“All of these items are highly recommended,” Calhoun writes of his “Everyday Chaos” gear.  Via Everyday Carry.

Calhoun’s profession is mental health administrator.  We don’t know if he’s a 32-year-old administrator of a “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” facility or something more benign, like a substance abuse mental health facility.  Either way, he’s ready for chaos.

With a nice Canik TP9SF Elite Combat 9mm as his firearm foundation.  Frankly, as a proud owner of sorts (my wife owns it, prior to a boating accident) of a Canik TP9SA, I can and will say it’s a great gun, especially for the price point.  The only thing bad about it is that it’s made in Turkey.

He carries a standard 15-round (with +3 extension) in the gun and a spare 15-rounder.  Wow.

Throw in a titanium folding knife and the only key ingredient missing is a light.  Unless Calhoun has such as illuminating personality which I doubt.  That’s actually good for him because lights tend to act as bullet magnets, at least when not used properly.

He carries in a Concealment Express tuckable inside-the-waistband rig.  Once again, nice.

Calhoun also looks like another one of those folks who don’t carry cash.





  1. OK, I missed a memo. What’s wrong with guns from Turkey?

    Do I need to blowtorch my Turk M38 to signal my outstanding level of virtue here?

    • Turkey has a bunch of problems going back to the slaughter of 2 million Armenian Christians and coming forward to wanting to slaughter a bunch of Kurds in Syria and their own territory. They have become increasingly focused on Islam under the leadership of Erdogan and that may well be a problem in the area and for US forces stationed there.

        • Logic doesn’t dictate anything. A history of genocide and risk of ethnic cleansing might stir up feelings of concern and humanity in some people. Why support a company in turkey knowing at some level the purchase of a Turkish firearm benefits the state, indirectly supporting attacks against the Kurds?

          If it wasn’t for their current agenda against the Kurds and if the government would acknowledge the Armenian genocide I might look at it differently. Having lived among and being friends with children and grandchildren of genocide survivors I wouldn’t be able to justify such a purchase, esp a firearm.

        • Because the concept of original sin is stupid, especially in politics and there’s no country on Earth this doesn’t apply to which is why I said in the first place that if you’re going to follow this train of thought you can’t buy guns.

          Every gun sale benefits a government. No government is moral all the time. Some are better than others and sometimes over long periods of time but no government ever in existence didn’t end up with innocent blood on it’s hands. No government is truly working entirely for the people of the United States all the time either, and that includes our own.

        • Your argument is nonsensical. No one is suggesting that we should buy no guns because every country has problems somewhere in their past. People are saying that they (not necessarily you) don’t want to buy guns from this one particular country because of it’s actions right now.

        • Well, then there is the whole Turkey colluding with Hillary to run guns to the bad guys in Lybia, with said guns and bad guys later winding up in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.

          A lot of people apparently also won’t buy guns from Croatia just because Springfield imports them. To each their own.

        • “So… basically that logic dictates that we can’t buy guns.”

          The guns don’t bother me, of my highest concern is their embrace of “The Religion of Total Submission to the Prophet” and our keeping a bunker full of multi-stage thermonuclear weapons in Turkey. Islam and fully-functional nukes is a combo that has too high a potential for a ghastly outcome that we really don’t want to see.

          Why the fuck a C-17 hasn’t already hauled them out of there yet is something I don’t understand…

    • Just spend a little more and get the genuine article, the Walther PPQ. With a warehouse and warranty repair facility on Ft Smith An.

      I know a few Canik owners who had to wait MONTHS for basic parts for their guns. Have fun if you need to send it in for service.

      Oh, as mentioned prior, TURKEY!! No thanks.

      • Yeah but from what I’m seeing here Walther is out too. The Holocaust, Jews, Nazis and all that… people might get upset.

        Then there’s Merkel and her open borders policy towards Muslim refugees who are quite obviously screwing up Germany and causing trouble, and you know they get some welfare money that they’re probably sending back to other Muslims in Muslim lands… some of that’s gotta be going to things I don’t agree with like child-brides and shit. Someone might be offended. Fuck man, there’s probably some “genocide by white replacement” folks hating on any company with a GmbH after the name.

