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Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signs bills limiting ammuniton magazine capacity to 15 rounds and mandating background checks for private firearms sales (courtesy

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper released this statement Tuesday night about the recall elections in Pueblo and El Paso counties:

“Our democracy gives the people the right to vote for their elected representatives. Tonight, voters in two Senate districts have spoken. We are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections.

“It’s now time we refocus again on what unites Coloradans — creating jobs, educating our children, creating a healthier state — and on finding ways to keep Colorado moving forward.”

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  1. “It’s now time we refocus again on what unites Coloradans — creating jobs, educating our children, creating a healthier state — and on finding ways to keep Colorado moving forward.”

    Should have thought about that before driving Magpul out.

      • Are they staying? This from their facebook
        :Kyle Ohlrich Are you guys leaving co? Or was that false hope.
        9 · September 3 at 2:41pm via mobile

        Magpul Industries Corp. Still Moving. I takes a lot of planning to move a company like ours. That said these sites are already manufactured outside of Colorado.

        • No. Magpul is still looking for a suitable manufacturing site out of CO. We are still trying to get them to move to TX. They just can’t shut down. There has to be an orderly transition. I read on another blog that CO had called Magpul’s bluff and that they were staying in CO. They weren’t bluffing.

  2. In other words please don’t fire me too lets just stop talkin bout guns and move on to stuff yall won’t fire me over

    • Yep, noticed that the word “gun” was totally absent from his statement. I guess that he can try and pretend it never happened, wonder how that’s gonna work out for him.

    • Since he signed the legislation that got the other two fired and therefore fears for his own political future in Colorado he takes the usual politician’s tactic and does not answer the obvious question but mis-directs to the usual “elect me again, I’m your friend” catch phrases.

    • He doesn’t get a pass. He signed legislation to give illegal aliens driver’s licenses and permit them to have in state tuition for college. This still boggles my mind. These are illegal aliens! You’re giving them rights. You know where they live. Get ICE involved and get them out.

      It seems clear to me. I must be mistaken.

  3. My prediction was way off. I am delighted to have been wrong about this. Now I wonder if Coloradans can maintain the momentum into next year and defeat this governor and turn the state red again. Not sure how many senators and assembly members are up for re-election but it seems likely that enough are to recapture the government from the liberals. Anyone from CO have a comment?
    And by the way. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

    • The sheriffs still have a lawsuit in place to get mag restrictions and additional background checks repealed.
      We are cautiously hopeful.

  4. Redirecting scrutiny from the fact that he signed off on the crap they pulled. God forbid he actually try to correct the problem and undo the damage.

  5. “Our democracy gives the people the right to vote for their elected representatives. Tonight, voters in two Senate districts have spoken. We are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections.”

    I can’t stand these politicians that are either too ignorant to know better or just do it on purpose — we are not a DEMOCRACY.

    Go back to school, Governor, or move to Canada.

    • ^^ this x 1,000,000

      The whole “democracy” f*ck fest that they love to have when it comes to any subject drives me insane. USA – UNITED STATES of America. “And to the REPUBLIC, for which it stands”

      • Yet they don’t seem too keen to talk about democracy and the will of the people when they ram something unpopular down the nation’s throat, like Obamacare.

    • You beat me to it. I hit the line “Our democracy gives the people the right…” and stopped right there.

      Item 1) We live in a Constitutional Republic not a freaking mob-rule Democracy.

      Item 2) Governmental systems, The Constitution, et-al do not -GIVE- us Rights. We already HAVE Rights from Birth.

  6. “Now is the time to run from our records and hide who we are, lest we all get thrown out like the sacks of garbage that we are.” – translated.

  7. “We are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections.”

    Who is this “we”? Your party? How about, “We serve at the will of the people and the people have spoken.”

    • “We” as in Mike Bloomberg, Eli Broad, MAIG, and the Brady Bunch. Hick ran as a moderate dem, but he got a legislature that was farther left. Not wanting to lose cred with the national party, he cast his lot with the lefties and got his fingers burned.

      Along with signing the gun control laws, Hickenlooper waffled on a death penalty case where the bad guy had exhausted his appeals. Rather than decide either to allow the execution or commute the sentence to life, the governor merely issued an executive order staying the execution, effectively just kicking the can down the road. The order can be reversed by any future governor.

      So much for having the courage of his convictions.

