Gun Hero of the Day: Asst. Chemistry Professor Syed Hamid Hussain (courtesy

TTAG reader GB writes:

The grim tally of the Bacha Khan University terror attack by Taliban on Wednesday that left 22 dead and dozens injured would certainly have been higher if not for Asst. Chemistry Professor Syed Hamid Hussain. Father of two, UK earned Ph.D, and keen hunter, 32-year-old Hussain was well-respected by the students, who nicknamed him “the Protector” for carrying a 9mm pistol ever since teachers were encouraged to do so by Pakistani authorities following the Peshawar school massacre in 2014 that left 150 dead . . .

Wednesday’s attack, which occurred in Charsadda, about 50 miles from Peshawar, followed a similar tragic script. Yet this time, as the “Allahu akbar”-hollering jihadists approached the building and stormed up the stairs, Prof. Hussain drew his pistol, stood his ground even though outnumbered, and proceeded to hold off the long-gun wielding terrorists, thereby giving students the time necessary to get away to safety before he was cut down in the firefight.

Honor where honor is due. Honor for making the choice that so many shy away from, expecting others to take up the slack. Honor for earning his nickname “the Protector” in life, and even more honor for earning it by saving the lives of others while paying the ultimate price. Prof. Syed Hamid Hussain is our Gun Hero of the Day.


    • Yep. He’s the definition of a hero. Despite being out manned and out gunned he confronted them so that others could live.

      This is what the antis don’t get. It’s not all about personal survival, it’s about enabling others to have a chance to live.

      • It ain’t just the anti’s.

        Lots of folks here have said there is no way they’d use their pistol to even TRY to take on guys with rifles.

        A few months ago, there was a heated debate here about whether or not handgun armed defenders even COULD effect the outcome of such an attack. Simulations (of questionable value, sure, but some value) show they can.

        This example puts paid to the assertion they even a single armed defender can’t/won’t change the outcome. This guy saved lives. Period.

  1. Young.
    Family man.

    Only the good die young…

    R I P

  2. I’ll raise a glass to the man who stepped into the arena protected his students and only failed to make it out…..Masalama [arabic for go in peace]

  3. Man, what to say. Can’t just say “tragic”; he did what a good man does and saved lives by doing it. That’s good. Can’t say “not tragic” because a good man died , and at the hands of evil men. That’s indeed tragic. Can’t believe the Pakistani government has more moral fortitude than the general run of our “authorities” on this subject, I have no difficulty saying that.

  4. My god bless him and his family. And curse the people who are preventing teachers in American schools from doing the samething when and if the time comes.

    • This right here. If teachers were armed, or at least allowed to be, then it could even prevent a mass shooting in a school in the first place, They will try to find some other gun-free zone barrel of fish.

      • Exactly.

        At least they’d have a CHANCE.

        But no, somehow our culture has shifted to make it not only acceptable but desirable to have innocent people (young and old) slaughtered defenselessly …. spending their last moments on earth cowering in terror.

        The very premise of the anti’s arguments on this issue is so morally repugnant it causes a physical urge to vomit.

  5. John 15:13: Greater love hath no man than this; that a man will lay down his life for his friends.

    Or a teacher for his students. He is among the elect.

    I always thought people dying doing extreme sports such a waste. But to have this man stand against evil and die while defending the innocent? That brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. Because with people like this, the good will out.

  6. In the 7th century Hussain was a revolutionary leader who made the ultimate sacrifice for social justice in the face of corruption and tyranny. He gave everything he had, including his life, for the honour of those around him. History has repeated itself.

  7. I read aout this guy a couple days ago.

    Numerous comments indicate he developed great relationships with his students. A man who was respected and liked.

    He face at least 2 gunmen to protect his students. Many were able to get away because of him.

    the 4 gunmen involved in the attach were killed by security forces when they arrived.

    This man leaves behind 2 children under 3. It is my sincere hope that the students stay in these childrens lives, so that they man know at least a little bit about the father that was taken away from them too soon.

