The gun control lobby hasn’t taken well to their recent defeat in the U.S. Senate. They’re bitching and moaning and polling and promising to revive their dead background check bill. The anti-gun grumbling is, in the main, mainstream media misegos. The public has moved on. Why wouldn’t they? Miniature Schnauzers have a longer attention span (and I mean that in the nicest possible way to both man and beast). To keep the anti-gunners’ juices flowing, the gun grabbers have changed the subject. Dancing in the blood of innocents, again, still, they’ve used the Boston Marathon bombing as an excuse to return to the subject of the “terror gap.” Folks, we shot this one down more than two years ago. To recap . . .

No one knows how you get on the FBI’s Terrorist Watch List. No one knows how you get off the FBI’s Terrorist Watch List. To take away an American’s gun rights based on a secret government list, without anything even remotely resembling due process, is fascism. Pure and simple.

The fact that the Mayors Against Legal Illegal Guns is happy to promote this video—which contains a ridiculous assertion that anyone can buy a fully automatic rifle at a gun show without so much as a driver’s license—shows you that the anti-gun lobby believes the ends justify the means.

Make no mistake: the end they seek is [more] complete control over the populace. Big Brother. Big Government. Gun free. They will say and do anything to achieve “gun safety” (a.k.a., civilian disarmament). To wit this from

Mayor Thomas M. Men­ino brought the Boston Marathon bombing case into the national gun 
debate yesterday, pushing to close the so-called “terror gap” in federal gun laws, and questioning how Tamerlan Tsarnaev got his hands on a gun.

“Right now there are thousands of people on terror watch lists who are considered too dangerous to fly on a plane, but when it comes to buying an assault weapon — no problem. It’s crazy,” Menino said.

A 2011 federal study found that more than 1,400 people on terror watch lists tried to buy weapons from 2004 through 2010 — and 91 percent were successful.

Did these purchasers even know they were on a (note: not “the”) terror watch list? Were they told the reason their purchase was denied? Did the feds tell them which list they were on? Were they given a chance to get off the list?

Talk about a police state . . .

Same as it ever was. Which is why the Founding Fathers had the forethought to make the right to keep and bear arms the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.


    • In other words.. All governments are run by people.
      Decentralized power, to an extent, is a good thing. Civilian gun ownership is a form of power decentralization. Any one of us, if put in power, would be susceptible to the same instincts. When we all recognize this in ourselves, we are better at seeing and countering it in others.

  1. Just remind them there loved ted Kennedy was also on the list once so How about we add liberal Fascist to the list LOL.

    • Well he did support the IRA and contribute to NORAID so he deserved to be on the watch list.

  2. It’s my belief that even death does not remove one from a terror watch list. What do they know they’re not telling us?

  3. Amazing the BS spewed as fact by those who have an agenda. Ask any of the people watching or supporting these ads-have you been to a gun show? The likely response will be “I heard……”, when the truth is likely “never’. they heard an agenda driven ad, but with no actual experience they will allow themselves to be herded, as the Sheeple they are.

  4. If I was not a gun owner and even if I leaned a bit anti-gun I would by now (4.5 months! since Sandy Hook) become very irritated that the USG/the president and his pooch the VP/and Congress have wasted so much damn time on the gun control subject while ignoring other vital political, social, and economic issues and problems that need to be resolved.

    • Obuma and crew from the Isle of Misfits Fools are not capable of solving anything. This is just one more distraction to obscure their ongoing program of marxist works.

  5. So…if 91% of the people on terrorist watch lists who tried to buy a gun were successful, I think that says more about the poor quality of the watch lists than anything else.

    After all, if 1260 would-be terrorists had bought any number of guns, don’t you think maybe at least one of them would’ve done something…well…terroristic with them? Even the Tsarnaevs, who definitely are (were) terrorists, and may or may not have been on a watch list, didn’t commit their terrorism with the one gun they somehow acquired.

    Oh, well. Reality is defined by perception, so I guess it was only a matter of time before the progressive lunatics started playing the terrorism card.

