defund the police oakland refund re-fund
A protester holds a sign calling for the defunding of police at a protest in Oakland, Calif. (AP Photo/Christian Monterrosa, File)

By Janie Har, AP

The Oakland City Council, a longtime leader in the Black Lives Matter movement to cut police funding, reversed course Tuesday and voted to hire more officers as it grapples with a surge in homicides and gun violence.

The proposal by Mayor Libby Schaaf to add two new police academies and unfreeze positions within the department to add 60 new officers passed with six members voting yes, one voting no and one abstention.

Council members ended up not voting on a separate proposal to offer one-time bonuses of at least $50,000 to recruit experienced officers from other cities and at least $20,000 to Oakland residents who become police cadets. They will later consider hiring incentives for experienced officers.

Schaaf applauded the vote in a statement, saying that residents “spoke up for a comprehensive approach to public safety — one that includes prevention, intervention, and addressing crime’s root causes, as well as an adequately staffed police department.”

Okland mayor libby schaaf
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf  (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

Oakland is among several politically liberal cities reversing course on police funding amid a spike in violence, to the dismay of police critics who have said officers are ineffective at preventing crime and end up traumatizing residents, especially Black people. They have said there is no staffing shortage within the police department, and that officers should focus on the most serious crimes.

“What’s terrifying about this is as Oakland goes, so goes the country,” said Cat Brooks, co-founder of Oakland’s Anti Police-Terror Project, urging the council to vote down increased police staffing. “If we allow it to be demolished here, we are giving fuel for faux progressives and right-wing folks to destroy the movement across the country.”

Oakland has had 129 homicides this year, up from 109 last year and 78 in 2019. The deaths include a toddler who was napping in a moving vehicle when he was hit by a stray bullet on an Oakland freeway and a retired police officer who was shot while working as a security guard for a television news crew. Both killings occurred in broad daylight.

The city’s police force of sworn officers now stands at 676, dipping below a 2014 voter-approved measure that required the police department to have at least 678 sworn officers. The city of more than 400,000 people started this year with 723 sworn officers.

Barry Donelan, president of the Oakland Police Officers’ Association, said officers are “leaving in droves” for other cities and urged council members to thank police rather than malign them.

defund the police oakland refund re-fund
Members of the Chinatown Blue Angels, a volunteer patrol team look on during a news conference held at the Pacific Renaissance Plaza in Oakland’s Chinatown, in Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021. Leaders from multiple chamber of commerces through out the city joined together in calling for increases in police and public safety resources. (Anda Chu/Bay Area News Group via AP)

Oakland has joined other cities in diverting police from some 911 calls to reduce friction between law enforcement and minority groups. A pilot program to use trained civilians to address complaints such as public intoxication and panhandling is scheduled to be launched early next year.

With Tuesday’s vote, Oakland joins other cities with robust Black Lives Matter protests that have partially restored public safety finances in response to rising homicides, an officer exodus and political pressure.

Last month the city council in Portland, Oregon, did an about-face on police funding after cutting the public safety budget in the midst of protests over the 2020 police murder of George Floyd. The city’s council unanimously passed a budget that increased the current $230 million police budget by $5.2 million.


  1. I don’t see this as being a “failed” anything. It was exactly what the Leftist Powers-That-Be in those cities wanted at that moment in time back in 2020…an emotionally charged issue with which they were able to sway an emotionally charge voter base (useful idiots, anyone?) to their own immediate advantage. They rode the emotional wave all the way up to the November presidential election.

    Now, a year later, with the Office of the President successfully stolen and absolutely nothing happening with all the alleged election audits that faded into oblivion (hello?), the Left senses it’s safe to reverse course and re-fund the police. Because reasons.

    After all, Psaki was recently asked about this very topic, and she countered by blaming the increase in crime on COVID. Not the change in national landscape in support of law enforcement and the softening of metro prosecution on crime, but COVID.

    Clown world.

    • I couldn’t help but notice the mayor making that proposal is obviously a White Supremacist speaking from a position of considerable privilege, by how well-dressed she appeared.

      Someone needs to call her out on that bullsh!t, real fast… 🙂

    • Well, I wouldn’t say absolutely nothing came of the election audits.

      The Maricopa County audit showed pretty much what I’d have expected: 40,000 (!) ballots that are impossible to authenticate, without a secure chain of custody. 4x more unverifiable votes than the Biden margin of “victory,” just in a single populous county… But no smoking-gun proof of fraud, because the safeguards that were ignored and responsible procedures that were violated were (of course) the very things that would allow someone to find the fraud.

      If any of the other audits actually go through, they’ll show the same kind of results. Lather, rinse, repeat.

      • As I’ve said before,

        If you disallow the reporting of traffic accidents, I can easily prove that none happen.

        We didn’t prove voter fraud does not exist, we’ve merely made proving fraud impossible….hence, no fraud.

  2. First thing: Reform needs to be accomplished where police departments are not hog-tied by the union and can hold officers accountable for their behavior and actions as well as being able to keep records over time of problem officers. A way forward has to be made to terminate the employment of “bad” cops. I believe this is even supported by most officers because the bad apples make everyone look bad. Second, prosecutors and judges need to be doing their part to keep violent and repeat criminals off the streets use common sense at setting bail. Gotta be demoralizing for cops to arrest a criminal and then see them released and back out on the streets in a few days – just so they can do it again…

    • “Reform needs to be accomplished where police departments are not hog-tied by the union and can hold officers accountable for their behavior and actions as well as being able to keep records over time of problem officers.”

