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You may remember Emily Miller as the comely Washington Times writer who decided to blog/report on her quest for a handgun permit in the District of Columbia. Ms. Miller has taken the ballistic ball and run with it, taking to guns like a fish takes to dynamite. Or something like that. Today Ms. MillerĀ Tweeted the beJesus out of her first go with a shotgun. Una problema Senorita. The finger she comes OFF the trigger when you’re not shooting, before and after blasting sporting clays or bad guys. At least we now know where Emily’s Citori is. Sorry. It had to be said.

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  1. Everybody I see shooting is holding anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 worth of gun. Kinda leaves me feeling the economy can’t be all that bad, can it?

      • I know Joe, I was just being sarcastic. I love seeing beautiful weapons, and would never claim that they weren’t worth the money. But I suspect that the bulk of the market for new guns will be in the $300 to $400 dollar range with skimpy ammunition purchases. “Living beyond their means” is a mantra for our society today.

  2. Her trigger discipline is somewhat lacking, but the gun IS pointed downrange so she is at still following the Golden Rule (dont point guns at things you dont want to shoot).

    As for RKflorida’s comment… the Economy is crap. Its just that many gun owners will part with their car before parting with a favorite firearm.

  3. Emily isn’t trying to get a concealed carry permit; DC doesn’t allow concealed carry. She’s trying to get a permit to have a gun in HER HOUSE. Yeah, that’s how bad things still are in DC, even after Heller.

    • She’s said that she’d like to get a concealed carry permit in DC, but they don’t offer such things in the district, so she’s at least going to get a gun to keep at home.

      • I’m guessing there are 1-2 states in the mid-Atlantic area which would give her an out-of-state carry permit even though she doesn’t have one at “home,” yes? If so, she needs to get one, go to that state for a long weekend getaway, and carry for her first time. She’ll be sold for life after that initial experience.

  4. As for her trigger discipline, some folks got on her for that on twitter, and she said the person taking the pic got her to turn her head inbetween shots.

  5. Looks like we got another convert. Welcome to the family, Emily!

    Someone get that girl a 10/22. She’ll have so much fun with that she’ll never want to go back to DC.

  6. After reading her story so far it would be easier just to move. Which is what many have done. I used to take for granted how easy it was to buy another toy at the gun shop, no more. I think it’s easier to get a shotgun in England.

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