
“People have the right to defend themselves,” said Maj. Anthony Thuman with the Clayton County Police Department, “that’s the point we want to drive home, you have the right to defend yourself.”

And a Clayton County, Georgia resident did exactly that when 18-year-old Jayven Jackson first pounded on his door at 3:00 am, then broke a window to force entry to the home.


The homeowner said the suspect broke the glass next to the front door and reached to unlock it before making entry. Police said that as Jackson made his way up the stairs, the homeowner grabbed a rifle and shot several times in the alleged robber’s general direction.

Jackson was found at the bottom of the stairs leaking bodily fluids. He was transported to a local hospital, but died en route.

Various reports indicate that the home owner used a rifle to defend himself. Exactly what kind of rifle isn’t specified. Americans used firearms hundreds of thousands of times a year to defend themselves and their families, usually without firing a shot.

According to, the homeowner won’t face charges in the shooting. Which is just as it should be.


  1. It was probably a bolt-action or lever-action rifle. Those rifles are PERFECT for any sort of combat (which is why they are the primary weapon of choice of infantry all over the world). A semi-automatic rifle is much too dangerous to be used in such a precise matter and has no place in the hands of a civilian.


    • It was a musket. With those new fangled paper cartridges. With a little practice you can get off 2-3 shots a minute. Who needs more? And it’s a military arm.

      • No mention of anyone else living in the home. If so, I hope he was shooting a small, fast caliber (.223) with easily frangible bullets. Wasn’t it Federal that made a 40 grain HP for indoor use? Blitz I think? Overpenatration is a concern. Even with heavy handgun calibers and heavy shotgun loads. And don’t forget a projectile exiting your home through a window. Your neighbor is going to take a dim view of it entering one of his windows and killing his child in bed. So will the State Attorney. It’s called manslaughter. Rule #4 Be sure of your target and what’s behind it. That said, could I buy the homeowner a drink and a rib eye?

        • I’d totally trust a 35-40gr frangible round for home defense, having shot just those sorts of rounds into gel, but I’d want a can so I don’t explode my own ears when the thing uncorks at 3400 fps.

        • There’s a pretty good likelihood that it was just a 10/22, or a Marlin 60. Several rounds of .22lr will usually do the job. Of course ARs, AKs, and Garands also work fine.

        • Art, you’re right. Seen more than one dead man from the correct application of 22 LR. .223 with ammunition the overpenatration raised is minimal. AK and M-1 rifle and we’re definitely back to overpenatration.

        • A .22lr isn’t my first self-defense choice, but I would be the last one to dismiss its effectiveness outright. You can put a 40 gr. round through a one inch thick plank of wood at hundreds of yards distance with a .22lr rifle. You can zip through a ten round magazine in a basic Mossberg Plinkster in all of about two and a half seconds, with an extremely tight grouping without even trying. Bad guy on the receiving end of that volley would have a tough go of it, especially if multiple hits landed on the heart or head.

        • Not seeing too many comments in this thread about a tried-and-true shotgun with buckshot. Classic home defense with maximum near-range power and minimal over-penetration. To each his own, of course, but for CQC within my home I’d reach for my shottie.

        • Mossad, the Israel’s intelligence service, preferred .22’s for it’s wet work.

      • Sian, under stress and adrenalin you probably won’t hear it. Until later. When your head is is ringing like a bell. lol

      • Own a musket for home defense, since that’s what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. “What the devil?” As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it’s smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, “Tally ho lads” the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

    • No OnE nEeDs A hIgH cApAciTy LeVeR aCtIoN mUrDeR dEaTh rIflE!!!1!!!1!

      Some brain-dead regressive, probably*

      *(also known as Australians)

      • ???
        Lever action rifles are perfectly legal in Australia. None in my personal collection as I prefer pump actions for close up hunting.

        • Are you unaware of the recent push to ban them as well? Much like the Adler A-110 lever-action shotgun?

        • RCC, and there perfectly effective also. Glad to hear pumps are legal too. Get a little more range out of calibers they are chambered in. As well as some other lever actions like a Browning BLR, Savage 99, etc. Uncle Steve killed more elk, mule deer and black bear with 99 in .308 than you can count. That was before Colorado lost its mind, or at least parts of it. What about bolt guns down there? I’ll never comply with a semi-auto confiscation, but there are alternative, viable options. The problem up here is we have a generation that was weaned on the tit of the AR and that’s all they know.

        • Garsden
          Sorry was out and missed your reply.
          Any bolt action is fine in Australia. I’ve had some of my pump actions for over 40 years. I miss 10/.22 for plinking but have 3 other .22’s.

          As I’ve mentioned here numerous times I don’t like our gun laws but I now own more than before the “buyback”

          I’m currently in New Zealand and politicians are pushing stricter laws than Australia. Not winning friends with any shooter I’ve spoken to.

