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“Gunocracy (the new name forĀ Gunup.Com) has a special on Mosin Nagants! Click here to get yours for only $159.00 with free shipping to your FFL.”

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  1. This is news? Could have swore that is what the numerous new ad sections were for. What next, an article praising Remington for fixing the R51..

  2. Wow, those have gone up in price. I bought my 91/30 a little over a year ago with bayonet, sling, oil cans, ammo pouches and stripper clips. From my local farm and home. All for 89 bucks. It’s a great shooter.

    • I got to hand pick a beautiful 1942 Izzy about three years ago for a bill. Now the gun shows only offer beat up furniture for that price.

    • For the delivered price of this rifle, I got a ’32 Tula M91-30 last year in great condition with full kit (oil can, cleaning gear, bayonet, ALL the accoutriments) and a spam can of ammo.

    • Yeah there are still deals in person. I walked out of a pawn shop a few months back with a ’33 Tula hex for $90. It had one of the smoothest cycling bolts I’ve felt on a Mosin. No sling or oiler, but still a deal.

      They really are rifles that you should inspect in person if possible. Depending on who the importer is there’s no way to ensure you’ll get a good, non-counterbored barrel.

      • In the grand scheme of things, a recrowned barrel isn’t the worst thing in the world on a Mosin.

        I did, however, invest in a set of headspace gauges from Okie. (Link) They’re probably not strictly necessary, as I’ve only found a couple that didn’t pass out of dozens I’ve looked at, but it makes me feel better before plopping my money down.

  3. Still a good price for the rifle. But what of ammo. Cheap russian surpluss was the reason for buying these in the first place.

    If it’s going to cost as much to feed these as a .308, .30-06 or other mid caliber rifle, why buy one?

    I’m a bit of a history buff. I’ve gotten rid of all but one of mine. If I never shoot it again(I still have a spam can or 2 laying around) I will still keep it just for the history.

    • Aim Surplus has Russian spam cans for $99 plus shipping. There’s also Bulgarian stuff around. It’s just as good as the Russky ammo. And if you can find some surplus Czech ammo, you’ll really like it.

      • They also sell Mosins 1891/30 there for $129. Or $139 for Tula. $149 gets you hex receiver. If you really want the cheapest gun on market…you migt as well buy it cheapest.
        I bought mine from them. Then dropped $100 Timney trigger in it so the price almost doubled. But fun factor trippled. Yes, the original trigger was so bad.

      • Agreed on the Czech stuff. Top notch. Never tried the bulgarian. My mak is a bulgarian made and it’s a decent gun.

        • The Czechs make good quality ammo as well as terrific guns. I’m happy to shoot S&B fodder in my guns. Agreed on the Makarovs. I have an East German version that was made in the early 60s. A very nice piece. I was stationed on the border back in ’71, and I like to think one of those guys on the other side may have been packing that one.

    • The main reason I want one of these is because of the cheap ammo. If that’s changed since the stupid boycott, my interest drops like a sinker.

      • It hasn’t changed. Russian ammo is still coming in by the boatload, and likely will since we still purchase from them for Afghanistan.

  4. Really? Sponsored content? How about this in the form of an ad? I respect the ads because I know you need to pay your bills, but an article devoted to an ad?

    • This isn’t hard. It says what it is on the link. Next time, just don’t click. It’s that easy.

      • Fair enough. I was surprised, and that was a knee jerk reaction. (And the 2A community knows the dangers of those, right?)

    • While it is an “advertisement”, it is incredibly relevant because the vendor is offering Mosin Nagant’s for a very affordable price … in our current climate of trade sanctions and rapidly rising prices.

      I was very interested and am seriously considering purchasing one.

  5. Bought 1 off local board w/1900 rounds of ammo in spam cans for $200. Still looks like it just came out of the arsenal. If I can’t see it I don’t buy. Had 2 bad deals on shipping no more.

    • Ahhh…’s not nice to take advantage of the mentally handicapped because that’s what they must have been to sell you $400 of ammo + gun for $200.

      …excuse me while I go check out some local boards.

      • He got a boating speeding ticket in GA needed the bucks to pay the fine.
        I offered him more but he placed the ad @ that price & held his word.

        An increasingly hard thing to find.

  6. I don’t mind these sorts of ads.

    Thanks to an article on TTAG I discovered and bought an excellent condition K31. A wonderful, very high quality, precision long distance shooter for less than $400.00 delivered.

    Without TTAG, I’d have never known about this rifle.

    • unlike a lot of other surplus collectors, I bought a K31 before I ever owned a Mosin.

      unfortunately I didn’t discover them when they were still $99, an undiscovered surplus precision rifle.

  7. I’m more interested in the Citidel M-1 9mm I saw advertised on slickguns for 534.99 shipped (from Kentucky Gun Co.) Anyone know how those run? Sure looks like a good idea to me.

