be forced at gunpoint to be vaxxinated or exiled to North Korea… 😉

  25. If this lady feels uncomfortable with or around firearms, she is well advised to avoid them. This has nothing to do with her Right To Keep And Bear Arms, which she also has the right not to do. In passing, I got the impression that she would not foist her preferences or lack thereof on others, which is a courtesy that some should study and study well

  26. There absolutely are people that can not be trusted to own a weapon. We have the unfortunate situation of living in a place where these people are allowed out without adult supervision.
    The law should eliminate these people and leave the rest of alone.

  27. Awesome title,,,and so true
    same goes for many things…be they rights or privileges
    not everyone should have kids…or marry…or drive…etc etc etc

    • I agree whole heartedly, but, the six million dollar question is; who has the right to decide who is which? Feeble minded politicians don’t have it, although they want it. They ain’t qualified, neither am. Don’t have a clue as to anyone or group who would be. SCOTUS appointed by the same feeble minded politicians don’t either.

  28. This woman needs more training. She has been trained that:
    1. Guns are bad.
    2. Bad men have guns(including the police who want to lock the bad bangers up).
    3. Nothing good comes from a gun(they just get you in a mess o’ trouble).
    4. The Massa says that guns are bad and my banger boyfriend got in big trouble, so now she is sure the Massa was right. She needs to get off the plantation and think for herself.
    5. There is a reason that blacks shouldn’t have guns, just ask black leaders.

  29. Until she can harness the weapon and the power…???
    The instructor is either giving her the wrong gun to learn on or she just really needs to sit this one out. If she were properly instructed beginning with the .22lr and gradually moved up, perhsps her sentiments would be alot different. But, it doesn’t sound like she was introduced to firearms via a .22lr pistol course.
    I’ve taught hundreds of students as an NRA Instructor. Not all began with the .22lr. But all those who did begin with the .22lr are still actively involved in shooting.

    • It doesn’t work that way for everyone. I tried to teach one of nieces to shoot (not all of my sisters made good marital choices). We started with a Walther P22. She shot 3 rounds, put it down and said this was just not her thing. I can accept that. She’s not anti-gun. She’s not afraid to pick one up or be around them. She’s just plain old not interested.

      Oh well. Can’t hit a home run every time you step to the plate.

    • It’s hard to blame her. She got started with a Glock. I was strongly into guns from my early childhood, but if my first experience with handguns was a Glock, it might as well be the last one. Luckily for me, my first was much more ergonomic, user friendly and young child appropriate CZ Vz. 52.

  30. Since liberals refuse to accept personal responsibility for anything, it follows that they should not be allowed to own guns.

  31. I can’t say I agree with it, but I can respect the fact that they do not take the associated responsibility lightly. On top of that I’m glad they actually went to a range and made the effort to expand their knowledge and experience. Might they change their mind if they went back and started smaller? A supressed .22 leading to other baby steps? Maybe, but for now an honest hoplophobe is better than an ignorant one.

  32. This woman and many others like her are afraid because of what the HEARD. Not what they actually have personal knowledge of. Philando Castile was stopped because He was driving a car while smoking marijuana. He was intoxicated. And that caused him to act as a threat to the officer.

    Just because he was black doesn’t absolve him of being a responsible gun owner.

    Ya that’s right I said it.

    As a black open carry gun owner I have been stopped by the police. For not having my headlights on at sunset. While my hands were still on the steering wheel I told him, “I have a gun” .

    Officer: YOU HAVE A GUN!!!

    Me: Yes I do. Would you like to see my permit?

    Officer: NO!, NO!, NO! I Don’t Need To See Your Permit!

    Officer: I just need to see your driver’s license and proof of insurance.

    After running my information he returns everything to me and tells me to be more careful and to have a nice day.
    Philando Castile is not the first person to be killed by a cop and still having a gun permit. In fact there are many stories out there. Mostly they involve white gun owners not following police orders in a crisis situation.

    Besides having racist gun control laws on the books another forum of racist gun control is to mislead people into believing they are subject to be kill by the authorities just for possessing a legal gun. If you take race out of the statement they will say simply having a gun in your home means you will be killed with your own gun.

    I believe most gun grabbers are not only more prone to violence. But are also more prone to suicide. And in both cases they know it. I had one tell me that in a gun control conversation.

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