Pete Rose
(AP Photo/Rusty Kennedy, File)

While it now seems clear there was no mass shooting incident planned, initial news of the discovery of 16 assorted long guns, “hundreds” of rounds of ammunition, “body armor,” and a “law enforcement duty belt” within four days and one block of the location of the MLB All-Star game in Denver raised some eyebrows.

Obvious comparisons to the horrific Las Vegas shooting came to mind. Never missing an opportunity to portray guns negatively, the media ran semi-wild for a couple days.

Fortunately, between the cash and large quantities of ecstasy, heroin, and meth, combined with the less-than-ideal orientation of the two hotel rooms for an attack actually focused on Coors Field and the apparent mishmash of guns and ammo, plus the lack of “chatter” or apparent planning for an attack, it has become clear that nothing of that nature was intended.

Though police initially feared a “Las Vegas-style” shooting, two days after the maid’s discovery the FBI released a statement trying to calm concerns of a mass shooing . . .

“We have no reason to believe this incident was connected to terrorism or a threat directed at the All-Star Game. We are not aware of any threat to the All-Star Game events, venues, players or the community at this time.”

Four offenders in their 40s were arrested. Based on initial statements, it does appear that the weapons and other equipment were intended to be sold, just like the drugs that were found.

Meanwhile, last night’s All Star game went off without a hitch…and was every bit as exciting as it always is.



  1. Wait just one cotton picking minute… I thought drugs were illegal? How are people managing to get them!? This comment is specifically for the “pro 2A” fudds who support the militarized police and prison industrial complexes.

  2. Still wondering how the hotel maid simply “discovered” all those guns and drugs. I imagine four men guarding a valuable stockpile like that might have chosen to use the magic “Do Not Disturb” hangtag on the doorknob, as well as not open the door for anyone?

    Methinks there’s something fishy here…

    • There was another story recently in Chicago with room service finding a pistol and “scary sniper rifle” in a room (even though they weren’t supposed to be going in the rooms due to COVID) , guy got arrested, seems like he is ok with guns in home state of Iowa but “committed a felony” having them in Chicago hotel room. Of course news stories said “he had guns near where families where vacationing! Guns were suspiciously by the window! Mayor says these were weapons of war!”

      I bring guns when traveling, on a cross country trip I had a couple pistols, ammo, mags, and a mini safe… Don’t want to leave these in the car but will hotel staff be trying to flag you if they get even a hint you might have a weapon? Another trip I had a long gun going out to country, stayed at rental house, but if we had a night in a hotel, that scary gun case with a “sniper rifle in it”… Maybe best to stay with your gear, don’t open the door, discrete bags, but the presumption seems to be see a gun, bad guy unless proven otherwise!

      • “will hotel staff be trying to flag you if they get even a hint you might have a weapon?”

        some will, yes. you can expect that to become policy in more places.

        • Pretty sure (not positive) that hotel staff are not restricted to search warrants and probable cause. Once they call police, I can imagine that their assertion that guns and drugs are present in such-and-such room may be probable cause for a warrant all by itself. I think if I were in the business, I would keep my guns and drugs outside public accommodations.

      • Last month, I stayed at a certain hotel in Nevada and spoke with the head of security to inquire about their policy regarding guns. I was given a very condescending mini lecture about how firearms are not allowed anywhere on the property, with the overtone suggesting he thought it should be obvious.

        I asked him because I had recently switched from the previous hotel I’d patronized for a few years. That previous hotel allowed guns to be brought to your room, albeit unloaded of course. The reason was to minimize the chance of vehicle break-ins and theft.

        Every hotel has its own policy. Of course, TEHO and you may simply keep the fact that you have guns to yourself.

        • “That previous hotel allowed guns to be brought to your room, albeit unloaded of course”

          my understanding is that with respect to firearms your hotel room becomes your “place of residence” with all the in-home rights pertaining.

        • In CA, this is certainly true, unless the owner of the property has expressly forbidden them. I’m not as familiar with NV law.

        • I have vacationed in Las Vegas probably 6 times in the past 15 years or so, armed everywhere every time, never asked anyone and was never asked or advised. I guess I been bad, oh darn.

        • WTF cares what the opinion of “the hotel” or their mall cop? It would never occur to me to ask such a dumbass question of anyone at the hotel.

