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Dianne Feinstein courtesy

Dianne Feinstein’s Assault Weapons Ban bill wasn’t on the approved list of gun control proposals that were passed out of a Senate committee, mainly because there was no chance in hell of it getting the votes it needed. And now, we understand exactly how unpopular this idea of hers was.

Her amendment to the current gun control bill, which would have tacked on her assault weapons ban provisions, failed by a vote of 40 to 60. It didn’t even get a majority of Senators — and 60 votes were required.

This was Feinstein’s best chance of passing her beloved gun control bill, which would have had no effect on crime, but would have infringed on the Second Amendment rights of millions of law-abiding Americans. But that window has finally closed. President Obama was given the vote he asked for, and the votes came up short.

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    • The L.A. Times is reporting that D. Franken-Stein made a statement which I have read. She stated “All veterans are MENTALY ILL, and should NOT be allowed to own guns” If there is any mental illness is evident in the pic that TTAG has put up of her. This is NOT a liberal, this is without question,a revisionists, and worse allowed to hold office. CA. must be sanctioned until such time the people come to their senses, and begin voting these morally corupt monsters out of office.

      • The woman suffers from PTSD so she feels that the rest of us need to suffer for her pain. She has had only one thing on her mind, disarm Americans so she can feel safer. But I’m sure she will keep her gun and carry permit.

    • Looks like Emperor Palpatine from Return of the Jedi, and Golem from Lord of the Rings series had a baby together and he name is Dianne! You have to agree Robert. Get a DNA test.

  1. Shouldn’t have gotten even 40 – sign of the times that so many are willing to ban guns against all facts and reason – but I’m glad the amendment failed as decisively as it did.

    • This is what is scary, 40 Senators voted to toss the 2A in the trash today. I guess they didn’t understand Heller, and certainly don’t understand that the constitution does not need interpreted. It’s pretty clear.

  2. My feelings are at the opposite end of the spectrum compared to how I felt watching the live stream of the ny safe act passing. Unfortunately I still live in ny. I’m really pushing myself to leave and never look back. But it’s hard to leave the place you grew up at.

    • Don’t be too scared, I left the beloved place I grew up in CA. I live in Texas now (3)years andI am never going back. IT is hard at first, then it gets much easier and ultimately I am now happier than ever.

      • I agree… take the step and move. I was from california as well, now in oklahoma. Love it here now. I’ve lived in many states including massachusetts(ten years), and texas. I love living in oklahoma and texas the most.

  3. They kept stating “we/they deserve a vote”. Well, they got their vote and lost. Can we now move on to more pressing issues like the economy and jobs – you know, stuff most people care about.

    Illustrating Chicago’s Murders, Homicides, Violence and Idiocy at

    • Short answer is no. And please, they have screwed us bad enough with the economy, bailouts of billionaires, major corporations that pay NO taxes and the 24/7 effort to send ALL our jobs to China.

      So, yeah, how about hands off. Everything they touch turns to sh$t.

  4. Good and We Will Continue this Fight!! Dianne Feinstein So what Part Of ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’ do you not understand !! You Are Defeated !!

  5. The only way this news could get any better…is if a grand piano fell out of the sky and flattened her ugly a$$.

    • No. Don’t legitimize the slurring of a Great Lady and the conscious self-ruin of a once-great nation.

  6. “In Peace, Vigilance. In War, Victory. In Death, Sacrifice’ – Grey Warden Motto.

    It has been a good day for us, but this war is not over.

    It is fun warching Obummer grovel though~

  7. Her and Bloomberg can throw a huge pity party. And the rest of us can breathe a tiny sigh of relief, as we maintain vigilance. Also, it was 5:56 when I read this!

    • One of the flying monkeys landed on her face before that picture was taken while another flew up her ass and died years ago.

  8. This picture is hysterical. I laugh every time I see it. DiFi has one of the lowest achievement rates of any Senator in getting bills passed that she sponsored. The amount of media attention she has received over the years is way overdone. She is just an old elitist wind bag from the surreal unreal city of San Francisco.

  9. House in place? Cue the little people! Ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch, the wicked witch! (forgive me, I grew up in Salem Village Mass.).

  10. TV News just reported that CCW Reciprocity got more votes than M-T or even the AWB. Obviously didn’t pass, but it’s a nice tidbit.

  11. Can we spam her e-mail and the e-mails of all of her staff with pictures of citizens holding and shooting AR15 Rifles?

  12. Great day!
    now BHO will start parading around the survivors of the Boston Bombing like a pimp trying for restrictions on reloading equiptment.

  13. Yeah, and now her and the rest of the gun grabbers in the CA. Senate are taking their vengeance out on the poor suckers like me that reside in California. Yesterday the CA Senate pass a slew of totally unconstitutional bills to restrict gun ownership and tax ever ammunition component.