  6. I have a Miniature Schnauzer and I resent the fact that my dog which is quite smart and has a long memory is being compared to the general public.

  7. Step one people on terrorist watch list cannot purchase guns. Step two declare anyone who resists our will a terrorist and an enemy of the people. Now that my tinfoil hats off that’s not to hard to believe they already call us gun nuts and extremists. After seeing them turn semi automatic rifle into assault rifle without most of their uninformed followers questioning it.

  8. This list shouldn’t be used to prevent innocent civilians from freely traveling via air, either. Unfortunately Republicans pushed this one after 9/11, and now the left suddenly supports it as a gun-control tool.

  9. did screaming, stomping, and bloody dead baby pictures work for abortion protesters? equating doctors with terrorists?

  10. “…questioning how Tamerlan Tsarnaev got his hands on a gun” while ignoring the fact that we, the American taxpayers, had been paying for this dude to live in our country all the while.

  11. Has anybody bounced the terror watch list or no-fly list off the food stamp or welfare rolls?

    Just curious.

    • Why, that’s heresy!
      Everyone has the right to food, a house, clothes, a cell phone, fireworks, and cooking utensils….

  12. It didn’t take the gun grabbers long to try and link terrorism to the need for gun control. The media elite were hoping for a right-wing conservative that was armed to the teeth. This didn’t seem to work out for the Progressives. If anything, it should remind the public that no one can guarantee safety.

  13. “A 2011 federal study found that more than 1,400 people on terror watch lists tried to buy weapons from 2004 through 2010 — and 91 percent were successful.”

    How do they know the people were successful? This would mean everytime you fill a 4473 & run an NCIS, they know if you decided to buy the gun?

  14. My wife teaches middle eastern folk dance…we have about 200 cds of traditional folk music and modern pop from all over the middle east, some of which was purchased from ebay, amazon, or at middle eastern markets using a credit card. How much you want to bet we’re on someone’s list for that alone? Yet we’ve never had a issue with all the background checks we’ve submitted, and between the two of us we had five checks last year. I guess we’re part of that 91% that pass.

  15. The bombers never bought an “assault rifle” like the article implies. They bought a hot-as-hell Ruger with the serial ground off. Every law in every state in addition to federal law dictates buying a firearm with a defaced serial number is a serious crime. What they did was already patently illegal under current law.

    “A 2011 federal study found that more than 1,400 people on terror watch lists tried to buy weapons from 2004 through 2010 — and 91 percent were successful.”

    Who the hell’s fault is that? Sounds like the Feds have a list of people to watch and only cop to it after something horrible happens. They’ve only themselves to blame. And where was “homeland security”? Aren’t they the idiots supposedly protecting us within our borders?

    • I dunno about The Chive, but when I visited England years ago they had signs and PA announcements in the tube (we civilized folk would call it a subway) saying “Mind the gap… Mind the gap…” every time people got on or off a train.

      Apparently they’ve had problems with inattentive people stepping into that 6″ gap between train and platform and getting mangled.

      Our government and the anti-gun shills don’t seem to realize that no matter what they do, there will always be a gap somewhere.

  16. Personally I’m waiting for manchin/toomey 2 co sponser feinswine, aka “the thrilla with godzilla” , Randy

  17. I used to work in places of the globe that had governments that screwed it’s people down so tight, I could barely breathe the air when I walked off the plane.

    I used to see a gap – yeah, I saw it……it was the gap of how different we were from these facist, controlling countries. This gap is closing and I feel it slowly choking us.

  18. I used to work in places of the globe that had governments that screwed it’s people down so tight, I could barely breathe the air when I walked off the plane.

    I used to see a gap – yeah, I saw it……it was the gap of how different we were from these highly restrictive and controlling countries. This gap is closing and I feel it slowly choking us.

  19. I automatically call BS on ANYTHING they say with % in it. Like Mark Twain said, there are lies, damned lies and statistics.

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