        Walther’s off the list. Feelz. Gotta respect the feelz.

        • For personal conviction Some of us here say we’re not keen of purchasing guns made in turkey. I also extend the same “courtesy” to guns coming out of Israel and would if there were guns manufactured in KSA. Why does this have your panties so twisted? Purchase your firearm and Be happy with it, we’ll purchase ours from where we see fit. The only thing you said that was correct is every government has blood on its hands. For current and relatively recent events I choose to be more selective where I source my bang sticks.

        • Khalil comes on here to virtue signal and now all of a sudden somebody else’s panties are in a wad?

        • I don’t have any moral outrage over buying a product from a place I disagree with politically. But if I might play the Devil’s Advocate for a moment Strych9: Turkey’s current leadership benefits from a strong economy and actively opposes some US interests in the area. Much like buying from Springfield is seen as helping to fund legislation that is anti gun…. buying from Turkey helps fund a regime that is currently opposing US interests.

  2. I call BS he carries this rig daily into mental health work. At best he disarms in his car but I know very few mental health workers that would feel justified in carrying a firearm into a mental health hospital, clinic, or rehab site. The furthest I’m willing to push the boundary is leaving my carry piece secured in the car, due to the way my clinic operates and it being a local (possibly even state, can’t get real clarity) ordinance that guns are not allowed even in the parking lot of mental health boards. I also spend a lot of time in schools and there is always the chance I may have a client/patient in my vehicle, so during the work week I rarely carry. Thems the breaks when working in human services/helping field.

    • My thought as well. Even carrying a weapon in your vehicle is a State felony offense if you park on the facilities property, due to the treatment given to inmates. Health Care, in general takes such a dim view on firearms, that I question this. 30+ years in Health Care, and every facility I worked at, all had policy against ANY weapons on their property. If he’s concealing while working, carrying a full size weapon isn’t smart, because it’s too likely to print under clothing.

    • @Kahlil and Chuck:
      a.) We are not told WHERE he works, but just what his job title is. So, maybe, he’s in some office building well separated from any health care facility.

      b.) On the other hand, maybe, his every day carry begins after he get’s home from work.

      c.) Anyway, who cares???

      • You’ve a point, but like I mentioned, with 30+ years in Health Care, that policy is generally in place even within non patient contact business units in my experience.
        Does it matter? Only if you value honesty over tall tales.

  3. It seems odd that the mag extension is on the primary mag. Most EDC’s have the extension on the spare mag because it’s typically easier to conceal. I’m guessing that extension coupled with a holster w/o a wing/claw has to make the gun print more than it needs to in the summer time?

    • My thoughts exactly, unless you are wearing a coat all the time a gun that size is next to impossible to keep from printing. But maybe where he lives printing is not an issue, but it sure enough is an issue where I live.

      Buy what you like and enjoy what you buy!

  4. I used to not only be a client at a mental health outpatient, but I worked for them too. There’s one incident that stands out: Mike was enrolling a new client and the kid seemed fairly normal. They spent, I want to say about 30 minutes filing paperwork and taking his picture, making a doctors appointment, all routine stuff. Then they went outside because they were done and Mike put out his hand for a handshake and then BOOM, the kid punched him square in the face. It caught everyone by surprise and to this day nobody knows why he did it. Anyway, the cops were called and he went to jail for a very long time. Mike was fine, he’s a big guy, about twice the size as the kid was.

    • @chris, what does that have to do with EDC and a gun in a mental health program? Are you suggesting staff should have drawn a weapon on a patient? I dont understand why you mentioned it that way.

      In most aspects of health care we are working with people at their most vulnerable and broken moments in their lives. If weapons are required on site they should be in the hands of the right person, ie guards at the entrances IMHO, and not on staff on the inside. The buildings should have a proper layout, unfortunately many don’t, to protect staff and patients if needed. As a mental health professional I find it disturbing to think of the outcome if I ever drew on a client or had a firearm taken from me and used against someone else in that setting. I’d never even think of taking a gun into that environment.