      Officer body cams can go a *long* way in that department…

    • Sure and the FBI “problems” are just at the executive level. The “rank and file” are awesome supporters of the Constitution.

      I got a bridge for ya.

  3. Failed social experiment? Every experiment in socialism has failed. All you have to do is look at the Biden administration to see another failure in progress.

    • “Failed social experiment? Every experiment in socialism has failed.”

      That’s because everybody before now didn’t know how to correctly enforce socialism. Now, in America, we have the best and brightest in all the right places, at the right time. No matter where socialism fails elsewhere on the planet, In America, we will do it right, and prove socialism is the best mechanism for controlling a safe, fair, effective, efficient society.


      Forgot to include “equitable” in the list of benefits.

      Socialism forever !

      Viva Las Vegas !
      Viva Max !
      Viva Zapata !
      Free Willy !

      • “Free Willy !”

        Illegal in most areas, legal in San Fran and areas controlled by Leftist Scum, according to Chris… 🙂

        • I thought the human label was “Willie”. I remembered “Willy” as the Orca (killer whale), from the movie. The other “Willie” was related to Bill Clinton (IIRC). Don’t think the other “Willie” was a killer whale.

          “I could be wrong, now. But, I don’t think so.”

      • “Free Willy !”

        Illegal in most areas, legal in San Fran and areas controlled by Leftist Scum, according to Chris T… 🙂

    • It’s painful, but impossible, to look away from a trainwreck that is in progress.

      “You’re not going to believe this shit sonny. It was 2021 and thar I was…………………..”

    • “Made your bed, lie in the phukin thing!!”

      That’s all well and good, except when you get dragged into it.

      And inevitably, you will get dragged into it, whether or not you like it…

  4. “’What’s terrifying about this is as Oakland goes, so goes the country,’ said Cat Brooks, co-founder of Oakland’s Anti Police-Terror Project, urging the council to vote down increased police staffing. ‘If we allow it to be demolished here, we are giving fuel for faux progressives and right-wing folks to destroy the movement across the country.’”

    LoL 🤣

    Yeah, its a conspiracy. We admit it. Just last night at the Faux Progressives and Right-Wing Folks of America (FPRWFA) meeting we all agreed on doing that, the vote was called and it was unanimous. Now if we can just get the Legion of Doom on board with this… by golly we could more quickly destroy your plan to get more people kill…errr…defund the police.

  5. So is Oakland going to pay out for damages caused by their experiment?

    Sure, these fools voted for this government and should suffer the fullest consequences but at least compensate the poor few who did not. They wanted no part in this circus but we’re made to live with it anyway.

    • “So is Oakland going to pay out for damages caused by their experiment?”

      They can just “get the money from Obama’s stash”…

    • Nope, and now the city council members can run for reelection for “solving the crime crisis” after “starting the crime crisis.” Neat how that works.

  6. Vote for conservative DAs. Hire conservative prosecutors. Bring back or enforce “Three Strikes Laws.” Enforce the laws on the books. Institute minimum bail payments. Build more prisons.

    Worked in the 90s. It’ll work again.

    • For those of you that whine “it’ll be too expensive!” just consider we’re getting a glimpse of the alternative right now. Destabilizing chaos.

      • And for those of you that whine “that’s racist!” just consider that it is the black community that is suffering the most from this crime wave. It’s mostly blacks that are being murdered, not whites.

    • “Vote for conservative DAs. Hire conservative prosecutors.”

      Exactly how is that going to happen, when they vote something like 80 percent Leftist Scum? It’s going to take a few hundred thousand Conservatives moving there to tip the balance, and no sane Conservative wants anything to do with living in that region and raising a family… 🙁

      • That’s a great question! Maybe when all the stores close and they can’t step outside for fear of assault, they’ll change their voting habits.

        But I’m not holding my breath.

      • “Exactly how is that going to happen”

        It ISN’T going to happen. That’s a pipe dream. See comment below.

    • Oh well. No one wants to read your incredibly incoherent and irrelevant comments anyway.

      Now scram 🖕🤡!

      • The only one who will ‘scram’ is the mentally-ill troll who claims he has 2 children.

        I feel sorry for them (if they even exist), for being stuck with mentally-disturbed parent that stalks others on-line.

        For the sake of your children, please buy life insurance and consider suicide… 🙂

        • You’re the stalker, Fatso. And just think: if you went away, no one would miss you. Please test that theory 🤣🖕🤡!

        • I got a few questions for you two, Geoff – and – Hit The Road, G.F. , I’ve see this type of familiarity back-n-forth between Geoff and ‘others’ before.

          First question: Geoff, how do you know ‘Hit The Road, G.F.’ has 2 children?

          Second question: Hit The Road, G.F., how do you know ‘Geoff’ is a “Fatso”?

          Third question: Do you know know each other IRL or are, some might think, you the same person?

      • Hit, sounds like you read my comments. How else could you know to reply? Besides, if you don’t want to read them, then don’t. Of course, that would cost me untold hours of lost sleep.

    • @Gadsden Flag

      I have not seen any posts from possum for a number of days. I remember from a couple of years ago (I think) that you had contact info for him. I do not want the info…just that you check and see if the little marsupial is ok.

      • Talked to him yesterday. He’s fine. Trying to catch every fish in the river. That guy is always good for a laugh. I may drive to Kansas one day just so I can buy him a steak. I’ve heard they sell them out there.

