helpful neighbor bigstock
(The pre- and post-COVID method of building relationships with your neighbors) Image: Bigstock
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When most folks think about emergency preparedness, they think about having guns, ammo, food and water themselves and their families. In reality though, any well-rounded preparedness plan has at least as much to do with building personal relationships with neighbors and city officials as building a super-sized ammo stash in your basement.

Ammunition cans
Image: The Truth About Guns

In fact, by acting as a goodwill ambassador for gun owners with your neighbors and community leaders, you can help keep your neighborhood and community safer. And that will prove to be a win every time.

The establishment media and gun-hating politicians have spent years (generations?) labelling gun owners as rednecks, deplorables and bitter clingers.

In the real world, as we all know, gun owners as a group represent some of the very best our nation has to offer. Nowhere will you find a more courteous, welcoming bunch than at the NRA convention. Yes, an armed society really is a polite society.

By acting as a goodwill ambassador gun owner with your neighbors and local leaders, you can help dispel some of those bigoted stereotypes. Of course, we know that some anti-gun bigots will never change. Others, however, simply don’t know any better.

Recently, at the Chicagoland Guns Save Life meeting, GSL member Nick Klementzos advocated building relationships and serving as a goodwill ambassador for gun owners.  It will, he said, help make both your neighborhood and your community safer places to live and raise your family.

“How many of you know your neighbors by their first names?” he asked. Nick encouraged everyone to build relationships with their neighbors. Learn their names, their kids’ names and even their pets’ names. Get their phone numbers and email addresses and share yours with them.

Obviously, as you’re doing this, you can usually assess whether they are an asset or a potential liability.

At the same time, help them to put you into the asset column as a gun owner in the neighborhood/community. Offer to take them (and their kids) to the range sometime (post social distancing) – even providing the ammo. Let them know if they need help they can call on you for assistance.

Klementzos gave the example of his neighbor needing someone to dogsit their mutt after their usual sitter became temporarily unavailable. “Sure, we’ll watch your dog,” he says he told them. Back at home, he assigned his teen daughter to the task, a chore she truly enjoyed, completely unlike chores like cleaning her room.

By showing our neighbors that gun owners aren’t a bunch of hermits with racist, sexist, xenophobic tendencies that some in society try to label us, we all win.

Be nice to all your neighbors, even the less polite and welcoming ones.

Potential liability neighbor. via BigStock.

Instead, be a good neighbor. Watch the neighbor’s place for suspicious activity, offer to mow the grass or check the mail while they are on vacation. Pick up groceries for then if they are sick, or give them cookies at Christmastime. Shovel (or use your snowblower)  their driveway or sidewalk after a snow.

And right now, the the middle of the Chinese coronavirus, check and see if they have plenty of food. If you have extra (or can add to a pending order for pickup), consider helping them out. Especially the elderly or those with small children. These small favors may reap big rewards down the road.

What’s more, Klementzos urged everyone to become involved in their local government.  Attend meetings from time to time and let officials know you have good intentions.  Make sure the mayor and some on the city council know you and view you as a community asset (as opposed to a burr under their saddles). Offer to help on volunteer committees and on campaigns.

In other words, make yourself a valued member of the community.

That earns you the access and the capital to prod these political leaders to support gun rights for the law-abiding – or at least moderate any antagonism they have towards gun rights.

Furthermore, you can help improve yourself with knowledge too. Take local classes (like CPR, Stop the Bleed) and consider signing up for a local civilian police academy if available in your hometown.

There may be some civil discord or even violence locally at times. But by knowing your neighbors, you can help assist those in need and maintain some sense of normalcy in your neighborhood, keeping its residents – including you and your family – safer.

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  1. The glaring truth is, most of us already are the people you’re describing. We do these things because it’s who we are, not just in a crisis, and usually with little or no acknowledgement. Unless of course, some idiot does something stupid with a gun!

    • “…most of us already are the people you’re describing.”

