From Doublestar’s Facebook page:

Effective Immediately!! Due to the recent changes in 2nd Amendment laws that are pending or currently enforced by states across the country, the J&T Family of Companies which includes J&T Distributing, DoubleStar Corp., Ace Limited, and the DoubleStar Training Academy has been forced to reassess our policies regarding government and law enforcement sales. Effective immediately, the J&T Family of Companies will be joining other manufacturers and distributors by ceasing sales of regulated items in states that have altered the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms . . .

The JTFOC will no longer sell prohibited items to law enforcement agencies or any government agencies in states, counties, cities, and municipalities that have enacted restrictive gun control laws against their law abiding citizens. We hope other companies will join us with their support. We applaud those already involved with this effort to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.

-Be Victorious


    • Doublestar is not in business to “stand up for our rights”. They are in business to make money. They, as all other companies, act in their best interest to make money. Which, in this case, is to decide that more money is to be made by not pissing off the gun owners.

  1. Dont know why but I just thought of the scene in Backdraft when the Alderman is talking about the victims, “… put them together and its a G*d damn list!”

    I hope the politicians are starting to realize this. Its a list! And its growing.

  2. Thank You All DoubleStar!!! Every bit of help we can get in this fight will help us get our point across and hopefully win the war against us and our rights!!!!

  3. Makes me glad that I own one of their rifles. For the $700 I paid for the DS4 (last summer), it’s not a bad rifle at all. Pretty accurate and functions flawlessly.

  4. There are 80+ million gun owners in America. There are less than 1 million cops. No way can their buying power be greater than the non cop gun owners. Boycott any companies doing business with the blue state gun banners. Can the states of Ill, NY and CA outbuy the 80 million citizens? Our civil rights are on the line. Will we People of the Gun do less than the people of color that suffered under Jim Crow laws and aparthied? If we show less resolve and courage then we deserve the servitude that becomes ours.

    • From a business standpoint, government sales are attractive due to the much greater revenue per sale compared to retail.

      When making a relatively undifferentiated product like an AR-15, one way for a company to differentiate is on the sales and marketing side. Some vendors probably target direct sales to government or companies, while most target retail through distributors and their web sites.

      Manufacturers with mostly retail revenue can easily thumb their noses at government sales for the reasons you describe. Others who get a significant portion of revenue from direct sales to government are in a much more difficult position.

      • Government contracting, at all levels of government, is a pain in the a$$ for vendors. I know of many IT vendors who do not service government contracts because of the bid process and the often delayed payments. Unless you sell a significant portion of your product line to government agencies implementing a boycott of some jurisdictions will not cut into profits. The bigger companies may come to realize that making an example of New York, Illinois and California may be in their long term interest if it acts to deter other states from pursuing civilian disarmarment policies.

      • $600 for a used piece of tuperware here. I’m not saying they don’t work, they are hardly “perfection” though. You don’t need to set up a mobile machine shop to remachine 20,000 leo “perfection” guns. I’ll stick with loyal USA manufacturers, Randy

  5. Good for Double Star, too bad other companies (cough, cough, Armalite) are too spineless to follow this tact. The list of business I will actively look to favor keeps growing.

  6. More companies need to show some testicular fortitude and join in. I’m guessing that sales to law enforcement agencies in States with severe gun restrictions are a relatively small percentage of their business. And if so, more companies should be doing this.

  7. Is this a legitimate concern for law enforcement agencies? Not yet I don’t think. This type of action would need to be industry-wide (judging from the posts indicating the companies aligning themselves this way, it might soon be) before LEOs/politicians consider changing course. I do picture in my head the employees of these firearms organizations literally stepping across the line drawn in the sand to join us (what can I say, I have a flair for the theatrical/dramatic stuff), and its a good feeling. I, like all of us, belong to several different “communities” and I love the staunch, loyal attitude of the pro-2A bunch. Not to get all cheesy and sentimental on you guys, but these are attributes that most other “communities” seem to be lacking. It’s good to see the purveyors and consumers/enthusiasts so unified. Now, if only I could get the kids I coach to feel the same way…

  8. Is there any way to get a running list of companies who have joined the boycott added to each of these announcements so that we need not go searching back through the archives?