  7. Completely disband all police in blue states. Give them what they want. Populate purple states with the reasonable people. Sorry to everyone stuck in those states run by complete clowns. It isn’t going to get any better. It’s on a downward trajectory. It’s time for a tactical retreat. We can’t change those states, but we can contain it. We would never lose another state wide or national election again if the reasonable people would leave.

    • We need police. They are a good thing. But they need to be disarmed. There is no rational reason for any law enforcement to carry guns.

        • “How do you disarm and arrest a violent, armed felon when you don’t have a gun? Just curious.”

          You hand the felon a hand-written, harshly-worded note threatening the felon with doxxing.

          Please do get with the program.

  8. The article looks like something from Babalyon Bee, or The Onion.

    Don’t fall for it, guys/gals/and those who ain’t too sure.

      • “Probably legit, maybe not, it is on the wire.”

        Believe only half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

      • “Its real”

        Can’t be. Leftists/progressives wanting more police on the streets? Those people never evaluate their emotions, and reverse decisions. They simply cannot. Why? Reversing decisions means they were wrong…which is just not possible. Being “wrong” is such an assault on the self that it is intolerable. When faced with being wrong, the leftist/progressive knee-jerk reaction is to demand reality be changed to sooth the emotions.

        Fake news, I tell ya’; fake news !!

        • Even leftists/progressives want protection when the danger threatens them.

          Its real. They do not have any choice. They hitched their wagon to a made up open-ended crackpot theory that de-funding the police was a good idea thinking they could control things and now they are facing bad public sentiment and pressure from the resulting effect of an increase in crime. They realize the political threat this has created for them, they know all its going to take is the other side to come in and say “I will fund the police and fight crime” and they will lose political control of Oakland.

      • “Latest crime reports from the Oakland Police”

        Gotta be part of a long con. Gotta be. Leftists/progressives/Dims never change there minds.

        Seriously though…there have been several news reports of Dems reversing the “defund”. Thinking it is a ploy to be used as talking points for the 2022 mid-terms. Eventually, these cities demanding reversal of “defund” will blamed Repubs for the incredible increase in crime, an increase that denies the public all the benefits of “defund”.

      • Yeah, there’s plenty of hubris in politics, but I’m also thinking there’s still a lot of ignorance out yonder in the population, because folks keep voting these maniacs back in. I’m more dismayed than terrified. I took Brooks’ word and twisted it around against her.

    • Yeah, but there is that famous line about Oakland by Gertrude Stein: There is no “there” there.

  9. I Applaud these Liberal/Progressive cities for their Defunding of the Police and Refusing to Prosecute Criminals. No Clearer a message can be sent to the rest of Our Nation of the Dangers of Liberalism and Progressiveism to Society. Because of examples like this along with the Woke Wing of the Democrat party and the Progressive Democrat Squad. Honest Hard Working Citizens are Waking Up to their Anita American Vitriol and Hatred for All things Necessary to be a Successful Citizen and Family in Society. The once Silent majority of people who just want to earn a living, raise a family and have something left for their golden years. Are seeing the damage and chaos created by their silence. Virginia was a prime example. along with other elections at the state and local levels all across Our Nation. Including School Board election. One of the largest School Districts in Iowa that had been Controlled by Liberals for the Last 25 years Tossed enough Liberals off the board to turn it to Conservative Control. Defeating CRT in the class room and eliminating other Liberal agenda programs from the school district. The changes Necessary to return Our Nation to the greatness it is capable of Require maximum effort from All who Believe it is worth the Fight. at every Level of Government. Liberalism/Progressivism can Not be Negotiated with. It Must be Destroyed. As any Disease must be for the Host to Survive. In Liberty We Fight.

    • “I Applaud these Liberal/Progressive cities for their Defunding of the Police and Refusing to Prosecute Criminals. No Clearer a message can be sent to the rest of Our Nation of the Dangers of Liberalism and Progressiveism to Society.”

      I look forward to a time when there are two different Americas. One with an armed police force with the civilians being armed and having more guns and Superior Firepower compared to the civilian police departments.

      And the other America where the police have been completely disarmed.

      • Missed the messaging? At least they are learning from it in Oakland, Portland, Minneapolis, L.A. and San Francisco and many other Liberal Controlled Cites. Especially with All the Liberal Mayors and City Counsels backsliding on their Defund the Police Policy Efforts.

  10. I’m not sure what “news” you are reading, but your statement on “40,000 ballots that are impossible to authenticate” is outright incorrect. The ballots were recounted by hand and the count was even verified by a cybersecurity expert (Doug Logan) hired by Senate President Fann. ““We can say that the ballots that were provided to us to count in the coliseum very accurately correlate with the official canvass numbers,” Logan stated.” IMHO, if you have had an audit and the numbers hold, back off. Now you’re treading on betraying our democracy and the people’s right to vote in their choice. I’m not thrilled about the outcome either, but I am more concerned about people literally undermining the integrity of the United States that continue to rehash untruths and conspiracies theories without even taking the time to do the proper digging and research…which I have. Folks like that are feeding right into our adversaries hands; adversaries that are doing all they can to post more conspiracies from all outposts of the world to de-stabilize OUR country. You can be unhappy about election results – OK, fine. Not everyone gets what they want. But have the patriotic decency to accept our proven election results as they are judiciously audited. Just because the candidate you wanted didn’t win doesn’t mean it was election fraud. The evidence STRONGLY points to legitimate elections results not just in Maricopa county, but other places as well. Cool your jets and another election comes up in 2024.

