Unfortunately, we don’t have embattled Attorney General Eric Holder’s threat to gun rights on tape. The news arrives via NPR interviewer Carrie Johnson. [Click here to listen.] During her chin wag with the man [still] under a Contempt of Congress act for his refusal to surrender documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious (the ATF’s gun running scheme that put over 2000 weapons into the hands of vicious Mexican drug thugs), Johnson summarizes the AG’s decision to bring back gun control legislation and “use smaller regulatory power to make regulatory changes in the meantime.” Holder’s goal (which is on tape): “moving the needle in the way in which people want: make guns less accessible to people who should not have them.” Which is, as we know from Holder’s previous remarks above, everyone.


  1. How interesting.

    Turns out Embattled Gun Owners want ‘Regulatory Changes’ on Attorney Generals.

    I can’t imagine why.



      • No, they won’t.

        The media will go back to those Statists like a battered wife, no matter how many times they are betrayed and then thrown under the bus.

        Nothing will change. It hasn’t since BEFORE Nixon. It WON’T change now.

  2. The nations top cap thinks of you as all other cops think of you, you’re’ scum and their not. I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU HOLDER THEY DON’T GET ANYMORE SCUM THAN YOU. OH WAIT A MINUTE, YES THEY DO. I FORGOT OBAMA. OK HOLDER YOUR SECOND!

  3. And here I thought this nice man was in a position to uphold the constitution. *cough dillhole cough* I wish my life was all butterflies and rainbows, but I didn’t fall for the hope/change BS either time, so no butterfly blinders here. Im hoping this guy screws the pooch again and O leaves his ass out to dry so he can be prosecuted, but O probably will just abuse legislative power to save his friend.

  4. Congressman Issa: “Is it OK to trade a case you don’t want going to the Supreme Court for a dollar damage case?”

    Holder: “Look…SQUIRREL!”

  5. Lets make firearms and ammo completely illegal in The USA. Then ATF will supply them to us. It worked for Mexico didn’t it?

  6. I have friends that are cops and ex-cops. One of the many tips they’ve given me is that if you are being interrogated by the police (tho, I’ve never actually been in this position myself) is to answer “I don’t know”. It isn’t a denial of something they think you did exactly buy it stops the interragator cold because there is no place for him to go with more questions.
    I watched the “Holder Grilling” on CSPAN yesterday. I lost count of how many times he said in essence “I don’t know” but that was essentially his answer for every hard question.

    Get in touch with your representatives and express outrage at his obfuscation of truth and denial of responsibility and encourage them to keep after him. He needs to GO.

    • The better option, which is still completely legal, is to not talk at all without a lawyer present.

    • But if they could prove you did know something, it would be a violation of the False Claims Act or Obstruction of Justice.

  7. How can the Attorney General of the United States know nothing about anything, but be in-charge and on top of everything in his department? Hell, he doesn’t even make any key decisions or sign critical documents. Just another know nothing, deny everything, Obama political dupe.

    Obama will nominate him to the SCOTUS if he gets a chance.

    Send in the clowns. Wait, never mind, they’re already there.

    Beware 2016.

    • Don’t you mean PREPARE for 2016?

      It’s one of Pro-2A camp’s big opportunities to affect real change by putting actual statesmen in office and purging as many of these low-character “progressives” as possible.

  8. “Mr. Jackson….people who have credibility with ‘young people.'”

    Bwahahahaha!!! That’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are.

    • Yeah because when I think of credibility, Jackson and Berry come to the forefront of my mind. Ha!

  9. It was inevitable. Just think of the kind of person it takes to run for the highest office in the nation. You have to be willing to lie, cheat, and deceive in order to get as many people as possible to vote for you, regardless of what your true opinions on any particular subject are. By design, you have to be cagey, and you have to be willing to put someone under the bus if political expediency demands it.

    These individuals are extreme narcissists, and most of the successful ones are probably borderline/bonafide sociopaths. The very worst insult to a narcissist is to embarrass them. A man who believes himself to be omnipotent does not like to be reminded that there are limits to his imaginary power. We bruised their ego deep on this one. They will use whatever technique they have to to get their revenge on us.

  10. eric”pardon me” holder is the poster boy for the constitution trashing grabbers. Hopefully he can be “grilled” all the way to 16, Randy

  11. Guns are not cool? The hell they aren’t. Guns are so cool there’s hardly anything cooler.

    Imagine there were no guns. (Bear with me.) They had never been invented. Then, somebody like Steve Jobs or Dean Kaman comes along and invents a device you can hold in you hand. You drop these little cartridges in it, pull a lever and a tiny explosion occurs inside it. It propels a cylinder of metal faster than the speed of sound to something hundreds of yard away and punches a hole in it. Everybody would want one. Everybody would say “OH MAN, that is so fuckin’ cool I gotta get me on o’ those!!” You think iPhone rollouts are popular? When these things go on sale, they’ll be lined up around the block three times.

    Guns are cool. Guns are fun. Everybody wants one.

  12. Guns are not cool? The hell they aren’t. Guns are so cool there’s hardly anything cooler.

    Imagine there were no guns. (Bear with me.) They had never been invented. Then, somebody like Steve Jobs or Dean Kaman comes along and invents a device you can hold in you hand. You drop these little cartridges in it, pull a lever and a tiny explosion occurs inside it. It propels a cylinder of metal faster than the speed of sound to something hundreds of yard away and punches a hole in it. Everybody would want one. Everybody would say “OH MAN, that is so freackin’ cool I gotta get me on o’ those!!” You think iPhone rollouts are popular? When these things go on sale, they’ll be lined up around the block three times.

    Guns are cool. Guns are fun. Everybody wants one.

  13. This site focuses on guns and gun rights, but let’s note how Holder attacks many parts of the Bill of Rights. There is no right that is safe from someone who has power and also sees himself as better than the rest of us.

    • No kidding. Plus he claims things that aren’t civil rights are. Like a few weeks ago when this assclown said US citizenship is a civil right. If that were the case, wouldn’t everyone on planet earth be a US citizen?

  14. I’m thinking the Obama campaign is going to be low on political capital for the foreseeable future, they used a lot up already in their first failed push for gun control, couple that with the scandals and I think they may have real concerns to worry about, not hyperbolic falsehoods.

    • Yeah, they are pretty much crippled for a while. Just as well. Not good enough for me though. About some of this, people need to go prison. Not jail, not club fed. I mean pound-you-in-the-a$$ prison. Real time.

  15. *I* am thinking how fortunate I really am to be able to party after TWO PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION TOTAL MELTDOWNS!

    DAMN, I’m lucky!

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