I say add a self-defense firearm for every household to the “Build Back Better” plan! Everyone deserves a functional gun to protect themselves and their family. It’s a basic human right. Also, Bob’s Burgers is a funny show.



    • cuz sccy is above toe rest?
      at this point i’m pretty sure that meme’s don’t need to be funny.

  1. There were times in my life when I was poor. At one point the only firearm I owned was a Raven .25. But being poor is a lifestyle choice. You don’t have to be poor. I was a single dad. I worked two jobs for well over 20 years.

    Being poor is related, mostly, to poor choices made by people. In America there is no excuse for a person to not be comfortable. None.

    • JWM, I (don’t tell anyone his) have been in a similar boat, at one point the best gun I could afford was a Davis .380 auto. Now that’s embarrassing. It was nice to improve my environment and now I actually have two nice firearms and the Davis as a reminder (and I doubt anyone would buy it). The rest of firearms went down at the deepest point of the reservoir in that boating accident.

      • I would buy it. I collect old Ring Of Fire guns. My first was a Lorcin L-25, bought on my 21st birthday. And here I have give credit to guns and weapons in general for some of my life choices.

        On the day when my friends all went out to buy their first legal booze I bought my first handgun. I stayed away from drugs and alcohol because I had every unpronounceable kung fu movie weapon there is, until I was old enough to own guns. Then I had guns. I was afraid that if drugs or alcohol were in the mix there would be an accident. A lot of the guys I grew up with have died and a lot have been in and out of prison ( a sure recipe for poverty). I avoided those fates at least partially because I chose weapons.

      • not my first handgun, but my first and last mexcarry, p380. took a thirty five dollar hit to be rid of it.

    • A persons economic status is a bit more than just choice. I have seen people that were just pushed thru the public school system instead of being educated. these people found out later that not being educated plus not having a trade doomed them to whatever they could find. This would vary depending on where they lived and economic conditions in our country. Being poor is not as cut and dry as you make it seem. I have seen people that work hard at several jobs and something always happens that sets them back. Now if a person is poor because they are too lazy to work , then that is choice and i have no compassion for them.

    • ‘Being poor is related, mostly, to poor choices made by people.’

      Mostly. But not exclusively. Young people should be poor, IMHO. Struggles in life build character. Growing up rich leaves a man devoid of character. Usually.

      • Yes, yes, yes! I was poor as all get out, when I joined the military. First gun I bought was a Ruger P944, still holds a special place in my heart. during my time in the Air Force I earned my AA, BS then MS, I was still poor with little experience. However, now I average a new gun a month, and they are not on the low end. Literally Blood, sweat and tears have brought me to this point, so FJB for trying to punish me for that!

    • Yes and no. I was nearly rich.. until I got a divorce… haha… but you are correct, it was my choice.

    • JWM,

      I understand the sentiment, but the single biggest cause of bankruptcy in this country is medical bills. People get poor quickly when health is impaired. I’ve seen it happen.

      But you make a good point, poor choices can lead to low income.

      • Poor people don’t file for bankruptcy. You have to have had something to file for bankruptcy. And you have to have knowledge of bankruptcy, and recovery from it, and interest in recovering from it when you find yourself in a bad spot. Middle and upper class people file for bankruptcy.

        Poor people also get a lot of free and tax payer subsidized healthcare. They can get taxpayer funded food, education, and housing too. Colleges and universities fell all over themselves to admit poor people in the last 30 years, especially poor minorities. And then those poor people failed and dropped out at astounding rates due to lack of ability and lack of preparation.

        Maybe we should also discuss our definition of poor. Welfare recipients in America live better than royalty in most of history, and much of the modern world. That’s why the entire 3rd world is clamoring to get in and get on the public dole. It’s been decades since I met a poor person who didn’t have a cell phone, and the latest video game system, and money for weed.

        Some poor people have low natural ability. Some have mental illness or other issues. Some make poor choices. Some get caught up in the criminal justice system and can’t escape the cycle. Often people with low IQ and/or poor personality traits also make bad choices so these things can compound.