    • Well everyone here knows what “news” you’re reading. The ballot recount was just that, a recount. It didn’t adjust for any questionable ballots. If there were fraudulent ballots to begin with, then there will still be fraudulent ballots in the recount. It isn’t complicated. The media pushed the ballot recount as some sort of vindication that there wasn’t any fraud. Why didn’t they report on all of the irregularities? You’re just going to believe the same people that pushed the Russia lie for years? Of course you are. Alarm bells should be going off for any reasonable person interested in the integrity of our country. Thank you, MrMax, for outing yourself as a Leftist.

  11. “… Cat Brooks, co-founder of Oakland’s Anti Police-Terror Project …”

    Did anyone else read the name of her organization as reducing police forces in order to create terror in neighborhoods from the inevitable increase in crime that will occur?

  12. Every democrat-controlled city should have its police force disarmed. There is no reason for a Democrat party controlled City to have an armed police force. The Democrat Party is not willing to spend the money necessary to ensure, its government Representatives, who carry guns, are regularly and thoroughly trained with them. A couple of years ago it was reported that the female police chief in San Francisco, had failed to qualify with her weapon.
    There is no rational reason for the police to carry guns. The police kill the innocent and the guilty all the time. And the killings almost always happen in democrat-controlled cities.
    The republican-controlled areas are ensuring that the residence are being approved for gun purchases. And citizens can buy as many guns as they wish to at one time. And Carry Permits are being handed out like candy. Which is a good thing.

    Hopefully the democrat-controlled areas in California can lead the way. They can start disarming their police departments and Sheriff’s departments.

    It will be much safer in California when all law enforcement has been disarmed.

    • They are trying that, but you see the business’ keep leaving for Florida and Texas. So, unless they do something else, they can’t get paid enough under the table through quasi-legal campaign contributions to afford to stay in office. Sorros money only goes so far.

      Hence, more cops.

      • They are making a mistake. They need to defunding the police weapons budget. There is no need to have an armed police force.
        Conservatives who have most of all the guns can promote the idea of disarming the police. To improve public safety.

        While Libertarians Liberals in the Left can continue to promote the idea, that “if all drugs are made legal all the crime will go away”.

  13. This is really sad. I was so looking forward to seeing Oakland burn. From a safe distance, of course. Oh, well. A few more cops are unlikely to turn the tide of Democrat mismanagement any time soon, so there’s still hope.

    Oakland needs to learn the lesson that Thomas Jefferson sought to teach Americans two hundred years ago: The government you elect is the government you deserve. Oakland, you deserve to be exactly the dangerous dump that you are.

  14. @.40 cal Booger
    “Even leftists/progressives want protection when the danger threatens them.”

    I understand your reasoning, but….

    After rejecting their own policies, they will have political difficulty at reversing position again, later. The leaders of the leftists/progressives aren’t stupid; something’s afoot, Watson.

    • The greatest trick the left ever did was make people think that have something up their sleeve, That there must be another plan, they are doing this to set up a grand coup for something, etc….

      They are not as smart as you give them credit for.

      • “They are not as smart as you give them credit for.”

        The individuals? No.

        Leadership? They are extremely cunning, and sly, and bear considerable watching.

        When all else fails, leftists/progressives can depend on brute force.

  15. I”m happy is going to hire more police to stand around and watch crime happen.

    Now they need to change some of the laws so that the police can actually arrest criminals and change the DA’s so that they charges will be pressed in court.

    I’m happy Oakland has some more “anti-crime cheerleaders”, but they can’t solve Oakland’s crime problem in a vacuum.

  16. Dude, you don’t know me nor anything much about me to call me a Leftist. Given the job I do and the access I have, I know AND see a hellava lot more than you ever will. If you think for one second that subversives from Russia, China, and other regimes not friendly to the U.S. are not actively operating and doing there best to destroy our way of life – and our trust for each other as Americans, then you are living with your head in the sand. Anything these folks can do to tear us apart, they will. And folks like you that fall for their propaganda and continue it just makes their job easier. I’m not ignoring the “contribution” the so-called progressives and others with leftist beliefs and actions have had in recent events ignoring violence and property destruction, passing legislation that does more harm than good, villifying folks who have conservative beliefs, and layer by layer undoing protections afforded to us by the Constitution. And these freedoms have been slowly been eroded by Republicans and Democrats alike over the years where both parties seem to think that the government should be the answer for everything (instead of making people responsible for their own actions or inaction). I recommend you start thinking more like an AMERICAN than a partisan which is what I gather from your reply. And be alot more careful with your sources of information. Not everything on the Internet is true.

    • “I know AND see a hellava lot more than you ever will.”

      Well there you have it. I don’t know you, but you know me, and you know more than I ever will. You were on the debate team weren’t you?

      “…subversives from Russia, China, …doing there best to destroy our way of life – and our trust for each other as Americans…”

      And? Is this supposed to be news? Did I ever contradict that? Is this part of your highly classified knowledge that I don’t know, but you do because of your super special job?

      “I recommend you start thinking more like an AMERICAN than a partisan which is what I gather from your reply. And be alot more careful with your sources of information. Not everything on the Internet is true.”

      I’m not an all caps AMERICAN because I dared to call out your BS? Why don’t you quote me on the source of information I got wrong? All you leftists and pretend centrists ever do is throw out insults. Why don’t you quote me on something I got wrong?