        • @neiowa,

          While I was in NV for that training, I personally spoke with a man who, two years ago, went through a difficult situation. He has a valid CCW permit and was carrying in his hotel, wearing slacks and a blazer. As he bent over to pick up his luggage, a security guard nearby glimpsed the butt of his gat as his blazer parted. He was confronted by several of the security team, then by LVPD when they arrived, and even after LVPD confirmed his permit was valid and they had no cause for arrest, the hotel blacklisted him for an entire year. Hotels in Vegas, by the way, share such lists with each other, meaning that man could not successfully reserve any room in the city.

          His employer learned of the incident and fired him, leaving him unemployed and in search of another job.

          Ironically, he was told that if he had simply inquired of the hotel’s policy, no action would have been taken against him and he would have been instructed to remove his gat from the property before returning.

          When I asked the previous hotel I had been staying at, they told me they were okay with guns in the room, but no ammunition. To reduce the likelihood of thieves breaking in to vehicles in their parking lot.

          It’s not a dumbass question. It’s called intel.

      • The guy had a scoped .308 sitting on the window sill of the room aling with a couple of loaded mags. If twere me, I’d kept all that stuff in a case in the closet. Putting where he did, in a window overlooking Navy Pier, raised red flags. The reason he was illegal was that he did not have an Illinois FOID card, but since that law has been declared unconstitutional by two courts (both decisions up on appeal), so his case may go away.

    • After the Vegas shooting, the major hotels decided all rooms will get some sort of “cleaning” despite any request to the contrary. Any rooms with “Do Not Disturb” signs continuously posted are brought to mgmt attention.
      So bottom line is, dont expect any privacy.

  3. The same woke people who took the tens of millions of All Star dollars from the people of Atlanta are the ones trying take our guns. I couldn’t care less about the All Stare game.

  4. Interesting how they get their knickers in a twist over the guns but barely a peep about the drugs. They were just setting up to supply the local drug dealers before the game.

    • The goal of the legalization crowd is to get the police to do just that. Look the other way. The problem is they are mostly made up of socialist progressives.

  5. Plain Ole drug dealers. Nothing to see here. Like that Iowa sap in Chiraq with gun’s & 100’s of rounds of ammo in his hotel room. Move along. Duh…oh according to a Youtuber that Lego glock has been “removed” from the website. Imagine that😳

  6. I remember reading this days ago and asked myself ‘what makes them think this is about a massacre’? Is Shannon Watts involved in this conclusion?

  7. And all the talkin heads of MSM are goin to therapy because it was a bogus scenario!!

  8. “…plus the lack of ‘chatter’…”
    one of the men posted about going out in a big way due to his recent divorce.

  9. For gosh sakes, even the libs cover up their dildoes when out of their rooms.Take a lesson and stay put of the news.

  10. I would suggest that you travel with a poster/flyer of a competitive shoot. That you plan on attending. Just like you have an airplane ticket/boarding pass. Or you have tickets to a game or some other event.

    I know in restrictive states some gun owners travel with targets and other training equipment to explain why they are traveling with guns. This is not an issue in a free state. But this is the world we are all living in now.

    I put together a training record book for myself. I take it with me to the range.

  11. From the details in the very earliest news stories it was obvious these characters were bad guys selling stuff to other bad guys. Drugs and guns they could not legally possess.

    So if it had been a mass shooting in the preparation phase, no law would have prevented it anyway.

    That whole “Criminals do criminal stuff” thing don’t you know.

  12. You can put out a “do not disturb” sign. But if you leave the room and the guns are not secured??? Then that is your fault when the maid sees them and reports you to the cops.

    • Criminals are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the pack or the sharpest tools in the shed. Moreso if they use the drugs they are selling. And paranoia will stop them leaving one person to watch the stash in fear of them being ripped off.

  13. Legalizing drugs does not remove the paranoia and suspicion that drug dealers have about their own customers. And possibly ripping them off. This is why I say the drug legalization crowd is clueless as to the real world of drug-dealing.

    Most people going to an office to conclude a real estate transaction do not carry guns. But drug dealers always carry guns during their business transactions.

    • If drugs were legal, then ripping off dealers and/or killing them would suddenly become criminal, would it not? Wouldn’t that be a good thing? I am all about punishing crime, I just do not believe that a transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller could ever legitimately be called criminal. That is a political prosecution, not an actual crime such as rape, murder, robbery, or being a Democrat.

      Oh, and I have not gone to an office to complete a real estate transaction in many years, but if I should tomorrow, I would be armed. Why in HELL would you not?

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