Are you planning to get up early and go out trolling for deals on Black Friday in your best Christmas sweater? Yeah, join the club. The good news is the FBI is going to make it easier to cross those ballistic baubles off your shopping list this year. If you can find a gun store that opens early enough (and uses the NICS E-check system), you’ll be able to pick up that P226 MK25 for your sister or the CZ 550 Medium Lux your kid’s been bugging you about as early as 4:30 a.m. Here’s the NSSF’s announcement:
The FBI NICS Section has announced extended hours of service on Friday, Nov. 29, 2013 (“Black Friday”), for E-check Users and state Point-of-Contact (POC) Programs. Typically, the NICS is available daily from 8 a.m. until 1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). However, in response to requests to bring NICS into service earlier on “Black Friday” to better accommodate typical business-hour extensions throughout the retail industry and due to a long history of record-breaking volume on this day, the FBI will bring the NICS in-service starting at 4:30 a.m. EST. for NICS E-check Users and for state POC Programs. The NICS Contracted Call Centers will open, as normal, at 8 a.m. EST.
For those Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) that do not currently utilize the NICS E-check service and would like to do so prior to NICS Peak Season 2013 or in advance of the earlier-than-normal NICS service hours being provided on “Black Friday,” contact the following for that expeditious, automated firearms background check service: 1-877-324-6427. Select Option 2 for FFL Customer Service and then option 5 for E-Check enrollment.
That CZ is a fine looking bang stick. Make mine in .416 Rigby please.
I have never and never will step out the door to my house on black friday to endure the craziness!!
I can’t stand crowds on non-holiday rush days…
There is no way in hell I’m hitting malls and big box stores on Black Friday.
I view going out on Black Friday as a hobby. My Christmas shopping is usually finished by October, so I don’t need anything. I make it a point to browse all the deals as sloooowly as possible 🙂
Frankly, I think it’s a violation of my Constitutionally protected right to shop to prohibit me from shopping the day after Thanksgiving based solely on the color of my skin.
What? That’s not what “black Friday” means? Nevermind.
Besides, why wait; buy early; better selection amd a lot fewer idiots to contend with.
Dudes in Christmas sweaters. A little something for the ladies…
I thought they weren’t doing Israeli supermodels anymore.
Now if only they could get more people reviewing the NFA stuff.
You’re not thinking of the children….
I am thinking of protecting their hearing!
Is that Vin Diesel?
That’s what I was wondering. Sure looks like him.
He does bear an uncanny resemblance but something tells me that Vin Diesel would never be caught dead wearing anything like that … much less posing like that.
We don’t know enough about Vin Diesel then, hehe. /jk
I usually avoid black Friday but I intend to see if there’s any good gun deals at Academy or Gander this year. Why not. I need a new handgun and rifle.
eye bleach
j’s sayin’
Oooh. That’s a nice rifle.
I did the Black Friday rush last year for that Remington 700 ADL Varmint Rifle at Dicks. It took 3 months to get the rebate, but I ended up with a 599 rifle for 350 plus some more for taxes… Pretty worth the hassle.
The kicker.. Immediately afterworda .223 disappeared! Now that its back, I still haven’t fired it! Damn near a year later, it’s wearing a 4×12 Nikon Buckmaster, and it hasn’t seen a bullet down range yet lol.
Good thing the exact rifle in a different caliber that TTAG reviewed got high marks, I know once I get this thing out its goin to perform.
“Typically, the NICS is available daily from 8 a.m. until 1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).”
Ouch ! I never thought that NICS had “hours”. Does all the FBI close down at night? Let’s see….I can go shopping at Stop & Shop 24 hrs, 365 for oj or cold cuts, but I have to adhere to “hours” to exercise a natural, constitutional protected right. Lovely.
I have to adhere to “hours” for them to graciously grant me permission to exercise a natural, constitutional protected right.
Is the guy in that photo the Grand Marshall of the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade? If not, maybe he should be.
That’s the face I made when my wife got me a Gen IV Glock 19 last year for XMAS. It’s also how I feel eevry time I shoot a sub-MOA group with my LMT MWS.
To my surprise (and tinge of disappointment), I wasn’t canned at my last review, so I’ll be slaving away on Black Friday, although it’s now an all-night affair where I work. No turkey with the family for me. I already put this year’s dream gun on layaway at another store within the company, a Colt LE6920MP-FDE. For what it’s worth I kinda wish I was doing sales at sporting goods or even electronics, it would be something different for me and good at. But that’s neither here nor there, I guess. We don’t do e-check anyways. Oh well.
Robert, I’m just a regular workin’ stiff and occasional curmudgeon, but that Christmas sweater was the last straw….screw the prudes, bring back the Israeli supermodels! I know you’re only human, divorced and have needs, so you’re forgiven for the occasional indiscretion. Just…..make the Java exploit bug, laser-beam ads adinfinitum and frozen cursors go away. Please 🙂
Agreed. Any female gun-owner/shooter who is offended by this site’s occasional use of beautiful women is probably a politically correct sensorship nazi democrat who is going to turn on us anyways. I don’t know a single confident, liberty-loving, intelligent woman who is threatened by the inherent sexual tension between the two genders. Better to embrace that tension than to self-censor ourselves to the point of pretending that we are all sterile. The physical aspect of humanity is to be celebrated, not shoved in the closet.
And let’s not kid ourselves. What are all the Kristen Joy Weiss videos and photos about? Farago is about as subtle as a mossberg 500.
Who is the dork in the photo?
Could this be evidence of the normalization (mainstreaming) of gun culture?
Yall stop hatin on my fabulousness my granny made me that sweater!!
“For those Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) that do not currently utilize the NICS E-check service and would like to do so prior to NICS Peak Season 2013 or in advance of the earlier-than-normal NICS service hours being provided on “Black Friday,” contact the following for that expeditious, automated firearms background check service: 1-877-324-6427. Select Option 2 for FFL Customer Service and then option 5 for E-Check enrollment.”
I’m not an FFL, but I would be more than happy to utilize the NICS system with my private purchases and sales. Who do I call to enroll?
You can’t, unless you’re a FFL.
I got word of these extended hours on 27 September. You guys are a couple weeks behind the curve…
There is a 9am to 9pm instant checks system in Florida 7 days a week. NICS is done via FDLE.
I’m once again concerned about some of the websites you are visiting in the dark corners of the Internet to find such a photo.
Is this true for 2016 too or only for the 2013?
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