My daughter has dropped the “wild animals don’t die of old age” wisdom on a few of her friends in my earshot, and it made me laugh.



  1. The prey animal is often still alive when predators start to eat it.

    A clean rifle shot or broadhead arrow to the vitals is a mercifully quick end.

    • And Apex Predators don’t die of old age either. They get to old to catch their food then starve to death.

      • A lucky Alpha Male will die losing a dominance fight to a younger stronger challenger.

  2. I just took out the second rabbit on the Haz property this past week alone (trusty .22 Short is perfect for wascally wabbits). When a younger person once exclaimed her dismay at my firm defense of our garden and landscaping, I reminded her that wild rabbits *always* meet a violent end, whether by vehicle on the road, hawk from the sky, or coyote from behind the bush. No rabbits in them.thar hills go peacefully into the quiet night while surrounded by loving rabbit families.

    • “No rabbits in them.thar hills go peacefully into the quiet night while surrounded by loving rabbit families.”

      I’ll argue that. I’m sure some have died in their sleep in their burrow.

      When the smell of their decomposition leaks out of that burrow, the real fun begins…

    • “I reminded her that wild rabbits *always* meet a violent end, whether by vehicle on the road, hawk from the sky, or coyote from behind the bush…”

      …or from a riding lawn mower. The little bunnies just heard a loud noise and tried to run. I didn’t notice until I came back around.

    • The Disney Corporation has brainwashed the majority of our youth. It’s the Bambi syndrome.

      • Here’s another explanation for the ‘response’ by those vaunted protectors of the people: no one was in any danger to begin with.

  3. And all those sheeple who think the meat in the supermarket is grown already packaged on the meat tree.

    • a trip to a slaughterhouse will open their eyes…I grew up next to a big one and once snuck a peek at what was going on when I heard the pigs screaming…left an indelible impression on an 8 yr old…

      • …contrast that with killing a pig on the farm…which I also witnessed….throw an ear of corn on the ground…pig walks up to eat it…and BAP!…a .22 right between the eyes…he was dead before he hit the ground…

        • Or so we think. I’ve often wondered if we somehow remain ‘aware’ long after bodily functions have ceased and we are lowered into the ground or shoved into the incinerator. Disturbing thought.

  4. Story time!
    Herbivores are hilarious. Not even going to call them vegans anymore because there are so many different fucking “pronouns” for them. It’s ridiculous. Anyways… at least the ones that think they are saving the world by not eating meat. Not all are that way. It’s a personal choice for some and tbh, it is actually healthy, but most smart healthy eaters will still eat certain types of meat or small amounts of red meat even. Anyways again… what the tree huggers seem to think is they are saving the world and not harming anything but in reality mass amounts of land is privately owned by huge corporations across the globe totally fucking the environment into an unrecoverable oblivion and killing anything and everything that used to or could live there. Also insects. Where do they draw the line? Are plants not life? Are insects not either? If everyone on earth went vegan we’d have the same consumer issue as usual. They’d probably even try building skyscrapers in massive quantities to build upwards once they realized how devastated the earth they are utilizing for eating plant healthy diets becomes, and then you have a city like problem which creates light and distractions to birds and their migrations.. etc etc.

    See where this is going? Eat what you want. Stop shaming people for “killing” animals when you are doin the same shit for the environment. Unless you are off grid feeding yourselves on a small farm which is not something every person on this earth can do without all the damages I mentioned, then stfu and do you.

    Ex went full on herbivore towards the end of our relationship and it was already bad enough hearing how cell phones cause cancer (her mom died of cancer so she was nucken futts about that shit) and she didn’t use microwaves and threw tantrums over plastic too. I get it. I agree with it. You are not going to solve it by shopping in the organic section and bringing your own bags or using glass tupperware ffs. /rant

    Eat more possum.

    • “How the lefts complaints about systemic racism REALLY originates…. “

      “On July 7, a Clearwater man with a lengthly criminal history pulled what looks like an AR-style gun on a Black father and daughter who were landscaping a lawn across the street from him, according to a recent video shared across social media.

      In the video, David H. Berry of Fat Finger Construction can be seen holding the rifle and yelling at Jeremy Lee, while his daughter Carrie Lee films the interaction.

      In the past, Berry has been charged with at least three felonies, including battery and burglary, according to Pinellas County Court records. All were pled down to misdemeanors.

      The Clearwater Police Department arrived after Jeremy called them, but Berry had already put away his gun, Carrie said, and video shows the cops standing across the street, not taking action.

      Even though the police were shown the video and told what happened, Carrie said they were told there was nothing that could be done.”

