
By Kephra Rubin, reprinted with permission.

About eight or nine years ago I was an anti-gunner. I thought guns were for cowards and I encouraged the gun bans. I could list statistics, but they’re readily available, the point is it wasn’t until I actually stopped and read the research that I realized how wrong I was. When common sense is present, the truth prevails. I no longer consider myself an anti-gunner, yet the irony was clear as I headed to Albany.

I decided to stand for what is right and attended the February 28th protest to repeal the SAFE act. It was what I would call a life changing experience.

Traditional media tried to downplay the turnout by photographing people arriving well before the official start of the rally.

The next day, every newspaper I could find posted photos of a dismal crowd which made the turnout seem rather bland. In truth, the crowd they photographed had formed a full hour and a half before the rally had officially started. I know because I watched the photographers take the pictures. Also, the only close up shots I could find were of the more… colorful people that attended. Out of twelve thousand people, there were about fifty oddballs, and only two enthusiastically odd ones. Go to a PETA rally and see how quickly those numbers rise in comparison.

I can say with pride that while I was there I met people from all walks of life, some people so poor I was amazed they sacrificed the twenty five dollars let alone the day without pay to attend the rally. Some were so rich and dressed in expensive suits, I was surprised they were willing to get their clothes muddy on account of all the rain. Perhaps even more shocking was the hundreds of people who did not even own firearms, but had been around long enough to know that one freedom rarely gets taken without more on the horizon.

We held such vast numbers, as the rally officially began, our numbers grew until we had to fill the street, and eventually spill out onto side streets and spread to nearby rooftops.

We stood, shoulder to shoulder in the cold mud and rain, faced the Capitol Building, and together we spoke, and as we spoke, their windows rattled to the sound of, “We will not comply.”

What was expected to be a small event, became what Senators said was the “largest gathering for any cause in over thirty years” in Albany. It was like nothing they had ever seen.

More and more officials filed their way into the line that grew longer and longer as they waited for their turn to speak.

When Greg Ball came up, it was interesting. Almost instantly, the rainclouds parted and the sun began to shine. He spoke of his frustrations of working in a “vile and disgusting” profession such as politics. He admitted that he was not sure how much longer he would be in it, but promised he would fight for us. I’ll admit, he regurgitated his “I’ll fight until hell freezes over, and then I’ll fight on the ice” speech a little, but it was still inspiring.

The rally was life changing for me because of a realization I had thanks to what our representatives had to say. The ultimate message that was sent by our elected officials, put as politely as they could muster, was that we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is a battle for inches. We gave up many inches in the past and said to ourselves, “Well, what do we need fully automatic weapons for, anyway?” “Well, if you can’t solve it with ten rounds, you probably won’t solve it in thirty.” We tried to be reasonable, and we gave the inches because we thought we were dealing with reasonable people. Then they told us we could only use seven round magazines. Most guns do not offer a seven round magazine. While certain ones do offer a five round, plenty do not offer anything less than ten. So, we began to see what it really was; a move to ban most weapons without openly seeming that way. Soon, we could see, the rest would follow until all firearms would be banned.

Yet, somehow we looked at the SAFE ACT as something new. On that cold February day, I realized, it was in fact decades in the making. For decades, we allowed ourselves to be backed into a corner. Now, we fight to own what we have already purchased.

It dawned on me that so many officials had fought for so many different inches and lost, because we, the more than twelve thousand people who did not pay attention in previous years, allowed them to fight countless battles alone.

I’ll admit, that at least for me, I never thought small town politics mattered. Now, I realize the simple fact that New York is a collection of counties, and these counties are attempting to fight back against injustice. Over half of New York State has already issued declarations that they will not enforce the SAFE ACT. Half the remaining counties have proposed similar non-compliance. Dutchess County, for instance, will be voting on the decision to solidify a non compliance proposal this Thursday, March 7th at 5:45pm on the 6th floor of the County Office Building in Poughkeepsie.

As of this writing, no county has voiced favor toward the SAFE ACT, a handful have simply chosen to remain silent.

So, the quest begins for us to get back in touch with our communities, attend local political events and vote on the small scale, to fight for those inches that at the time seem so insignificant, so that miles are not taken from us, or our children. Check your local areas for similar votes on non-compliance proposals and let your local officials know you want to oppose the SAFE ACT. Do this in a polite, and intellectual manner.