    • While I tend to think of myself as being pretty knowledgeable about firearms, I have no idea what a hex receiver is for a Mosin Nagant. Can you elaborate?

      • Here’s a picture of a round receiver. (Link) Note the area at the top of the receiver to the left of the picture, which would be toward the barrel of the gun when the receiver is installed in the stock.

        Here’s a picture of hex receiver. (Link) Note that the top of the receiver has three facets, instead of being smooth as in the first picture.

        There is no difference in performance or anything else between the two, other than their appearance. There are fewer hex receivers in circulation, and so they are often seen as more desirable, and some sellers will charge more (usually about $10) for them.

        Both pictures come from (Link), which is an invaluable and near-unmatched source of information on Mosin-Nagant rifles. Note specifically the Mosin-Nagant Identification Guide (first link below the break), which will walk you through identifying exactly (or nearly exactly) what you’re looking at, where it was manufactured, when, etc.

        • The only real difference between the hex and the round and the reason the round replaced the hex was manufaturing. It was easier and cheaper to produce the round. And in a nation with vast swarms of peasant conscripts to train and arm, easier and cheaper wins.

        • Most of the round receiver Mosins manufactured during wartime are a much lower level of workmanship than earlier round and hex receiver mosins.

          A lot of people wrongly associate this drop in QC with the round receiver. The quality steadily dropped from 1939 onwards, but before that, the quality is on par with the hex models.

  8. Not for nothin’, but Classic Firearms sells 91/30’s for $139.99 day in, day out. They’ve got K31’s and other neat stuff too, for a little more money.

    They also sell by the crate (20 rifles @ $126) for $2520 plus shipping if your wallet is feeling adventurous.

    • That is what I bought – I got mine from Classic. Neat rifle.

      I have no problem with sponsored content, as long as it is labeled as such.

      Anyone know much about the history of these guns? The newly printed book it came with just mentions hunting. I bought 1 box of ammo just to have around – boy the 7.62x54R is a pretty big bullet when compared next to a .223 and 7.62×39!


      • The history of them? You could write a book. Or two. It was originally developed in 1891 (hence the “91” in 91/30) and the most common variant in circulation today was introduced in 1930 (hence the “30” part of 91/30). That 1930 edition was basically unchanged until production ceased in the mid-60’s. Variants of this rifle have been used in basically every major or minor military engagement involving Russia (or the former Soviet Union) from the rifle’s introduction up to and including the recent crisis in Ukraine. They are still regularly seen in use in Afghanistan where they were dropped when the Soviets left there with their tails between their legs more than two decades ago.

    • Widener’s has Izhevsk round receiver Mosins for $120 + shipping. $20 more for Tula. $159 shipped isn’t a particularly great price.

  9. The prices have definitely gone up. Unfortunately, I don’t have any storage space left. I was so thoroughly biased against communist guns that I never bought any. Now, I wish I had purchased an MG and an SKS with lots of cheap comm bloc 7.62. But we have sanctions in place against Russian ammo, and once a gun / ammo sanction occurs they tend to marinate indefinitely.

    Plus, I’d like to hand pick an MG instead of having it done for me.

    So I’ll stick with American stuff, or a local retailer.

  10. Everyone should purchase a Mosin if only to realize what “dipped in cosmoline” really means.

    A couple/few hundred bucks and if the S ever really does HTF a couple of Mosins in the attic or basement with a few spam cans could come in handy. Just a stray thought.

    • “Everyone should purchase a Mosin if only to realize what ‘dipped in cosmoline’ really means.”

      ^ This! This, this this!

      For the longest time, I looked at Mosin Nagants in display cases at local gun stores and saw what I thought were paint globs all over them — especially the front sight post. And every time I saw those “paint globs”, I walked away disappointed because I wasn’t going to purchase a rifle with paint globs all over them. (How would you remove those paint globs without ruining the finish?)

      Unbeknownst to me, my father recently purchased one and then showed it to me. I was stunned that there were no paint globs. I asked him how he got so lucky to find a nice Mosin Nagant without paint globs. He laughed and explained that all those “paint globs” were cosmoline. Wow, I did I ever feel stupid!

  11. They had these for 69bucks at Cabelas 3 years ago.on Black Friday. I wasn’t looking for a rifle then but wish I had bought one. Oh well…

  12. I have no problem with “sponsored content” being listed with the articles provided it’s marked as sponsored (as it currently is) and comments remain open (as it currently is).

    • Yeah, plus $20 or so shipping plus $20 or so for an FFL plus CTD’s ‘handling fee’ (and sales tax if you’re in TX) and you can see part* of the reason why CTD has been all but boycotted here among the AI.

      *a small part to be sure.

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