      You’re projecting your own benevolence. A goodly proportion of the 2A community is, just like any other fairly large group, made up of self-centered assholes who prefer virtue signalling and buzzwords to anything else, including being a decent person.

  2. “Watch the neighbor’s place for suspicious activity, offer to mow the grass or check the mail while they are on vacation.”

    Check, check, and check. I have elderly neighbors on both sides of my house on my street that have needed help over the past couple of years. Now that everyone 65+ is scared of their shadow and staying indoors indefinitely, human interaction and a helping hand is more important than ever.

    Though, contrary to the article’s apparent premise, I do not let anyone know I’m a gun owner (or toilet paper stasher) for OPSEC’s sake. To them, I’m just a friendly neighbor.

  3. C’mon Mr. Boch. You totally contradicted your messaging by the use of “Chinese coronavirus” instead of COVID – 19. Inaccurate, snarky and irresponsible.

    • Snarky? Why don’t you just come right out and call him a racist? Or were you being snarky yourself? When the real history of this mess comes out it will finally be revealed for what it is, a deliberately engineered and deployed bio-weapon. It succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The whole god forsaking world is shut down.

      • I would be most appreciative if you would share your rock solid evidence for the claims you are making. Perhaps include the academic credentials of yourself and whatever other researchers you are quoting, thanks!

        Remember, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

        Hopefully you have something a bit more solid then ‘many people are saying… ‘

        • It’s a blog site. millions out there. Nobody has to jump through your hoops to comment here.

          What credentials have you posted to be questioning anybody?


        • Oh, I was thinking most on this forum were interested in truth, rather than malicious gossip.

          In my experience, most reasonable and prudent men are interested in the veracity of the claims made by those around them.

          But hey, if truth means nothing to you, blather on! If it feels truthy, that must be good enough to base your life decisions on.

        • So, you don’t have any credentials? Didn’t think so.

          Truth? You’re a fascist troll. The truth is the first thing that dies around your kind.

        • “In my experience, most reasonable and prudent men are interested in the veracity of the claims made by those around them.”


          Where was your outrage when Obama bald-faced lied to the American people?

          Does this ring a bell? :

          “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

          No other than PolitiFact gave that the “Lie of the Year” award :

    • Should have used Kung Flu, Chinese Goo, Wuhan Virus anything, but Chinese Coronavirus. The libs really hate that one. Its racist don’t you know. Like Chinese food, Mexican, Italian, Taiwanese… Foods. Or, Spanish Flu, African Trypanosomiasis, Nile Flu, Lassa Virus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Ebola ( river near the origin Yanbuku), German Measles, Japanese Encephalitis, … Then you have your diseases named after people, both those inflicted and those that discovered them. And you have diseases named after poor innocent animals.
      As far as the food goes America doesn’t create these foreign delicacies, we make them better. Cruising the Mediterranean, by far the best pizza anywhere is only to be found in a wood fired brick oven bakery in an alley in Marseilles, France. Italian/ Sicilian sucks!!!

      • Don’t forget Coronachan
        Though that one makes it sound Japanese instead of Chinese.

        The virus did start in China, and China hasn’t been very open or helpful to everyone else. Maybe they shouldn’t be trusted to make everything for everyone anymore.

    • Should have used Kung Flu, Chinese Goo, Wuhan Virus,anything, but Chinese Coronavirus. The libs really hate that one. Its racist don’t you know. Like Chinese food, Mexican, Italian, Taiwanese… foods. Or, Spanish Flu, African Trypanosomiasis, Nile Flu, Lassa Virus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Ebola ( river near the origin Yanbuku), German Measles, Japanese Encephalitis, … Then you have your diseases named after people, both those inflicted and those that discovered them. And, you have diseases named after poor innocent animals.
      As far as the food goes, America doesn’t create these foreign delicacies, we make them better. Not racist, plain fact. Cruising the Mediterranean, by far the best pizza anywhere to be found is in a wood fired brick oven bakery, in an alley in Marseilles, France. Italian/ Sicilian sucks!!!

