giants fan mass shooting patriots
Courtesy WBZ
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The quote of the day is presented by

Some people can’t handle the freedom and responsibility of…social media.

Gray is accused of making a threatening post on Facebook over the weekend after the defending Super Bowl champions signed Brown, one of the best and most controversial receivers in the NFL, Saturday.

In the post, Gray allegedly wrote “I’m going to pull a white boys school shooting at Foxboro you might as well hand them the ring right now I’m if I ever get my hands on a gun which I don’t have one yet but I’m looking I will go shoot up random people at Foxboro.”

The Facebook post was deleted over the weekend. Gray’s attorney said his client was simply upset the Patriots were able to land Brown and did not mean any harm.

“He just really didn’t get into why, he’s a Giants fan apparently,” his attorney Stefanie DiMaio Larivee said outside court. “He was not happy about it as I can see online many, many fans of many other football teams were not happy about it.”

A judge in Providence called Gray’s record extensive. In the report from the Foxboro Police Department, it was discovered there were pictures of Gray holding guns on Facebook.

Giants Fan Angry Patriots Signed Antonio Brown Accused Of Making Gillette Stadium Threat

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        • The NFL is an extremely leftist organization, from Roger “Not So” Good-dell down to the players.

          Fans continue to act surprised by this. Yet the NFL is a microcosm of what is wrong in the U.S.

          However, if you are a POTG and or a conservative it is hypocritical to support this leftist organization the NFL.

        • You’re correct, to an extent, the NFL as a whole is pretty leftist. But many of the individual teams are not. In fact there’s a political football team spectrum you can look up where it shows the most liberal team to the most conservative team, based upon organizational donations. The most liberal teams are Seahawks, Whiners, and the rest of left coast teams. The most conservative teams are the Cowboys, Texans, and Patriots with Robert craft being personal friends with Trump.

        • Eh what little I pay attention to is the Eagles from what my dad will talk about. Too much of a time hole and honestly arena ball is more enjoyable (also cheaper and shorter). With that said it is fun to see co-workers and other associates recoil in revulsion at the mention of the Patriots but I haven’t had a dog in the fight since the late 90’s

        • I was cruising up I-95 one day and in my rear view mirror I noticed a guy weaving in and out of traffic coming up behind me. I pulled over into the right lane as he approached even though I had been passing cars on my right. He swerved left and cut off the guy that had been following me, then swerved right, cut me off then veered back into the left lane and got boxed in. He kept weaving in and out cutting people off left and right for the next couple of miles but really didn’t get ahead much after that. Then he got off at the same exit I was getting off and as I watched him in the distance, all I could think of was….. this guy belongs to one really select bunch of assholes. As I got off the exit he was sitting at the light at the bottom of the hill. I pulled up behind him and only then did I notice the huge Yankee’s bumper sticker. All I could think of was…. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!!

          • Driving a BMW or a VW GTI, if he hit youi would have known he was driving a Porsche. New Jersey plates no doubt.

        • Huntmaster you just described much of Philly, Jersey, and downstate NY all you need to do is change the team sticker for variety. Delaware gets an honorable mention with their 295 exit north of Wilmington

        • Can’t argue that the other group taking the exit is NYC so only splitting hairs on what kind of communist.

    • A minority claiming shooting people is a “white” thing.
      Incapable of understanding basic math.

      With that said, non-criminals should be calling for the National FELON League to be suspending that scumbag for at least a year for what he did to Mayock in front of the entire team, and the Patriots should have their collusion voided and their entire draft forfeited for the next year to two after being caught multiple times.

  1. I thought I would run his Facebook post through the moron translator.

    “I’m an idiot, please come arrest me. I have no life and am so upset over something pretty meaningless, oh, and please come arrest me. I could really use some adult company, please bring the SWAT team to come arrest me.”

    • What are you talking about? This is just like that guy who open carried in the Walmart last week. He’s just exercising his 1st ammendment rights! Did he brake any laws? Full stop! If he didn’t do anything illegal, then you can’t arrest him! Who ever called 911 after seeing this post needs to be arrested and sent to prison for life! /sarc/

      • Its like this Giants Fan was posting under the infuence. Similar to driving under the infuence, but driving is a privlage and 2A is a right.

        • Maybe he just forgot to put the “/sarc/” tag after he posted his rant. “/sarc/” makes everything okay. /sarc/

  2. If I were a judge, I’d be ready to dismiss this as “high-strung, no-life idiot upset about sportball” until the last line where he takes it over the edge by saying he is actively looking to buy a gun to “shoot up” people in a specific place.

  3. As a Steelers fan, I’d like to think Antonio Brown is the best thing that could possibly happen to the Patriots, but the realist in me knows Belichick won’t put up with his crap like Tomlin and the Rooney’s did.

    • Yep. I was hoping that he would disrupt team operations for the patriots like every other team that he played for.

    • Yeah. The patriots also clearly do not need him. After Sunday’s game it’s clearly evident of that. Once Brown becomes a nuisance they can simply ditch him and carry on.

  4. Keep your business off of Facebook
    Keep your business off of Facebook 
    Some days you act like a saint 
    But your Facebook posts say you ain’t 
    You need to keep your business off Facebook

  5. Also if it ain’t the Crimson Tide, who cares?

    Pro football is akin to wrestling. SEC is the only ball worth watching.

        • I’m 15 minutes from Clemson…entire area has tiger paws on everything…On Fridays everyone wears Orange, that being said I’m a Bama and Auburn fan because the ACC ain’t all that and pretty much cupcake schedules every year. When I’m feeling froggy I wear a Ohio State shirt just to tick off my co-workers.