  8. Wow! He was outgunned, but he stood his ground. I wondered why more did not die in that attack, and it was because of a good guy with a gun. No wonder this dropped from the US news media so fast.

    • ^This^

      This is the opposite of the second impulse driving the anti-gun position. A gun, as a symbol of agency and responsibility is a reminder that they are pretty sure they’d never check out as valiantly as this guy, never want to find out, and can’t face knowing that about themselves

      The first impulse is that they despise agency and responsibility, and a gun, as a symbol of these things, reminds them what it is to be human.

  9. His wife deserves to be taken care of financially for life and his kids taken care of until adulthood.

  10. Respect to a brave man of honor.
    May his countrymen do the same,
    and take care of his kids, as he took care of theirs.

    • And may those despicable creatures known as the Taliban rot in he11, which is the inevitable destination for anyone acting upon the vile teachings of the pedophile and monster known as Muhammed. Killing innocent children and teachers, for what, exactly?

        • I second that statement. I just read this saddening story today. He was a true hero !! I have much respect for him , he made the ultimate sacrifice for his students. R.I.P. Sir , your bravery will not be forgotten.

      • Chances are that this man was a Muslim as well. With that in mind, can we agree that you can be a Muslim and not be a terrorist?

  11. ” Peshawar school massacre in 2014 that left 150 dead”

    That’s 150 families who are very glad that this sort of thing only happens in the USA…

  12. Being a teacher myself, I sure hope I never face a similar situation. And to anyone who does, I wish the same kind of courage and at least a bit more luck.

    Here’s to him and to the hope that those he’s left behind will receive the help they surely need. And may we never remember the names of those he faced.

    • One day at my school, we had an armed intruder alert. A guy with a gun was in an adjacent building filled with students and teachers. Although the campus cops were on their way, it was the criminal justice guys, licensed peace officers who came to school armed, who I observed immediately heading toward the trouble. The report turned out to be wrong, there was no armed intruder, but our “sheepdogs” didn’t know that and got into the building well before the campus cops. Schools need sheepdogs. Professor Syed Hussain saved the lives of his students. When the songs are sung and the stories told he will be remembered.

      • …it was the criminal justice guys, licensed peace officers who came to school armed, who I observed immediately heading toward the trouble.

        This is what grown-ups do. Half the outrage about citizens owning guns is people offended at other people who choose to be grown ups. It make the folks who choose otherwise feel small. (The other half of the outrage is just unthrottled authoritarians, incensed that someone might have the means to resist their diktats.)

        Really, the only response needed to their nonsense (It would almost be worth having Musket back on the air to see this done to him) is: “Why don’t you step up?” Like those “criminal justice guys”, step up.

        Step up and deal with the world as it is, not as you wish it was.
        Step up and show some concern for other folks, and yourself, with something other than words.
        Step up and own your own power: the innocence of deliberate, chosen weakness isn’t so innocent.

        Step up and realize that to be a human, you may have to choose in an instant to move toward the sound of the guns … or any other bad, threatening thing.

        Step up and prepare; to remain deliberately powerless is to contribute to everything that comes later, you “just couldn’t stop.”

        Or rather, step up and admit that you know all this already.

        If you are unclear, there are examples every day. Asst. Chemistry Professor Syed Hamid Hussain was one, in addition to the “criminal justice guys” from Mr. Hall’s story.

        This is what grown-ups do. Any questions?

  13. Syed Hamed Hussain believed in the universal truths that move us forward. He shared his knowledge as a teacher. He recognized that his life was worth giving to protect good people who could not protect themselves. He used bravery to fight evil and the evil that men do. This is what we should teach our children

  14. Cattle die, kindred die,
    Every man is mortal:
    But the good name never dies
    Of one who has done well

    Havamal 76

  15. I’d trade a thousand Kardashians for one of Professor Hussain. In fact, if the reaper wants to give him back, I’ll toss in every member of The Brady Campaign for free.

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