Florida Legislature wilton simpson
Florida Senate President Wilton Simpson, (AP Photo/Aileen Perilla)

From Florida Carry

We’re tired of waiting. We’re tired of hearing empty promises and accepting compromises by politicians. We’re tired of donor money from the likes of Al Hoffman and Mike Fernandez, who benefit from gated communities and private security, standing in the way of the Constitution.

We’re tired of seeing constitutional and open carry bills dying in committee not by anti-gun Democrats’ actions, but by allegedly pro-constitution Republican inactions. In short, we’re tired of seeing the right to keep and bear arms in Florida relegated to a mere licensed privilege. It’s time to move on.

There simply is no valid reason for the citizens of Florida be deprived of exercising the right to keep and bear arms as a true right.

Only days ago, Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia publicly endorsed constitutional carry. Governor DeSantis stated he would sign a constitutional carry bill. The Alabama Legislature is considering a similar bill.

Forty-six states permit open carry of firearms, and twenty-one states enjoy constitutional carry.

No state that has adopted constitutional carry has either rescinded or regretted that legislation.

Senator Simpson can easily prove his “unwavering support” for the Second Amendment. Tell him that Floridians want constitutional carry now! No more delays, no more excuses, no more doubletalk.

As Senate President, Simpson does not have to wait on a bill to get to the Senate floor. He has the power and authority as Senate President to direct the any Committee Chairman to file a committee bill.

We urge Simpson to facilitate the end of ongoing denial of our Constitutionally protected rights.

If you believe a license requirement to exercise a fundamental, enumerated right incorporated against the states under the Fourteenth Amendment due process clause is constitutionally repugnant, and agree with SCOTUS Justice Thomas that the Second Amendment is a “disfavored right”, please take the time to send your message to Senate President Simpson to get it done.

Deeds, not words.

All you need to do is click the link below. Enter any additional comments you wish, however please be polite and remember, you’re communicating with the Florida Senate President. Your comments represent the gun owning/carrying community at large, so please govern your comments accordingly.

Florida Carry Board of Directors


    • .40 cal Booger,

      Setting aside our previous comments regarding whether or not Florida’s tourism industry actually controls the Florida legislature–and looking at this from the idea of popular support (which translates to politicians acting in concert with popular support):

      I don’t think there is enough popular support in Florida. Florida’s firearm groups sponsor/organize rallies and the turnout is utterly pathetic in a state of 20 million people. The last one that I saw looked like less than 100 people turned out. That simply does not inspire politicians to act.

      Speaking of inspiring politicians to act, even large numbers of people often fail to inspire politicians. Look at Virginia’s recent rally in Richmond where something like 10,000 people turned out. Their message was crystal clear: repeal restrictions on our Second Amendment rights or else. And what did Virginia’s legislature do? Nothing.

      I would like to see Florida supporters have a similar rally with proportionate turnout. That means something like 25,000 people would have to descend on Tallahassee or an alternate location. (Or, given Florida’s extremely long dimensions, maybe have 30,000 people rally at three locations throughout the state so that attendees don’t have to drive more than three hours or so to attend.) If that many people voiced their opinion, that might inspire the Florida legislature to finally move on their Second Amendment bills.

  1. ConCarry bills are languishing in Ohio and Indiana. In Ohio, both houses passed ConCarry bills but the bills differ and there is no apparent action to iron out those differences. The Indiana bill is apparently being held up by an anti-gun Republican who has sworn that no bill will come out of her committee notwithstanding wide spread support in both houses. In addition:
    Georgia – No movement in 11 months on HB2.
    Nebraska – No movement since last week’s committee hearing on LB773.
    Ohio – No movement in 2 months on HB227 or SB215.
    South Carolina – No action in 8 months on HB3096.

    • Mark N.,

      Indiana has been pretty conservative for at least, well, pretty much forever and I am surprised that Indiana did not pass Constitutional Carry several years ago. I am even more surprised that Indiana’s current bill is going nowhere.

      I would tend to think the same about Ohio, Georgia, and South Carolina as well.

      Methinks there is something more than meets the eye in all of this.

      • By the way I live in a politically schizophrenic state which has done the following for at least a few decades:

        — significant conservative majority in state legislature
        — always elects Democrat U.S. Senators
        — alternates electing Republican and Democrat Governors

        Lots of state representatives and state senators initiate bills to reclaim our right to keep and bear arms. Maybe one bill makes it out of committee every five years and our Governors almost always veto them. Even more bizarre, my state’s legislature refuses to ever even attempt to override a Governor’s veto, even when the legislature passed a bill with a 75% majority. That last bit is really perplexing.

        Several years ago I somehow managed to “get an audience” with someone on the inside who works the legislature and the process. I asked why the legislature never attempts to override a Governor’s veto. I got a stern/unfriendly response which basically said, “We don’t do that. Don’t ask about it again and do NOT bring up that question publicly.”

        The short of it (with respect to many states): we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors and we have no idea what it would/will take to actually get state legislatures to pass pro-firearm bills.

  2. I wonder if this is to take out everyone’s favorite pot loving narcissistic gas pump ho out of the picture for the next election?

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      We can only hope… 🙁

  3. The Constitution of The United States of America has no power.
    It frightens me a little that my Rights are decided by the whims of robes.

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