        All of the data we have indicates that if you give poor people money then they will waste it stupidly. There is also a lot of data that rich people who lose everything will build it back. People are not blank slates with equal natural ability and are not interchangeable.

        Someone commented on the public education system not teaching people basic skills. True enough, but that is not it’s real purpose. The US publication system was designed by a communist, modeled on the old Prussian military school system, and intended to produce soldiers and factory workers who would obey. It was supported by unions because it removed a lot of low cost competition that used to be in the market learning skills early in life.

        John D Rockefeller was such a pre public education child laborer. So were many other rich, famous men whose names you would recognize.

        Our problems are not poor people, rich people, or education. Our one and only problem is government. If we eliminate government all of our other problems will get sorted out. If we reduce government we will reduce our other problems by the same degree.

        Lastly, my wife often complains that we are poor. I respond “No honey, we’re broke. We had money and we spent it. Don’t worry, we can do it again on payday.” Unfortunately, despite reasonable IQ’s, we developed some poor personality traits that affect impulse spending and money management. We are aware of them and still working on over coming them. Thank God I made a few right choices; Didn’t get a criminal conviction, didn’t get involved with drugs, and got a career going. If I had to work unskilled jobs due to lack of education, or a criminal conviction we would be poor. Thank God I also had the father I did. I am the guy when it comes to overtime and usually work 2 or 3 jobs. I learned that by watching him.

        • “John D Rockefeller“?

          Yes, he is a great example of a fine upstanding self made millionaire.

          Of course, little is said about the central part dynamiting his competitors played in the accumulation of his wealth…

      • “I understand the sentiment, but the single biggest cause of bankruptcy in this country is medical bills“

        If there was just someway to have universal healthcare so that families and small businesses wouldn’t be bankrupted by medical bills…

        Maybe we could ask Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Norway, Denmark, UK, France, etc,

        • They’d tell us the obvious which is: importing 2 million plus illegals per year, blowing more money than ever before including during wartime with virtually nothing to show for it except making the rich richer, intentionally choking out small business, intentionally paying people more to NOT work and getting them hooked on the government teat, and firing people because you want to politically grandstand won’t get us there. Of course you would think that was common sense. We could have affordable heath care, but the Democrats are NOT focused on solving that problem, just like they aren’t focused on solving any problem. Wait, wasn’t Obamacare supposed to fix that problem?

        • That is true, in fact all of what you said Dude is true.

          Obamacare drove the costs of health care “through the roof” mainly because it was never really supposed to work. Obamacare was intentionally flawed to drive people to single payer health care. The one where the government decides whether you are worthy to continue to live, ask Rahm’s brother about that.

          I also imagine that not having to spend large portions of your GDP on a defense budget, because you have been subsided by the U.S. or N.A.T.O. (again the U.S.) means you have more money to spent on other issues.

          The illegal immigration problem will only worsen now that the poorest people in the world are invading the country at the staggering rate of over 2,500,000 million in 2021 alone.

          When they inevitably invade the schools, health care, and social welfare systems, which along with the other problems intentionally initiated by the illegitimate Joe “Brandon” Administration…(Like firing Doctors, Nurses, Police and Fire personal) could bring down the entire system crashing down.

          The Democrats have kicked the destruction of this Republic into high gear and they are not going to let up.

    • One could read this as meaning “Having children is a poor choice, don’t have kids”.

      Honestly, at this point that might actually be correct. Not being emotionally attached to school board meetings might significantly improve your emotional and cardiopulmonary health.

  2. That would be funny if not for the fact every one of my inexpensive Taurus’s will shoot just as accurately as my Kimber that cost about twice as much and my ParaOrdnance which was several hundred more. Inexpensive doesn’t always mean cheap.

    • Ya, I gotta agree with your statement. The Taurus’s I’ve owned have been the same as yours.

      I know their history, I just haven’t experienced that past history in the 12 years I’ve owned Taurus firearms.

    • I. have an inexpensive 22 cal. colt clone bought in 1966. It’s loud due to excessive clearance between the forcing cone and cylinder but is still accurate and trouble free even now.