    • Actually, a lever action .357 magnum will work quite nicely at living room distances.
      Not sarcasm. As sincere as hell.

  2. They probably won’t tell us what kind of rifle (since it most likely was a semi-auto given the “several” shots fired down the stairwell) because that doesn’t fit with the narrative. Don’t look for this story on the national news either.

  3. Wait… the family of the criminal will claim wrongful death…he was unarmed…had an aspiring rap career

      • Or, he was a good boy and was turning his life around. And, he had forgotten his key, was confused and thought he was at home, and needed to get in real bad to go potty.

  4. One down, a whole pile more to go! Natural selection sometimes needs a little help.

  5. It certainly wasn’t a 65 Creedmoor because there iwas still a body left. The home owner could have done just as well or better however if he’d have been armed with a meat cleaver.

  6. Although I’m happy that TTAG publishes such stories, I have to say I’d prefer not to have to kill someone in the middle of the night that my German Shepherd could easily run off, instead.

    My Shep is protection trained and in the middle of the night has the run of the house. Sure, buying and training such a dog (and continuing his training) is not inexpensive. But neither are legal bills after a shooting.

    So, I’m mystified why ordinary citizens don’t invest in a protection dog vs. having to depend on middle of the night shooting in a dimly lit stairwell which might land them in very serious trouble.

    • My low rent agreement won’t let me have a dog that big, I used to have big dogs that were mean, but used to have ain’t what yah got now.

      • Possum: “used to have ain’t what yah got now.” Very true, as usual. But there’s also “what you got now ain’t what you yet can get.” You ain’t done yet, just playing dead, as is the possum way.

    • Apparently, you’ve not read the horror stories of home owners being sued because fluffy tore up the miscreant who innocently entered their home at 2 A.M….an AR is much cheaper to feed also.😈

      • No, Sir. I’ve not read that report…anywhere…although I certainly don’t doubt you. Although you’re under no obligation, I’d appreciate a reference (link) as I might learn something from you.

        That said, the interesting thing about a Shep, or, perhaps my Shep is that he sleeps near the doors (front and back doors are only 30′ away from one another) and with the landscape being well lit he sights potential intruders at some distance. And, if they continue to approach he escalates the frequency and viciousness of his barking.

        In itself, the viciousness of the barking if someone gets close to the doors would be enough for most intruders to choose another target household.

        Also, he certainly knows his family members. So, he quickly recognizes any of my children (teenagers, sheeze) who may come home late at night from a date and, of course, welcomes them.

        So, I’m pretty darned sure that if he gets to the highest level of vicious barking it’s time to get the 1911 and go to the door.

        Again, thanks for posting. I respect your viewpoint.

      • “.an AR is much cheaper to feed also” Depends on how often you make that AR bark!

    • Because some people are allergic to dogs. Because some people have work and travel schedules that precludes them from properly caring for a dog. Because some people don’t have the patients and tolerance for dogs. If it works for you great, don’t look down on people that have other priorities and lifestyles. I do happen to agree with you, I have two dogs that are better than any home alarm system but I understand people that don’t have the same mindset.

      • Sir, I’m not looking down on anyone with the simple word mystified.

        But I appreciate your point of view. And, thanks for politely posting.

        And, it really does work for me and mine.

    • cause I don’t like dogs, or any animals, living in my house. Just my preference, I get why other people like pets.

    • I will raise your Shep my Dutch Shepherd 120 lbs taller than a German and brindle. His Boxer/American Bulldog mix 90 lb’r is not as tall but thicker. They may deter with barking and all, but I still will use my “arms” to defend my home.

      • Mike,

        I didn’t mean to imply that I don’t use firearms to defend myself, my family and my property. Ex-Marine infantry here.

        I guess I could have worded it better. After all, my Shep is not the biggest dog in my home, I am.

        I suspect the same is true for you.

        Thanks for pointing that out.



        • Didn’t imply anything, most people don’t know about Dutchies. They are taller and fast, always brindle as someone told me they have the energy of a Belgian with an off switch. Army vet here, but thanks to you Marine, we need someone to eat the crayons, cause they can be dangerous. Hehehe

          If my dogs had thumbs they would carry also.

        • “If my dogs had thumbs they would carry also.”

          LOL!! Sir, you win the Internetz for the day. 🙂

      • I have two German line big ‘uns, over 100 lbs each, plus my Catahoula Bulldog laying right next to me at my feet right now. I love my Shepherds, god knows I’ll always have a couple and have since childhood, but this CatBull beats all I’ve ever seen. 70 lbs solid muscle, can leap a 6-foot fence with ease, probably higher, run the GSDs in the ground, bound straight up a steep hill and never even breathe hard, even the Shepherds are amazed, they’re like “dang, Molly!” She’s impervious to pain, fearless and bold. When two pit bull mixes jumped my female shepherd and had her pinned against a fence, Molly the CatBull came flying in like a blur and rolled ’em both, sent them yelping to the hills til I called her off. She’s full on when she needs to be, but completely gentle and chill around the grandkids, content to play the beta role, sweetest thing you ever seen. Therapy dog sweet, to everybody. Unless she needs to be otherwise. She doesn’t just CHASE the deer, she PURSUES them, that’s why she’s here with me and not at the farm, she turned ’em nocturnal. If she wasn’t like she is I would’ve gotten rid of her long ago. Truly amazing dog, I’ve never had another like her. Once in a lifetime dog.