  17. “….as Oakland goes, so goes the country,…”

    Yeah, no. If you like your low-IQ scheithole, you can keep “living” in the squalor of your low-IQ scheithole.

    Stay out of America. That’s all we ask.

  18. so guys are supposed to sign up to do a job that involves the risk of getting shot in the head for going out and trying to arrest criminals that should have been taken off the streets last year
    or the year before that
    or the year before that
    ok…got it
    theyre not going to be able to hire nearly as many cops as they would like to

  19. Doesn’t take much research to uncover what really was going on, if you ever bothered to dig deeper into what really was going on…

    And the detailed explanation that provides logical reasoning as to what was done, why, and extreme concerns of REPUBLICAN electors of the lack of procedural security during their audit.

    I’m sorry, Dude, but when Republican election officials, who have no vested interest in electing a Democrat president, come out enmasse to defend the integrity of their operations and provide reasonable explanations in procedure, handling, and storage of ballots – that says something. And to any reasonable person, it is a step off the deep end to say that these folks aren’t really Republicans and really closet Leftists. Like Raffenberger in Georgia? And countless other districts where Trump didn’t win?

    Our American voting system is one of the best in the world, not perfect mind you, but pretty damn good. It literally is the world standard in terms of voter accessibility and accuracy – as it has been in the past and is now. To date, no legitimate, proven election fraud claims that would in any way change the election results have been found – after seemingly countless audits and recounts. And you, as an American should be proud of that. I am. I am also sick and tired of folks tearing down this bedrock of democracy because they continue to believe and propagate falsehoods about the last election results – because they’re pissed their candidate didn’t win. After all that has come to light, literally, I would think people would be MORE confident in their election system than ever. That opinion doesn’t make me a “Leftist”, it makes me an optimist for the success of our country.

    • MrMax, you’re giving us yet more proof that you’re either a Leftist shill or one of their useful fools. I don’t have time to go through every link you listed. Maybe I’ll check them later. I read the first two. How many points are you trying to prove? One link would suffice. More links doesn’t mean it’s debunked even more.

      Politifact. They are the clean up crew for the Left. When they debunk “right wing conspiracy theories” they intentionally take it out of context or play word games. When they rush to save the Left, they say it’s mostly true, or only partly false because it was taken out of context. They claim that the link I posted was false. Most people (like you?) say that’s good enough for me! However, it’s important to examine why they say it’s false so you can make up your own mind, instead of blindly being led by the MSM who have been proven to lie about every major issue in the past five years.

      Politifact’s ruling:

      An Instagram post says “Maricopa County official purged machine records before audit started.”

      “The Maricopa County Elections Department said it archived and backed up all November election data, and that nothing was deleted. Elections experts said this is standard procedure ahead of a forensic audit.”

      “We rate this post False.”

      So, it WAS actually deleted from the equipment that was to be audited. Not only that, it was purged THE DAY BEFORE THE AUDIT! The County officials claimed they had to move the data elsewhere because they just didn’t have enough hard drive storage space. If that was true, then why was the data there from the election UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE THE AUDIT? Doh! Is it still 1999, with 5GB hard drives? Here’s the good part, they removed the data and placed it somewhere that WAS NOT SUBPOENAED! The Senate didn’t subpoena the EMS archives because they didn’t think they needed to. Get it? Technically, I guess you could say it wasn’t purged because it was MOVED! The auditors were only going to make a copy and leave. There was no reason to remove the data first unless you were hiding something. You bought it hook, line, and sinker because YOU WANTED TO BUY IT. You and all of the other useful fools and Leftists.

      On to the ABC link. Here they are intentionally misreporting what actually happened. They’re making it look like the auditors “backtracked” by saying they were wrong about election data being destroyed. Here’s what actually happened: the election data WAS deleted. The auditors only “found” it by using a forensic data recovery process. See how easy that was? Now why wasn’t that reported? And why was it deleted to begin with? ABC (and CNN, AP, etc.) intentionally ran a false story to make it look like the auditors were incompetent and the data was never deleted. Are you seeing a trend yet? The TRUTH is on video, May 19th, in official testimony before the County. Always go to the source. What you’re doing, Mr super important, smarter than everyone else Max, is relying on the legacy media to interpret what happened for you. After all of their proven lies, why are you still listening to them? Go directly to the source next time and spare us the sanctimonious blather.

  20. The damage done to city policing in the past few years will take at least a decade to begin to undo.

    The ‘leaders’ will not face the consequences. The city council and mayor always make sure to have plenty of cops on their street.

    Many of the useful idiots WILL face the consequences but they’ll simply blame ‘lazy’ cops.

    I feel sorry for the working families who can’t afford to move out of these shitholes. Polls show that most want better police but not less police. But they get drowned out by the fools and criminals who, in turn, are supported by a bunch of white upper-middle class nutcases that preach about communism while having a lifestyle supported by lawyer parents.

  21. There should be no armed police in democrat-controlled areas. The police who carry guns are not necessary. When all drugs have been made legal, then all the crime will just disappear. Then there will be no need to have an armed police force in any major democrat controlled city.

    In fact once drugs are all made legal, there should be no need to have a police force at all.

    • Wasn’t Floyd (supposedly) killed after being knelt upon? So it’s not the police’s guns that need to go, it’s the police’s knees.
      No more police knees, no more dead Floyds – that’s logic!

  22. “A pilot program to use trained civilians to address complaints such as public intoxication and panhandling is scheduled to be launched early next year.”