We Will Not Comply,

Kephra Rubin


  1. I was there, myself. Took an unpaid day off, spent money on Amtrak tickets and parking at the Croton-On-Hudson station.
    Crowd energy was amazing – it wasn’t just “we will not comply.” “Cuomo Must Go” was shouted several times by everyone.
    It was quite muddy, but I took a pic of the protest site – at the end of the rally, there was no litter on the ground, just one or two garbage cans that were full to overflowing.

  2. Once this crappy law gets removed could we then organize to eliminate the bs gun laws that plague NYC? I’d love to see a similar type of gathering at 1pp or city hall.

  3. “About eight or nine years ago I was an anti-gunner. ”

    Up until about seven years ago, and after having grown-up outside Chicago and then having lived in San Francisco for many years ie I had become brainwashed by the gun-grabbers. I was against private citizens owning handguns and black semi-auto rifles. After having largely ignored reading about politics and history for many long years I became re-interested in those subjects. One thing led to another etc and that transformed my view of civilian gun ownership. Now, on occasion, I have grown to so love my new Winchester ’94 ‘Trails End’ .357 that I even let it sleep in my bed with me. Just kidding, maybe.

    • Hey, no problem. Lacrosse players sometimes sleep with their sticks. When I was helping coach newbie youth lacrosse, I told the kids to carry their stick everywhere with them. Keep it in your hands every place outside of the classroom. You’ll learn your stick, and your stick will learn you.

      If you sleep with your Winchester, nobody has to know. Well, hardly anyone.

    • We slept with our M16’s in basic training. Nothing to be ashamed of. Probably consider not having one in the chamber, though. 🙂

  4. Awesome is right. I hope Californians read this because our fight has only just begun.

  5. Very well written. I wouldn’t in a million years want to live in New York, for many reasons, the climate chief among them, but I do kinda wish I lived closer so I could assist in this fight.

  6. I avoid New York (sorry folks – it’s a little crazy over there for an born-and-raised Ohioan), but that sounds patently awesome.

  7. I’m shocked that the media would black this out until they find a way to manipulate the narrative and get a political party ready to hijack the movement.

  8. Colorado gun bills: Dems need 18 votes or measures are doomed

    At least three of the Democrats’ signature gun bills are in danger of dying when they are debated on the Senate floor Friday.

    It comes down to simple math: 20 – 3 = Fail.

    Democrats have a 20-15 majority over Republicans and know they can’t afford to lose more than two members on any bill. The dynamic has led to an intensive lobbying effort.

    Source: The Denver Post

  9. I was there. It occurred to me while standing in the middle of 12,000 like minded Americans that for the bulk of the Revolutionary war the Washington’s army had less people then we had at that rally.

    We really are a sleeping giant.

    • I agree. The events of the past couple months have kept Admiral Yamamoto’s line in my head every time I read about these kinds of rallies.

      “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

      It’s the “terrible resolve” part that the anti-gunners weren’t expecting.

      • I hope it doesn’t stop with the 2a and we push for the restoration of all of our rights. More specifically the shredding of the 4th.

      • This is not ‘terrible resolve’. This is ‘the people exercising their right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’

        We do not want this to get to the ‘terrible resolve’ stage.

        • I use “terrible resolve” in this case to mean that 2A people are going to keep at this as long as it takes, and not lose interest as soon as the next season of American Idol starts (which seems to be the general pattern of the erosion of all of our rights – lots of noisy outrage at first, then a quiet acceptance of the “new normal”).

  10. GREAT post. Very inspiring. The biggest take away from this for me is the traditional media comments.

    They are unpaid agents of the left and the Obama administration. They have a TON of money behind them and they want to take our guns through these legal proceedings. Since they don’t have to spend their money to fight their fight its even worse because they are using our tax payer dollars and their “Job” time to do this.

    Their hope is that, with those recourses that they will wear us down and eventually pass laws to accomplish their agenda.

    If we truly care about our rights we cant let up. We cant stop going to rallies and sending emails to our representatives or donating money to the organizations that fights this fight.

    98% of politicians care about power. Their power comes via the office they hold. They will change their tune in a heartbeat if they perceive enough people will vote them out of that seat of power, based on how the stand on an issue. Let them know how you feel. Do it monthly.