        • Had a 95 lb full blooded Catahula, she lived to be 14. 1 full American bulldog she was 90 lbs. Now I have 2 boxer/American Bullies one is 60 lbs now but he is 15 yrs . 1 is 90 lbs and he is 5 yrs, and my Dutch Shep is 120 and 5 yrs, he is dark Brindle and hell to see in the dark. He is like a Dobie he stalks quietly, he likes ambushing his 90 lb brother, and me.

    • As someone who owns a giant GSD myself, I’ll say that most people probably aren’t responsible enough to own such a dog. Remember a dog isn’t a machine. It’s a living thing that needs more then just food and water. It’s not like owning a cat who you can leave alone in a house for days on end. Really goes for most dogs. Especially though large powerful dogs need proper rearing and lots of outside time. Most people don’t have that ability to be a good dog parent with all the other things they have to do.

    • Dogs are easy to incapacitate or kill. Even though I have dogs to defend the house I still will rely on my guns.

      • Ever see a Black Dog on a moonless night?
        I had 2 chase me one time.. not easy to shoot at, or see. I jumped a Fence.

    • Many states have a Castle Doctrine covering home defense. While you may not be able to must retreat on the street in some states, you don’t have to retreat inside your own home or apartment if somebody breaks in. A dog is a great idea though, even an untrained chihuahua may drive off a sneak thief.

  7. This is what happens when the Federal Govt moves worthless Welfare Trash into good neighborhoods nationwide.

    Wonder what color Mr.Jayven Jackson is? Can’t Aks him…

    Aw, never mind.

  8. A rifle isn’t my go-to home defense weapon but that’s because of my specific circumstances/totality of situation.

    Good for him having something he was enough comfortable with to get the job done. Bad luck for the BG, but hey, gamble with your life often enough and eventually you’ll roll snake eyes.

        • That depends on your household. I have family members up at various times of the night, so I prefer to confirm my target. Of course, they don’t usually break windows to get in the house.

      • I see what you did there. I wonder how many others will get the reference? lol

  9. The worst part of this story with a happy ending. Is the Mess left to cleaned up. Bio-hazard clean up is very expensive. Rather doubt their home owners insurance will cover the costs. Maybe they should sue the family of the dead perp for damages and clean up costs.

  10. Windows next to the door? Tut tut…

    If I was looking for a home and I saw that, I would check that off my list without thinking about it.. No f-ing way.

  11. Like the comments, maybe he used a Hi-Point 45acp carbine…

    My pit mix Mut will bark at people, and hide behind me .. lol my mut is funny, he wont bark till it sees you or smells you are close. Not much of a watch dog. 1st dog ive had around in years. hates adults and loves kids. Took him to a outdoor Birthday party and all kids it wagged the tail, every adult it hid under a table and growled or barked till they went by. I would still have to shoot the intruder. Maybe a 38+P or 357, rat shot, 45acp, or maybe my crossbow, or slingshot. If i get my single shot shotgun or a rifle id use them too. Glad this guy got his target, with Downward angle and no friendlies hit.

  12. Our dogs are rescue dogs from bad homes, a 70 lb Akita mix and a 50 lb Boxer mix. Both big huggie-bears. But to anyone walking by the house, loud exhaust, someone opening the screen door, they are cruise missiles of teeth. They on a few occasions have had their differences with each other and its scary how they can be when really pissed. Think bear-trap on bear-trap. If some dummy thinks they can out-run or out teeth them, God help that fool. And they wont take treats from strangers. That’s the Tier-one defense. Beyond that its guns, lots of guns, and experience to put lead on target.
    Hopefully everyone thinks about home invasion or similar to go through a plan to protect themselves. But there are many “can’t happen here” mindsets that sadly become victims. I’ve been called mildly paranoid. I call it realistically prepared and vigilant.

  13. I’m sure this homeowner was highly trained, took every class you can take, plus “a little krav” for good measure. Plus thermal imaging, night vision, 5-11s, a beard and a man bun.

  14. This gets me thinking a lot more about my old Winchester .22 LR model 190 “squirrel gun” I bought as a teenager. Do I need a 5.56mm with potential for overpenetration when I have a lesser caliber semiautomatic rimfire with 17 round capacity? Plenty of squirrels still out there!

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