      • news flash

        man does bad thing, Miner49er amazed

        like someone said no one ever does

        While Miner49er concentrates on that a person can do a bad thing like its a new thing to him…

        Texas Dad Shoots Teens Who Attempted A Vehicle Robbery With 2 Infants Inside

        and…. several thousandsssssss of other ‘Life Saving’ events across the nation in the last several days due to valid defensive gun use ranging from brandishing to warning to firing against criminals doing everything from assault to robbery to rape to abduction to home invasion to murder prevention and others – needed and valid DGU by the victims because criminal people do bad things to innocent people.

        • “and…. several thousandsssssss of other ‘Life Saving’ events across the nation in the last several days due to valid defensive gun use ranging from brandishing to warning to firing against criminals doing everything from assault to robbery to rape to abduction to home invasion to murder prevention and others – needed and valid DGU by the victims because criminal people do bad things to innocent people.”

          should have been

          and…. several thousandsssssss of other ‘Life Saving’ events across the nation in the last several days due to valid defensive gun use ranging from brandishing to warning to firing against criminals doing everything from assault to robbery to rape to abduction to home invasion to murder and others – needed and valid DGU by the victims because criminal people do bad things to innocent people.

  5. Many people should be so lucky as to die as quickly and painlessly as the deer we hunt. I’m sure many of us have watched relatives suffer through extended periods of sickness. Death (which is inevitable anyway) is far from the worst outcome for a being without access to palliative care.

      • …once took down a deer at about 280 yds…longest shot I ever made…but he was running on three legs and it seemed the right thing to do even though he was just a small buck…

    • Was gonna say I’m not so sure dying of old age is really the preferred method. Or: “I wanna die in my sleep like my grandfather, not like his three screaming passengers”.

  6. Makes me think of an all time favorite story. From the BBC no less

    Do a web search for “BBC pasta tree”

    Where people think pasta comes from.

  7. Ironically, if domesticated animals weren’t being grown for food, they would have no reason to exist.

    • Eh, it’s all part of evolution. Something is always utilizing everything living in it’s ecosystem one way or another. Except humans. We think we’re special.

    • And if we kept them all, which of course they will insist on, they would soon eat themselves into starvation, disease and death. But I’m sure the fhizer (moderated for the moderation monitoring monitors) gates cartel would come to our collective rescue after the proper deal has been struck with the Higher Authorities.

        • Archaeologists and anthropologists disagree. It took the introduction of disease among the previous human population in the late 1400’s and early 1500’s, killing 90% of the Beringian’s descendants, to allow the buffalo to develop the mighty, and unsustainable, herds the Americans going west would encounter in the 1800’s.

      • Crimson, that sounds about right, timelines n all. Always interesting to think on the demise of the larger ice age fauna as well and how involved humans were in it. Horrendous the extent of death among ‘native’ Americans from disease after we dropped anchors.

  8. I always liked the “Ethical Diner” where all animals served died of natural causes…or would have.

    • Read or watch “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” (the BBC series, NOT the movie) where cattle are bred to be eaten and were given sentience to say this is what they wanted. “I’ll nip off and shoot myself. Don’t worry it will be quite humane.”

  9. Vegetarian, Primitive word meaning “One with poor hunting skills.”
    Vegan, Primitive word meaning ” Dinner for Wolves.”
    Had to fire up the NG powered generator this evening. Shot 2 feral hogs and have them hanging in the cooler until I can break them down and package the meat tomorrow. Looks like I’ll have to fix the fence behind the corn field tomorrow as well. If I can get another hog or 2 before the end of the month, the local food shelf will be getting a nice donation the first of August. Funny how they never refuse meat.
    I’m sure there are the rare critters in the wild that die of old age. Most however die from predation, disease, or starvation. Some end as road kill. And some are harvested by humans. Something I’m curious about. Just how many of these vegetarians or vegans have any clue about how much of a footprint their all veggie diet has. It takes less fuel and less chemicals to graze a cow, than produce a loaf of bread. And, natural, grass fed beef is much better for a person than the factory produced fake meat the idiots are eating. Ever read the ingredients list on some of that stuff? If I can’t pronounce it, I don’t eat it.

  10. Biden uses agency to enforce “right to abortion” ….

    Biden administration says pharmacies can’t turn away people who have a prescription for a drug that may end a pregnancy

    “The US Health and Human Services Department Office for Civil Rights sent guidance to more than 60,000 pharmacies across the country with a reminder that under federal civil rights law, pregnancy discrimination is a form of sex discrimination, and that is illegal.”

    hmmmmm …. another use of an agencies authority they do not have?