      As a result, he’s now making his 2014 re-election effort competitive if the Republicans can keep from forming their typical circular firing squad when nominating a candidate.

  8. The new Sons of Liberty:

    “We’ve gained notoriety and caused much anxiety,” sang Tom Lehrer in “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park.” “They call it impiety, and lack of propriety, and quite a variety of unpleasant names.” So too maligned were the parade of little groups that sprung up to fight the government. Women who testified — some of them, like Kimberly Weeks and Amanda Collins, victims of rape — were cruelly rebuffed; genuine advocates, like the six men who founded the Basic Freedom Defense Fund, were dismissed erroneously as “AstroTurf”; and the plucky little guerrilla group, Pueblo Freedom and Rights, which was started by three formerly apolitical blue-collar twentysomethings, was described variously, its founder, Victor Head told me, as being made up of “peons” and “nuts,” and guilty of representing “amateur hour.”

    • There’s more;

      “…PFR are practicing a form of guerrilla politics. Flags fly from every window on the property: Some say “Liberty or Death,” others “Join or Die” or “Keep New York Politics in New York.” One particularly striking flag has a stylized picture of an AR-15 with the words, “Come and Take It” underneath. Inside the door sits a bank of cardboard yard signs that feature “Vote Yes: Recall Giron” in tall letters that have been haphazardly spray-painted through stencils. When the group learned that the building adjacent to Senator Giron’s office was vacant, they rented it and filled the large windows full of pro-recall material, drowning her out and forcing her to move. In a world full of prepared statements and slick flacks, PFR’s approach is refreshingly brash…..”

      • Everyone should read the article – it is a great story of normal, humble people who are sick of bullshit standing together.

  9. “We are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections.”

    Why??? The people have spoken and they want to be represented by someone else. Why is that disappointing??

    “It’s now time we refocus again on what unites Coloradans — creating jobs, educating our children, creating a healthier state — and on finding ways to keep Colorado moving forward.”

    Creating jobs… like Magpul jobs? Keep Colorado moving forward? Forward towards what?

    • Forward, of course, they’re PROGRESSIVES. Heaven forbid we should look backwards, like at our founding documents!

  10. I’m tired of hearing how the NRA is the boogey man in this whole thing, spending millions upon millions in lobbying efforts.

    The New York Times, of all rags, never known for its fair coverage of a gun control story actually wrote:

    “While both sides campaigned vigorously, knocking on doors, holding rallies and driving voters to the polls, gun-control advocates far outspent their opponents. A range of philanthropists, liberal political groups, unions and activists raised a total of $3 million to defend Mr. Morse and Ms. Giron. Mr. Bloomberg personally gave $350,000. “

  11. Chris brings up a great point. TTAG, can you put up a post comparing how much the evil NRA contributed, despite being a grass roots effort by Colorado citizens, as opposed to the millions by out of state gun grabbers with the sizable personal check from Herr Bloomberg?

  12. If they had just concentrated on that “unite” crap and those more important items before, they wouldn’t be in this situation.

  13. Total Recall!

    It seems that the pro-2A playbook has a few new pages. The main lesson to be taken from this is that most of the country despises Billionaire Bloomberg. Every campaign should focus on Bloomberg, Bloomberg and more Bloomberg.

    But still, in the aftermath of these elections, Colorado has the same cr@ppy laws and the same Democrat cabal is still in control. There’s a lot more work to do.

    • Couldn’t agree more, Ralph. This recall is both a blessing and a curse-a blessing in that it shows that there is a strong base of pro 2A voters, and a curse in that it’s a shock to the anti-gun crowd that will give them a rallying point in 2014.

      Fence-sitting Democrats in the legislature will be spooked, which should stop new anti-gun legislation, but without a pro-2A majority in both houses and a pro-2A governor, we won’t get the bad laws (especially mag limits and background checks) off the books.

      I’ve been reading and listening to local (Denver) media this morning, and the spin machine is already trying to play this as not a strictly 2A issue.

      Keep at it people, this is only one round in a never-ending fight.

  14. Hickenlooper said: “We are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections.” No, John, not WE. It’s you that’s disappointed – along with Morse and Giron.

    We (The People) are not disappointed! Have you forgotten who “We” are? We, The People. You might try to remember. We’re the ones you and your friends have been ignoring. We have spoken! You should also remember that We won’t be satisfied until you’re collecting unemployment along with Morse, Giron, and many more of your friends…..