      With the exception of the job I held in the Middle East I’d never think of gearing up at work. The ME job was different because I lived on-site and my role was quite different than what I do now, I wasn’t working with people in crisis and our campus was a pretty unique setting in a safe area. I could have carried on site if I wanted but I never did (anyway , it was illegal for me to have a firearm as the law prevented it due to being a foreigner…ironic considering all the illegal arms and what the local warlords-politicians and militias carried openly). A couple of the national staff had firearms and while not a real gun I did borrow a .177 pellet rifle to take out feral pests from time to time. We even had members of the army come to the school and demonstrate some of their skills, they used real weapons with blanks…wouldn’t see that in schools in the USA! Many of the kids picked up the spent casings and kept them for a while.

      Digression over…because of the layout of my current job location I do carry from time to time to and from work, but it requires me to park in a slightly different area to be off the clinic property, literally just a few yards away on a county owned parking lot. I never carry when I know I am going to a school or if there is the chance I might have a client ride with me. Not too long ago a well known and trusted teacher was having his car worked on in the auto class shop. He had forgotten that he had a handgun in the trunk, stashed away. Students found it. Teacher was arrested and charged. Thankfully the charges were dropped to a misdemeanor rather than a felony (I believe it was that high of a charge) and he was suspended from the job for a while until the public outcry got him back in the school and the charges reduced. I am not going to risk anything like that, for the time being I need what I have and am too far away from retiring to stop caring.

  5. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I chose to receive TTAG because I like reading about the issues concerning the 2A and gun reviews when you have them. These pocket dumps are just a total waste of time and space. I don’t care what anyone else is carrying daily, weekly or monthly. I am not impressed. Please choose something else to fill this space with. These just seem like laziness in coming up with relevant articles to fill your emails. Just my 2c.

    • I like viewing these EDC’s assuming they are realistic and functional. The “look at my fancy expensive stuff I rarely use on a daily basis” adds no value. It’s great to hear what other gun owners think of these and why.
      I think TFB is best for gun reviews, but with how much time I have to read, TTAG covers just about everything else currently happening in the world of guns.

  6. Reading the previous comments, and the spin off about guns from other countries and either the country’s current or past actions and the virtue signals of why not to purchase from them. Now not buying from a company in a country that’s engaging in activities of concern, I agree with. But boycotting a company over past actions raises some interesting points, and attitudes. Now Walther has been around well over 100 years, long before National Socialism raised its ugly head. From 1933 up to 1945, the Nazi’s ran roughshod over everything including manufacturing. If they didn’t cooperate, they weren’t in business for very long. Yes, they profitted from using slave labor, but so did every other business in the Reich. In the end their profits counted for naught, and whatever fortune they’d accumulated was gone by the war’s end. Currently, I don’t believe Walther is owned by the Walther family anymore, it’s owned by a business consortium as are many others makers these days.
    Think back 150 years ago, companies like Colt, Winchester, Henry, Sharpes and others became wealthy with government contracts, and there products were used by both sides in the Civil War. They were also used in the subjugation of the Native tribes, and some could argue there was serious consideration given to wiping certain groups completely out. They were used in the Mexican American War to aquire territory that wasn’t legitimetly ours to take. Both actions a result of the belief in manifest destiny.
    The point of my meandering is that virtue is just a word. Should we hold a company’s past crimes or indiscretions against them? Isn’t it hypocrisy to hold one manufacturers support for a government, forced or willing, against them, while ignoring American manufacturers complicit profiteering in what now is considered a very evil policy by our own government.
    Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not condemning anyone’s decision to support or not support a manufacturer based upon actions that occurred before many of us were born. I’m merely pointing out that there’s a equal culpability for evil deeds among our home grown industry as well, especially with our oldest Arms manufacturers.
    For myself, I don’t look at the past in quite the same way as most folks do. To me, it’s there to teach us and guide us to prevent us from making the same mistakes again and again. We ignore it at great risk.

    • @chuck, fair points. Guns from history and from countries with a “past”, I have no issues with. All governments have blood on their hands and done horrible things. All governments. If I focused on Italy’s past I could never own a Beretta, Tangfolio, or Chiappa. Germany based on the past is out for obvious reasons. American guns would be off limits due to the history of the western expansion and policies on Native Americans.