    Under the Civil Rights laws I can find “pregnancy discrimination” applies to the work place and places where discrimination against protected classes applies, and in medical care by a physician or hospital. I can’t find anything relating to a civil rights “pregnancy discrimination” that says a business (pharmacy) can not refuse to fill a prescription or provide a drug or medication or device or method to a pregnant woman.

    Is this an extension of the medical care by a physician or hospital prohibition against discrimination?

    Is this an attempt by the Biden administration to ‘legislate a new law’?

    Anyone got something for this?

  11. Vegans are hilarious people, and they don’t even know it.

    I know a couple of vegans.

    Ever notice how vegans got so serious and excited about the “beyond meat” plant based product? They were proclaiming that it tastes like meat, feels like meat, looks like meat, can be used like meat like real beef – something they had been wanting and if you told them it wasn’t meat they get all definition with “meat can be anything”.

    I remember when Burger King started serving ‘Beyond Meat’ burgers. I stopped by a Burger King to get a burger one day. There was a guy who had also ordered at the same time I did, he ordered a ‘Beyond Meat’ burger. I got my food and sat down at a table, he sat at the table across from mine. Curious, I asked how the ‘Beyond Meat’ burger was.

    Me: “You vegan?”

    Him: “yes I am. never eaten meat, raised vegan always been vegan.” (he says this with a very proud tone)

    Me: “Hows that Beyond Meat burger? Is it like beef?”

    Him: “Its just like real beef. Its real meat. It tastes like real beef.”

    Me: “how do you know?”

    Him: “because meat can be anything, it doesn’t mean only animals. This is real meat just like real beef.”

    Me: “so eating that Beyond Burger tells you what real beef tastes like?” (by this time I can’t resist going further)

    Him: “yes it does.”

    Me: “are you being serious?” (by this time I’m suppressing the urge to laugh)

    Him: “Yes, i’m serious.” (his tone tells me hes a little upset now)

    Me: “So Beyond Meat is just plant based vegan stuff, but it goes beyond meat and tastes like real beef?”

    Him: Its all plant based that’s made to look, feel, taste and be used like real beef.”

    Me: “So its not real beef but something that looks, feels, tastes and can be used like real beef?”

    Him: “exactly!”

    Me: “my real beef burger has beef that looks, feels, tastes and can be used like real beef too.”

    Him: “yeah, but that’s meat and this is plant based.”

    Me: “but you said its the Beyond Meat burger was just like real beef and was meat”

    Him: “it is” (hes calmed down now)

    Me: “So my real beef burger is using Beyond Meat?”

    Him: “No! Yours uses real meat.”

    Me: “But your burger uses real meat too, right?”

    Him: “Exactly.” (by this time I bust out laughing, can’t hold it in any more.)

    Him: picks up his food from the table and stomps out the door.

    If he had not left, I was going to offer to buy him a real beef Whopper.

    vegans got really serious about Beyond Meat. For cripes sake’s just eat real beef if you want real beef and don’t pretend then claim Beyond Meat tastes just like real beef. I’m still curious as to how a person who has never eaten real beef knows Beyond Meat actually tastes just like real beef. Ahhhh the power of marketing.

    • I tried a ‘Beyond Meat’ burger patty a couple of months ago. One of the vegans I know bought one to the lab for me to try. She also said it tasted just like real beef. Took a bite, chewed for a bit … I laughed, I cried, I threw up in my mouth a little, then put it down. It does not taste just like real beef. You “Beyond Meat” vegans need to stop pretending.

      • Having read the ingredients list for the various plant based “meats” you would be better off eating the packaging it came in.

    • “real beef Whopper“

      And I’m sure consuming the bovine growth hormones, antibiotics, etc. that are routinely fed to cattle does not have any harmful effects upon humans, right?

      • Breathing today’s polluted air has harmful effects.

        There are very few things today that do not have harmful effects of some type including vegan produce.

    • Our work crew stopped at a Taco Bell for lunch one day. This was a small place that was part of a Pilot gas station at an interstate interchange, only half a dozen small tables inside. Because of the small size of the place, there were no private conversations. We were munching away and planning the afternoon’s work, when a group of college kids came in and bellied up to the counter. One of the girls ordered a Super Bell Grande Beef & Been Burrito (or whatever they called it), but with “no beef and no beans.” The guy next to her kinda backed up and said, “So WTF’s the point?” They ragged her pretty good over that salad burrito, but she stuck to her guns without getting snotty about it. Sometimes I can respect it.

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