    Idiots. Here’s why the reforms have absolutely no chance of working. They destroy the current method to address the problem before getting the new system in place. In the meantime, the police are gone and nobody is doing anything with these people.

  23. Dude, it is pretty obvious from not reading the rest of the posts and from taking choice sentences out of context that you have no care for getting at the truth. Have you worked as an elector, used those machines, and can give a professional description of why the machines do or do not have enough memory? And you never addressed the issue of why Republican electors stood by the integrity of their counts. Obviously it is because their duty is to the American people first for sound and honest elections and not to shills calling for a manipulative change in the number of votes for no proven reason. The fact you resort to labeling and name calling because I did refute your argument shows me and everyone else you have no further basis for your position. Your comments become no more than yet another (unfounded) conspiratorial voice seeking to undermine the integrity of our election process – even if you have to cannibalize people in your own political party.

    • Are by chance related to dacian? It took a fair amount of my time to read and respond to your first two links. Like I said, I’ll probably read the rest later. I’m working right now.

      “it is pretty obvious from not reading the rest of the posts and from taking choice sentences out of context that you have no care for getting at the truth.”

      WTF are you even talking about? If I said something that was wrong, then QUOTE ME on it and we can discuss it. Like I said above, all you Leftists ever do is attack the messenger. You never want to discuss the issue. Which choice sentence did I read out of context? Why would I have to read an article from Reuters or AZ Central before I could respond to your Politifact or ABC links??? That makes zero sense. I thought you were supposed to be smart?

      “Have you worked as an elector…”

      That’s your defense? That’s hilarious! You must be one of those guys that says I can’t discuss a medical study because I’m not a doctor, aren’t you? I’m perfectly capable of reading facts and watching an official proceeding without the MSM interpreting it for me, thank you.

      “And you never addressed the issue of why Republican electors stood by the integrity of their counts.”

      Holy Fk dude. I don’t have all day to dispel every aspect of your silly rant. Have you been in a coma for the past six years? Let me bring you up to speed. Breaking News! The Republican establishment does not like Trump. It turns out, that there are also corrupt, lying Republicans. Crazy, right?

      “The fact you resort to labeling and name calling because I did refute your argument shows me and everyone else you have no further basis for your position.”

      100% false. I laid out my case for everyone to read. I debunked your first two links, and I said I might read the rest later. Let me tell you, that I definitely WILL read them later. The reason I called you a Leftist or a useful fool is because you’re either intentionally or unintentionally spreading fake news. The rest of your rant was nothing more than a Democrat/MSM talking point word salad. It’s extremely obvious what you are. I debunked your claim, and you responded with personal attacks. That says it all.

  24. You’ve debunked nothing. The content of your reply pretty much reinforces what I said previously. It is your choice to continue to believe in unfounded, unproven conspiracy theories that get stacked with yet more unfounded inferences about what happened. It is my choice to believe that the people running the elections and counting votes are doing the best job they can for all of us, regardless of party affiliation. You want to see ghosts around every corner, be my guest.

  25. In conclusion, here’s an easy to understand, expert evaluation of the databases that, I am in agreement with you, were in fact deleted.

    “ABC15 reached out to Ryan Macias, the former Assistant Director of Equipment Certification for the Election Assistance Commission. Macias is a representative for Secretary Hobbs on the audit floor, which he says he is doing pro bono.

    Macias reviewed the image and ascertained, based on the names and the dates, that the seven remaining deleted database files were from a post machine test that is required by statute after each election called a “logic and accuracy test,” as well as the two audits already conducted at the county by ProV&V and SLI.”

    As part of an aspect of my job, I do from time to time test algorithms to ensure both of safety to the network and that they produce results on test sets that can be compared with known truth. Makes total sense that they’d run similar test these on the voting machines to prove they’re working correctly. Because the storage required by these test databases produced by these tests can be very large, I don’t see any irregularity where these test databases were deleted. Wasn’t voter data, Dude – they were testing databases.

    • Whoa whoa! Now hang on just a minute. Let me make sure I have this right. Way up there at the beginning of the conversation, you replied to Ing’s claim of election shenanigans by saying (slight paraphrase) that everything is on the up and up, don’t worry, and, by the way, you’re undermining our country if you say otherwise.

      Then I called out your nonsense and left you a link. Not a link from some crazy right wing media company, but a direct link to an official government proceeding. The link started at a point where the auditor mentioned that election data was deleted the day before the audit began.

      Then, you tell me how much you know because of your job and access, and (slight paraphrase) blah blah RUSSIA CHINA, blah blah CONSTITUTION, blah FREEDOMS, blah AMERICAN, blah blah.

      Then I call out your BS once again because you didn’t actually refute a single thing I said.

      This of course prompted you to do an internet search of the echo chamber which provided an endless amount of mainstream media sources that all said the same thing which was: (slight paraphrase) There’s no fraud and those auditors are incompetent liars.

      Then, I very specifically debunked your first two sources because I don’t have all day to respond to every link posted by some random left wing shill on the net.

      THEN, (slight paraphrase) you say I took stuff out of context, and I’m not qualified to even comment on this stuff because I’m probably not an elector, and how could I think anything bad happened because Republicans were in charge! and I’m a conspiracy theorist because…reasons. And still yet, you didn’t refute a single thing I said.

      Then, I begin to lose my patience because I realize I’m dealing with yet another dishonest sealion leftist that just wants to go in circles without ever acknowledging reality.

