I used to believe that everyone should carry a gun (legally). And then I started talking to people about concealed carry. More than a few gun owners announced “I don’t carry because I’d probably shoot someone.” If only potential voters exercised the same self-restraint. Anyway, anyone who doesn’t carry a gun—for whatever reason—has my full support. More or less. ‘Cause some people take that “no gun for me” thing too far—to the point where it’s no gun for you, either. Unofficial presidential candidate Tommy Major [above] makes the right choice on gun control without infringement issues. Right until he doesn’t. “Looks like I’m buying a gun,” he Tweets, later, at 5:25am, from Beverly Hills. Thanks for the heads-up Tommy. Other than that, I got nothin’.


  1. Robert, there are some people who are so stupid that they shouldn’t be allowed to possess so much as an idea.

  2. “I shouldn’t own a gun”
    *buys a gun hours later*
    *Eventually wins Darwin Award when he manages to stuff a .38 Special in a .380*

  3. While in college, I left my firearms home with my father. I simply could not guarantee their safety in my dorm or rentals. Additionally, I was a bit of a drunken idiot on weekends, so I figured the presence of my firearm may have offered more trouble than preventing.

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