    • TTAG is as invested in the culture wars that Fox news sells as the democrats are invested in the culture wars that MSNBC sells. It’s a shame that the virus of political toadyism has to infect the gun community.

      The irony, of course, is that the very people pushing the “Chinese Flu” narrative or whatever via media outlets were the complete morons downplaying it for months.

      I wonder how many commenters here could look back three weeks and find their own posts saying how it’s all a hoax or sham and that it’s no worse than the seasonal flu.

    • Are you trying to tell me the novel coronavirus we’re all dealing with didn’t originate in China? (No, of course not; you’re just sperging out.)

      Tell you what, the second I start to care what you and all the NPCs think, I’ll be careful to always call it by its true and proper name. Speaking of which, I expect you to refer to it that way from now on.

      The terminology you’re now required to use is precisely this: “SARS-CoV-2, a zoonotic virus that causes COVID-19 illness and entered the human population in China in the winter of 2019.”

  4. Sadly my “neighbors” are a mite suspicious. Not quite sure who’s living at Eduardo’s house(real name Debbie!). Or 2,3 and 4 doors down. I sure ain’t advertising I am a gun owner. I treat everyone as I want to be treated already. We are great neighbor’s. Trust but verify…if you can shop for old/ill folks please do. Ditto giving to your local food pantry or homeless shelter. Stay safe.

    • I suggest you cease with the speculation and read the goodwill article over and over until you learn how to speak like a man instead of a racist twit.

      • Gee Debbie I wonder what my beautiful black wife of 30 years thinks of your idiotic remarks?!? Have a nice day princess😃

        • The only thing black around you is the smoke you blow. I suggest you wash out your mouth and clean up for act.

        • Golly princess I’ve been on TTAG for some 7 years. You want me to post a pic of the wife & me for your education? How about my 2 brown son’s?!? I’ve mentioned them many times over the year’s. You’d know that if you hadn’t just shown up the other month princess…or prince.

      • Gee, Debbie, I’m sure glad we have people like you to remind us that using PC terms to describe a sketchy neighbor who might be running a crackhouse will keep our neighborhoods safe and virus-free in these stressful times.

        • We gotta Chinese restaurant across the street. We still eat there. Ditto the Mexican market nearby…😃😎😋😏

  5. Several of my friends who are full bore survivalists and preppers complete with small scale armories are the ones running around fetching groceries and medications for the elderly in our community. Interestingly, they’re also the ones who volunteer time During normal times to community projects like food banks and even international organizations.

    How is it that they are able to do so? They’ve prepared and don’t need to panic buy to stock toilet paper and hand sanitizer because they have that plus food and water in reserve. They’re the ones best able to help the community instead of being a burden.

    I often think that pro gun rallies could benefit from better communication using less camo and more daily wear, maybe even dockers, tie and a sport coat.

    Actions speak louder than words and dress, though, so get out and help those who need helping, do so with a smile and stay safe and healthy while doing so.

    • “I often think that pro gun rallies could benefit from better communication using less camo and more daily wear, maybe even dockers, tie and a sport coat.”


  6. I used to have good neighbors in Ponte Vedra Bch FL till I flew a trump flag over the mailbox in 2016 since then the only time they speak to me and my girl is when a category 4 is coming were about a 160 yd off the I don’t consider them friends or acquaintances anymore ..sad actually just because of my political beliefs you know CONSTITUTION making AMERICA FIRST and all the great things our forefathers fought for. But I’ve got enough supplies for the whole block been prepping round 10 yrs now hoping nothing bad comes our way from CAT 5 storms to this dumb ass C 19. O well hope there ready.

  7. So how will they know I’m a gun owner ? Will I open carry when I bring them groceries?

    That said , we know our neighbors first names , their kids, names , the dogs a names, where they work , we hang out with each other , let each other’s dogs out when needed, borrow tools and so forth . I didn’t wait for a crisis to be a good neighbor.

