“The good news is that in Fresno County nothing is going to change.” That’s how Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims will apply the deeply dysfunctional, not to say blatantly unconstitutional ruling by California’s Ninth District Court in the Peruta decision. “In Fresno County ‘good cause” is self-protection and that should be standard, in my opinion, across the state.” What else needs saying? Nothing. Sheriff Mims is TTAG’s Gun Hero of the Day.

[h/t DrVino]


  1. Nothing changes in Fresno county til a new sheriff gets elected. Civil rights shouldn’t hang in the balance every election cycle.

    • You are absolutely correct. Civil rights should not hang in the balance every election cycle. But in current-day America, they do. And more’s the pity.

    • Me too and she definitely has her detractors, most of whom I had no use for. Glad i escaped

  2. There are a number of sheriffs in California that stand for a constitutional right to bear, and apply a uniform “self defense= good cause” standard. In fact, the majority of the 58 counties do, it’s just that a the majority of the population does not live in those counties.

      • I was raised in Sacramento county. It was always a conservative place. Beautiful, nice to grow up there.
        Mike seek lander from the tv show Personal Defense will be in town for IDPA shoots later this year.

  3. This sheriff is one of the few bright and honest officials in the entire state. What a sad thing to have to say about an entire state.

  4. I can’t think of a state that needs more concealed carriers than California. Well, Illinois or DC maybe.

  5. Of duty police officers cannot carry in San Francisco.

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