A girl can dream.



  1. It is a shame and a disgrace that a nation as free as America fields an agency that is nothing short of fascist in nature.

    The dems are still pissed about having to give up slavery and they still struggle to recreate it.

  2. An agency originating as a tax compliance/enforcement tool never hasthe welfare of the citizens at heart.

  3. Let’s also use that giant eraser on the EPA, the CDC, the FDA, NIH, the DOE, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the BLM, the FBI, the CIA, both houses of Congress, and the current critter soiling the Whitehouse.

    The next day, we can continue.

    • Disband public schools. Give vouchers to each child that may be used at any charter/private school.

      • Why would kids need vouchers once the public schools were gone?

        Eliminating the schools would take away the primary reason for several types of taxation, money that the “voucher” supposedly represents. Elimination of that tax allows mom and dad to keep money and spend it on the kid’s/kids’ education as they see fit.

        Even renters would see a drop in rent due to a lack of property (and other taxes) on their landlords and the new price competition it would produce.

        The children of the truly poor could be taken care of via alternative methods ranging from scholarships to charity to other programs.

        Now, if you’re thinking that the tax structure wouldn’t change after the elimination of schools, well, then you’re basically saying that the government is lying to you about why they’re taxing you in the first place… Which kinda raises a bunch of other questions, no?

        • “Now, if you’re thinking that the tax structure wouldn’t change after the elimination of schools, well, then you’re basically saying that the government is lying to you about why they’re taxing you in the first place… Which kinda raises a bunch of other questions, no?”

          Exactly what I’m saying. And yes lottsa questions…

        • Well if you live in NY and saw how lottery/gambling/other taxes were promised to be used vs how they were actually used while your taxes still went up (the ones that were supposed to be funded by whatever program) you quickly realize absent some very strict oversight and narrowly focused spending authority pretty much every tax is a theft that barely begins to go towards the promised purpose.

        • @muck:

          You and your logic. I’m gonna go clutch my pearls now.


          That’s not unusual. I haven’t kept up with it since 2010, but Ohio had a similar problem with school funding and it’s Lotto program.

        • “You and your logic. I’m gonna go clutch my pearls now.”
          What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

          I’m well aware that government won’t lower taxes after the removal of government mandated schools. That isn’t how this works. So where the fuck is the pearl clutching?

        • Before this goes down the rabbit hole I was agreeing with you. Never in my lifetime has our government reduced taxes because of a cost savings from anything.

        • @muck

          “Before this goes down the rabbit hole I was agreeing with you.”

          I was agreeing back with you, with a large dose of sarcasm making fun of those who might find your assertions, dare I say, “shocking” even though it’s plainly evident that you’re correct.

        • No need to apologize at all, text often fails to convey tone and in failing, takes what seems obvious in conversation and turns it into a foreign language.

        • Thanks strych9,
          Not the first time I’ve missed the sarc. No facial expressions and intonations. But I still went of the rails. I apologize.

      • No need to Ban public schools. What is needed is to Ban the Federal Department of Education/Liberal Progressive Democrat Educational Indoctrination system. Thus returning control of the education system and it’s funding to local control.

        • While it wouldn’t help my district it would help a lot of the nearby ones that would quickly outperform and raise some uncomfortable questions.

  4. “A girl can dream.”

    Whoa, Jeremy is now a girl?

    Congrats on your transition, I suppose… 🙂

      • ” A girl can dream…”
        Unfortunately it usually involves figuring out how to sucker some guy into making it come true.

        • Ironically most of the societal problems, especially involving government programs. Our nation faces today began their manifestation after the passage of the 19th Amendment. 4….3…2..1.

    • your tax money erasing “big mistakes” for fifty years. all because that big fistful was irresistable.

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