As part of its post-Newtown School Shield Program, the NRA has unveiled a 225-page report on school security. [Click here to read. Click here for the summary.] As expected, it includes recommendations for a model program to train school personnel to carry firearms. At a press conference presenting their plan, NRA’s point man for the project backed away from Wayne LaPierre’s initial call for a cop in every school. Former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchinson said it was “important” for every school to have at least one armed person on site but . . .

He acknowledged the decision is “locally made” based on unique budget circumstances. He also eased away from LaPierre’s armed volunteers in schools idea. Hutchinson said there was “great reluctance” from superintendents for that proposal. Right until there isn’t. Which I hope never happens.

Gun control advocates condemned the report—without bothering read it At the, Josh Sugamann said the NRA wanted to . . .

turn our schools into prisons, complete with perimeter fences, security cameras, armed guards, and even armed teachers. But never talk about the guns used in such attacks . . .

The tone and substance of the measures put forward by the NRA at their press conference today are so out-of-sync with the horror of Newtown, Aurora, Tucson–and the many mass shootings that have preceded these tragedies, let alone the ones that are certain to come–that anyone within earshot should be deeply offended. When the next massacre occurs at a workplace or shopping mall or other public space, will the NRA offers its self-serving solutions for security in those locations? Where exactly does this end?

It doesn’t Josh. It never does. The fight against evil—as represented by criminals, terrorists and madmen—will continue as long as people exist. Besides, what exactly is your plan?

Contrary to the NRA’s circular self-serving logic, the only way to stop a “bad guy” with a gun isn’t just a “good guy” with a gun. It’s making sure that the voices of the vast majority of Americans who support effective policies to prevent gun violence are heard across the nation and on Capitol Hill.

Yeah no. I’m with the good guy.


  1. “Real solutions that make our kids safer.”

    Unlike pretty much everything else that has ever been tried. (gun control gun control gun control!!)
    I’m not a huge NRA fan, but in this they are making good sense and I am looking to dig in deeper and see what’s what. Good stuff, Robert.

  2. If “good guys” with guns aren’t the answer, we need to disarm police and federal law enforcement. If it’s not the answer, then it’s not the answer. DHS needs to sell all those guns and bullets.

      • Then they should GIVE THEM TO US!! We paid for ’em. And I really have no place to park a submarine; I’ll take some Stingers, please?

  3. What’s worse than bringing a knife to a gunfight?

    Bringing harsh words to a gunfight. Which is what happens if the only guy with the gun is a bad guy.

  4. “…the only way to stop a “bad guy” with a gun isn’t just a “good guy” with a gun. It’s making sure that the voices of the vast majority of Americans who support effective policies to prevent gun violence are heard…”

    Yeah…I’m sure that does you a lot of good when the bad guy is staring you down and shoving his gun in your face. This kid who wrote the article is waaay stupid.

    Why not have armed teachers? Those that can qualify to ccw should be allowed to be armed. The President has his own personal securiy detail, so does Bloomberg, its a proven fact that Feinstein has a CCW.

    Why not protect ourselves and our kids?

  5. evidently, sending your child out into the world unprotected is a risk parents are willing to accept.

  6. I feel little Josh’s pain. His standard of living depends on maintaining his position as a leading lugnut, yet nothing makes more sense than having armed people in schools who can defend their young charges. What’s a lugnut to do? Lie, of course. Obfuscate. Babble. Talk out of his @ss. And get paid for it.

  7. Why would they bother to read the report before drawing conclusions about it? They didn’t read the New York gun bill before deciding its merits and demanding it be voted in either. Pertinent facts are optional; general sentiment is essential. Anyone who hears otherwise “should be offended” as the man says.

    And it they aren’t offended then they’re holding unfashionable opinions, so there!

  8. the vast majority of Americans who support effective policies to prevent gun violence

    Umm… so what are those effective policies? Doubling-down on what’s been demonstrably ineffective?

    It’s not the NRA that is using “circular self-serving logic.”

  9. “The fight against evil—as represented by criminals, terrorists and madmen—will continue as long as people exist”

    You forgot politicians.

    Though I suppose they could be counted amongst criminals, terrorists, and madmen.

  10. It’s making sure that the voices of the vast majority of Americans who support effective policies to prevent gun violence are heard across the nation and on Capitol Hill.

    Ok, explain to me the nitty-gritty of how the hearing of voices physically blocks a crazy person from going on a homicidal rampage in a school. Is the killer’s gun/explosive device/molotov cocktail repelled by the common-sense-kumbayah field surrounding the school?

  11. These ppl are do stupid. I have an idea- why don’t we make two schools for every town. One w armed, vetted, qualified volunteers and/or faculty, the other school without any such defensive measures, and we’ll see which ones get attacked more often.

  12. “Contrary to the NRA’s circular self-serving logic, the only way to stop a “bad guy” with a gun isn’t just a “good guy” with a gun. It’s making sure that the voices of the vast majority of Americans who support effective policies to prevent gun violence are heard across the nation and on Capitol Hill.”

    That’s a lot of words just to say nothing.

  13. How does “making sure that the voices of the vast majority of Americans … are heard across the nation and on Capitol Hill” stop a bad guy with a gun?

    Josh Sugamann, you have no business writing on this or any other subject. Sit the f*** down. Since you can’t contribute anything meaningful to the discussion, your “voice” isn’t worth hearing.

  14. I’m so sick and tired of the left and their misrepresentation of everyone who doesn’t think like them.

    If we want legal immigration, they say we hate brown people.
    If we want marriage to remain defined as it has been for 2000 years, they say we want to lynch homosexuals.
    If we want abortion made rare they say we hate woman.
    If we say give schools the choice to tool up against would be mass murderers they say we want to turn our schools into prisons and on and on…

    GFY you leftist scumbags! Do they ever stop to think for a moment how vulnerable our children are at school? Have they completely forgotten what happened in Beslan Chechnya? Fools.

  15. Josh is going to do a study to ass ess the problem. Last time I heard such clear logic jerkson was spewing it, Randy

  16. Huh when I went to high school it sure felt like a prision. High fences, guards, crappy food, and a few security cameras. Weird thing about it though was my high school was in a suburban neighborhood not some inner city hell hole. So to add armed guards doesn’t seem bad to me. Especially if it will possibly stop an active shooter. Compared to waiting two minutes for help and some 10 or more are already dead.

  17. Read the summary. Cogent fact-based on what works and how- to’s by experienced experts. Scool districts that really care about the kids have a road map to git-r-done.

  18. A locked cabinet with a few revolvers in it, with the keys around the necks of a couple school officials who are interested in, and moderately trained in their use.
    End of problem.

    • I’d add in a shotgun or two, but yeah, there you are. You can send the interested individuals to a two day class (which I’m almost positive the NRA would comp) every year and over those two days they’d probably have more training and trigger time than NYPD officers get in a decade.

  19. A model training program would include; the gun must always be on trained personal. Never separate the gun from the trained. Anyhow, this debate has all the traits of CPR for the lay person 25 years ago. Sure, you can fault the concept, but in the long haul, some states have armed their teachers. We’ll soon have evidence that Guns Save Lives. Yet the libs will still pretensiously mouth how awful guns are.

  20. Ethics, respect, and family morality is the root problem. Big brother wants to address everything except these issues.

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