  9. There is hope for America after all. Thank you Doublestar. Glock, where do you stand on this? Please everyone, email Glock and ask them to stand with us or fall.

  10. This recent trend along with the Eastern Sports and Outdoors Show boycott is VERY encouraging to me. I have already done (backorder) business with one of these companies specifically because they were on the list and I aim to do more in the future.

    BTW, can anyone confirm that Barrett was the first major firearms company to refuse to sell its products to LEO in jurisdictions where they were illegal for ordinary citizens? I know that has been their policy for years, but I don’t know if they were the first.

  11. Huzzah’s to Doublestar. Here is a copy of my email to Armalite, Glock, Ruger, Bushmaster, Freedom Group etc.

    To Whom It May Concern,

    These are trying times for those of us who fight to defend our precious 2nd Amendment civil rights. To quote Benjamin Franklin “We must all hang together gentlemen, or surely we will all hang separately”. Does Armalite stand with us or against us in this fight? If you truly wish to show your solidarity with We The People, then you must join the growing list of companies that have stopped selling “assault weapons” to police agencies in those jurisdictions which have banned their ownership by law abiding citizens. Don’t aid and abet the destruction of our 2nd Amendment rights by selling AR-15 rifles to any police dept. that enforces an “assault weapon” ban in violation of The U.S. Constitution. Your customers are watching you and we expect you to do the right thing and stand with us. Please close the “police loophole” and fight the good fight.

    Yours In Liberty,

  12. Wait…Isn’t the loophole that they won’t sell to government/LE agencies, but they will still sell to cops personally??? Isn’t that exactly the same policy as ArmaLite whom just received a nice bashing from us here?

    Personally I think this whole campaign by AR companies is more of a PR move. I’ve heard that most LEOs buy their own duty rifles anyways (correct me if I’m wrong). If these companies really believed in what they’re pushing, they wouldn’t leave an exception for personal sales to LEOs leaving them screwed like the rest of us plebes.

  13. Good for them and good for us. As far as Ruger, I’ve boycotted them since the old man testified to Congress the last go round I doubt this will be different. Glock is so far up the LE communities keyster they think copper anti-seize is made from pig shit.

    • Notice how these announcements are coming faster now? The more companies that do this the more momentum it gets and the more likely we are to snag one of the “big guys.” As the list grows (ahem to the admins help us keep track please!) we need to keep emailing the other manufacturers and reminding them that there will come a point where they either need to get on the list or their absence will speak for itself.

    • The same sentiment was said at the Eastern Sports show with the MSR ban. The little guys paved the way for the big wigs. Albeit this is on a much, much, much larger scale.

      • With a bunch of people who were never slated to show “boycotting” the show. You guys are buying in to nonsense. They are bullshitting you and you are eating it up.

    • Stupid question…

      I am familiar with S&Ws actions in the ’94 ban and that H&K hates us but what did Ruger do?

  14. My Star15 is great and way to go Kentucky boys. Now if the namebrand manufacturers would just do the same, maybe some of these states would get the message loud and clear.

  15. All of the big manufacturers need to stop working for the government and or LEO agencies. They also need to move to more friendly areas, cough cough THE SOUTH! There are no unions. This also includes California’s manufactured products, weatherby! Put your money where your mouth is. Until some major changes are made I will not buy anymore of these products i.e. Colt, Winchester, Remington, Weatherby, and Smith and Wesson to name a few. It kills me not to buy Smith products, great pistols. Apparently Barrett is a stand up company where morals come before profit. Maybe I can buy Walther, they are now shipped through Fort Smith, AR. Hopefully they broke ties with Smith and Wesson.

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