      For me the Armenian issue in regards to Turkey is still too close to home due to the work I was involved with and individuals I knew that were families of the genocide. The fact Turkey *still* denies it was a genocide is an issue for me. As is their approach with the Kurds. Relatively recent history that is not acknowledged as well as modern events discourage me from supporting Turkish businesses. KSA’s murder of a journalist, religious persecution, etc prevent me was supporting Saudi businesses. I’d have a Jericho 941 at this moment if it weren’t for the current problems in Israel. It isn’t for the feelz and virtue signaling as others imply but a thought out response in using something that is produced in a country that is currently involved in some shady dealings.

      • And I agree with you about Turkey and the Armenian Genocide. Attaturk spent years desecularizing the remnants of the Ottoman empire from Turkey, and in just a few years Erdogan has brought that nonsense right back into the government. Turkey has never admitted to the genocide or offered reparations to the survivors. I doubt they ever will at this point in time. Their current actions against the Kurds are also a concern, because I suspect it’s more of a hatred driven action than a tactical defensive operation.
        Hecker and Koch, Sig Sauer and some others are all post WW 2 manufacturers, so typically they’re not branded with the taint of Naziism that Mauser, Walther, Erma, Anschutz and others are, but the founders of the new companies were all former employees of those companies almost to a man. So is buying from them really any different than buying from the old name makers? It’s a a virtue conundrum if you really delve into it.
        I personally don’t dwell on the past too much when it comes to this virtue subject on firearms. I won’t buy a gun made in Turkey for the reasons we’ve discussed. Israeli made is a little different circumstances as to whether or not one considers the treatment of the Palestinians as oppression (I don’t, but could write a book about why that is), but currently I would have no issue buying an Israeli made weapon.
        I’m not a collector, so owning weapons made during the War years (I or II) isn’t a factor in my purchases. Although I would shy away from any weapon made during the Nazi era just on principle alone. I understand why they’re high value collectors items, but I’ve no desire to be in that rarified group of collectors (or the money it would take either).
        I own 3 Walther pistols. A PPK/S made in the US under license to Interarms (early 80’s), a PPQ M2 in ,40 S&W, and a P22 Target made in the US. The PPK/S is nostalgic, not just because it was the 007 gun, but because Walther’s PP line of pistols were one of the very first DA/SA semi’s ever produced. It precedes the Nazi years by 5 years, so it’s not a product design of the Reich like the P38 is. It is one of the most accurate guns I own, capable of 1″ groups at 25′ across the bench. The PPQ trigger is probably the best stock trigger on the market. The only gun I can triple tap consistantly with. The P22 was at the time I bought it a steal at $250 for the target version. Now, they’re a lot higher than that. It’s a fun little field plinker and save the 1932 High Standard Model B for small bore comp atvour local range (that gun was an inheritence). I own a Sig P365, it’s my CC weapon, I have a S&W 5906, an model 36 and 60 j frames. I would like to get an older model 686 when I can find one that won’t take a 2nd Mortgage. Rifle and shotgun wise, they’re all American except for my Harrington & Richards Ultra in .300 Win Mag (late 60’s) was built from a Sako Receiver by H&R.
        About a third of what I own was passed down to me. The rest I’ve bought over 40 years of enjoying shooting and hunting. They’re already noted in my will, which Grandchild will get what (though my son and daughter may have to hold them until they can legally possess them).
        I ramble a bit, so my apologies. The conversation taking the turn that it did in earlier posts is something I’ve thought a lot about over the years. There is no right or wrong answer to the question, only our perception of it can guide one to make the decisions our personal moral code can accept. The Nazi years have always been a pet interest of mine, because of the mass genocide of the Jews and others, and that question of how do you get a whole country or countries to accept and follow such a murderous ideology. Through a lot of reading and studying I have an idea of how it was done, but will we ever truly understand evil? Study it and identify it maybe, but I doubt we’ll ever truly understand it. The one thing we can’t allow ourselves to do, is put it on a shelf and forget about it.

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