      THEN, you tell me again that I believe in unfounded, unproven conspiracy theories and you believe the results because you CHOOSE to believe the results. And still yet, you didn’t refute a single thing I said.

      THEN (Holy smoke are we done yet), YOU AGREE WITH ME!! After all of that you agree that yes files were in fact deleted, BUT, well, it doesn’t matter because, you see, they probably weren’t important files anyway. Whew! Now, why do you think those files weren’t important?? You quote someone. You didn’t give me a link, but I found it. Here it is.

      You quote a guy named Ryan Macias that says (slight paraphrase) Sure some files were deleted, but it’s all part of official proceedings. Then you tell me that election data wasn’t deleted. You got that from that MSM article. Do you know who Ryan Macias is? Within the article, it mentions that he’s a representative for Secretary Hobbs. Hobbs was vehemently against the audit from day one. She fought against it tooth and nail. Election integrity was her responsibility. Weren’t you talking about partisanship earlier? Before she sent Macias as an official observer, Macias tried to sneak into the audit area, not once but twice! He pretended to be a reporter, but couldn’t produce the proper credentials. If you watch the official government proceeding, they talk about this. Macia was the only potential security breach. So your entire argument hinges on a partisan that tried to lie his way into spying on the audit.

      Here we are at the end, and we’re back at the beginning. Go back to my original link and back it up a bit. They detail the deleted files. It wasn’t just one instance. It was multiple instances. They also deleted the log files. Yes, it DID include election data. As a matter of fact, the county purged the election database before their own internal audit with Pro V&V and SLI! In other words, their internal audit was a sham. That’s illegal. They’re required to preserve that data for about two years. Once again, you’re not only wrong, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Maybe next time you can review my link FIRST, before you waste our time running around in circles only to end up where we started.

    • *My comment is awaiting moderation. Maybe it’s too long? Since this post is getting old, I’m going to try a shorter version without any links.

      After all of that nonsense, you finally agree that files were in fact deleted, BUT, well, it doesn’t matter because, you see, they probably weren’t important files anyway. Whew! Now, why do you think those files weren’t important?? You quote someone. You didn’t give me a link, but I found it. Here it is. [I’m not going to insert it because my previous comment was moderated]

      You quote a guy named Ryan Macias that says (slight paraphrase) Sure some files were deleted, but it’s all part of official proceedings. Then you tell me that election data wasn’t deleted. You got that from that MSM article. Do you know who Ryan Macias is? Within the article, it mentions that he’s a representative for Secretary Hobbs. Hobbs was vehemently against the audit from day one. She fought against it tooth and nail. Election integrity was her responsibility. Weren’t you talking about partisanship earlier? Before she sent Macias as an official observer, Macias tried to sneak into the audit area, not once but twice! He pretended to be a reporter, but couldn’t produce the proper credentials. If you watch the official government proceeding, they talk about this. Macia was the only potential security breach. So your entire argument hinges on a partisan that tried to lie his way into spying on the audit.

      Here we are at the end, and we’re back at the beginning. Go back to my original link and back it up a bit. They detail the deleted files. It wasn’t just one instance. It was multiple instances. They also deleted the log files. Yes, it DID include election data. As a matter of fact, the county purged the election database before their own internal audit with Pro V&V and SLI! In other words, their internal audit was a sham. That’s illegal. They’re required to preserve that data for about two years. Once again, you’re not only wrong, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Maybe next time you can review my link FIRST, before you waste our time running around in circles only to end up where we started.

  26. @.40 cal Booger
    “see, they even have you fooled.”

    About what? “They” didn’t drive the nation to where it is today through simple dumb luck and astounding incompetence.

    The Latin for “Left” is “sinister”. Generally, in American english, “sinister” is a descriptor for “evil”. It is why we so often talk about life being a choice of “the lesser evil”. (Which is becoming more prevalent, and difficult these days.)

  27. Somehow in your refutation, but conveniently you managed to omit the fact the the deleted files were recovered during the Cyber Ninja investigation:

    “One day after irate county officials explained that the auditors didn’t know what they were doing and laid out how to properly configure the hard drive to find the files and voila! The data magically reappeared.

    “I’ve been able to recover all of those deleted files, and I have access to that data,” Ben Cotton of CyFIR, which is part of the crack ninja audit team, told Fann and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen on Tuesday.

    “Do you still need to get that database from the county,” Warren asked, “or will that rebuilding or recovery that you did, does that have the information you currently need for that database?”

    “I have the information I need from the recovery efforts of the data,” Cotton replied.

    The smoking gun had just blown up in Senate auditors’ faces … only they wouldn’t admit it.”

    I am getting pretty weary of hearing that anything that doesn’t match the your (and others who parrot the same) narrative of your conspiracy theory must be a Leftist shill. The data WAS recovered by the auditors and a representative who actually DID make the recovery admitted he did find them. I can cut and paste quite a few published links for more verifications of this admission by the Ninja audit team, but I don’t believe anyone wants to see another list of links. They are easy enough to find.

    • MrMax said: “Somehow in your refutation, but conveniently you managed to omit the fact the the deleted files were recovered during the Cyber Ninja investigation”

      Wow, you never get tired of being wrong do you? Look up the page. I made a comment with the timestamp of “December 9, 2021 At 08:23.” I very specifically mentioned that they had to recover the purged data. I even discussed (multiple times) the narrative the media was pushing about this incident.

