Actually the Media Rep. for the United Sportsman’s Youth Foundation . . .

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I am a bit of a Johnny-come-lately to the civil rights (firearms flavor) movement, having not really gotten involved until after I hit 40. I am not really a "gun guy"; I can generally hit what I aim at, but I'm not a competitive shooter. I enjoy the craftsmanship of a fine pistol or rifle, but I am not particularly knowledgeable about firearms in general nor am I a Glock guy, or 1911 guy, I'm just a guy. What I am is passionate about civil rights, especially those of the firearm flavor.


  1. Nice guns, but it would have been nice if she were holding a pistol or some evil assault rifle.

  2. The old saying is that “Youth is wasted on the young.” Well, I’m pretty sure that young lady is wasted on the youthful sportsmen.

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