  15. Next, time to KICK OUT Chickenpooper ,he could have VETOED the BS bills but didn’t.What are you Disappointed about? All the Bozos are being replaced,remember you are supposed to uphold the Constitution ,Not Piss on it as you and they DiD!

    • Would love to see the headline, “Morse Vows Revenge on Gun Owners!” or, “Giron: Colorado Dominated by Racists!” or, “Mayor Bloomberg: I’ll Be Back!”

  16. “It’s now time we refocus again on what unites Coloradans — creating jobs, educating our children, creating a healthier state — and on finding ways to keep Colorado moving forward.”

    Translation: We already got what we want with the guns, lets move on to something else we can screw up.

  17. Folks there’s a lot of work ahead nation wide not just in Colorado but everywhere We the People need to start to send a message to all the politicians WE the people are pissed you have ignored us for far too long you listen to special interest lobbies that line your pockets when you should be listening to us and we WILL NOT stand for this partisan special interest bullshit anymore

  18. “Our democracy[wrong] gives the people the right to vote [not in the Constitution it doesn’t] for their elected representatives.[key word: representative – they’re not elected to ignore their constituencies, as Morse told his fellow Senators to do] Tonight, voters in two Senate districts have spoken. [Yep, loud & clear. So the question is, are you listening?] We[You don’t speak for us when you say ‘we’] are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections.” [cry me a river – you, Morse & Giron made these beds, now the 3 of you can sleep in them].

  19. “We are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections”

    The people have spoken, take heed.

  20. Holy back peddle batman! I think Hickenlooper just realized he is done come the next election unless he drops all this gun control junk. I hope pro gun forces push this and introduce legislation to gut the mag ban and keep forcing those anti gunners to stay on the record about where they stand, people of Colorado take back your state!

  21. “It’s now time we refocus again on what unites Coloradans — creating jobs, educating our children, creating a healthier state — and on finding ways to keep Colorado moving forward.”

    ….and repealing those stupid laws that got the peasants’ panties in a wad???? No?

    Perhaps the new guys will introduce a bill to repeal those laws, you know, just to keep the issue in the voters’ minds until the next election.

  22. Dear Governor Hickenloser,

    Government does not and never has created jobs. Ultimately everything the government does is paid for and made possible by the private sector.

    They are not “our” children and government does not educate them it indoctrinates them.

    There is nothing healthy about the expansion of government power.

    Forward, is simply a direction and your direction is wrong.

  23. “Our democracy gives the people the right to vote for their elected representatives.” — Governor Hickenlooper

    How many times do we have to state that we do NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY. We live in a representative republic with a constitution that protects all of us from democracy. Remember, democracy is nothing more than organized mob rule. Democracy is great for the mob and is hell for minorities.

    And then the Governor states that our government gave us the right to vote. That shows everything right there. In Hickenlooper’s mind, government gives and takes away anything and everything as it pleases. Newsflash: government doesn’t “give” rights. Government’s core job is to protect rights, not give them or take them away.

  24. Hickenlooper said: “We are certainly disappointed by the outcome of the recall elections.” If it’s not We, the People (who aren’t disappointed), then who are the “we” you talk about? Oh, yeah, I forgot. It’s you and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg – who’s been paying you off. Oh, Yeah, and Bloomberg’s buddy Eli Broad, and how many others?

    Right. We, the People of Colorado have the best politicians money can buy!

    Throw the bums out!

  25. Dude…am in Africa hunting, but am thrilled to see Hickenlooper in my home state of Colorado crash and burn. Rumor has it Bloomberg offered to bankroll his presidential campaign if Hickenlooper, whom we refer to as “Hickenstooper,” would sell out his state. The man’s a zero, and the microbrewery he started sucks.

    Michael B

  26. The people of Colorado, need to make sure Gov. Hickenstupid, gets sent home as well. Again, I won’t spend one vacation dollar, as long as these laws are on the books. Having a 30 round magazine will get you arrested in Boulder and Denver. That’s wrong and until it’s fixed, I will spend my money elsewhere!

  27. Maybe if they’d focused on all that moving forward stuff earlier this year, instead of trying to disarm their citizens, they wouldn’t have gotten themselves in this mess. They picked a fight for no good reason, and are in the process of losing it.

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