      MrMax said: “I am getting pretty weary of hearing that anything that doesn’t match the your (and others who parrot the same) narrative of your conspiracy theory must be a Leftist shill.”

      What narrative of a conspiracy theory? You keep throwing out that accusation, but you never articulate how you come up with it. I laid out 100% facts. You never once refuted any of it. I gave you a link to an official government proceeding so that you could go directly to the source instead of having the news filtered for you by the mainstream media. How is it a conspiracy theory is these things actually happened? The NARRATIVE is what is being pushed by every single article you link to. It takes the facts and filters it to support the NARRATIVE which is exactly what YOU are pushing.

  28. You’re looking at the timeline of the video. The quote was that they did recover the data and after that, nothing was heard about it. And, no public refutation either which did nothing to quell the Chicken Little folks still outraged because of the “missing data” that was no longer missing. Fact: Cyber Ninjas actually did recover the data, by their own admission AFTER questioning. And then, nothing more was said by the auditors about it because there was nothing to report. The data was there. Nothing was said after by the auditors that there appeared to be a cover up on this or somehow that data would change the election results. If that were the case, they would have stated it. Again, this is after the timeline of your video link. You need to update your information as to what really went on.

    Hey, I get your outrage. As a concerned citizen about the integrity of the elections, if something was not right, it should be investigated and have clear results as to what the fraud was and the guilty parties prosecuted. In this case, the apparently deleted data WAS recovered, analyzed, AND there was no further comment or charge that said somehow the voting results were compromised. It was exactly how Republican election official after Republican election official said it was: no “loss” of 40,000 votes, no fraud and a sound election. To keep repeating the narrative that 40,000 votes were deleted is disingenuous at the least, a vicious lie at the worst. Not to mention the damage you do to America’s reputation at home and abroad – feeding right into the hands of our real adversaries who want nothing better than to have our country divided and torn apart.

    • They literally say in the proceeding that I linked to that the deletion of data, as well as the timing of some of the deletions, was suspect. You may have to back it up a bit. You didn’t know that there is a current criminal investigation into deleting that election data, did you?

      I already mentioned the following in our conversation, but it seems like anything I say to you goes in one ear, and out the other. The equipment was subpoenaed because the data within it was subpoenaed. The County intentionally moved data to their archives because the archives weren’t subpoenaed. They’re playing games. Watch the below video and tell me you think these are genuine people that aren’t playing games. Have you ever heard the saying that the cover up is worse than the crime? This was an attempted cover up. Will there be any criminal charges? I won’t hold my breath. The level of corruption that the powers that be get away with is ridiculous.

      P.S. Please spare me the nonstop lecture on dividing our country. I’ve followed this story from the beginning, and I stuck to the facts while discussing it with you.

    • I would think it goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway. In the above c-span video, people are questioned about purging the election data. The narrative that the County put out and the media willingly amplified was that it was totally normal, and it’s something we do all of the time (nothing to see, move along). Notice how they wouldn’t admit to it under oath. They said they would get back to them. That’s because they didn’t want the liability of lying under oath. If it was so normal, then why wouldn’t they just say it?

      “AND there was no further comment or charge that said somehow the voting results were compromised”

      You didn’t watch the presentations, did you? There were multiple comments about the results being compromised.

  29. Dude, I took a great deal of time on this going through multiple media accounts at the time of Cyber Ninja video and after because I, as a concerned citizen, want to know more about what really went on. If something is suspicious, it needs to be checked out. Just in regard to your last comment, the County put out a statement that it is totally normal to archive the data (being referred to). I can’t answer why they didn’t answer under oath, nor can anyone else unless they were directly in those circumstances. What did happen AFTER this Cyber Ninja briefing is that the the company rep (Cotton) admitted he was able to access that data post out-briefing. Nothing more has been said, nor probably needs to since it was accessed.

    Logan’s comment that there were 74,000 more mail-in ballots were counted than were mailed out was addressed by county officials that his company had failed to distinguish between two types of legitimate ballots. Logan later conceded on this point.

    Main take-away from this: Cyber Ninjas concluded from their audit that Biden had received 99 more votes and Trump 261 fewer votes than the original Maricopa county results. Thus, Biden won by 45,469 votes. In their audit, even the results they had tagged as duplicate ballots favored Trump (i.e apparently the duplicate ballots boosted Trump’s votes more than Biden’s).

    The issues brought to attention by Cyber Ninjas was refuted by County officials in launching a “fact check” website after the tweet where they stated “…the report is also littered with errors & faulty conclusions about how Maricopa County conducted the 2020 General Election.”

    Another fact that weighs heavily in believing the Maricopa County officials is that the 2020 election in Maricopa County has already been audited several times (prior to the Cyber Ninjas) including by two federally-certified election audit firms. No anomalies were found by those other auditors. The Cyber Ninja company is not a federally-certified election audit firm. As a critical-thinking person, I find it very hard to believe that these other auditing firms are incompetent to the extent they didn’t flag any fraud by the conclusion of their audits. Deeply suspicious on the contrary side is the CEO of Cyber Ninjas made unconfirmed allegations of voter fraud before they even received the contract as an auditor. Simply put, no one should be hiring a company that publicly exhorts biases – either way. Bad choice of contractor and they shouldn’t have been considered as an “independent” auditor.

    These findings are well summed up in:

    Btw, being suspicious of the leanings of any “foundation” I did look up The Century Foundation. While they may make some left-leaning opinions or use like descriptors, their basic facts check out with t a “high” rating.

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