    • Yeah I have 3 Taurus’s…the G3 is fairly fantastic. My S&W AR is terrific. Gunz are merely tools to me. If I went to show off I have my wife on my arm. I hate this “poor” BS.

  3. Kel-Tec should spend more on production instead of making a new prototype every other week. Or license their designs to other manufacturers.

  4. I wouldn’t drop $4k on a gun regardless. I’d never want to shoot it for fear of damaging the “investment” and it would languish in the safe.

    A $400 gun, on the other hand, I’d have no qualms about hitting the range with twice a week.

    • A $4k gun is extravagant. The difference between the “cheapo” and “top tier” plastic guns is, what, $300? When you think about it, that isn’t a big difference at all. It comes down to priorities. Anyone can work and save for that. None of this is to say there’s anything wrong with some of the cheapo stuff out there now that works just fine.

  5. Hmm… I was once so poor I bought a brand new Ruger P89 when I really wanted a Beretta 92.

    • I did this exact same thing in the ’80s.

      Saw the err of my ways, worked a bunch of OT, sold the P89, picked up a 92FS.

      The Beretta was more then twice the price of the Ruger.

      • The Ruger P series were excellent for the money. Had a couple of P95s as well. I’m currently keeping an eye out for a P90, but mostly so I can pretend I’m El Mariachi or Harry Tasker.

        I eventually bought a 92fs and currently own a 92fs compact inox (I think, however, I misplaced it in Afghanistan). Big fan, but they seriously need reduced power hammer springs. Dropped to a 14# (stock is 20#) and now have an 8-1/2# DA and 4-1/2# SA trigger. The DA is still crap compared to my GP100 (with reduced power hammer and trigger return springs) with it’s 9# DA and 2-1/2# SA. I don’t think the short radius hammer is conducive to smooth DA trigger pull, but necessary for fast cycling. The wife’s got a PX4 Storm and as stock the trigger is better than the 92. Never cared for the strikers, personally.

        • JC & Gov:
          A few months back I got myself a Beretta 92X. In that model they’ve done something about the DA/SA trigger, and it is just fine out of the box. If you get a chance, take a look at one.

      • Oh man I can’t wait to read James Campbell’s thought on this important issue!

        -said no one, ever.

      • Just bought a 95 off a guy needing money. It runs just fine. Got a few extra mags for it. It now has a place in the in case place.

  6. Bob’s Burgers gets unfriended as quick as I can grab the remote. BB took the place of American Dad and comes on after Family Guy. That’s what sensitive poor folks do. We watch free antenna TV.

  7. Seeing as I was already “old” (Over 35. Over 45 actually) by the time I bought my first firearm, I should be embarrassed to say that the whole rig, a bolt action Savage .22 with a fixed power scope, cost less than $200. Good gun though, still have it. Have yet to drop Wilson sized bills on a gun or a high end scope, though.

  8. “Buy the best that you can afford”

    Tools, cars, guns, home….. it’s one of the best pieces of advice I have received or can give.

    I have a Taurus pt111, Baretta 92 and a Hellcat.

    • Not always so. There are a lot of reasons that people bought VW bugs. They did the job, got you from point “A” to point “B”. I wouldn’t want to drive cross country with one, but for staying in the county is just fine. Having the security of a gun that goes “bang” when you need it is priceless. While a HiPoint is not top quality, they function much better than any of the “ring of fire” models.

  9. I love how in the gun community “poor” usually means “I have to save up for a bit to afford something that costs at least several thousand dollars”.

    Like all the people on Reddit whining about that $8000 NODs setup or the Wilson Combat or that Korth not being something they can just buy right now with spare change.

  10. “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state ….”

    This is both a Constitutionally enumerated right and a practical necessity. Now consider …

    Taxes are used to teach reading and writing, so our newest citizens start out with the those basic tools of free speech. Free Speech, another Constitutionally enumerated right.

    So, “Well regulated militia” refers to training in arms. The people as a whole are the militia, or are supposed to be. Therefore tax dollars should be spent in their training.

    There’s a law we need. Citizens being able to apply the expense of basic firearm and shooting instruction as a credit against their income taxes. Not for advanced training, but for initial basics and maybe every X number of years for a refresher.