  11. Check out Kephra’s site, y’all:

    and the original source article:

    he’s got ‘god’-POV overhead shot that obviously counters the MSM’s blatant LIE about sparsely attended protest at Albany.

    Ever heard of ANTI-gunnuts amassing on a snowy rainy day to the tune of 7000~10,000?? Right, because they’re paid, and we’re inspired…and pissed.

  12. Meh, I’m not impressed with all the gun rhetoric about 2nd amendment rights. Sounds more like people needing guns to boost their egos and nothing more. Heck most likely if your carrying a gun in public and you’re not a trained police officer or military solider, then you are actually putting all those around you in danger.

    Plus I highly doubt people who are supporting this are as good of a shots are they think they are. There is a high chance that they will hit a couple innocent bystanders before they even once hit the criminal. If you value my safety, please leave the gun at home.

    • bro, a lot of us are former military or law enforcement and you are safer when we are armed.

      • Gun owners don’t need to be current or former military or law enforcement in order to increase the safety of the people around them.

        Mil/LE experience has very little to do with the skill or judgment of an armed private citizen, and implying otherwise is both ignorant and divisive.

        Do you really want a two-class system where the knights (current & former LE/mil) have privileges above the filthy commoners? Because that’s one of the things that we’re fighting here, and it’s a VERY effective technique used by the civilian disarmament brigade to co-opt the LE community into supporting ever-increasing restrictions.

    • “Plus I highly doubt people who are supporting this are as good of a shots are they think they are.”

      Conjecture at best. Also, sweeping generalization.

      Also, I could be wrong but I think your comments are gramatticaly incorrect.

    • Thanks for playing.

      An individual right to protection is an individual right. Not only is it an individual right, it’s also a God given right to self preservation. Your safety is NOT my individual concern. My safety and my family’s safety is MY individual right and concern. If you do not need to carry a gun, so be it. You however, have ZERO right to tell me that I cannot carry. If you do not “feel” safe because law abiding citizens carry, I suggest you stay home.

      FYI, I train and practice 2-3 times a month with ex-LEOs and former military. To make a blanket statement as you have here is an insult to all law abiding citizens whether they own or not own a firearm. Former military or ex-LEOs does not equate to being an excellent shooter.

      Come back when you learn to research and have a good grasp of “common sense.”

    • In all honesty, you have some valid points. However, police receive little training that they do not personally pay for. In many cases police receive a total of about 40 hours a year by some statistics. In many cases, “qualifying” involves standing still and shooting at a stationary target. Shooting plays a very small role in the actual duties of a police officer, as the residents of Manhattan and the recent shooting can attest.

      In contrast, competition shooters train weekly. Before you argue that competing has no danger attached to it, realize that many psychological studies have shown that the stress levels a person experiences when under pressure to win in competitive sport actually matches the stress levels of a fighter pilot in a dog fight.

      I met an African American the other day, when I say African American, I mean he was born in Africa, but became a US citizen. He said to me “The government came and took my great-grandfather’s guns. They came and took my grandfathers words. Then, they came and took my father’s life. So, I came to America, and now they have begun the process to take my guns, where will my great grand children go? There is no where left. America is the last stand.”

      Thank you for sharing your opinion, a right that has been granted to you by men with guns that were not traditional military.

  13. Real leftists know that letting the oligarchs and their agents have all the guns is a bad idea.

  14. Has there been any announcement from Kimber about their presence in New York?

    What about micro-stamping? I thought Remington was threatening to leave NY over that one. Now it seems we get nothing from but crickets from them.


    • Remington sent representatives as well as their workers’ union to Albany during the protest and they have financially backed the NRA as well as supposedly began talks with other gun companies to file a suit of their own against this injustice, I believe Ruger is getting into it as well. I understand what you’re saying, though, they should be pushing their money towards more easily noticed media outlets, but much of the media simply will not let them.

  15. Hey everyone, I’m Kephra, the Author of this article. I just wanted to say thanks for all of the support. I’m off to speak at a local hearing on whether or not local officials will send a message up the ladder to oppose the safe act. This hearing, which allows local residents to speak, was not advertised in any common medium and were it not for our local action committee staying on top of things, I never would have even known it had occurred. Good luck to you in your fights against this insanity, and wish me luck on the way!


    • Great read, Kephra. Your writing and participation in the legislative process are both much appreciated.

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