          `just sayin!

        • @Manse Jolly , same here only Texas A&M , the whole 8 counties around College Station go insane over anything maroon, and everything is “Aggie” something. I lived here six months before I found out what an Aggie was. Still don’t understand why….LOL But the stadium is enormous, larger than Gillette Stadium by like 38,000 seats

  6. I wonder what way he bends politically…

    Does his F-book profile-posts give any clues?

    • It’s absolutely a serious threat in that it must be taken seriously. He may or may not have intended to carry it out but a reasonable person reading that would easily be concerned. He done fucked up.

  7. If convicted, he won’t be able to legally get a gun to carry out his threat (felonious charges). It kind of irks me to hear his lawyer pass it off as just being “a Giants fan.”, as if that gives him license to threaten multiple, random strangers. Time will tell if the laws already in place will keep his threat at bay…or maybe we need to add some more just to make sure…sure, sure.

    • They said he had an extensive record, so he might already be a prohibited person. Really bad since he had FB pictures holding guns.

  8. Hopefully, there will be a “good guy with a gun” there to meet him…

    This is a perfect example of someone who should NOT have access to firearms…
    And now that he’s telegraphed his emotions/intentions, it now becomes per-meditated and ANY defense put forward would be null and void…

    • When the government pays you to NOT work, why would you?
      Of course, most “normal” people WANT to earn their way through life, but that’s less than half of Americans…. The rest are happy to sit on their asses all day expecting the workers to pay their way….. And the government is happy to oblige these ghetto vermin….
      Until we end the welfare state, this country is only going to get worse…

  9. I don’t follow any sports. I could not even list a single player for the Patriots or any other NFL team. Why people feel so invested in sports teams they have no affiliation with personally or financially baffles me. I find it silly and sad that we pay 10s of millions of dollars to an uneducated person to throw a ball around while veterans live homeless on the street. It is just a stupid game. It is not as important as your family, career, life or relationship with God. Obsession with sports is something I think it ruining our culture, turning colleges into businesses instead of institutions of higher learning giving youths false hopes of being a professional athlete.

    • You are not wrong but the financial incentives for college are overwhelming and tend to override academic as well as moral cocerns

    • First, most veterans that live on the street (homeless) do so because of their choice to self medicate rather than obtain help from the multiple non-profit organizations that provide assistance. Second, who is we? Unless you pay taxes to a city/town which owns a professional sports team and you don’t attend games; you don’t pay the bloated salaries of any “uneducated persons”. Its no business of yours what other people enjoy or spend their money on. Third, athletic ability and physical performance are often conditioned through concepts and methods developed by those “stupid games”.

      Lastly, I could not agree more with “It is not as important as your family, career, life or relationship with God”. Sports are incredibly important and often an avenue to spend time with your family or share your relationship with God with someone else.

        • I didn’t work hard enough in high school to get a scholarship so I attended the 16 week school of rain, camping and hiking at Fort Benning followed by some intense on-the-job training in Germany, Kuwait and Bagdad. I had to pay for college in other ways.

          I’m proud of how i paid for college. I don’t really take pride in my college. They only provided me with a piece of paper that tells people who are in charge of larger paychecks, that I possess some intelligence and am sometimes deserving of those checks.

        • 19 weeks of lost in the woods then off to Kandahar. Agree on the assessment of value on paper but it lets me have a job where my knees are not further wrecked. With that said I stand by experiences will vary.

        • College administration was willing to sacrifice academic funding for hard sciences to further upgrade the stadium and cover for the coach raping boys. Funny enough not too different from Afghanistan re covering for friendly warlords….. I mean Afghan National Police

      • Most of these teams use public stadiums paid for by taxes. While this can give a city “pride”, it costs millions of dollars a year just in upkeep and leo hours. Really large cities/areas have 2 teams of each sport and just cause divisiveness.


  10. Well duh…it’s pro football. Where’s all the sanctions against a-holes threatening Christian’s,conservatives and Trump?!?

  11. Well, if ever you want to meet some FBI agents and spend quality time with mental health professionals, I suppose this was a good way to get there.


  12. There are stupid things to post on fakebook and then there’s this. His lawyer says he is just upset but when I get upset I use bad words and call people rude names not threaten to do a drive-by.

  13. Just another stupid sports fan…nothing new here. Go to your local buffalo wild wings and you will see plenty of these losers wearing jerseys like a little kid and screaming “we won” like they actually accomplished something themselves. Winners by third party participation. Their fights and insults directed at the rival team actually matter, right?

    The guy wasn’t going to hurt anyone. But hopefully they will make an example out of him for just being a cuck.

  14. Those gay boys in the bay area sure get their panties in a wad over ball players. I’da thought that they would just “Bit*h slap” someone instead of talking about a scary black gun…..

  15. When I moved from the UK to here in 1978 I have noted that the majority of the US population for the most part love professional sports the apparel they buy into the millions and coupled with their low emotional IQ make for episodes such as this. Americans like these have a low emotional IQ and never realize that these professional sports DO NOT CARE ONE BIT ABOUT THEM. The players make millions in salaries. Go ask them you can’t make the mortgage or car payments, put your kid thru college.. see what they say….They won’t care so why should you ?

    It never ceases to amaze me of the credulous nature of the average American who is caught up in the football, basketball, baseball viewing world on TV. Multimillion dollar salaries to play catch? Stuff their fat faces with more food and cheer for their favorite chump. It’s all BS. These players think they’re tough but deep down they are pu__ies. The only guy who had guts recently was Pat Tillman who proved his worth on the battle field. I say draft these NFL players into the armed forces and let them help us fight the next war then we’ll see how tough they are.

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