    • It’s not about showing up as a walking billboard.

      It’s about making a good first impression so that later on they have a favorable impression if and when such a topic comes up or that person who already knows you have a gun realizes that you’re a nice, normal caring person.

      Your neighbor sees you return from the range and unload a rifle case. Is their first thought “Oh, our lovely neighbor likes to shoot sometimes” or is it “Fuck, that asshole across the street HAS A GUN!”?.

      Or does the little old lady who spends her days staring out the window, so she already knows you own a gun, going to tell her friends “The person across the street owns a gun and that used to scare me but when the crisis hit he was the first one to help. Such a sweet person!” vs “The crazy man across the street owns a gun. I never really talk to him but he just makes me nervous!”?

  8. John, you are describing what neighborhood life is like in Texas. Most of it anyway. I was out doing some yard work when a neighbor stopped by, talked a bit, and then asked if I was well armed. I was puzzled about his question until I realized I’d grabbed an NRA hat when I went out to work. His question was more affirmation than inquiry.

  9. Love thy neighbor. And occasionally, thy neighbor’s wife.

    But *never* his 15 year-old daughter… 🙂

  10. RE: “The establishment media and gun-hating politicians have spent years (generations?) labelling gun owners as rednecks, deplorables and bitter clingers.”

    The establishment also labels gun owners as racists and nazis. Unfortunately there are clowns on this forum who have demonstrated the racist part to be true.

    Being as the roots of gun control are in racism and genocide a few people on this forum do not realize they are to gun rights what a drunk farting gasbag is to fine dining.

  11. I will right up to the point some uneducated leftard spouts some un American,un Constitutional gun grabber garbage. I will try to point then to the documents to educate themselves in the founding principals of freedom and liberty, then their next move will determine the course from that point.

  12. Yes Mrs. Barnes, I really am happy to see you, but that is just my .41 Magnum. I’m sending it out to shorten the barrel and MagNaPort it though. Don’t want to touch the trigger, these old Rugers break like a glass rod.

  13. I’ll adjust my aiming stakes accordingly.

    Be serious, you want gun folks to turn into the neighborhood greeter while WuFlu is still rampant with no ebb in sight? Would anybody pass their kids to a stranger during this Emergency? No happening now and doubtful if times were normal.

    Best I can say is criminal that are their enemies; are my enemies when caught in the act.

  14. /begin extremely heavy sarc

    Eh, what’s the point? If they’re not prepped and ready then fuck’em, amiright?

    I mean, realistically when you look at the distribution of this disease in terms of fatalities it’s actually a good thing for the country. Think about it. This kills mainly Boomers and the Silent Generation. That means less stress on Medicare and Social Security. And there will be a glut of properties here in a few months driving down housing prices for the younger folks who have, until now, been priced out in many markets.

    It also is hard on fat people. Even less stress on the medical system when a decent percentage of them die off. And lots of meds get cheaper when the demand for them drops. Hospitals might be full now but they’ll clear out when the fatties drop like flies.

    Then there’s the economic boon to tech, the funeral industry, medical manufacturers. And with less old people to not buy new tech plus all the money from their estates and all the saved money from not having to take care of them it’s gonna be a economic bonanza! Combine this with a reorienting of the economy to produce precursor chemicals and other natsec priorities… shit, jobs everywhere.

    And the best part? Then generational warfare ends because one generation (the bad one, obviously) is basically wiped out! And on top of that we won’t have to the whining about “fat shaming” because the survivors will know how dangerous that shit is.

    /end sarc.

    Yeah, try being nice to people. Maybe even more than normal. Go a bit out of your way even if it’s just smiling or waving at someone who you normally wouldn’t. One thing I guarantee you is this: When this is over the people who were assholes will be remembered and it will not be to their benefit.

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