    • I have promoted the same idea for years. As Democrats have insisted, if you have a right to something then the government should subsidize it. One firearm purchase for every qualified adult should be a tax credit, along with any training.
      Also, hunting ammo (and arrows & bolts), safety gear, licenses & tags, and land leases should be deductible. Hunters provide a valuable wildlife management service and that needs to be recognized.

    • 100%! Schools should also teach safety in the normal things we do every day. They had “marriage and family”, “cooking and sewing class”, the different shop and drafting classes, and high schoolers learned a lot about life and what employers wanted. Even “civics” was a course that taught something about the government and the laws of the land. Now, if they are lucky, they are taught about social services and how the government can replace the churches.

      Politics has become a substitute for religion and God.

    • Mine was…unfired with a nifty carrying case thrown in. 372+tax from my pawn guy. He had 4. It’s been perfect(as good as a 67year old AR novice needs).

      • We have a place here that’s letting them go for $265.00 + tax on sale, I got three. Its a pretty good rifle.

  11. My Rough Riders are like “Whew. I’m not on the list.”

    SCCY is a national embarrassment and should be shunned by the gun community.

  12. My first handgun was a used 4″ Ruger Standard automatic .22 I bought from some guy for $80 when I was working my way through college. Still have it. I have a very nice collection now but it holds a place of honor.

    • My first .22 rifle I purchased with my own money was a Remington Nylon 66. Go it when I was 12 years old. Back then where we lived at age 12 with your parents permission you could buy and own a long gun except a shot gun. For a shotgun or hand gun you had to be 16 or older. But you could possess a .22 at age 10, just couldn’t buy it yourself until age 12.

      We didn’t have gun laws back then like we do today. The ruling gun laws back then were primarily the state laws, there were some federal laws but state laws mostly trumped those at the time because the fed law didn’t address certain things that the state laws allowed.

      Nothing was wrong with the .22 my parents had given me on my 10th birthday, a Marlin Golden 39A that I still have. But I had heard about a .22 that was “semi-auto” (which was a newer exotic term to me back then) and wanted one I bought myself. Mom and Dad said ok, I told them I wanted to buy it with my own money so I worked that summer to earn the money. I made $222.00 that summer cutting grass and doing some odd jobs. The rifle was a Remington Nylon 66 and cost me $42.67. I spent the rest of my summer earned money on ammo, a no frills simple case, and a cleaning kit for it and still had enough left over to go for ice cream for a while. I was the envy of all the other kids with .22’s. Of the 30’ish I knew in the area that had their own .22’s I was the only one that had a semi-auto .22.

      I still have that Nylon 66, and the Marlin my parents gave me on my 10th birthday. They have been cared for over the years, still mostly look brand new, shoot them from time to time, they still work like a charm. Will leave them and my other guns to my kids when I pass on if Grandpa Joe doesn’t take them from me by force. Used those .22’s to teach my kids how to shoot.

  13. Lot of people on here that seem to have never lived on the lower end of the income scale. I can tell you from experience it’s not always “poor choices” or laziness that causes one to struggle (though those things will almost assuredly contribute to it).
    There was a time for me when saving up 200-300 bucks for a ‘cheap’ gun would have been a real challenge and the 500-700 for a good one would have been like trying to save your pocket change to buy a new Ferrari.
    I for one and glad there are lower cost options out there and, though they may not be marvels of craftsmanship, there’s a lot of solid, good performing guns down at the bottom tier.

  14. I’ve had cheap guns, even cheaper used guns, and expensive guns.
    Buy what you can comfortably afford, learn to work with it. Back in the day, a $50.00 Winchester 94 off the used gun rack was an expensive gun for a kid getting his first hunting rifle. Now, $50 doesn’t buy enough ammo for an afternoon of informal target practice.
    I’ve been what is called poor here in the US. Even lived on the street for a short time. No fun sleeping rough in a Minnesota winter. If, a person is of average intelligence, and just a little ambitious, there is little excuse to be poor. Yes, I know well that crap happens. But, in most cases, being broke or being poor is the result of poor decision making.

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