    • so you guys get a tax plus a tax on a tax? You have the federal 11% excise tax on ammo, plus I guess a sales tax, which most states have, now you get-what another nickel per round was what they had proposed? Add to that the current prices on ammo.Damn, I truly empathize witcha…

      • The bills haven’t passed the Senate. They passed out of committee. Brown could veto some, but he might like new taxes because, hey fiscal problems.

  14. Now Obama is playing the “90% of people wanted background checks – who are you representing?!?” card.
    They are representing the people, you idiot! That 90% number was laughable!

    • Simple answer: the Constitution.

      The number of people who want some moronic bill don’t matter, even if the number was true. Further proof O either has no clue how this country’s values work, or simply doesn’t care.


    A heavy opening salvo, but we’ve won the big battle…now we have to press the attack and mop up the resistance. Keep up the good fight!~ Keep the pressure on them. 2a forever!

    • Thanks. I’m kinda proud of that one. Glad you enjoyed it.

      NEVER FORGET! The power belongs to the people, not the government. When the government gets it backwards, remember the brilliantly written Declaration of Independence!

  16. We have to go on the offensive and spank them while they are down! Now is the moment to communicate with the legislators and the general public what it is that we want and why it all makes a ton of sense. Start by cleaning up Chicago.

  17. Ah, The face of a woman who has failed and knows this is the last and best chance she will have.

  18. Lets go on the offensive!

    1.) National CCW reciprocity
    2.) Castration of regulations on SBRs, SBS’s, Suppressors, and Title II weapons.
    3.) a voluntary, free-access to NCIS
    4.) Rescinding of “gun free zones”

    You called down the thunder motherf^ckers, well now you’ve got it

  19. to re-establish a federal ban on certain assault weapons was defeated by a vote of 40-60. A near-united Republican conference voted against the measure, with just one GOP senator, Mark Kirk (Ill.), voting in its favor.
    Fifteen Democrats voted no on an assault weapons ban: Sens. Max Baucus (Mont.), Mark Begich (Alaska), Michael Bennet (Colo.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), Kay Hagan (N.C.), Martin Heinrich (N.M.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Tim Johnson (S.D.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Udall (Colo.), Tom Udall (N.M.), and Mark Warner (Va.). Sen. Angus King (Maine), an independent who caucuses with the Democrats, also voted against the ban.

    • PV – Don’t forget to put “For Amusement Purposes Only,” to keep some left-winger thinking you’re part of some nefarious conspiracy. And “Amusement” would be true now, wouldn’t it? 😉

  20. A separate amendment introduced by Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to limit the size of magazines to 10 rounds failed with a vote of 46-54. Kirk was again the only Republican to vote for the measure.
    Among the Democrat senators who opposed an assault weapons ban, five showed support for a ban on high-capacity magazines: Bennet, Heinrich, Johnson, Mark Udall and Tom Udall. So did King. Ten voted against it: Baucus, Begich, Donnelly, Hagan, Heitkamp, Landrieu, Manchin, Pryor, Tester and Warner.

  21. Go slither back into your hole, Dianne, and don’t come out again until you’re voted out in 2014.

  22. Think of the sorrow over at the million mom march, all 2 of em. As for feinswine…you got your vote you ugly old hag, Randy

  23. Praise God and Jesus for giving us this victory today!. We won for today and I think this year. It looked bad but we called and rallied and won praise the LORD!!!!

    We must relish this tonight and get ready to take the Senate back to progun leadership in 2014. And Maintain a progun majority in the House!

    And now can we get some AR lowers now????

    • I have two empty lowers right now. How about the components to fill those lowers and also a few uppers?

  24. Yesterdays CA bills passed committee, voting to come.

    Quick breakdown of one portion:
    Opposition: you wrote sb567 in such a way that it doesn’t ban the gun you want to ban. Also, you’ll accidentally ban handguns with this bill.
    Sen. Jackson: I had no idea, I’ll look into rewriting it.
    Committee vote: 5-2 passes committee.

  25. We fought a revolution to prove that the power rests with the people, and they can allow government to use it for the common good. Career politicians seem to get it backwards, thinking they have the power over the people. When they do, this is what happens. Hope DiFi learned the lesson.

  26. I hope she is so distraught she has a massive heart attack, on TV so I can watch it back in slow motion over and over

  27. I’m glad and relieved it failed. Hopefully this stand-in for Predator is going to be disappointed that the shoulder thing that goes up has no bearing on how deadly a gun is. Guns are Guns and Guns are Fun!

  28. Well some good news for a change. I am glad she lost. Most people don’t agree with her crap anyhow. +1 for 2A

  29. Poor crypt keeper didn’t get to rid the country of all the evil death machines…so sad.

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